The Returned One
Location: Space - Above Commenor
Corazona von Ascania
Minerva Fhirdiad
Equipment: Lightsaber | Field Robes | LPD-11 Heavy Blaster Pistol

Equipment: Lightsaber | Field Robes | LPD-11 Heavy Blaster Pistol
At that moment, Caden stopped caring.
Where he'd been trying to preserve life by only taking arms and legs, he was now cutting through pirates as if they were nothing. His yellow blade hacked and slashed through groups, blaster fire around him taking down those he missed. The head of a Kel Dor pirate rolled between the legs of the young Jedi, severed by the edge of a plasma weapon, but in that moment Caden didn't care.
There was a lot of distance to make up to get to his friend. He'd been the opposite side of the room when everything had happened and as a consequence there were a fair few pirates between Caden and Loomi. A lot of those pirates fell, either to the wrath of the Jedi or the blaster fire from the Alliance Soldiers moving with him towards the Godoan.
Caden had lived by rules for so long. He lived by rules not only to prevent his own fall, but to keep safe those around him. Caden had been raised during times of war, he was nothing but a perfect soldier. He had kept his rules for so long to prevent himself becoming that perfect soldier again and yet finally he'd met a foe who had harmed someone he cared about.
His rules went out the window at that moment.
From somewhere in a corner, a sheet of durasteel was torn from the wall. It fell, crushing two pirates who were trying to shoot down Minerva. They screamed out in agony, but Caden hardly noticed. A second pirate attempted to attack the Jedi Knight, bringing his vibroblade down to cut the man from head to toe. Caden kicked him away, preventing himself being sliced in two, and pierced the man with his yellow blade.
Loomi was close now. Pirates were running, on the retreat from what Caden could tell. He took the time to decapitate one more who tried to run past him. The yellow blade of his weapon retreated into it's hilt, as Corazona took up a defensive lightsaber form to prevent any incoming blaster fire from the retreating pirates from causing harm to any of the group.
Crouching down, Caden took Loomi's hand and shook his head. She seemed to be okay, no physical injuries of note. No, Caden suspected her injuries were much more internal and much less healable, even by his basic understanding of the abilities provided to him by Force Heal. Her injuries would require traditional methods to cure, such as therapy.
"Hey, hey hey. Don't apologise. No-one got hurt, except a few pirates"
From executioner to carer, Caden switched in seconds. Gone was the wrath that had fueled him only moments prior, replaced now with nothing but care and concern for the young Godoan. He squeezed her hand gently, taking a deep breath. He spent a few moments, just holding Loomi until she appeared calmer. Minerva was close, Corazona was finishing up with the fleeing pirates. Everyone had survived, except a few pirates.
"If you're feeling up to it, they'll be moving for the bridge. I reckon we can cut them off and give them an interesting surprise when they arrive"
The Jedi Knight got up to his feet, and offered Loomi his hand.
"We've still got work to do, unfortunately"
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