Company / Workshop: MandalMotors
Modification Made: Adding location and subsidiary
Adding Locations: Werda - Werda Station
Other: Adding Subsidiary Mythosaur Electric
Rationale: Hitting tier 6 allowed for expansions within the Mandalore System
New Submission:
[*]Concord Dawn - Logistics; Outsourced HR Support; Parts Manufacturing
[*]Taris - Factories, Shipyards: Capital Ships All Sizes
[*]Bothawui - Daw Motors Subsidiary HQ and Factories
[*]Yaga Minor - Shipyards: Star Fighters and Sub Capital Ships
[*]Aeten II - R&D; Shipyards: All Sizes of Ships; Experimental Ships
[*]Myrkr -Genetic Experimentation and Research
[*]Gargon - Raw Materials Gathering/Processing
[*]Artemis Station - Refugee Work/Internship Opportunities and Housing
[*]Junction - Shipyards: Capital Ship (200-1000 Meters); Ship Repair/Refit
[*]Genetic Research
[*]Technology Research and Development
[*]Exploratory and Expeditionary Equipment
[*]Civilian and Military Grade Weapons and Armor Manufacturing
[*]Mandalorian Humanitarian Aid
[*]Specialty: Beskar
[*]Tier: VI
Originally founded by Gustav Zenlav before the battle of Yavin, the company created numerous star ships. During the Clone wars control was seized by the Mandalore the Resurrector and has since been passed down the line of successors in order to ensure that the profits made by the productions can be used to develop and better the Mandalorian community.
Previously, a largely neutral company, MandalMotors is the driving force behind the economy of Mandalore, and sold its many products to any interested party willing to pay the necessary credits. The company was more or less allowed to run independently of the Mand’alor during the Gulag Plague, keeping many of its assets. During the Rebuilder’s rule the company saw a small amount of growth before landing in the hands of Mia Monroe who in turn passed it on to Gilamar Skirata, primary share holder and senior member on the board of directors.
Through a series of deals and various construction works, MandalMotors slowly grew into a force to be reckoned with, expanding its reach and influence throughout Mandalorian space, setting up factories on various worlds. Recently the company has grown large enough to fund and absorb other smaller companies such as the wildly successful Daw Motors and the Mandalorian native company Mythosaur Customs and Arms. With its large and incredibly modular home shipyard along with the ability to use the shipyards of Yaga Minor, MandalMotors has plans to continue its progress, taking the galaxy by storm.
However after several years of corporate rivalry between itself and Mandal Hypernautics it fell to the wayside of its rival company's superior tech and thus shifted its focus to research and technology of the every day consumer. After Mia Monroe laid waste to the surface of Mandalore, the company incurred a large drop in market sales. Due to lowered profits and overall revenue MandalMotors hired on Mandalorian Zeke Farthen as the CFO to increase profits and clean out management. Unfortunately upon his arrival the Mandalorians underwent a Civil War which ravaged the world even further. After the Death Watch claimed the planet, Death Watch soldier Dorn Skirata initiated a hostile takeover of all his Alor's assets, including MandalMotors and its subsidiaries and threw the company into overdrive producing new starfighters and capital ships for the Mandalorian Empire, rapidly expanding its profit margin and influence in the Mandalore Sector.
Gilamar Skirata had been a long time employee of MandalMotors, working for several decades at the Shipright post Gulag Plague. During his absence however, the war with the Sith created a need for a near direct control of the company by the Manda’lor. After the Liberator “retired” Gilamar Skirata took the reigns as senior employee as well as primary share holder of the company. Since then he has improved the company by leaps and bounds through the help of allies and friends.
However as the years went on and the company grew, companies such as Mandal Hypernautics and ArmaTech Industries grew even faster, especially during Gilamar's supposed death when then acting Mand'alor Azrael Skirata had taken over the company. However, during that time MandalMotors' finances and subsidiaries suffered a great deal and thus the old CEO was forced to pull many items from production or development to refocus on its finances. Again his rival companies flourished, becoming the two largest supplies of Mandalorian Military tech. With MandalMotors left to the wayside by these corporate giants, Gilamar decided it was best to withdraw from military contracting and focus more on research and development of technologies as well as shifting its focus to the every day consumer. Thus MandalMotors Technologies Inc. came to be. Unfortunately Gilamar Skirata perished in the hostile takeover of his company and the company was taken over by Dorn Skirata and his CFO, Zeke Farthen and contracted by the Mandalorian Empire to produce ships of war once again.
Modification Made: Adding location and subsidiary
Adding Locations: Werda - Werda Station
Other: Adding Subsidiary Mythosaur Electric
Rationale: Hitting tier 6 allowed for expansions within the Mandalore System
New Submission:

- Image Source: "MandalMotors Logo", By Vhetin1138
- Canon Link: MandalMotors
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: MandalMotors, MandalMotors Convention Center Tower
- Corporation Name: MandalMotors Technologies Inc.
- Headquarters: Mandalore, MandalMotors Convention Center Tower
- Locations:
Mandalore System: Main Shipyard; All size of ship and experimental ships
Keldabe - Headquarters; All Operations - Ka'pruni - Beskar Mining Operation
- Cold Iron City - Beskar Mining Operation and Shipping
- Padelfia City - HoloStore Front and Showroom; Financial Offices
- Kelita City - Manufacturing Headquarters; Financial Offices; Showroom; R&D Headquarters
- Sundari - Main Military Contract Manufacturing; Mandalorian Empire Offices
- Concordia - Parts Manufacturing and Mineral Refinement
- Werda - Werda Station
[*]Concord Dawn - Logistics; Outsourced HR Support; Parts Manufacturing
[*]Taris - Factories, Shipyards: Capital Ships All Sizes
[*]Bothawui - Daw Motors Subsidiary HQ and Factories
[*]Yaga Minor - Shipyards: Star Fighters and Sub Capital Ships
[*]Aeten II - R&D; Shipyards: All Sizes of Ships; Experimental Ships
[*]Myrkr -Genetic Experimentation and Research
[*]Gargon - Raw Materials Gathering/Processing
[*]Artemis Station - Refugee Work/Internship Opportunities and Housing
[*]Junction - Shipyards: Capital Ship (200-1000 Meters); Ship Repair/Refit
- New Junction - Holo Show Room and Used Dealership
- Shipwright
Civilian and Commercial Hypernautics - Military Ship Construction
[*]Genetic Research
[*]Technology Research and Development
[*]Exploratory and Expeditionary Equipment
[*]Civilian and Military Grade Weapons and Armor Manufacturing
[*]Mandalorian Humanitarian Aid
[*]Specialty: Beskar
[*]Tier: VI
Originally founded by Gustav Zenlav before the battle of Yavin, the company created numerous star ships. During the Clone wars control was seized by the Mandalore the Resurrector and has since been passed down the line of successors in order to ensure that the profits made by the productions can be used to develop and better the Mandalorian community.
Previously, a largely neutral company, MandalMotors is the driving force behind the economy of Mandalore, and sold its many products to any interested party willing to pay the necessary credits. The company was more or less allowed to run independently of the Mand’alor during the Gulag Plague, keeping many of its assets. During the Rebuilder’s rule the company saw a small amount of growth before landing in the hands of Mia Monroe who in turn passed it on to Gilamar Skirata, primary share holder and senior member on the board of directors.
Through a series of deals and various construction works, MandalMotors slowly grew into a force to be reckoned with, expanding its reach and influence throughout Mandalorian space, setting up factories on various worlds. Recently the company has grown large enough to fund and absorb other smaller companies such as the wildly successful Daw Motors and the Mandalorian native company Mythosaur Customs and Arms. With its large and incredibly modular home shipyard along with the ability to use the shipyards of Yaga Minor, MandalMotors has plans to continue its progress, taking the galaxy by storm.
However after several years of corporate rivalry between itself and Mandal Hypernautics it fell to the wayside of its rival company's superior tech and thus shifted its focus to research and technology of the every day consumer. After Mia Monroe laid waste to the surface of Mandalore, the company incurred a large drop in market sales. Due to lowered profits and overall revenue MandalMotors hired on Mandalorian Zeke Farthen as the CFO to increase profits and clean out management. Unfortunately upon his arrival the Mandalorians underwent a Civil War which ravaged the world even further. After the Death Watch claimed the planet, Death Watch soldier Dorn Skirata initiated a hostile takeover of all his Alor's assets, including MandalMotors and its subsidiaries and threw the company into overdrive producing new starfighters and capital ships for the Mandalorian Empire, rapidly expanding its profit margin and influence in the Mandalore Sector.
Gilamar Skirata had been a long time employee of MandalMotors, working for several decades at the Shipright post Gulag Plague. During his absence however, the war with the Sith created a need for a near direct control of the company by the Manda’lor. After the Liberator “retired” Gilamar Skirata took the reigns as senior employee as well as primary share holder of the company. Since then he has improved the company by leaps and bounds through the help of allies and friends.
However as the years went on and the company grew, companies such as Mandal Hypernautics and ArmaTech Industries grew even faster, especially during Gilamar's supposed death when then acting Mand'alor Azrael Skirata had taken over the company. However, during that time MandalMotors' finances and subsidiaries suffered a great deal and thus the old CEO was forced to pull many items from production or development to refocus on its finances. Again his rival companies flourished, becoming the two largest supplies of Mandalorian Military tech. With MandalMotors left to the wayside by these corporate giants, Gilamar decided it was best to withdraw from military contracting and focus more on research and development of technologies as well as shifting its focus to the every day consumer. Thus MandalMotors Technologies Inc. came to be. Unfortunately Gilamar Skirata perished in the hostile takeover of his company and the company was taken over by Dorn Skirata and his CFO, Zeke Farthen and contracted by the Mandalorian Empire to produce ships of war once again.
- Daw Motors - Tier IV
- Mythosaur Customs and Arms - Tier II
- Mandalorian Transit Agency - Tier II
- MandalRail - Tier II
- Miri Farms - Tier II
- Mythosaur Electric - Tier II