Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Command and Control

The Doctor nodded her head. "Okay, that's fine. Now, for this, you'll need to be put under anaesthetic for several hours. First the old items will be removed and the skin around treated. We will then commence attaching the new prosthetics before waking you up again. The process will take about six to seven hours in total. After that you'll need to stay in hospital until you are recovered and we are sure the items are not being rejected. After that you'll be kept on observation for a few days longer until you've learned how to use the new items. Do you have any questions?"
Siobhan considered what she had been told and then shook her head. She disliked being kept in medbays, but then everyone did so that was nothing to complain about. "Nah, no questions, I'm ready for this," she said, briefly glancing over towards Tegaea. "I suppose you'll do without my services for a couple days."

Needless to say that line had a double meaning. What could possibly go wrong during the operation and the few days during which she would have to recover and be kept under observation? After all, Omega had highly competent medical personnel and top-notch security.
"I'm sure I will struggle to manage," Tegaea replied wryly. "When did you want to do the transplant, Doctor?"

"If it's okay with Siobhan we could do it tomorrow. You have kindly paid us in advance, and we have all the equipment we need, so we are set to go."

Of course nothing could go wrong in such a situation. Nothing at all!
"Yeah, tomorrow's cool. Sooner the better," Siobhan said in an eager tone. She briefly glanced down at her droid hand, flexing her fingers. Come the dawn of a new day and she would be rid of it.

Both droid arm and eye had, in a way, been mementoes. The eye had been first taken by Kaelin, then vampires had drilled out the first replacement. The loss of the arm had been a reminder of how far she had fallen during her possession by Shadow. Reminders of darker times, of the evil she fought. Siobhan cared little for politics or ideas, she was attached to persons. But she hated Sith with a burning passion.

You were one of them, you deserved to die. You supported them, you deserved to die. Simple rules. If someone close to her betrayed those rules, she would destroy them.

But this Siobhan was stronger, she was the fight she had always wanted to be. "I'll be right here then," she declared, her eyes turning to Tegaea.

Her boss would recogniser the brief mischievous twinkle in her flesh eye. "Since I'll be out of commission a couple days, I guess there are certain reports we gotta go over. Since from tomorrow you gotta cope without me."

As usual Siobhan was extremely subtle.
Even the Doctor picked up on this. Siobhan was about as subtle as a berserker after happy hour.
"You should avoid alcohol consumption and rich foods tonight," the Doctor advised.
"That won't be a problem, Doctor. I'll bring her to you nice and sober tomorrow," Tegaea said happily.

And so the two went to 'debrief' and 'examine reports' and other amusing euphamisms which this writer sadly cannot get into. Think of the kiddies, after all!

With this in mind...the next morning dawned bright and warm...and it was time for Siobhan to get a hand.
Siobhan made a face upon being told that she should refrain from alcohol. "But...but...I won't get any for several days. Alright," she protested with a grimace. Siobhan liked to end with a good drink. Then she brightened at Tegs' declaration. "Ah, yes. You work me so hard I won't have time to find even one bottle."

So for the next few hours Tegs successfully made sure that Siobhan was far too busy with 'work' to attack a whiskey bottle. As the morning dawned, Siobhan got up and left Tegs' apartment, taking the turbolift down to the medbay where Doctor Osway and the medical team were awaiting her.

Before she passed through the door she stopped, feeling a sudden stab of nervousness, before shaking it off and taking a breath. She turned to Tegs and a small smile crept over her lips. "Thanks for this. Goodbye, robot girl look, you're so last year," she quipped. "I'll see you soon in all my bionic, five extra fingers and super-eye endowed glory."
Tegaea gave her a hug and a kiss affectionately. "You're welcome. I'll be waiting when you wake up." She watched Siobhan go, then hit the lift button to take herself back up.

Doctor Osway was waiting with a small group of droids and nurses. "Welcome, Siobhan. All ready are you? I'll give you this gown to change into, and when you're ready we can get started. Do you have any allergies or medication you can't take?"
"Thanks. Yeah, I'm ready. Eager to get started. No allergies far as I know," Siobhan answered with a small smile, feeling reassured. She quickly stripped off her trousers and shirt to don the gown.

Normally she might have made a quip about how it had not taken the doctor long to get her out of her clothes, but the excitement had apparently gotten the better of her. When she was done one of the nuses led her over to a bed. Having lied down she held out her flesh arm so that the nurse could inject anaesthetic into a vein.

"Y'know, I got this thing about needles," Siobhan said just as the nurse prepared the syringe, giving her a lazy smile.

The nurse gave her an amused look. "Tough soldier like you is afraid of needles?" she asked teasingly. "Nothing to be worried about. I'll just give you a little sting."

"Just a little sting?" Siobhan raised an eyebrow, grinning. "We have to correct that. Of course, I'll be lying here all helpless..." The nurse performed the injection and soon Siobhan's vision turned hazy and then dark as the drug took its effect.
While this writer is not a medical professional, they have promised a long post, and intends to deliver!

The galaxy had, ever since the Gulag Virus, fallen into a profound depression. Such times were common throughout history, and perhaps explained why technology had not fundamentally changed for tens of thousands of years. Perhaps a plateau of sorts had been reached, beyond which little improvement was possible. Technology became better, it was true, but not radically. Lightsabres, blasters, star ships, all had gotten more efficient and faster, but a soldier of the Jedi Civil War could pick up an E-11 blaster and could use it with only a little bit of catchup.

In the area of bionics, likewise improvements had been made, but fundamentally the core components remained the same. That being said, the items chosen for Siobhan were much better than any seen before. The hand selected for Siobhan would feel just as responsive as her original hand had. It was built on the same principle that a HRD was built. The slender metal skeleton was lightweight, strong and designed to be non reactive. Over the top of it a layer of human skin cloned for the occasion was placed. This skin had hair, fingernals and even lines on the palm. It was warm to the touch, and even could sweat. Naturally, it was not identical, but it was as close as could be imagined. No one shaking Siobhan's hand would know that it was not the one she had been born with. What's more, the join between hand and stump was carefully matched as closely as possible. There was a difference in tan, but there was no way around that.
The hand was the easy part.

The eye however was much more difficult. First the old unit had to be removed. The inexpertly installed bionic eye was removed and taken away. Powerful anti-biotics were used to cleanse the skin, and then the new unit could be installed. Unfortunately, Kaelin, the vampires and the Jedi had pretty badly mucked up the whole area, so the doctors first had to rebuild part of the face, and then move on to the installation. Once the eye was connected to the optic nerves and put into place they had to construct an eyelid which would look like a normal one. This too would look almost like nothing had changed, but close inspection would show it acted a bit different to her other one. The eye itself had a cloned cornea and retina grown on top of it, again just like a HRD would.

By the end of the operation, after nearly nine hours, Doctor Osway had justified the million credit fee for her team. Now Siobhan was taken into a private ward to gradually wake up, the pain subdued by many drugs.

Tegaea came to see her while she was asleep. Doctor Osway, tired but still quite chipper, showed her the result.
"As you can see, Ms Alcori, it will take some days for her to be fully back to normal. But she is recovering well."
"I wonder what she's thinking about," Tegaea wondered, noticing that her lover had a smile on her face. "Either way, you did a great job. I'll have my aide stay here. When she wakes up I'll have her call me."
"Thank you. I'll be in to check on her when she wakes up."
((This one is most gratified by the promise being fulfilled))

While Doctor Osway and her dedicated team of nurses and droids worked their medical wonders on Siobhan, the Colonel in question had been deep in the bowels of the realm of Hypnos. What she was thinking about was thus a mystery, but one had to assume that she was not being assailed by void demons, werewolves and terentateks, judging by the wide smile spread across her face. Or maybe they did appear and she was slaying them with reckless abandon.

Consciousness gradually returned to her as Morpheus surrendered his hold upon her. "Mistress...your loving slave..." She turned a bit, a soft moan could be heare escaping her lips, then another. "Bend to....Marshal...," she mumbled to herself, evidently still off in another realm over which Morpheus reigned.

Sensation returned to her by degree, assembling itself step by the step as her eye grew aware of the light in the ward room. She moaned again, longer and more drawn out this time, then shuddered slightly. Gradually she grew aware of the forms in the room, seeing Anya seated on a chair next to her.

For some reason Siobhan giggled slightly, something very uncommon to her. "Lady're wearing..." she purred but then seemed to halt the line, as the drugs wore off and she became aware of her surroundings. She cocked her head slightly, taking in the view.

"I had the most amazing...dream," she finally concluded. "How long was I out? Did it work?" On instinct she tried to raise her robot hand...the drugs made her responses slow and sluggish so she moved the pure flesh and blood version down, running over the now bionic one with an expression of wonder.

For the first time in close to three years her fingers ran across actual skin. She felt a flare of pain as the drugs wore off, but the smile on her face just got deeper, she tried to flex her new bionic fingers.
Anya raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I'm glad I was in it," she said happily. "But I'm under instructions to call Ms Tegaea when you wake up. Don't try and do anything too strenuous...I'll be back in a moment."

She was as good as her word. Anya returned with Doctor Osway, and they were joined a few moments later by Tegaea herself.
"How are you feeling, Siobhan?" the Doctor asked.
Siobhan gave the Doctor a lazy grin, her mind still trying to work through its drug-induced haze. "Good...very good," she said, her gaze fell upon Tegaea and she seemed to glow.

"Hi there your Ladyship, you look...majestic. You should wear the red is really authoritative." A bit sluggish in movement due to the drugs, her flesh hand stroked across her neck. Apparently something seemed odd to her. "What happened to the collar?" she wondered, giving them a look of honest confusion.
"She might be a little confused still, Ms Tegaea," the Doctor said, frowing.
Tegaea coughed, trying to hide a laugh and a little blush. "Don't worry, Siobhan, we'll find it later," she assured her lover. In the background Anya was failing to control her laughter. Seemed as though both her pets would need a severe disciplining!
Siobhan seemed reassured by Tegaea's soothing words and smiled. "I'm glad. It's very special to me. I'm sorry for being so negligent," she said feelingly in a tone of that conveyed she could not quite comprehend why someone could not understand this, giving 'Lady' Anya a look when she burst out into laughter. Whether it was still the drugs talking or she was trying to be a troll was another question.

She raised her head a bit, the drugs were wearing off and she was getting acclimated to her surroundings. She ran her fingers across the bionic hand, blinked with her eye. "It feels just like real skin," she mumbled to herself, smiling, trying to move the hand, though she winced a bit at pain from the surgery returning to her.
"I'll leave you two alone. But no more than ten minutes, and then she has to rest some more. I'll come and check up on her when you're finished." The Doctor left, looking a bit bemused.

Tegaea came over to her good side and patted her real hand. "You've done well. You're a brave girl, and I'm proud of you. It'll hurt for a while, but it'll get better!"
"Little bit of pain makes the world go round. Well, figuratively," Siobhan mumbled to herself, wincing at the painful sensations she felt now that the drugs were losing their effect, but it did nothing to remove the smile from her lips as she pushed her head up on her pillow to gratefully look at Tegs.

"Thanks. Happy to ditch the robot girl look. All because of you," she said sincerely. She ran her real flesh and blood fingers over Tegs' hand. "Well, and one million creds worth medical team." Then there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I had the coolest dream. Can you wear that red and gold dress for me sometime?"
Tegaea raised an eyebrow. "Only if you're a good girl," she stated sternly. By this stage Anya had to excuse herself because she was laughing so much.

"You need to rest more. Here's your comm. If anything comes up, give me a call, OK?"
"Give me a few days and I'll show Lady Protector Alcori...Exarch, just what a good girl I am!" Siobhan declared with a mischievous smile, gazing after Anya when she excused herself, her eyes moving to the space elf's arse. "She's been naughty," she muttered to herself, but then sank back a bit into her bed and took the comm.

"Right, I'll call if vampires, shapeshifters or Sith suddenly pop up here out of nowhere. They'll probably waste precious time with saying melodramatic lines, so it shouldn't be a chore," she said with a smile, patting Tegs' hand before starting to drift off into her rest.
Much to everyone's amazement no Sith Lords happened to be passing by and dropped in for a midday massacre, no shapeshifters, dragons, immortals or vampires appeared either. This was perhaps unprecedented.

Either way, the next day Doctor Osway returned. "How are you feeling this morning, Siobhan? Did you want something to eat?"
It was indeed quite astonishing that no evildoers appeared to assault Siobhan while she lay there so helpless and vulnerable. It would have been the perfect chance for a certain daemonette who had wanted to keep an eye on Siobhan to pop up.

Siobhan seemed a lot less tired when Doctor Osway came to visit her. Moreover, she appeared more coherent and with a better grip on reality, since the drugs had long worn off. "Better, lot less sleepy, thanks," she said with a small smile. "Something to eat and drink would be nice. I'm still not allowed whiskey, right?" she joked but then turned serious.. "Thanks for all your good work. Means a lot," she said sincerely, experimentally trying to move her new bionic hand a bit.

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