Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Misinterpretation


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Soryn Solimar"]

It wasn't really known that Kay was a Force user. She kept that secret to herself. It was an ace up her sleeve, but it also caused her trouble. Despite her attempts at maintaining her secret, some had found out. The Sith had. She was captured and tortured for months on end before she gave in to them. For a while she was a tool of the Darkside. Yet with their abandonment of her, and with the help of her new husband [member="Veiere Arenais"] , she had regained the part of herself that kept the peace in the Commenori sector, that had kept them out of the Galaxy's struggles. And that was most important.

But the Sith were still a threat, and even some Jedi. Both had destroyed worlds, killed innocents for their cause. Their hands were tainted with blood. So too were hers, but not quite on the same scale. The murders that she had commited would always haunt her. But at least their numbers were small. And some were done for mercy. After the tortures that she had suffered, they needed to be released just as she had wanted.

Kay sat in one of her gardens, next to the labyrinth that she was still determined to master without cheating. She knew most of it, but had yet to complete it fully. There was always an interuption. A small blanket was spread beneath her, complete with her tea and yes, even crumpets. Normally she'd be in her office reading, but she wanted to enjoy the sun. Two guards stood sentry nearby. They weren't the talkative types, so she just ignored them for the most part, content with the sounds of nature, her tea, and the holonovel that she was reading. The tale was one of adventure and treasure hunting. It engrossed her so much that she didn't even notice anything outside of her own little bubble. Her Force signature wasn't even hidden. Being at her own residence, she figured that it was safe. Of course that was never always the right decision.
It had really only been a matter of time. A matter of time before Soryn's outlook annoyed or angered the wrong person. That time had come. He had been summoned before the Masters to answer for the how and why of his behavior. Soryn had spoken plain and with conviction. He had even gone has far as to cite events past and present to explain why he was the way he was and acted the way he did. In the end after some time of deliberation they had chosen to send him away for a while. To send him out into the galaxy and to the other Temples, Enclaves, and Academies scattered among the many sectors and systems that made up the known galaxy.

Soryn had looked at the Masters for a long moment before he simply gave a slight bow and walked out.

His first destination was near by. Commenor. It was a place he was not very familiar with despite it being so close to more well known Core Worlds. Either way it was going to be his first stop so he may as well make the most out of it. His small shuttle popping out of hyperspace it made it's way towards one of the major ports in the Capital city requesting clearance to land. The shuttle identifying itself as a vessel from the Order of Relentless Light there to speak with the Temple Masters.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Order of Relentless Light? That was a new one. The Port Authority did what they always did. Given that there had yet to be another Minister of Foreign Affairs, all members of other governments or other Orders of various types of Force Users had to see Kay first. She was just finishing up a chapter in her holonovel when her commlink came to life.

~My Queen, sorry to disturb you. Chasin City Port Authority here. A visitor from the Order of Relentless Light is requesting clearance. Shall it be granted?~

"I can't say that I've heard of them, but there are so many out there. Grant them permission to land and have them escorted to the Palace."

~Understood, My Queen. Chasin City Port Authority out.~

Kay pondered for a moment. Normally she would meet guests in a meeting room or in her office. But she was just too comfortable to move. There was enough tea and crumpets for guests. So it was decided. [member="Soryn Solimar"] would join her outside. She was sure to let [member="Macoda Haberon"] know and given that her guest seemed to be part of a Lightside Order, she contacted her husband, [member="Veiere Arenais"] to meet with them. There was no doubt in her mind that Veiere would be interesting in such a meeting.

Now all that she had to do was get back to her reading while she waited for them to show.
When granted permission to land the ship settled down gently onto the pad. It would take a few minutes for the ship to go through it's shut down procedures before the ramp lowered and Soryn made his way down it. Dressed in his black robes and white cloak Soryn moved effortlessly and without hesitation until he was met with his escort. He paused and looked at them for a split second.

"I am Jedi Padawan Soryn Solimar of the Order of Relentless Light."

He would then follow where ever they lead him. The ship's crew left behind with the ship while Soryn walked alone. In silence he followed though he did occasionally glance around his surroundings. Commenor was much different than his home planet. It was much more populated, it smelled different, it sounded different. To say it was a little overwhelming was a bit of an understatement but only slightly.

Soryn looked up as they got closer to the Palace. It was curious to be heading to a Palace and not a Temple but he would wait until he got to his destination before he thought to speak on his curiosity. It was a stark contrast to the centuries old Temple of his home world which held nearly no idle comforts.

[member="Lady Kay"]
The Commenori Pheonix was a vessel in a class of it's own for the two person crew that manned it, one of said crew members being in a starfighter in flight within low orbit of Commenor while the pair of ships rocketed across the worlds atmosphere, Terrac at the helm of the Pheonix while Veiere was testing out the old X-Wing that he had picked up quite some time back within an auction yet had never really had much of a chance to spread her wings, let alone get a look at the S-foils as they parted and brought to bare the full fighting capabilities of the craft. With the separation of the wings, the fighter took into far greater evasive velocity, Veiere finding himself feeling far more attached to the single fighter than he had expected weaving in out and out the Pheonix's path inspiring Terrac's voice to give him a bit of a warning across the comm's system.

"Yes yes, I know we're running short of time but the world can wait, I've nay had a moment to enjoy myself like this in some time, old man..." Terrac was technically younger than Veiere was yet it didn't stop the pilot from grumbling audibly across the mic in reluctant resignation leaving Veiere to frown and feeling a little guilty; "Honestly, I thought you were feeling uncomfortable around her..." He responded, glancing down to the central terminal as if to convey his surprise back to Terrac. "No, I haven't told her though she's not thick, Terrac...-No, I swear it. She has enough to worry about without your pessimism complicating our marriage but fine, have it your way. I'm bringing her around, slow to impulse and await my signal to open the docking bay to stern" he sighed to himself as he cut the communications link then and there, he would let the R2 Unit do the rest while he could more or less sit back once the S-foils had been locked down and he casually turned the fighter around, running a loop around the KingsGuard of which had been a rather expensive wedding gift from [member="Lady Kay"] to him; far outweighing his gift to her, the Promissium Annulos of which in truth were more of a gift to them both, their wedding rings for which would connect and strengthen their bonds within the Force. Already she would know that he was thinking of her, yet too likely feel some sort of distance given his distraction and possibly giving telepathic evidence to his being late. While the old X-wing fighter rose up into the open docking bay to hover just a few inches above the floor that slowly closed beneath the craft, Terrac was already in the process of dropping them down through Commenor's orbit, the turbulence causing little in the way of discomfort for a change as Veiere found himself too busied going over the fighter for last minute checks before powering her down and climbing out of the canopy.

Ah the life of royalty...A full hangar with people just waiting to kiss his ass and make promises of a faster diagnostic and maintenance check to his vessels than they were actually capable of doing; Terrac knew the best way to scare such people off, a little slander and blasphemy yelled across a breath that smelled fresh of whiskey, Veiere had come to cherish the mans return and thus did not mind so much when he voiced his concerns or rather fear around Kay's possible relapse. It was to be expected, and Veiere had learned to pass it off as ignorance to the fact that both he knew next to nothing about the Force and had even fewer details to Veiere's reach over Kay in their mental and spiritual bond. Making his way for the Palace, a place of great disdain and frustration for him, he reluctantly tolerated the few that followed him in want of details as to his flight, details he doubted they were genuine in their caring over though felt the need to pester him regardless. If it weren't for Kay Larr, he wouldn't have chosen such a life, alas the good he could do and the love that they shared, good things to this extent always came with a price.

[member="Soryn Solimar"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Soryn Solimar"] was greeted by Olivia just outside the Palace. She was an older lady with a kind face, although she can be quite stern when she needed to be. "Good afternoon. Kay is out in the gardens and asked that I bring you to her, rather than going inside. So please follow me." She led him to the left, walking alongside the Palace walls. Having a meeting outside was a bit unusual and too open for Olivia's tastes, but who was she to argue? She'd only say anything if something went wrong.

Kay poured herself another cup of tea. [member="Veiere Arenais"] was coming. She knew that. She could also feel his disdain for being around the Palace. Now that he was crowned King, he was getting far more attention than he would like, despite her trying to convince her staff that he had no real desire to govern stately affairs except for certain aspects, like the Praxeum and Commenor's defence. Still, such an assurance did little to stop them from pestering him, much to her dismay. But at least she didn't call him here often. They didn't spend as much time together as newlyweds often did, but that made their time that they did spend together more precious. It was all part and parcel to the paths layed before their feet. Kay was unable to escape politics and Veiere was fully commited to his study of the Force. But they knew that when going into the marriage, so it wasn't as though it was anything that they needed to adjust to.

She sipped her tea, looking up as she saw the Kingsguard fly overhead and smiled. It was a pretty ship, much more advanced than The Free Lady. Kay hoped that Veiere was enjoying it.

Olivia soon came into view with Soryn in tow. Kay set down her cup and got to her feet, bowing her head to the young man. "Welcome to Commenor. To what do I owe the honour of this visit?" Her thoughts went straight to his Order wanting to form an alliance as many often had. Those tended to be the bulk of her meetings as of late.
Soryn gave Olivia a polite bow following in behind her around to the gardens to meet Kay. The procedure of it all he found curious. Being meet by guards and what he assumed was servants was foreign to him. So far in his life he had only been around other Jedi or Jedi hopefuls. When they got up to who he assumed was Kay and she spoke Soryn gave her a polite bow.

"I am Padawan Soryn Solimar. I am here at the wishes of the Masters of the Order of Relentless Light as part of a Galactic tour."

He paused briefly.

"With the purpose of learning about the various light side orders scattered across the Galaxy. Commenor is the first stop on that tour."

Soryn stood with his hands lightly clasped behind his back and his posture perfect but not rigidly so.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly. Galactic tour? [member="Soryn Solimar"] paused then in his introduction. But then he had explained further. So this wasn't a meeting if alliances. It was more personal than that. It seemed as though he had lessons to learn.

She sat back down and gestured for him to do the same. "Please join me for some tea. Commenor has it's own Praxeum, run by my husband [member="Veiere Arenais"] . He should be arriving shortly. We also have various temples from other Orders here. We are a neutral government, and our Praxeum reflects that. Not all good Force users are Lightsided. Everyone has their own pasts that lead them into different sides. But the same could be said for non-Force users too. I've seen good people do very bad things, and bad people do very good things. It's probably why I've kept my government neutral and out of wars. And in doing that, it has kept us safe." During her little speech, she had poured him some tea, regardless of whether or not he would decide to partake.
The Gardens of the Royal Palace were a far more preferable place to meet with [member="Lady Kay"] than the interior of the massive estate of government, here they had shared much of their time together trying to escape the grips of politics and the frantic annoyances of diplomats and ministers if not simply to enjoy their time together yet as he neared the place where Kay was out hiding, he raised a brow to find Olivia passing him by, offering him a welcome smile and explaining that his wife was here meeting with another individual, one [member="Soryn Solimar"]. Thanking her for the heads up, Veiere continued until he found the center of the gardens to which Kay seemed to be pouring the pair a cup of her famous Tea. It was an enjoyable drink, though he had many varying tastes where as this was all his wife ever seemed to consume, a personal little piece of humor between them for which was overshadowed by the seriousness of their affairs in life.

"I hope I'm not interrupting" he mused, announcing his presence with a smile to the pair. "I apologize for being late, love..." He moved to kiss Kay's cheek in greeting before turning to look to the other, reaching out in an offer to take and shake his hand in respectable greeting, "I've been out testing the Pheonix. Living up to expectations quite nicely I must add..." He was truly impressed with the bird, not to mention his new vessel. "Veiere Arenais" He gave his name in self introduction to the Padawan, offering an added nod as he released the others hand and turned to find a seat somewhere near to his wife. "I'm guessing this visit is more than a little personal time..." He glanced back to Kay with a hint of a smirk, bobbing his head to the side in gesture to the younger man.
Soryn listed to [member="Lady Kay"] give a brief synopsis of Commenor and it's relationship with the Force and it's practices.

"I see......"

Soryn turned as [member="Veiere Arenais"] approached giving the man a slight bow.

"Soryn Solimar if I am interrupting a previous engagement I can come back later?"

He turned back to look at Kay.

"So there are no Jedi on Commenor but a neutral Force Sect if I understand your explanation correctly?"

His words were calm but inquisitive like he had heard the term Force Sect before but had never actually considered such a thing to exist. Even in that moment he had understood why the Masters had sent him away on this Galactic tour. It had to be the will of the Force that his very first top would question everything he thought he knew not only about the galaxy but the Force itself.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smiled as [member="Veiere Arenais"] appeared. He would be able to explain the Praxeum a bit better to [member="Soryn Solimar"] than she could. She was pleased to hear that he was testing out his gift. The Phoenix was a new design and she hoped that it would serve him well. Maybe more would be created for others. Or it could just be unique to the King alone. He introduced himself to the visitor, and she just had to return Veiere's smirk when he remarked about a little personal time. In truth she figured that she'd be out alone today, besides having her guards.

"We have a visitor from the Order of Relentless Light. His Masters have sent him to tour the Galaxy."

Her attention was then turned back to Soryn. She sipped her tea before responding to him. "You're not interrupting, so don't worry. But yes, we do have Jedi here. Veiere is one, and we are allied with a couple of the Jedi Orders. Just because our government is neutral, it doesn't mean that every individual has to be."
"Aah.." Veiere lifted his head in a half nod, turning back to smile to [member="Soryn Solimar"], "The Order of the relentless light? I apologize, I'm not familiar with it" He dipped his head respectfully before letting loose a quiet chuckle under his breath as [member="Lady Kay"] referred to him as Jedi. Perhaps in his lifestyle and actions yes but no longer in title. "The Order of Commenor consists of personnel dedicated to the Force as a whole entity, not specifically the light or the dark manifestations of peoples influence in its practice. Many of our ideals and workings are guided by the principles of the Jedi Code and we teach it within our Praxeum to those who are interested, yet our Students are free to choose their own path with the guidance of their Masters and the utmost dedication to peace withstanding. Those that do study the Darker aspects of the Force for example, aren't simply allowed to go off and cause mischief where they please, that would see them sent away as it conflicts with Commenor's ideal's. Those that ascend their apprenticeships are dubbed Knights of Commenor for a good reason, the pursuit for peace and the preservation of the peoples best interests, good standard in living and shared neutrality with other peoples outside of our territories for the prospect of what a peaceful yet able nation and galaxy might look like in open co-operation". Yes, he could certainly explain it well given his founding of the Order there. Up until the last ten years, he had lived his life as a Jedi and dedicated his all to the life of discipline and restraint, study of the Force and the protection of peoples; not as a warrior against the Darkside as so many Jedi had mistaken their path to be, but a peace keeper and a pacifist where combat could be avoided.

"Tell us a bit about this Tour of yours. Sounds very much like a pilgrimage" he was genuinely interested of course, sending students out into the galaxy hands-free with no strings attached? Seemed like a very big gamble considering the dangers that were present, the lures of other Orders such as the Sith Empire, the rogues of the former Jedi of the Republic especially in this sector of space and those Jedi that had lost their way within the Galactic Alliance's sect of the Order. To a degree, he could not say much for his own path to date yet the past experiences and blind murder of peoples standing in difference with the Order within the western territories had shocked and betrayed all that the traditional teachings had sought to embrace. Veiere was by all accounts a man of experiences large and otherwise, he had fought alongside Sith who had come away from the One Sith to support a world left in turmoil, he had seen the good in people where there had been presumed to be none, simply by holding no bias against them until judgments were proven necessary by their own actions and he firmly believed that the good in people could not be dictated simply by their alignment in the force alone but rather it was their actions and ideologies that defined them.
Soryn paused listening to the explanation given by [member="Veiere Arenais"] on these Knights Of Commenor as he called them. To say it's description disturbed him would be an understate but his expression remained stoic. After a minute he spoke.

"It is a small order founded by my Great Grandfather. He believed the only way for the Light to flourish was the imprisonment or eradication of the Dark. That the lifelong purpose of all Jedi was serve as Guardians, Protectors, and Advisers. To actively seek out and combat not just the dark side but the ideologies that lead to it. Greed, corruption............apathy."

Soryn paused for a moment before continuing.

"He believed the Jedi code to not be something to be debated or applied subjectively but lived on a daily basis. That neutrality amounted to apathy permitting evil to flourish and poison the Galaxy. He founded the Order of Relentless Light on those principles."

Soryn glanced at [member="Lady Kay"] before turning back to Veiere and getting to the man's question.

"The current Masters however have began to try and push the Order way from it's founding principles. To adopt an attitude of re-activeness instead of active pursuit of the Dark side and it's foot soldiers. A move a wholeheartedly disagree with and have said some many times. I am not capable just as my Great Grandfather and Grandfather were not capable of just watching the Galaxy burn and descend into Chaos only to try and clean up the mess after the fact."

"The Masters sent me away on this pilgrimage as you called it in hope that the experience would convince me to see things there way. I say they lack conviction. It would have been simpler to expel me from the Order leaving no opposition to their goal. However I suspect they believe doing so would create a rift in the Order. I am after all a direct descendant of it's founder."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Open co-operation. That was a good way of putting it. [member="Veiere Arenais"] sure had a way with words. He had a silver tongue, but he just didn't know it. Commenor's way was working. There was no chaos within it's territory, there was no war. Sure there was a bit of the underground economy, but it wasn't enough to gain real traction as the residents weren't in destitute. Instead they had living wages and a comfortable living.

Kay furrowed her brows as [member="Soryn Solimar"] spoke. At times she clenched her jaw, most especially at the thought of imprisonment or eradication of Darksiders. That wasn't the way. Some deserved it surely, but not all of them needed to be locked up and killed. They guarded Commenor, protected it and advised her, just like Veiere and others that walked the path of the light did. In that way, she felt that it kept Commenor well balanced. And in that way it kept the peace.

"There is no chaos here. Our methods are working. We have no war, no real enemies, and we didn't need to force our hand to do it either. Instead we offered peace and commerce through legal means. That hasn't steered us wrong yet." Will it always be that way? She wasn't sure. But for the moment it was a great path for others to follow.
Indeed, Veiere Arenais had become well acquainted with the present state of the Jedi Order in today's society, such perceptions and misinterpretation of the Jedi Code were the very reason he no longer held the title of Jedi in name. Within the galaxy there were many different force practicing circles such as the Matukai and the Baran Do Sages, yet the Jedi themselves had become fractured by aversion to the Jedi Code and what it really emphasized, the former Silver Sanctum Coalition, the Alliance Jedi Academy were results of such indifference that had split from the Order that had resided within the heart of the Galactic Republic. Veiere did not know much about this new sect, the Order of the Relentless light but it sounded very much to him that in their staunch views they neglected some of the very principles that came from the tenets of the Jedi Code.

"You would seek to persecute those who differ from the light, if I am understanding you correctly yet the Jedi Code encompasses more than the five lines of the Precepts. The Tenets themselves tell us 'Respect all life, in all forms as it is the life-line of the Force' so I must inquire as to how you would justify such actions of absolution. Never was the Jedi Order that I served within one to look at the galaxy in such a black and white view. We were keepers of the peace not oppressors. Consequences were justified by the misdeeds of others, not their beliefs or views differing from others. This is one of my biggest disagreements with the current Orders out there calling themselves Jedi; soldiers of conflict, enforcers of law but nothing of what the Jedi Order once personified".

His words were troubled by this young mans views, such a clear cut confidence in the defiance of pacifism that the traditional Order sought to encourage, peace through harmony not through force. Even in the times before the First Galactic Empire the Jedi had restrained themselves from taking an active part in government for the fact that it would be expected they enter into military influence and become more akin to an enforcement circle. Only in times of great peril and galactic war did they step in and only because of the threat that they faced that spanned across millions of lives. Today there was no such war, the galaxy was fractured beyond anything resembling the former balance that they had resided over yet with the variety of governments all vying for control, further aggression was a detriment to peace and stability, not the answer to an already volatile view towards force users in relation to the rest of society.

"We live in an age where the former ideologies of the Jedi Order are no longer present. You say that you follow the Jedi Code and yet your views contradict its very nature. The Precepts, the Tenets, the Guidelines and attributes of the Jedi Code all warn of the dangers of the lure of the Darkside yet does not speak of extinguishing it. Without Light there is no Darkness, without darkness there is no balance, the Force would not be whole".

Bringing into the conversation the theory of the two halves, Veiere knew the Force to be one presence in which peoples ambitions were brought into the perception of light and dark as easily as men in military were capable of performing dark natured deeds for the sake of their goal. The Jedi and many others most especially outside of the education that many force users held had come to conclusions that the Force could have an immoral side to it yet it was the influences of those that practiced it that dictated it's potential for harm or the deterrence of peace in the lives of others.

"Here on Commenor we have sought to rely on temperance, compassion, tolerance and understanding to look beyond first impressions and to educate our people in the Force as a whole entity, to minimize the risk of those of the Order of Commenor to use their gifts in a way that would bring harm and misgivings towards those within and outside of our territories. The Darkness in people will never be eradicated, it is a part of sentient design and to change this would be to try to change the very will and presence of the Force. Some require mediation, others bring consequences upon themselves but a Jedi's prerogative was always the keeping of peace and the pursuit of tolerance of other societies and balance within the force. Violence as always a last result when all other options are exhausted".

Turning to look soon to [member="Lady Kay"], he would offer her a slim and apologetic half-smile to his rambling. Having perhaps overstepped into their discussion, the nature of the Jedi Order of today a very passionate subject that ran deep within his heart, an aspect of his former life that he would never be able to fully recover from least the Jedi were to find themselves again. [member="Soryn Solimar"] was of course still young and needed to find his own way, the very nature of this pilgrimage that he was taking would no doubt expand upon his experiences a great deal, his future unwritten and the possibilities for his beliefs could change with the vast nature of their society, not simply Commenori but all peoples within the galactic charts.

"In your travels you may find that my beliefs will not always coincide with your own. I mean not to sound as though you are wrong in your chosen direction but elaborate that of which I learned as a Jedi Knight long ago. The Order, I am no longer apart of though to be Jedi is more to hold a title, it is a way of living within yourself and your interactions out there towards the others that would share in your company. You may not like to hear the views that would challenge your own but for the sake of your learning and growing from this tour of yours, I would encourage you to keep an open mind, listen to the Force as you hear the many perspectives of the known galaxy. Decide for yourself, not based on what you left behind but what you find at the end of the long road and take time to meditate over your experiences...".
Soryn nodded to [member="Lady Kay"] as if something she said peeked his interest.

"Peace and Commerce through legal means. That is a goal worth seeking provided those means remain legal I would imagine."

His focus was turned to [member="Veiere Arenais"] as the man went into a long speech. One that Soryn listened to with a level of patience one mite think uncommon for some one his age. It is only a few minutes after he finished that Soryn spoke.

"Prosecute..........not persecute. They are two entirely different things. One is based on the application of Law to maintain Order. The other based on shall we say personal belief some times and in some cases prejudicial belief would you not agree."

Soryn chuckled slightly.

"I have no interest in being a soldier. Of conflict or any other type and neither does the Order of Relentless Light as long as I have a voice in it. I noticed you spoke of tenets in the plural sense but only spoke of a singular tenet. I profess my understanding of the tenets may not be as profound as yours but I am more than curious as to why you mentioned them in a plural sense but only chose to highlight one of them."

Soryn paused near to the point of uncomfortable silence levels as if he really didn't want to ask the question creeping up in his mind. In the end he decided to ask it.

"Have you ever wondered even if only in the back of your mind why the ideologies as you put it of old no longer exist. For me, as I believe is the case of more than few others, it is something I ponder with regular frequency."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As [member="Veiere Arenais"] looked her way and apologized without speaking, she just smiled back at him and nodded her head, as if telling him that it was quite alright. This was why she asked him here afterall.

Veiere had much to say on the topic, and it seemed that [member="Soryn Solimar"] had much to learn. He was young and on what could be his first tour off of his homeworld. She tried to recall what that was like for her without much success. She just had an idea of how it felt. There were many memories of hers that were still missing.

Kay sipped her tea while Soryn questioned what Veiere had told him. It showed that he was listening, maybe even trying to understand a little bit. But she wasn't so sure. His posture, the way that he spoke, the words that he chose, they seemed quite critical of what was being explained in front of him. At least he wasn't being threatening. It left room for learning.
"I would indeed agree" Veiere gave [member="Soryn Solimar"] a genuine if not slightly wary smile for the sake of the lads interpretation of his words, "Which is why I am most interested in the stance you would take towards those of the Darkside. Would you say that by share association or inherent focus towards that path, that your Order might be justified in their prosecution or must these individuals in question first cross moral grounds and enact crimes against society; this is the basis of what I'm hoping to clarify for I have met a great many who claim themselves to be Jedi yet are eager to fight others simply because of the 'Darker nature' of their studies. Contrary to what you might have been told, not all Sith are guilty and not all Jedi are void of guilt in their own" Veiere soon shared in the given chuckle, enjoying the play on words yet none the less still asking the same question.

After a pause, he soon shifted the conversation back upon the tenets of the Jedi code and Soryn's question as to his particular choice or rather emphasis of the one as opposed to the many. "Simply because it encompasses a desire for compassion and tolerance of all life and spans across all the hopes that a Jedi might seek to work towards. To serve the force in the preservation of life and to deter any such unnatural death that doesn't distract from the natural cycle of life in the galaxy. I could recite to you all the tenets, but it would do you no good as you have learned them from your own Order, one that I am not trying to dispute but share our difference of ideologies in the hope that it might offer a little food for thought for the sake of the next life you encounter that might walk outside of the path you have chosen for yourself". The Order of the relentless light had their ways of teaching no doubt, had founded their beliefs upon their system different from Veiere's own and he would not seek to position himself above any other as to claim some sort of enlightened high ground, yet to offer possibilities to an open mind was too, to offer the opportunity for growth and in that, Veiere only sought to introduce Soryn to an outside perspective that might give him pause next time he called upon his lightsaber.

And then the question came, the question that had given Veiere a great deal of conflicting thoughts and theories over the years. "Yes, I have often considered this..." He nodded slowly, leaning back some within his seat and turning to avert his gaze passed the younger man and [member="Lady Kay"] to look across the gardens in a moments consideration. "A wealth of individuality in a galaxy of Chaos. I served within the Galactic Republic's Jedi Order and then later took to spending time with the Silver Jedi Order on numerous occasions. I've watched as the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance slew war across other worlds in the name of the light and of peace when all that came of it was death and despair; the great loss at Atrisia..." his tone faded for a moment. The memory carried the death of his brother and the end of an era for Veiere, the collapse of his faith in the rebuilding of the Jedi Order of old, those traditions that he had called upon during multiple conclaves in the attempt to gather other Jedi together in the hope of reuniting them under their former state, all to which had failed so far. "I will forever seek to walk in the light of the Force, to give my all for the people around me and those in need. To see the Jedi Order restored to it's old ways is a long lived dream and yet...-The Jedi of today are spread thin and the former integrity of our traditions have been allowed to go on too long without the discipline and practice that we once carried within our mandate. Many have lost the faith and the strength of character that such an undertaking requires. As much as I might wish for such things...It would take a great change to bring this into fruition".
Soryn listened to the latest round of comments. He noticed the lapse into silence on the part of [member="Lady Kay"] a little curious as to the reason for it.

"Let me ask you this if I may. You spoke earlier that you encourage.........well maybe not encourage but permit the study of the Dark Side. However should anyone cross a line you cast them out into the wider Galaxy. So that they could cause no harm to the people of Commenor. In that stance however it leaves those, however few they may be, to potentially cause harm to others outside of your borders. So in reality it is not all life that you wish to see preserved but simply the life of your people?"

Soryn paused.

"Unless I misunderstood your meaning. Also in regards to understand your meaning you said you served within the Galactic Republic's Jedi Order? As in an Order that was not a dedicated Order in the traditional sense but one that held political or financial sway in the Republic itself. From my understanding of the tenets and their meaning does that not also act against them. Specifically the accumulation of wealth and status? I fail to understand how Jedi can or should beling to any government."

Soryn paused once again.

"Could that perhaps have been the reason behind the failure and subsequent dissolution of said Jedi Order?"

Soryn sighed showing the first visible or auditory reaction to the conversation at large.

"You see the question that must be presented is a question of nature. Just because an evil man has not committed an offense today does not mean they didn't yesterday or will not tomorrow. If what I have read of history is any indication an evil act will be committed by an evil man unless the evil inside all men is dealt with. Is it this practice of adopting a wait and clean up after an inevitable evil act that drove good men to do evil themselves or were they always destined to do evil no matter what happens?"

Soryn paused gathering himself for a moment before he continued.

"The way I see, the way the Order has seen it since it's founding, is the only way to know for sure is to actively seek out evil and their foot soldiers. To bring to light the truth of it all and deal with it accordingly. With a little luck and the will of the Force just maybe the next great tragedy will be adverted. Some may be redeemed, some imprisoned, and yes some may push the encounter to a deadly end."

[member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's eyes drifted to [member="Veiere Arenais"] as he spoke, most especially when it regarded the Order of the Republic. She was there for part of it, but only to show the Senate's supoort for it. The mention of Atrisia caused her to frown slightly. She sipped her tea knowing what had happened there. It was awful and changed the view of those that were supposed to be fighting for the good. Instead innocent lives were lost for no real crime other than who ruled over them. Planets did that on a constant basis. Commenor itself had changed hands many times over. They did what they needed to survive as a people. And with Veiere's pursuit of furthering Commenor's Order, she had hoped that he wouldn't put her aside too much. That had happened in her previous marriage, not like before her husband's death.

She looked to [member="Soryn Solimar"] as he shared his own insight and asked his own questions. Yet at the same time she was glad that most others didn't share in the same beliefs. Veiere was her husband and the King of Commenor, but he only gained that title through their marriage. It wasn't a title that he had wanted, but had been granted to him nonetheless. Formalities, tradition, it was all part and parcel of marrying her.

"In the Republic, Force Users were forbidden from serving in the Senate and holding office. Those that were discovered were arrested. And everyone is capable of doing evil deeds. Just as everyone is capable of doing good. And not all of them are Force users. That doesn't mean that we just sit here and let things happen, but we don't start wars or fights for the sake of preventing something that someone might do. That has never worked."

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