"Excellent, Enigma. We will certainly be speaking in the future: expect my holomessage. Dantooine's future is sunny and bright. I like the word that was used: transformative. We are taking this planet, which has been plagued with so many issues for so very long, and allowing it to become something new and exciting. The enforcement mechanisms are proportional to the issue. Our conversation today has helped me realize that Dantooine has far more friends than the Federation has led us to believe."
Ova Ziss looks irritated: irritated that the representative from the Trade Federation had lied to him about the intentions of the Diarchy, the Sith, and the Jedi. Their taxes were lower; their protections greater; their reputations were higher.
"My response is simple. We are resigning from the Trade Federation. We are evicting these squatters. They will proceed in an orderly manner outside of the planet's atmosphere, to Shusugaunt. They have already said that they intend to resist. They've armed up and they are ready. When the time is right, we will need your fleet's help to evict them...with as little bloodshed as possible."
"Using brute force and gunships to get your way is not entirely productive or peaceful. That is quite the issue that I have with your proposal. New Cov has a history of dealing with pirates causing raids on our own facilities, yet we have dealt with them in a far more productive way that has since reduced such attacks to a bare minimum. Forcing your way through another's territory will only bring about resistence and further violence which will harm and hamper any shipments. Given that you are not a mediator, then I suggest that you find someone among you that is that can go to the Mandalorian's and work out a deal that benefits you both. Otherwise I fear that this sector will hardly know the peace and prosperity that you seek to achieve."
Ova Ziss looked incensed.
Liin Terallo
made corporate diplomacy sound so clean and sanitized. In reality, Ova knew that "
dealing with pirates" usually entailed paying them off, or paying them to stop fighting other street gangs, or even assassinating pirate leaders so that their subordinates are too aggrieved to fight back. He took a quick drink: a small libation, perhaps, for the Dantooine gangs that Ova's employer the
Trilon Corporation once paid off, intimidated, and/or assassinated.
"I do not 'deal with pirates'. I do not deal with terrorists." Ova was remarkably stalwart.
"When it comes to the domestic situation here on Dantooine, we aren't holding a parlay here. The crystal mines are federal property, and with respect to piracy and terrorism, those are federal areas of responsibility. It is Diarch Reign's show now." Ova looked to Diarch Reign, who had remained remarkably quiet during all of the corporate bickering. Ova wasn't even sure what he and the bigwigs were bickering about. Who cared about the life of a no-good pirate? Ova guessed that they might be fighting over blame for the inevitable armed skirmishes; the trepidation over who would be stuck holding the hot potato was palpable. Ova secretly wished at that moment that he had the masterful patience of a force user like Diarch Reign. Ova seemed to have no force sensitivity at all.
"When it comes to the wider picture, Director, I do think that you have a point." He gestured at the holo-screen
"...we could probably make some adjustments to the trade corridor map. However, we'd need a lot of cooperation from the participants around the room about logistics to avoid passing through Mando territory."
"Let me show you the route you're outlining, Director. Take a look at the holomap."
Ziss' eyes rested on Director Terallo, and then on Her Highness
Darth Moskvin
. This was going to definitely require a silver tongue and a careful vocabulary: to displease the Sith Lord(ess?) could mean certain death. Perhaps Her Highness would give Ova Ziss a break if it was properly conveyed that it's the Director, not Ova, who was proposing this Sith-angering route.
Ziss doubted, too, that this alternative route would be pleasing to the Diarchy. Ova was aware that the Dark Empire and Diarchy had just finished fighting in a grueling blink-first-and-you-lose war on some planet that Ova Ziss didn't know much about. Diarch Reign wasn't eager to get into any war, whether it was against Mandalorians, the Dark Empire, or probably even Piracy.
However, at least with the alternative route, the Mandos would be happy. Maybe they made good customers: it remained to be seen.
Ova Ziss erased part of the hexagonal squares on his trade corridor map, and he drew an alternative path. This particular path, however, took a sharp Western turn to the Dark Empire's planet of Xudax. It then headed South through Ithor, Aeos Prime and Nyriian before curving Eastward towards Taris. Ova drew this alternative pathway in green, to distinguish it from the other route he had drawn through Mando territory.
"Director, this is what you are proposing in the alternative: there is no other path to Taris." Ova shook his head and leaned back.
"You know, some of you around the table--" his eyes flash to Dashiell and Terallo
"--have proposed that I am trying to spark a war, but this alternative route requires the participants to cede even more territory." Ova Ziss looked down at
Liin Terallo
, his spectacles perched on his long nose like an eagle seeking a mouse.
"It also requires me to put up even more resources."
"This is why I don't deal with pirates. Look how much these little hydration disturbers would cost our Authority." Ova shakes his head.
Ova makes a few swipes in the air with his marker, and the old trade corridor outline returns to the holomap.
"Mandalorians, however - maybe we can deal with them."
"Since you are so eager to strike a deal with the Mandalorians, Director, perhaps you'd accompany me as an official mediator? You seem to know a lot about them. What would strike their fancy? Credits? Passive income? Security jobs?"
Ova Ziss
17-KR7 "Enigma"
Diarch Reign
Darth Moskvin
Spark Finn
Saija Kwann
Makai Dashiell