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Public Cleansing the Dominion

Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
Darth Reign Darth Reign


Resurgent Class Star Destroyer | Deep Space

The galaxy preoccupies itself with war between major players of the galaxy, minor groups and organizations make their moves and gather resources and support in preparation for their own operations. As impossible as it is to keep track of every single faction, various agents, operatives, spies and informants always find ways to reach those relevant to galactic affairs. From the farthest star systems to the depths of the core, the various embedded agents of numerous intelligence organizations work tirelessly to gather data, or simply buy it from those who have better information. In times like these, information is beyond valuable, especially as the balance of power is in a constant shift.

Some shifts in power can be seen as dangerous, or at risk of becoming a major problem. A faction such as The Diarchy having their own Resurgent Class Star Destroyer- the DSD-Dominion -was seen as not only relevant to galactic affairs, but so much so that it posed a high risk that couldn't go without being monitored by someone. The vessel held tens of thousands of personnel, powerful and well maintained weaponry, multi-layered shielding system, a functional hyperdrive and a variety of defenses inside and out. And the inescapable, undeniable aura of the dark side of the force.

If it had not been important before, DSD-Dominion could now be considered exceptionally important. And for many an individual or group, that could be enough to excuse an infiltration of the vessel, which thankfully for any said infiltrator, getting closer wasn't impossible. Just this once the Dominion was vulnerable, preoccupied with a massive restocking of supplies and bringing new personnel aboard, with so many shuttles coming and going it'd be easy for someone to sneak onto one. With incredible stealth, an adequate disguise, good timing or just plain luck, there were plausible ways to get inside.

Surviving and escaping was another matter entirely however. Given the density of security and strict militarized nature of any good warship, moving freely without commotion would be impossible. Everyone is carefully watched over, doorways are under watch, troopers patrol regularly and that isn't even mentioning the Sith whom could be roaming the halls. Anyone hiding wouldn't last long.

And yet all that security made the information of what's going on all the more valuable.

If someone wanted to discover what The Diarchy were up to, or get paid to sell that information, this was the best time to find out.
And for those within The Diarchy or working with them as allies, this was a REALLY good time to excise any unwanted elements with extreme prejudice, or just a good training exercise in how to deal with spies.


//Agent Signal Confirmed//
//Mission Status: Active//
//Mission: Download data on Dominion schematics from Command Bridge//

//Location: Heading to elevator with great haste//

Diarchy Naval Maintenance Uniform | SPS-25 Sidearm | Datapad

The fake identity had taken a whole month to establish and that was with the Bureau's best and brightest working overtime. It took another week to finally be picked up by a dropship, then several days of real, authentic work as part of the maintenance crew for the disguise to seem real enough to pass without suspicion. Despite all this, she still had her sidearm with her, albeit everything else had to be sacrificed in the name of keeping up the disguise. She was cutting it a bit too close, this mission was already a massive risk and being completely isolated from help was not lowering that risk in the slightest.

Yet the mission went on. The SIA made it clear; Download any and all information on the weaponry and defenses of the vessel and get that data out and stay alive. Everything else was up to her discretion. There were secondary objectives, such as figuring out important command staff, but such things seemed to be beyond her capabilities now.

She made her way through the brightly lit hallways, head down while passing by various Diarchy personnel, all of them a blur to her. They were well trained though, professional, an effective fighting force that would pose a threat to any standard planetary militia. That much was enough to be considered a security concern. This wasn't some pirate crew nor scavengers, these were people with backing and intent, there was an overarching goal in mind on whatever their leadership intended.

Best hope that leadership isn't encountered.

After a quick glance to her left and right, Vex slipped her way into a nearby empty elevator, pressing several buttons that'd lead her upward, far from the lower decks of the vessel. She intended to head as high up as she could go, all the way to the bridge.

"Slice into unoccupied terminal, extract data to datapad, leave." A simple three-part plan, one which she ran through her head repeatedly. Would it be enough to gather all relevant data? No. But if it worked, she could at least attempt to do so again, and that was a victory at this point. If she was caught? Feign basic unscheduled maintenance, worst case scenario if her disguise failed, she could try to escape into the deepest interior of the vessel via maintenance shafts and ventilation, but even then the chances of surviving after being spotted would be absurdly low and-

The elevator door opened and she walked out. No time to think now, just act. And act she did.
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Ana was in the training chamber of The Dominion, she broke into swirls of peridot green sparks and trails of dust as she moved about, stun bolts firing from turrents above and droids with electrostaffs charging, she poofed above one and threw her lega around the HK lime unit, twisting her thighs as she dug a knife in the circuits of its neck. She then slide off and took an electrostaff which she threw as a spear into abother droid and disappeared into the astral realm as great bolts fell from above, turning where she stood into a black heated spot. Coming out of the tunnel of Ichor, she grabbed the barrel of the turbolaser above, and hung from it above a sea of droids throwing their spears with their the lectral current tips that when she let go hit the great barrels and made it smoke.

She then as she was about to land in bed of metal was once more shrouded in a cloud of green and then she appeared at the opposite wnd of the room, her eyes glowing with the flame of the Fanged God, as she conjured something from the cloud, its head rose up with a long snout and teeth, eyes of gilded color as it bore down on the droids, causing them to be consumed. Ana then felt light headed as her eyes returned to their normal magenta and she fell against the wall, trying to hold on. To not black out again from this extreme use of the Magicks. It was as she tried to keep consciousness she heard putting of palms together, and she looked to see a figure in leather covered in blood, which was moving towards her. As she fell she felt something or someone catch her. She moaned as she fought the power of fatigue.
The two Sith apprentices stalked the halls of The Dominion the ship that had been their home since their father, Darth Reign, had brought them here from Taris. Lady Nightmare, the older of the two and Reign’s first apprentice, pondered this turn in their lives. Their father had taken them from hiding in the shadows of Taris, to the galactic stage.

While she was not one to be in the focus, preferring to stay back and work from the shadows using sorcery and other dark side magicks, she couldn’t help but be enthralled by the comings and going’s of the massive ship, currently holding orbit while fresh supplies and new recruits were loaded on.

Lady Shadow, the Dark Lord’s younger daughter, was fascinated with the military precision that her father had drilled into the soldiers. They were disciplined, professional, and efficient, the very embodiment of her father’s ideals. Shadow couldn’t help but hope that once her training progressed, she could be on the front lines with these brave men and women to further her father’s goals.

The apprentices were approaching Lord Reign’s private chambers. They had felt something off on board the ship and feared they did not have the sense to unravel what it is. Being the only ones with unfettered access to the Dark Lord, they were unworried of being punished, he welcomed their insight.

They stopped in front of the door, inputting Nightmare’s personal code. Stopping before entering the room, they awaited their father’s permission.

“Enter” the cool and collected voice of their father rang out from the darkness. As the girls entered they bowed and greeted as one. “Father”

“what is it? There is much to be done, and I have little time to do it. Be quick my children.” Reign’s voice having none of the characteristic warmth, he truly was busy. Lady Nightmare as the oldest took it upon herself to bring their issue forward “We have felt about our being here father. We fear all is not as it seems on board the dominion”

Reign stood slowly, a small smile on his face. He would always make time to investigate their instincts. They were not often wrong. “Well, let us go see what’s wrong with my ship. Come along girls”

Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer
Anastarsia Anastarsia
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus had stepped away from his research to check in on Ana who was in the training chamber in the lower decks. The Dark Lord took the lift, his leather armor shimmering as organ exposed beneath the harsh bright light. The tube descended, and opened with some steam causes by the exhaust of his vents, the breaths he took thudding as the tanks fed him the life air.

He came to training rooms, one was open and idle, dark and quiet, the other was loud with commotion of blaster fire and the sound of grinding metal. Opening the door he saw as Anastarsia Anastarsia hanging from the barrel of the turrent and the droid throwing their javilans that disabled it ad she fell. The Scientist was amused as he watched her travel with that Dathomirian Power.

When he saw her appear near him and summon what appeared to be a Krayt Dragon to defeat the droid legion, he felt the compulsion of pride move his hands to clap, and then as he saw her become weakened and nearly fall to the floor. He with haste drew her into his arms as she began to drift into the darkness of rest. Holding her he felt a sense of protectiveness, he cradled her as if she were precious. The truth is he had afforded for some flirtation, mostly harmless looks, but here and now, denying what was growing between them was not easily dismissed.

Ana.. Ana! Are you alright?” his tone was riddled with a brokenness of speech, a tremble that belied that her safety and good health was dear to him. And why not? He was no Jedi of the Old Republic nor a hermit who had sworn off attachment. The dark side was about Passion, and what could be a more true form of that then passion between two?

TAGs: Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
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Rellik's boredom was now starting to dawn upon him. One of his characteristics which has brought him a lot of trouble throughout his life. He decided it was time to take up a little scheme of his own to liven up this journey. A small plot formed in his manipulative mind. "I think a game is in order, it is time to find Darth Reign Darth Reign I will need his permission on this one. As dull as it may be to do so."

The reclusive lord slipped through the hallways doing his best to be un-noticed so he would not be bothered speaking to peons who had no part in todays fun. He ran through his plan of the day. "I will be requesting a band of mercenaries to come aboard, I want to pay them to test themselves against some of our defenses. When they die this will give me some corpses to gift Darth Nexion Darth Nexion and hopefully, with playthings at his side to distract him I may pry further into this Necromancy."

Walking towards the Lord of the Dominions private chambers he noticed Lady Nightmare and Shadow approaching as well. "Oh, maybe something is unfolding before my eyes."

As his family emerged from the chambers he noticed a look of determination on Darth Reign Darth Reign . Lord Rellik hoped his brother being busy meant this would be an easy proposition his brother would let him manage himself. Moving into the group as if he had always been there Rellik stated "Brother, I have a simple proposition for you before we leave. I think it would be best to hire some mercenaries and have them test some of the ships defenses, crew and if they succeed even your daughters, as we would not want them selling our secrets to our enemies."

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Nexion had been busy since he first came aboard the Dominion. Shuttling back and forth from his home on Dhartag was a grueling task, but one he did himself as he didn't want his acquisitions to be damaged during transportation by incompetent soldiers. So, he'd been travelling back to his home and gathering corpses before bringing them back to his new lab on the Dominion.

The morgue-like room, however, felt more like a slaughterhouse than a morgue, let alone a lab. On the dissection table, the barley decomposed body of a Zabrak rested, but not in one piece. It's head was cut open, leaving its brain completely exposed. Its left eye was seemingly gouged out without care. The stomach was opened, but the insides were strewn across the floor, not inside the body. Both of the body's legs and its left arm were striped of flesh, and some muscle was removed in random patches.

Across the room in storage lockers, the sight wasn't much better. Some were stuffed with bodies, others were empty full still coated in dried blood.

Finally, the man who used this as his lab, Darth Nexion. He was not in his usual black and white robes, but rather in a blood-stained white lab coat. While he wore his usual robes when performing Necromancy, he preferred not to get them stained during his study/dissection of bodies.

As such, he was changing into his usual robes, without cleaning the mess, before he assumed a position at the end of the table. However, he suddenly felt something wrong on another part of the ship. Well, there were many things wrong on this ship, considering the individuals aboard, but this one caught his interest.

The Nightsister. His contemporary, Darth Hemorpheus', assistant. Something was off at the current time- maybe it would give him the chance to study her. With haste, he left his lab, uncaring of the gruesome sight he left, and made his way towards where he sensed the nightsister and Hemorpheus, the training deck.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Darth Reign Darth Reign
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus lifted Anastarsia Anastarsia into his arms as he exited the training chamber. In the hallway he saw Lord Nexion. Who had come to observe no doubt.
Come my friend and witness what I do.

He headed to the elevator tube and set the level for his lab. After ascending a while, the doors opened and he made his way to his Lab. There he took Ana and placed her on a table, and had the droids assessing her vitals. He could feel her pulse in the Force. She was not in realm that needed a Necromancer. Placing his hand over her head, he reached out to The Living Force in her cells as the Jedi called it, and what The Pureblood Sith once called Natura Midwan.

The screens showed Ana’s BPM rise, and her oxygen level increase from 88 to 93 percent. Then Hemorph drew the brain cells and with a deep breath he entered into her consciousness. Sith often probed minds, reading feelings and thoughts and intentions, this was altogether different. The Lord of Life was transferring his own life force and consciousness.

He found himself now on a red soaked world, with mountains like great teeth. There was a loud scream, he saw a figure and rising on a great beast with a rounded mouth and fangs, and mighty claws giving chase. Hemorpheus’ leather flaps on his waist blew in the wind as it charged by. The Lord of Life followed and saw the flicker of green bursts of light, ichor beams flying as a girl screamed. Making his way there, he saw Ana on her knees, sobbing, and the Rancor poised behind her. Reaching his hand he pullled at the back harness, making the rider fall off. Ana turned to see him, her magenta eyes burning.
TAG: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
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Ana felt herself drift into the coma state. This happened every time she summoned The Fanged God. She found herself on Dathomir, surrounded by her Sisters, they were all chanting. It was Witching Hour, and she saw a young girl stepping forward, one she recognized. She wanted to reach out her hand, when suddenly when a great fire of green flame struck her and she shouted,
The sounds of a Rancor roaring, and the screams of a girl not yet a woman. Ana fell on her knees, this world was memory and yet it felt so real, she felt the breath of the beast on her neck. Then she heard another sound, the fall pf the rider and turning she saw Him.
Hemorpheus? What are you doing here?

As he approached she saw his armor had become living cells that swirled around him in reds, and his neck had living veins. Was he part of this comatose dream? What did it mean?
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Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
//Data Retrieval In Progress//
//Awaiting Completion//

The terminal itself was located within a corner of the bridge, in the dark, for the time being it had been unoccupied.

A small wire was connected between the datapad and the terminal, as seconds passed entire lines of information appeared over the screens of both. A replication of data, though much of it was encrypted to some degree, which meant at this point... it was really a guess if she was downloading anything useful at all. Admittedly, this infiltration was really not going to plan. Perhaps a complete and utter failure on her part.

As the screen's light reflected against her eyes, her ears twitched- the familiar sound of boots and chatter. Any noise wasn't moving in her direction but the activity on the bridge made her all the more tense. Nervous would be a strong word to use to describe the feelings of such an experienced and emotionless agent, but it wouldn't be inaccurate... Especially as the endless stream of data didn't seem to be stopping any time soon. She'd hesitantly place her hand near the port of her datapad, getting ready to unplug it incase of any emergency.

Her pupils darted left and right, ears twitching yet again. There was a lot of talk now, especially from officers.

The atmosphere on the bridge was steadily shifting, important people had arrived and everyone was becoming much, much more alert. She didn't have any more time, at this point someone else was going to be wondering why the hell she was here. With a hasty tug on the wire, she'd disconnect from the terminal and speedily walk her way out of the bridge, bringing the cap she wore low, the brim protecting her eyes while nearing the elevator. Time to descend back down to the lower decks and pretend nothing ever happened...
As Darth Reign exited his chambers, his brother Darth Rellik Darth Rellik put his proposition forward. In all reality, the Dark Lord had hardly heard him, so focused was he on the feeling he too was now getting. He was aware of the Nightsister's collapse on the training levels, but felt the Scientists nearby. No, this was something else, a disturbance centralized on the bridge. Without breaking stride he said to his brother "Do as you will brother, you have my full support. It is yours to handle"

With that, he turned down the corridor and headed his way to the bridge, trailed by his apprentices. A sense of urgency moving him ever faster towards the deck.

Nearly bursting through the doors the dark lord cast his gaze along the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He had almost judged it as a trick in the force, brought on by so many powerful individuals nearby, until he noticed her. Reign had hand picked every member of the bridge crew personally, and he did not recognize the nonhuman speed walking away from him. As she went through the door, Reign yelled at the surrounding security
"We have been infiltrated, sound the alarm immediately!"

The naval officers and security forces immediately leapt to movement. Activated the alarm and throwing the ship on lockdown. Reign was taken by surprise that they were even on the radar of the galaxy at large. He'd taken pains to stay off the radar of the larger groups, but nonetheless, they were here.

Turning to his apprentices he commanded
"Nightmare, take the upper corridors, take one security squad with you. Set to stun. Shadow, likewise, one security detail, and sweep the lower corridors. I want this spy alive" breaking off without a word the apprentices collected their men and sprinted off towards their tasks. The Dark Lord would go directly after the spy.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer
Well, then. This was not something Nexion could say he saw coming. First, it was simply meant to be him checking out what was happening with Darth Hemorpheus' assistant. Next thing he knew, they were both out cold. Still alive, but out.

"Okay, Hemorpheus, I'm not sure if you can hear me, but if neither of you wake up the next 10 minutes, I'll just use your bodies for experiments whether you're alive or not. Don't say anything if you consent."


"Perfect. Glad to see you're a team player."

But then, as he was three minutes in, the alarm of the ship suddenly went off. He reached down to his belt and took out a communicator. He contacted the only person he could complain to on this ship.

"Hey, Reign. If you can answer, Mind telling me why there are alarms suddenly blaring out? I'm kind of in the middle of something with Hemorpheus and his assistant at tye moment. To which if you see me in about 8 minutes, he consented to."

While awaiting a response, he continued to look at his fellow Sith and the nightsister's body. Is it wrong to immediately consider using an ally's bbody for research, probably. Did Nexion care, not really.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Darth Reign Darth Reign
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer
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"Nexion, intruder on the bridge. I have eyes on them, they won't escape me. Carry on."
Reign practically barked into his communicator. He would worry about what the Scientists were up to later.

He could see the intruder ahead of him.
Rellik halfway through contacting the local mercenaries on the planet below heard the alarms beginning to blare. Filled with a rage at his current game being interrupted the Sith Lord, using the force to increase his pace started moving from the interior of his ship where he was skulking, towards the lower levels of the Dominion. "EVERY DAMN TIME." He gruffly mumbled to himself.

Can a man not go about gathering his playthings before another beast turns itself over to bother him, Ridiculous! Having made his way to the lower levels an unfortunate trooper going about his business bumped into the Lord. In a rifling rage Rellik took the trooper into a side room.
"You will suffice as my prize to the necromancer." Before the trooper could even respond Rellik had taken the blaster off of the trooper and shot him.

"Watch where you are walking you kriffing idiot." The trooper having no real chance to dodge the lord using his speed boost did not matter to Rellik. Stuffing the trooper into a closet Rellik reminded himself to retrieve him later for Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

Having something to cool his head and realizing he killed one of Darth Reign Darth Reign 's tools he understood he could not lose his temper like that again upon their personnel. This being the first time Rellik has shown his true character to anyone aboard he could not let it be a consistent act. Rellik had decided to kneel down and search the ship for the disturbance through the force. Seeing his brother moving directly for the target he got up and went to meet them both head on.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer
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Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
//Mission Status: Compromised//

With a single turn of her head the Amaran glanced, realizing she was spotted, a much taller and imposing figure staring right back-

That wasn't good.

The blaring of the alarm and clattering of activity would be interrupted by the piercing pings of shots from a silenced pistol, bullets having gone right in Reign's direction. Only for such shots to be blocked, bullets outright evaporated by lightsabers, neither of which belonged to Reign himself. Instead, two separate apprentices of his had done that work for him. "Sith." Was the only thought that registered in her head-

And then the elevator door finally slammed shut.

It was a matter of seconds, yet everything had fallen apart, the mission was now compromised and there wasn't any adequate means of escape- outside of the escape pods. Even then, the chance of being shot the by the vessel's various weaponry was incredibly high. Best be vaporized in space rather than captured and interrogated for information. That chance was actively increasing as the ship lockdown occurred.

Even worse was the well trained crew had stopped the elevator mid-transit. And guessing by the noise on the other side of the door, it was now being breached.

With no time to waste, Zalia clambered her way to the ceiling and opened the hatch, crawling out and maneuvering quickly attaching herself to the nearby metallic wall, clambering upwards to the nearest doorway, positioning herself delicately within and prying it open with her hands. "Make way to nearest escape pods." Was the only objective now, finally getting the doorway to open just slim enough to slip through, hopefully not encountering resistance on the other side... hopefully.
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Henorpheus heard Lord Nexion in this comacropolis, that Necromancer had a way with sardonic wit. He echoed through The Force to his Contemporary,
I heard that Lord Nexion.

Turning his attention to Ana who seemed utterly baffled by his presence.
I am not a shade in this shadow world Ana. I caught you when you summoned the beast that did defeat the mechaniks (was he proud he had rhymed that?). I am here, now, seeking to bring you to the Waking World.”

He could hear all the alarms and anything Lord Nexion quipped. It was then that he caste off his mask in this Dream Realm.
I must admit.. there is a pleasentness to not needing my mask. I see this is a memory of Dathomir we have stepped into. Is this from your childhood?

He had refrained from making inquires about her past, and the cause of her exile from her Coven. In truth Hemorph preferred such revelations to be revealed organically, and he was here an Interloper. Which made him cautious, he knew Ana was no one to break her reticence easily, to open up. His mission was to rouse her from this slumber, his remarks on what was transpiring was not necessary to answer. The Rancor and its Rider seemed in a state of stasis, as if she was staying them due to her focus on him.
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Moving and sensing his brother Darth Reign Darth Reign as he did so, he ended up in one of the many hallways of the Dominion. Seeing his brother coming from the other end they met at an elevator being worked on by some of the patrolmen of that floor. "What is all the commotion about?"

A crewman filled Rellik in on the details, instead of being infuriated as he was before he was elated that this little schemer was aboard their ship.
Darth Reign Darth Reign "Brother there is a great opportunity here. Let alone we find ourselves worthy of sabotage but also we can use this to show whoever is involved we either have no ill intentions for now or that we are not to be trifled with. A fascinating game we can play on the galactic stage. I suggest you do not harm the spy until we have words with them. Their fate is in your hands as Lord of the Dominion though."

Rellik than gave one last command via comlink to his litigation droid as the troopers opened the elevator doors. "Warm up the ship Onyx. We might have ourselves a chase." To Relliks amusement the elevator is empty. A boisterous laugh came out of the Sith Lord as it dawned on him the perp was already several levels away. "I will be going to the command center to start meditating around the experienced soldiers who will not bother me and where I may use the ships holo projectors. I am new here and will not be able to make any illusions to slow down our prey without knowing exactly where the escape pods are and her best route there."

Darth Reign Darth Reign Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer

The little sneak had taken shots at the Dark Lord. There was an immediate flash of rage, followed by something akin to a newfound respect. The spy had courage. Running into his brother, he realized that this spy truly had no chance of escape.

Responding to his brother Reign said
“I wish to speak with her before we are through. I have commanded Shadow and Nightmare to sweep the upper and lower levels.. and to keep their blasters on stun. WHEN we catch her, I want you there with me”

As the lift doors open, Reign’s respect for the spy continues to grow. The lift was empty, as Rellik laughed, Reign could help but chuckle as well. It was a fine chase they had for themselves now. As Rellik stalked to the command center, Reign turned to the security troopers nearby “you men, with me to the escape pods, with the Dominion on lockdown, there’s only one place she can go. And remember, blasters on stun. I want her alive”

Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Upon hearing Hemorpheus' voice through the force, Nexion gained a look of "Sith Innocence", where he simply gave a face like he wasn't going to cut up his colleague.

"Good to know. Now, care to explain what's happening if you really can here me? From where I'm standing, the two of you are out cold... I was hoping you were dead. Would have meant I could claim your body without having Reign on my case regarding killing you."

Nexion looked to the Sith ritual blade he kept on his belt, glancing back at the two bodies, very tempted to do the obvious and say the body was already dead. But, then he realised people on this ship probably already know that'd be a lie.

"Besides, I need something else to do. Apparently, Reign is hunting an intruder on the ship, and since we have to stay hidden for the time being, I could do with something interesting to keep me occupied."

Nexion supposed he could just ignore Reign and go help hunt the intruder, but then he though what was happening in front of him was more interesting, and worth his time.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Ana gasped, the realization this was bot an apparition of her dreams and that somehow Hemorpheus was in her head space on a capacity ahe did not understand.
This.. this is..”
She found this entire state unbearable, everytime she went comatose, she would return to Dathomir and be haunted by scenes from the past, scenes that were made worse by that she could interact with them. At least in holorecordings you merely saw the same thing and you remained passive, a spectator, this was like torture. The only thing that gave her a respite was Hemorpheus was here.
She continued,
The past.. the day my sight was harmed.”
She began to shake, to shiver, The Rancor poises behind her, moving slowly, its mouth coming down like the mouth of a cave to swallow her. She could see the Sith Lord rushing towards here.
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Lord Hemorpheus found hinself having to tend to two conversations, Lord Nexion with his interest and hopefully empty threats. And then Ana who haf now collapsed. He decidee to rush to her and take her in his arms.
Ana.. I need to you to wake up.”

He the raised his head and looking at the mouth of the Rancor took her in his arms and dove into it.
With that action he left her consciousness and his body stirred, his visor fixing on Darth Nexion Darth Nexion ,
My body and hers are not of your concern Necromancer. Tell me.. would you like a demonstration of my power over life? What happens when death meets life? Who wins in that fight?”

Hemorpheus looked back down at Ana who was rousing. He felt a great concern for her well being, and even Nexion’s playful banter he did not abide when it came to her.

Now, why not show me your sycthe; the power you hold Lord of Death.”

Hemorpheus had indulged the interest of Lord Nexion, and now it was time he received something in return. He stood up, no longer hunching over Ana. The alarms were resounding, lights of red strobing. This was of little concern, the objective to remain undiscovered by the Intruder, lest their work become known to The Galatic Alliance.

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