Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Comments, Suggestions, or Questions?

Meaning very plainly: do not spread hate or discord about another faction in an OOC manner

Yet it's okay to bully smaller fractions than yourselfs?

If you don't wana answer my questions fine, I'm sure someone else will.
[member="Cynthia Garon"]

We always welcome open discussion on what we're doing.

In this case it's been revealed we have A FACTION OF SITH on our doorstep.

It's entirely likely that after this one invasion, if the CotBR submits in character and promises to purge all sith from it's territory that the Alliance would leave them alone.

Obviously the end game is the One Sith, which is why we've rapidly moved within striking range.

I'm sure that if we all approach this with a positive attitude, instead of panicking, we can make this a fun invasion for all involved.
We are a dark side fraction, not fully sith and we don't go to the extent of mass murder and such, and no how the hell could we have fun while you hold every advantage. Its not one bit fair we will offer to help against the os as we are enemy's of them. I've even been talking with teali about a treaty to help eradicate the sith. All we want on our side is a place for our members to avoid such stressful rp that's been forced on us hence why we went to the far edge of the map.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="Cynthia Garon"]

Just to be clear, an invasion of the COTBR would be strictly an IC event. As a light sided faction it makes little sense for our characters to have dark siders so close to our space and not go to war with them.

We are a militant light side faction. We're just writing our characters and what they would do.

OOC, we have no issues with your writers or your faction.
[member="Chevu Visz"]

Honestly I wouldn't have minded so much if we actually had the necessary time to actually get more writers, and have been asked instead of demanded. Also the dark and light have worked together many times in history to remove the bigger threat. We are not a threat never have been but you are making us out to be one. As I say our users may mainly be dark side users but it doesn't make us evil and there is no ic reason for an attack we have not ones made our selfs out to be after everyone.

Oocly we are not ready to even fight an invasion. We have been busy building stuff up still. Hell we don't even have an actual fleet as that is in progress. We don't really have any land stuff other than what the members previously made in other fractions. You are trying to force something that other Dont want. Now I will still stand by an offer to Allie against the is but I won't for an invasion by pure demand on someone much smaller than you by over half in size. My admin said what I could not but with building stress lately from irl this is just adding to it and is effecting my mental health. Wr worked to hard to try give a place to our members to have fun and what you have planed is throwing everything out the window. I will have a discussion about an invasion somepoint but now is not the time. Especially when one is going to be in the month where the sites activity is the lowest.
The Admiralty
[member="Cynthia Garon"]

Becoming a major faction is declaring to the board that you are ready to deal with any invasions that might happen. It's the one threat Major Factions always face. The COTBR should have made sure they were ready, before putting in a request for the MF-status.

That might not be what you want to hear, but that's the breaks. Every MF can be invaded at any time and it cannot be denied.

So you are currently at a crossroads.

Are you going to try and make this an interesting and above positive writing environment for everyone, as is your duty as the Faction Owner or are you going to make it negative experience for everyone?
Allow me to chime into this friendly discussion....because I have a cooler head than most.

First of all, the COTBR is NOT a Sith Faction. They moment they branded this character a traitor was the moment the we no longer associated with the Sith. Yes, we have a few members in our Faction that are Sith, but that is because they, too, felt as though they have been churned by the OS Powers That BE. And of those that are with Sith tags, only three of them are active, and two of them despise the OS. The majority are either Dark Jedi, Rogue Masters, or still figuring out their lot in life in the world of Chaos. The COTBR faction is an Admin approved Faction....why....because we don't want the drama stirred up there like it was in the past when there were OS writers in our ranks.

Next, if people actually took time to read through some of our Faction threads, you will see that we are aiding the citizens of those that are governed, not ruled, by us. We do not create Alchemy Basins were millions of people are murdered to create it. We don't do threads (Faction or otherwise) that shows us killing innocent lives. We are not the OS, and yes, I'm sure people will come and complain about that to me soon. Because I say One Sith and they get their nickers in a bunch. Pfft....I changed my character's name back to her original one and swapped out the FU tags from Sith Lord to Dark Jedi Master because I have no desire to be associated with people that can't think for themselves.

We asked for an alliance with the GR and they turned us down saying they don't feel comfortable working with darksiders, see that....darksiders and not Sith. Yet, the GR have Dark Jedi just like the GA has a Sith Lord in their ranks. Which strikes me as odd that they refused to form an alliance with us when one of our members fought for the GR during the Contrumm invasion. Can we say hypocrites? And the two members that fought for the OS were accused of throwing their duels....which is funny in itself since one of the BR members was in the hospital and couldn't participate in the invasion. The other...he got his butt kicked fair and square.

Now for this invasion, let's call this for what it really is. A chance to get back at me for giving the OS the middle finger. Yes...yes...go ahead and deny it but I'm not fool. I've seen skype logs and read PM sent to people they thought they could trust. Trust....funny word that is. If this was an invasion bent on taking down darksiders, then why not go after the Techno Union, they're a bigger threat to you than we are. Oh wait, I know the answer. Silly me! Funny thing seeing writer's alts.

Sadly, the timing for this invasion is all wrong. Most people will be going on holiday with family and friends, myself including. I won't even be there for the invasion and I know at least two other active members won't be either for the same reasons as myself. Not to call anyone out, but some of us have lives that are not based around what Chaos does.

Now someone mentioned about us being left alone if we purged Sith from our territories or something to that liking. Well....duh. We've been trying to separate ourselves from that lot....but it seems some people are just to narrowed minded to read between the lines. They see COTBR and right away they want to associate us with the OS. Again, narrowed minded thinking. Maybe I'm to smart for my own good, but when I look at the different lightsided factions on Chaos, I can see the difference.

Currently the GA believes that Darth Venfica - a prominent Sith - runs the CotBR.

Here is your faction pitch, which mentions Sith in the context of the CotBR many times:

The Black Rose is an Order of Darkside users that can be anything from Sith, Dark Jedi, or Rogue; both male and female. We also encourage NFUs to join since we have a Navy and Army that is looking for a few good men and woman.
One Sith Philosophy vs. Black Rose Philosophy. Where the One Sith follows the codes and teachings of Darth Kryat, the Black Rose follows the teachings of the Lost Tribe of the Sith (hence the difference in titles such as Sith Sabre and High Lords/Lady for example) and ancient Sith Lords and Ladies from the times of the Old Republic (such as Ragnos, Pall, Traya). Where as the One Sith preach all members are equal except for the Hands and Voices of their Dark Lord, the Black Rose resorts back to the ancient belief from the time of the Dark Jedi and Sith species became one; equality is a lie that only through individualism would a Sith grow in power.
The One Sith believe in killing the weak, such as civilians, for personal gains or because they just can. The Black Rose do not believe killing the weak, such as civilians, is feasible for the galaxy to survive. Kill enough people/aliens and the only thing left to rule is empty space. The Black Rose believes that all lives matter, no matter how important or insignificant they are in the grand schemes of the galaxy.​
The One Sith plunder and destroy worlds, then spill propaganda about rebuilding the planet. That's right, they do. What they build is structures to only enhance their strengths or oppress the weak. The Black Rose does not use the phrase conquer worlds but instead uses the phrase liberate worlds. The difference, any planet that falls under the rule of the Black Rose will be rebuilt and the civilians treated like civilians rather than cattle to be slaughtered. Also, structures, not all but most, would be erected for the benefit of the civilians. Those civilians that work for the black Rose are called labouers, not slaves.​
Equality is a lie. All throughout the history of the Sith this has been one of the driving forces that separated the strong from the weak. From those that had power from those that craved it. The Black Rose supports the relationships between Master and Apprentice (even the Rule of Two for those that taunt the idea) but oppose the sharing of knowledge for free. Everything in the galaxy, including knowledge comes with a price. To hold fast to an understanding that you or anyone else is equal to you in stature, regardless of titles and ranks, is blinding themselves with ignorance.​
Rule of One/Dark Lord vs. The Black Rose Council/Grand Lady. The One Sith support a supreme ruler, the Dark Lord, whose word is law. The Dark Lord is the face of the One Sith and those that serve under him such as his Voices and Hands carry out his will. To challenge his will is punishment by death. His power is absolute.​
The Black Rose Council and the Grand Lady do not share this absolute law of will. The Grand Lady is the face of the Black Rose but her power is not absolute. In terms of politics she would resemble the Chancellor in many ways while the Black Council is her senate. To ensure the Grand Lady does not seize absolute control, checks and balances are put in place (see description of Grand Lady/Black Rose Council). For this the Black Rose believes in a democratic style of rule rather than a that of a dictatorship. The Black Rose is not nor will ever be an Empire but a Federation.​
Where the One Sith teach war and conquest is the only path of the Sith, the Black Rose has undergone a conquest of their own; which is the galaxy has never been meant to be ruled by one singular entity but by a group who share in common beliefs. One such major conquest is putting together an accurate Book of the Sith for all those that follow the Darkside, and not just Sith, to understand and live by. While we follow the ancient Sith Code and not the one proposed by the One Sith (Darth Kryat's Code), the Black Rose follows a secondary code for all members to adhere by.​
The Black Rose, because of it's understanding of the galaxy seen through the eyes of their members, encourages it's members to pursue a path of life that is outside the normal realm of Force wielding. Cybernetics, Bio-engineering, Virology, Alchemy, and such other subjects are pursued by most in the Black Rose, while other subjects are always being investigated. The Force is a gift, but your life holds truer value above all else.​
In the beginning. The Black Rose, at the creation from the mind of Darth Venefica, had started out as a sub-faction to the One Sith. In truth, it was an all exclusive Order for females of the Sith and any Darkside follower to have an Order that understood the plight of woman in the galaxy; and sought to lay dominance to their gender opposites. As the Order grew in number and it's members began not only working together but finding common ground in shared beliefs and paths, they began to slowly separate themselves from the One Sith. A vote was taken and failed to pass.​
Soon the doors of gender discrimination had been pushed open and the Black Rose began accepting males that too shared in their quest for more knowledge surrounding the Darkside and seeking a greater purpose in the galaxy. The influence of the Black Rose began to swell bursting the seams of confinement to just a sub-faction/minor faction of the One Sith; thus raising the idea once more for a separation.​
Traitors, labeled by those of the One Sith, began to seek refuge within the Black Rose. Due to the Black Rose Code, judgement of other's views and opinions of the One Sith were allowed to be debated but never challenged on the basis of swaying or ostracizing them for what they hold true to their hearts. Any member, hunted or bountied out by the One Sith, would find protection within the Black Rose.​
With the formation of the Black Rose Council came the debates of officially breaking free from the One Sith; which they finally did. Those in the One Sith hierarchy viewed this separation as weakening the One Sith Empire while those in the Black Rose saw the separation as insurance for the survival of the Sith as a whole. Over time, others began to feel isolated from the One Sith. And once again, the halls of the Black Rose saw increased membership.​
Today, their is no bond between the One Sith and the Black Rose. Today they are mortal enemies.​
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

She doesn't run the faction anymore....just an Admin now. And at the time of the pitch, we began getting requests from Sith writers wanting to join us because they felt mistreated by the OS. We don't believe in denying anyone a chance to have fun.

And we have no love for the OS...why? Allow me to explain.

1. Certain OS Admins (thus they will deny it but I've seen the facts) practically went after our members telling them to leave the faction because they wanted to destroy it. Guess what? we lost 10 members and 1 Admin because they didn't want to deal with the drama.

2. To better enhance their technique of destroying the COTBR, they dangled positions within the OS Faction and shiny little trinkets from Factory submissions to draw our members away. Sadly, one person fell for it...and got their position, but I have no ill will toward that writer. He and I are still friends.

3. At the time of the pitch being created, that's what we were aiming for. However, things have changed and we as a Faction are changing. The OS has forced us to change our style, which is currently being discussed by the COTBR Admins. Most in our faction have some kind of bad blooded history with the OS. Myself included. Hence, why we proposed an alliance with the GR and had one member fight alongside them.

Currently I'm in the process of switching up the pitch.
[member="Xhexania"] - Curious... What Sith Lord are we harboring in our ranks? I will let the Admins deal with the rest, but I was utterly unaware we had a Sith accepted into our ranks that wasn't a prisoner?
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

You have Darth Raijin....may not be a Sith Lord....but the character bores the title of Darth. But if he is a prisoner....then just like the failings of not researching what a faction is doing, I'm guilty of making assumptions myself.

Let me reiterate:

Chevu Visz said:
Just to be clear, an invasion of the COTBR would be strictly an IC event. As a light sided faction it makes little sense for our characters to have dark siders so close to our space and not go to war with them.
Our characters see your group as a dark sided splinter group of Sith.

You say you're not and I believe you, but our characters do not have the OOC knowledge of your group that we as writers have. If they did that would be meta.

Please discontinue spreading OOC vitriol about other factions in our forums. As our rules state, it will not be allowed and if it continues, you will be removed from the faction.
So, again, I don't really have much of an interest in the ooc events surrounding the One Sith and CotBR split. :)

Is it the case that CotBR is changing from a Sith oriented faction that believes in the powerful ruling, to something else?

IC Jacen believes you're headed up by Darth Venfica
[member="Chevu Visz"]

Let me reiterate:

Going after a weaker DS Faction compared to going after a stronger DS faction makes sense how?

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Is it the case that CotBR is changing from a Sith oriented faction that believes in the powerful ruling, to something else?
That is that plan. We are discussing the changes among the COTBR staff. Removing Sith style tomes and philosophies and such, while moving to a government of the people for the people. It makes no sense for us to be a splinter offshoot of the OS.
Xhexania said:
[member="Chevu Visz"]

Let me reiterate:

Going after a weaker DS Faction compared to going after a stronger DS faction makes sense how?
It's not a matter of weaker or stronger. You are closer in proximity to us. Logistically, it would take less time for us to get fleets and reinforcements from our home planet to your space.

For light-siders to let what they see as a dark-sided threat flourish so close to their home planet, seems very OOC to me.
[member="Xhexania"] - Last I knew, Raijin said he used the title as a sort of affectation of different times. Not as a declaration of religion, motive, etc... I don't know though, because it was about like.. 3-4 weeks ago he came around, maybe longer, and I haven't seen him post since the Coruscanti skirmish, and that was a post or two, three max.

He was welcomed into the faction with the repetitive warning that if he was caught or discovered using the Dark Side, etc there would be an immeasurable amount of IC retribution from all corners of the Faction, and he would face capture, trial, and consequences that could vary to all sorts of things, pending what was discovered, who captured him, etc... And I could be wrong, but I think I remember him talking some sort of stuff about him 'mellowing' to a more neutral path IC, and his joining the Alliance being the catalyst for that. I could easily be wrong there though. That's a very unsure memory.

Just like any other Dark Side user we come across, and especially like any Sith we do, he would be dealt with in any number of ways. I know several members ICly would kill or attempt to kill him on sight when caught using the Dark Side in a 'Sithly' manner, or any manner (depending on the character).. Others might press for capture and questioning or execution after a trial. And i'm sure there are as of yet other viewpoints.

The point, again, is that whilst we know OOCly that Raijin is darksided or Sith, the shtick that I remember was he would be actively concealing and dissembling this. So, ICly, we'd have no reason to reject him from our ranks, or his help, or not welcome him to write his own story when he acknowledged and accepted the risks of the consequences if found out. So... No... We don't really have a Sith in our ranks... Not to our knowledge... Just some weird droid metal dude chilling in a sewer in Coruscant that we haven't seen again since.

Also.. I do want to stress to you, as it relates to above... This faction is heavily focused on the IC... What we know ICly... What is happening ICly... No what is intended by writers, or what they plan or are trying to pull of. Just like Raijin, we know OOCly he was planning to not harm the Alliance, help train FU in less sithly arts he knew, etc... But we see him being a Sith IC? Doesn't matter if he has a HUGE plot to be a good-two shoes at the end of it... Our characters will react as they see fit... See Coren and Reverant/Gabriel and that whole debacle to see how it is handled here, really.

Anything can happen when we write the story! Perhaps the GA goes to invade and your members convince us to stand down. The we have diplomacy instead? The story can go anywhere we want it to.

By the way, the terms we sent to your FA were "bring your own objective" terms which means that faction members on both sides could make the story what they wanted.

If our members and yours all wanted diplomatic objectives we could have them.
[member="Chevu Visz"]

Why can't we just do a pre-invasion diplomatic thread to sort things out? Instead of seeing darksiders and go 'let's kill them'....try to understand why they are there and what they are doing?

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