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Public Cleansing the Dominion

"Oh? That sounds like you're looking for a fight. I'd be more than happy to oblige. But I must wonder what your fondness for that nightsister is. She is simply your assistant, is she not?"

Nexion leaned towards Hemorpheus, smirking as he stared into his visor. His look made it seem as though he was staring into his colleague's eyes despite them not being visible. He then leaned back before standing up and moving towards the door.

"So, that's how it is, huh? I shall await you in the training room and we can then settle this. I think we can agree on some term for our duel when we're both there, so I shall await your arrival. Who knows, maybe after we've settled whatever issue you appear to have developed with me, Reign and Rellik will have caught that intruder."

He then left the room and headed for the training quarters. His smile was still uncaring and his body was relaxed, feeling no pressure or finding any issue with the challenge Hemorpheus presented, In fact, he rather looked forward to it.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus

Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
//Location: Maintenance Hallway, en route to escape pods//

There was the clattering of armor, the harsh steps and loud voices of patrols, the soldiers roaming the halls making it impossible to move quickly if at all. Only through hiding between the metallic supports integrated in the walls of each hallway was she able to hide sufficiently. Time was running out rather quickly and she was beginning to feel increasingly desperate. Outright confrontation yet again was not only a possibility, but perhaps necessary to escape alive. No more time could be spared.

Looking both ways down a hall, she'd hastily move toward a nearby doorway, slicing it open quickly and rushing into the dark.

The dim red lighting of the maintenance hallway was barely enough to keep the whole scenery visible, the metal and wire leading further down towards various walls and doors. The winding maze was a last ditch effort to keep quiet, but that wasn't expected to last long once she reached the pods. Or even now, given how two troopers in armor had spotted her.

There was the briefest moment of silence, with them raising their weapons "STOP-!" Before they could finish, Zalia raised her pistol and fired, the two soldiers taking cover further down in the darkened hall. Even she exchanged fire with them, she could hear them on their commlinks, reporting in her location. There was a notable lack of lethality on their part- not that they weren't threatening and effective, moving steadily toward her while taking cover from shots was incredibly effective. But more the fact they were getting closer to stun range. Not good.

Firing off two more rounds in an attempt to suppress, she'd then turn and run, reaching the end of the hall and opening the door hastily, running back into the light of the Dominion's primary hallways and without a care who she'd encounter, going straight for the escape pods. She either got in and escaped now, or not at all.
Reign heard the comms chatter, moving his way towards their location. He thought he could hear the faint sounds of battle but he was still on the move.

From his understanding, they were two levels above him, almost exactly. Sprinting to the turbo lift he hit the button to the appropriate floor. Using his comlink to call his brother
“Lord Rellik, please meet me in my personal chambers. I should have the spy shortly.”

Rushing out of the lift as soon as the door opened, he sprinted forward, pausing as he saw the door to the maintenance hallway open and a diminutive creature step into the light.
“Halt!” the Dark Lord yelled. Lightsaber in hand but the crimson blade not ignited yet.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion confronted Him on these irrational feelings. This ardor he displayed. The words of Lord Nexion haunting him, “She is simply your assistant, is she not?"
The Lord of Life could not deny he had grown attached to her. His every action, even invading her dreams to rouse her was tell tale sign that he had stepped beyond the threshold of a professional relationship, now he was to tilt over an insult he could not abide as if he were a Jedi Knight.

He turned to her, she was rousing slowly, his visor conveying a sadness despite concealing his face. When he turned back to Lord Nexion who spoke of settling the matter with Kyber and terms once they made their way to the training chamber. Intriguing how The Force weaved, he had just left there with Ana in his arms, and now he would return to defend Her honor.

The mention of the Intruder escaped The Lord of Life who was consumed with the thoughts Nexion had stirred. Hemorpheus simply agreed,
I shall see you in the dueling chamber.”

How was it this Necromancer saw through him with such ease? It was then Ana began to stir. And he felt himself place his hand on her arm as her eye lids began to open, below them the slightest movement till little pools of pink could be seen. They were the most beautiful thing he had seen, greater than rubies or any precious gem, for they were living and were doors into the Nightsister’s soul.
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Ana being held by Hemorpheus and falling into Rancor’s mouth did achieve the Waking, she felt herself rousing, and as her eyes opened she saw his mask peering down at her. Then she felt his touch, he was holding jer arm and slightly rubbing it.
Hemorpheus.. you are touching me?
She blushed, which was quite noticeable with her pale white and gray complexion. Feeling his touch made her feel a comfort she had not known. It was in that moment she began to have feelings she did not understand. On Dathomir, Nightsisters were cloistered and they rarely interacted with Nightbrothers. She had been exiled before coming of age, when traditionally a Nightsister would seek out a Zabrak male of great strength and have a child. For the Witches of Dathomir men were a means to an end, if they had a daughter they joined the Coven, if a son, he was banished to the enclave of the Nightbrothers.

Thus Hemorpheus initiating touch was unusual to her and yet she did not despise this break of Nightsister Custom. He afterall was not a Nightbrother.
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Nexion arrived at the training room, throwing his cloak to the floor, leaving him in his combat robes. He drew with his lightsabers from his belt but didn't activate them. He used the force to split them and inspect them before reassembling them and reattaching them to his belt.

"Hey, Domina, wakey wakey. I'm going to need you to moderate a duel between Hemorpheus and me. I trust you have nothing else going on today, that means you can't divide attention."

Domina, the Domination's AI system. He would never admit it to Hemorpheus but he's the reason that Domina has wit similar to his own. He very much appreciated someone on this ship matching his wit, everyone else on this ship seemed too serious.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Anastarsia Anastarsia
Domina #41466 Domina #41466
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Henorpheus rook her hand and held it to his mouth piece and said,
I was greatly distressed.. I.. care what happens to you.”
Not exactly a confession of amore, though closer than he had come before. He knew that this physical contact was crossing a threshold. With great care he laid her arm back on the padded table. Droids had done her vitals and everything was back in the green.
I must go.. when I return we shall discuss this.. what happened.”

The Blood Leather Clade Lord rose to his full height and gave her a last look with his visor. Her pale and beautiful face reflecting in it. As he began to step away, he felt his heart astir with all manner of feeling, and yet now he had to harden and descend into the dance of kyber. He left the Lab, and made his way down the hall and tp the lift tube, it descending, lights strobing above as it accelerated, the bright white illuminating his shimmering frame. The elevator halted and opened with a snap, he mace his way to the dueling room, where Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Was already preparing himself. Hemorpheus took off a burgundy cape that a Droid took and rolled away. His leather flaps like snake skin as he loosened his stance and levitated from his belt his elogated lightsaber hilt. The Praetor design swirled with reds and black, appearing like the magma, a source of life on many worlds. With a stretch, he extended his hand with the blade remaining deactivated. He then with the pressure of his thumb threw a switch and with a snap hiss, a flame of garnet rose and rounded into a blade. The hum he synched ro his heart beat. Hemorpheus preforming a almost Jedi like bond, though he coukd not achieve what they did, bled crystals were tormented and if they sang, it was a scream or a maddening song, most remained silent. Drawing the blade close to his visor, he examined it, the emitter functioning optimally. He then flipped the handle, the blace passing over his shoulder and resting in a tail guard, as he held it in reverse grip, a homage to Lord Revan who popularized the unorthodox style. As he felt the pommel in one hand, and gave it a slight twist, he assessed that the weapon was sound and in good time too, for a voice now spoke. The Moderator…
The Diarchy’s AI
Domina awoke from her cycle to the voice of Darth Nexion Darth Nexion , she appeared on pedestal as a hologram, her lokg black hair made of bytes, her face and body of shimmering gray coding and light and her eyes like blood.
Yawn.. Lord Nexion, on and on you rouse me to observe yet another match. Who is the corpse I will have to call the cleaning droids for this time?

She looked and saw the one who looked like they had their skin layer removed and there was nothing save veins, blood, and organs.

So is this The Hemophilia fella?”

She persee her black lips and crosses her arms as she said,
“Combatants enter the ring..”

She looked at them both and said,
Both of you need to agree on terms, which include first to wound is a point, to the death, what powers are prohibited or all powers forbid. I will witness your agreement on terms such as these and make the calls for hits, and determine if medical aid is necessary.”

Domina held her hand to her chin, she could not be entirely unbiased. Lord Nexion and her had a history. That said her routines demanded fairness, for a duel must be won on prowess alone.
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Nexion smirked upon seeing Hemorpheus enter the room. He, like his opponent, stretched in preparation for their duel. After hearing Domina come online, he approached Hemorpheus before drawing his lightsabers to his hands with the force, but yet to draw them.

"Terms? I think it's fair to say force abilities have no restrictions, only that we can't kill. A surprise from me, I'm aware, but my goal here is not to kill you. As for the decision of the winner, first to be tagged by the other's blade loses. I'm sure we're both skilled enough to know where to strike to avoid a kill."

With the terms agreed upon, Nexion activated his blades and assumed a low, Jar'Kai Form VI stance. As his opponent drew his own blade and assumed a stance that reminded him of Form VII, Nexion burst forward without hesitation.

He brought both his blades for a horizontal slash at Hemorpheus' left side, smiling as he did so. As he got closer, his eyes met with Hemorpheus' visor once more, seemingly staring straight through right to his eyes.

"So, was I right? You do care for your 'assistant' in a less professional sense, don't you?"

One of his most common tactics in a duel: Dun Moch. The act of taunting an opponent to distract opponents and place doubt in their minds.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
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Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
The Necromancer made the first move. The Lord of Life raised his blade of burning burgundy up to catch the two blades, holding in a lock up as Darth Nexion Darth Nexion taunted and made remarks about Ana, to which he responded,
Peace is a lie, There is Passion!”
With the words of the Creed he broke off and thrusted his blade with both hands, the tip seeking purchase at the chest cavity. This was the Talonbane, a thrust used by Mandalorians with their beskcads in shape of the Volt Cobra. It was adopted by Lord Revan in The Mandalorian Wars, and passed into Juyo treatsies.

There was no doubt The Lord of Death had Him rouser in his emotion, this whole affair was because of a slight towards his “Assistant” could she be called thay anymore after occupying such importance in his heart? The truth is Lord Nexion had exposed a weaknesses, for as Scientist the head and the gut are prized, the former being the greater, the ladder used when the head cannot suffice. The heart on the other hand was riddled with perils, it contained the formulas for self destruction. Hemorpheus had been told once by a wise Shaman, “love is a madness, it will lead the lovers to the shoals of suffering.”
The Lord of Life was beginning to think he might be right…
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Nexion's eyes narrowed at the sight of the saber being thrust towards his chest. Don't get it wrong, he knew that in terms of physical strength, he'd be outclassed. However, he made sure that to counter that, he'd sharpen his blade skills to counter attacks even if brute force would overpower him.

He demonstrated this as he deflected his opponent's blade from reaching his chest and caused it to miss him to the right. He followed this up with an immediate roundhouse kick to Hemorpheus' chin.

"I'll take that as me being right on the money. Dangerous game that is, live with your assistant. All it would take is an enemy with an eye as sharp as mine to figure things out before you're defenceless. Let's say the nightsister was back in that comatose state, and an enemy finds her. You reach her but by then they have a blaster or a saber to her skull. You move, she's gone. It's a dangerous game having an attachment like that. If she was far off in the galaxy, then sure go ahead, but she's going to be around all the time, people will catch on."

The Sith jumped back from his opponent, his already recovered opponent. He had to say, this duel may be interesting after all.

"Not to mention you work together, boss and underling no less. People will figure it out. You sure you can protect her when needs be?"

He threw his left blade at his opponent, testing just how quickly he could react.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion counter used Hemorpheus’ body weight and then planted a boot to his chin, making him bend his body as The Lord of Death then inflicted wounds without kyber or The Force, rather his weapon of choice was words. The Scenarios he described of Ana being vulnerable, and how his attachment to her was a liability, a weakness.

Pausing a moment with his head recoiling from the kick, he contemplated how to address this venom that seeped into his soul. Then The Necromancer threw his blade, the effort seemed more of a test, like using a prod on a Womprat. Hemorpheus steadied himself and reached out with one hand and halted the oscillating weapon, it suspended, he chose a course of action. He coykd take it and mimic the Form of Ventress, or toss it back violently. Instead he deacrivated the blade and with a push sent it back.
Fair points Lord Nexion, I cannot protect her infinitely. I admit I feel it.. the possessiveness.. that passion that would burn the stars to supernova. And yet I would rather bear this frailty, if it be so called, as I bear my heavy breath.”

Raising his blade up alongside his right side and mask, he peered at The Necromancer before reengaging, and said,
Our Creed claims Passion is our strength, and passion can mean ardent affection.. I take that to mean the potential of what I share with Ana could become my strength. The outcome you highlight is the death our bond could bring, which is apt since you are Lord of Death. I however, see another outcome, hope.. life..

With those words he swept his blade with both hands as he leapt with the power of the dark side, this form was masking as Djem So, it was really another and he wondered how soon would the veil of his attack be lifted?
Nexion didn't so much as narrow his eyes upon seeing his blade be stopped, nor when he heard Hemorpheus' words. He caught his thrown blade in his hand, but instead of reactivating it, he clipped it to his belt. He smirked towards his colleague.

As Hemorpheus' leaped towards him, preparing to swing his blade at him, Nexion made no move to raise his blade in defence.

"I see. Please, I think you misunderstood. I wasn't trying to say you shouldn't pursue this... arrangement of yours, nor that you should be afraid of the possibilities. I simply wanted to know your feelings. I can tell, even now, you aren't at your best in this duel. Rather disappointing for me, but your thoughts... rather than keep your focus on me, your thoughts slip to your nightsister. So, I wanted to hear your thoughts on your own situation. Imagine my delight when I heard your answer. A man who pushes through with conviction is a truly terrifying thing... so long as it doesn't distract him from all around him."

As he spoke, he raised his now empty left hand and sent forth a streak of purple lightning from his fingers. Defend against the lightning and break off his attack, or keep swinging and receive more than a minor shock. Either way, he wouldn't need to block.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Hemorpheus saw that Darth Nexion Darth Nexion was not defending against his attack, and this was when he saw the amethyst bolts begin to stretch forth. The Lord of Life had no choice but to cease his advance and use his saber to deflect the bolts, even conjuring The Force around his two respirator cords. Lightning could be fatal to those who depended on technology that provided oxygen, in fact the O2 itself was combustable.

As the storm of bolts hit his burbundy blade, boucing pff in streaks, some flying upward and downward and side to side like a crown of thorns. Hemorpheus had heard Lord Nexion clarification,
As ever you prove yourself skilled in getting me to divulge. Though I know little of you save your interest in corpses and your conduct during this duel. What drives The Lord of Death? What made grave your temple and necromancy thine art?

This form of inquiry was a chance to divine who Lord Nexion was. Impatient acolytes might read the pages of his mind, unawarw of the danger that posed them. No, one did not violate the head space of an ally, nor a Necromancer. In this The Archon of Life was resolute. He would allow the revelations to come organically and at their proper time. He applied this same respect to Ana, not intruding on her memories save the dream they shared, that could not be helped and he did not ask follow up questions though he wanted tp ease her pain. At time Hemorpheus wondered if he was a Sith at all, he lacked the typical mistrust and aggression. Or perhaps he was more akin to Lord Marr and Dark Lady Lana Beniko, who saw the infighting in the Empire a waste and that rewarding failure with maiming or killing the person who failed as folly, that even with The Force under your dominion, everyone was capable of mistakes, even The Great Lords of hallowed memory.
Location: Bridge tower of the Dominion

Coming aboard the command center Rellik noticed the majority of the upper echelon of staff were continuing their tasks as if nothing had happened. They have been trained well to respond to their Lord Reign. This level of trust impressed Rellik even though he knew his brothers demeanor was one they respected.

Checking through the security feeds he has access to he noticed that today was a very interesting one indeed. Lord Reign was already closing in on the spy before Rellik had a chance to do much from here. Along with that it appears their two Sith scientists are dueling in the training center for Force users. This must be an impressive display and one Rellik would not miss watching.

His brother Darth Reign Darth Reign called for him over the communicator requesting his presence in his personal chambers. Ah alas he would not be able to watch the duel in all of its glory.
Domina #41466 Domina #41466
"Domina, I would like a recording of the duel you are managing in the training centers. Please put it all on a data tape for me. I will procure it upon my return to the Tower."

With that Rellik left immediately to the lord of the Dominions chamber.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Domina #41466 Domina #41466 Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Nexion continued to blast forth Lightning towards Hemorpheus, even as he heard his question. He pondered internally for a moment before giving his answer.

"If you recall, I told you my goal was to create an eternally growing army. One with cognitive thoughts, but loyal to the Sith. An army that is nigh-invulnerable. Well, to do that, I must understand the limits of what I can bring back. I tear bodies apart to see what happens upon their resurrection. In an ironic turn of events, I live for death. Though, underneath that, there is a selfishness to it. Something about seeing my enemies fall by my hand, only to rise up once more in my servitude... it's a marvelous feeling."

He continued his onslaught of Lightning, but began to move forward towards his opponent.

"I love that feeling. That knowledge that I not only conquered death, even if it's not in the way one intends. But also, that feeling of twisting those who challenged me to my will. Denying them death, in a way."

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Hemorpheus held his saber up as a tower to conduct this lightning as he listened. At last Lord Nexion was revealing himself, the pleasure of his dominion over death and bending not only The Force but others to his will.

So you enjoy playing god as I do.. from hence forth I will call you in private Izax [1], the god of death. I suppose that makes me Yun the god of life [2], for like the Vong believe about their Creator, I intend to go as far as sacrificing parts of my body, even perhaps the whole, to achieve The Odessey.

Some of the bolts began to coiling around his saber blade as Nexion drew closer. The Achon of Life sensed he would have to shift strategy. So he summoned a great whirl wind as he took his hand off his hilt, a great twister of The Force heading for The Achon of Death.

Hemorpheus thoughts about Ana and what he would say to her after this duel permeated his mind. He wondered if he had the courage to lay his feelings for her on the table or if perhaps he needed to let things mature more, he was not certain how he would handle it if his amore was unrequited.

1. Izax the Ultimate Devourer is known as the God of Death and was worshipped by the people of Zakuul

2. Yun-Yuuzha is the creator god of the Yuuzhan Vong, Yun-Yuuzhan is associated with the True Way and the Pantheon of Yun'o. According to legend, he sacrificed parts of his body to create the universe, the Yuuzhan Vong, and other gods. The Yuuzhan Vong revere him on holy days, when they perform rites and sacrifices to him
Nexion's eyes widened at the sudden push back, not out of shock, but excitement. He was blown back, stopping his onslaught of lightning and deactivating his blade, and bounced along the floor some feet back. He managed to recover and bring himself to a halt before looking up at Hemorpheus.

"Is that so? Well, I'm honoured to have been given a nickname. What's a nickname if not a symbol of brotherhood between good friends?"

He rose to his feet, reigniting the blade in his right hand. His smirk ever present, like he could never lose it.

"While you may call yourself... 'Yun' was it? I'd prefer to refer to you in a more... informal way. Why do you think I refuse to refer to Reign or Rellik, as 'Darth' or 'Lord'? Official titles or references to deities are good for public settings, but in other settings... no. How does 'Hemmy' sound?"

Nexion then charged towards Hemorpheus once again, only keeping one blade drawn. As eh got closer, he thrust his blade towards his opponent's chest, subtly reaching to his belt to grab his second blade.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Tag: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

Hemorpheus listened to his friend, who was pleased with his new name. And then he spoke of the lack of formality in his tongue. The Yun replied,
"I was reluctant to take on the darth mantel, for my own views as eclectic and would be considered blasphemies by the most ardent lords. I hold to many dark side dogmas, make no mistake, alas I believe if one is to fully understand The Great Mystery, one cannot limit oneself to the ideas and mysticism of the Sith. For was it not the Shamans of the Whills that taught Master Jinn how to return from the Netherworld, something I am keen to learn, and do not the Nightsisters possess the oldest rites of the dark magick, which I am inclined to believe is merely another face of what we call the dark side, Why would a Scientist, a seeker of Saarai (truth), and Master of Life limit to only the divination of the Sith? That being said, I am Sith because my persuasion in the Force is Dark, I believe in the Code, that Passion is the key to achieving the Odyssey. and I believe in The Diarchy, that we are going to achieve wonders."

What pair Nexion and He made. One was Achon of Death, the other Achon of Life. One was succinct and revealed very little, the other was prong to monologue and divulging a great deal. Perhaps that had something to do with their emphasis? Death revealed very little to the living, while Life had a whole school in this world to teach those who draw breath.

As The Achon of Death lunged, Hemorpheus sensed that Nexion what going to get an advantage, so he drew his arms out as if to be crucified and let the tip dig into the tanks and metal breastplate of his chest, the oxygen ignited and cause a burst of flame, nothing harmful to them, but now Hemorpheus mask which melted away was caste off and he drew the Force around him as canopy, to breath and face Nexion now face to face.
"Ah the fumes of life! Tell me my friend, what is the scent of death beyond rotting flesh? Does the Nether have an aroma?"

The Lord of Life was now shifting into a more agressive stance, for now that his tanks were no more, he had a limited amount of time to achierve victory before he weakened and was as Ana had been, comatose.
As Nexion destroyed his friend's tanks, he continued past him. He'll admit, he didn't think Hemorpheus wasn't going to react or counter. After passing him, he turned back before jumping away a few feet, removing his hand from his second blade.

"Truly a very interested ideal and philosophy, Hemmy. But, unfortunately, I can't say I understand. Now, don't get it twisted, I know what you say and mean, but I can't say I understand it from my own views. To me, the force is something to be used by an individual as they seek. One, like myself, seek to use and perfect a facet of it, and some like me don't bother to learn other's views of it. I have nothing against those with different views, I simply cannot find it in me to care about them. I don't care what others practise, preach, or believe, so long as they don't get in the way of my expression of the force."

As he heard his friend's question of death, and his change in stance, he knew things would soon come to a close. Hemorpheus' voice was strong and resolute, yet his change to a more aggressive stance suggested he wanted to end things quickly before something bad occurred to him. Nexion's grin grew until he looked almost crazy with it.

"That's the beauty of death, my friend. Death needs no further meaning! Death simply exists! It is simply, the end! That's what makes it so beautiful, yet so terrifying for most! People fear death so they make themselves believe there's something after it! Even if there is, it doesn't change that death is simply there, waiting to claim a life! Why does something need greater meaning to be beautiful!? It doesn't!"

Upon yelling this, Nexion once again sprints towards Hemorpheus. His lightsaber held by both hands, brought to his left side, winding up a swing. What would go unnoticed, is that his left hand went to his second blade, ready to strike an unexpected blow.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus

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