Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Cleansing the Dominion

Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
TAGL: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

Hemorpheus considered Nex's words, and shook his head,
"Am I to understand that you would ignore the paths that could lead you deeper into the Mystery? You cling to your vision of the Force, and yet you cannot even define the power that flows in our cells without calling it what The Jedi and Sith have claimed is The Force. What if the Nightsisters are right and it is Magic? I must confess my friend, I fear your obsession with death has blinded you to the answers in this life."

The Achon of Life could feel his strength waining, the drain of having to draw on the Force took quite a toll.

"Death is not the final word. It is merely a threshold, like birth. We all were in a dark womb and then came forth into life, death is another womb we pass through to the realm the lies beyond. For do not the Dark Lords speak from the graves? Have not Jedi Masters returned from the Netherworld to lend aid to the living? What you call death, I define as temporary state between this life and the after life." [1]

It was evident that Darth Hemorpheus was using a saber of another kind, his mind. As he let his body succumb to the weakness and the blows fell upon him. He felt the hot kyber make purchase in his vessel, and with that he let out a gasp, as he slunk down towards the floor on his knees. Blood dripped from his mouth in thin falls, as he smiled. The Achon of Death had gotten past his guard, and he had become occupied by the contrast o their philosophies, this combined with his already distracted feelings regarding Ana and the weariness of his lungs. He felt The Force that had fed him air depart and his skin turned pale as a gravestone. He was certain that Lord Nexion would recognize this palor change.

[1] Womb Death Philosophy based on a teaching Dr. Norman Vincent, but my own words.

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