Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Mishel Kryze

Company/Workshop: Siverra Lightsabers
Modification Made: Tier III to IV, Location Change
Going to Tier IV
Location Change; the Princess Leia

Complete one Mastercraft project: Beorht Eight
Complete three specialty products: Amidala's Chosen, The Corellian Star, The Queen's Desire

New Submission:

  • Image Source: Me
  • Canon Link:N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Workshop Name: Siverra Lightsabers
  • Location: The Princess Leia
  • Specialty: Lightsabers and Lightsaber Crystals
  • Tier: IV
After the fall of Coruscant, it was time to get back to basics and get back to the study of lightsabers and lightsaber crystals. From disassembly, and spelunking the twenty-something year old Jedi Sentinel moved her shop to her ship the Princess Leia. Siverra Lightsabers represents Mishel's curiosity and creativity, each lightsaber made is made to order for that person each order has a small personal touch from Mishel. With time to spare, Mishel continues to bring out unique and semi-unique crystals found while on her initial Crystal Journey with Jorus Merrill and Alkor Centaris. Quality handmade lightsabers utilizing a variety of materials for the hilt as well as, unique components within so that the saber matches the wielder's personality. Once a lightsaber is complete, it is then stored in a handcrafted wooden box and personally delivered by Mishel to the client.


With the Beorht Eight commission complete, Mishel realized she could create more than one lightsaber at a time. Semi-unique orders while time-consuming were doable and most especially with room aboard the Princess Leia. Much of the ship's cargo hold now serves as her storage while she personally makes the lightsabers, studies crystals and other lightsaber components in her cabin. A new ship, bigger room to work in. The Knight of Ren turned Jedi Sentinel now works to bring new lightsabers to the various orders across the Galaxy, while at the same time quietly serving not-so-Jedi clientele. Such clients had been impressed with her previous work and commissions. These clients have paid quite well which has enabled Mishel to go back out in search of new materials while continuing her study of lightsaber crystals.

Company: Pizza Hutt

Modifications made:
  • Tier expansion from 4 to 5
  • New operation: Farming
  • New locations: Naboo, Coruscant
Rationale: Expansion of business

Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction or a tier-5+ corporation.
Display five examples of company growth in influence and/or finances or territorial expansion.
Display five uses of company operations.
Complete a major contract.
New submission:


Image source: Rex Ryan

Corporation Name: Pizza Hutt

Headquarters: Nal Hutta

Locations: Toydaria, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dulvoyinn, Glyss, Skor, Coruscant, Naboo

Ownership: 90% Ringovinda StarYards, 7% Cathul Thuku, 3% others

CEO: Lorca Desilijic Tiure (Lorca the Hutt)

Operations: Fast-food pizza restaurants, humanitarian aid, farming

Rationale: Ringovinda StarYards effected a hostile takeover from the Desilijic Clan

Tier: 5

Description: Owned by the Desilijic kajidic for centuries, it is one of the symbols of the clan's past. Jabba the Hutt's likeness was used in its logo since the company's inception in 3 ABY, it used to have been a major galactic fast-food chain by 420 ABY, but the Gulag marked a long decline in popularity for the chain as locations were forced to close, constraining it to remain in Hutt space for the four centuries to follow. In a bid by the Ringovindian government to root out criminal activities, it encouraged Ringo Vinda residents to purchase as many criminal-owned businesses as possible, and Pizza Hutt was targeted to serve as a counter to McYoda's, Mandalorian-owned MandalBurger and to First Order-owned TKFC. It only serves cheese made from biological nerf milk farming. Due to Hutt business mergers and acquisition practices, the price of buying the company was the same as its equity.

Pizza Hutt menu:

Baseline, 8-inch bambino pizza (cheese, tomato sauce): 2 credits
Extra topping: 1 credit per additional topping
Supersizing: 1 credit per size upgrade (available in small, medium, large, extra-large and Hutt-sized, which are respectively 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inches)
Ziro Stuffed crust: 1 credit
Gardulla garlic bread sticks (6): 2 credits

Boorka churro: 2 credits
Fries: 1 credit for small fries, 2 credits for medium fries, 3 credits for family-sized
Salad: 2 credits


Caf: 2 credits
Jawa juice: 2 credits
Tihaar: 6 credits
Bluemilk: 2 credits

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: Ringovinda StarYards

Development thread: Cleansing Flame

Primary Source: N/A
Company: MandalTech

Modification Made: Tier Advancement

Tier Up: Tier IV
Sign a contract with three additional player run organizations, one of which must be a major faction. -ATC contract. Major Contract Minor contract minor contract
Hospitals Funded Minor contract/purchases Market Proof of purchases. Never used.

Display four examples of company growth in influence and/or finances OR territorial expansion. fueling stations used. Product use/Expansion. Shipyards on Roche mentioned only. Shipyards attacked.

Display four uses of company operations Mentioned only Mentioned only Product use Mentioned only Mentioned only Product expansion. Mentioned only

Adding Operations: Sentient-Mechanical interface technology.

Adding Locations: N/A

Changing Headquarters: N/A

Other: N/A


After years of production, excellent sales, and various small contracts as well as several large scale production request. The owners of MandalTech decided it would expand from weapons, droids and ships to delving into Advanced sentient being - Mechanical interface technology. With the success of the recent Bioprinter and Galactic Holo-Matrix preparing for expansion, MandalTech saw fit to scale up their research and development of implants and various forms of enhancement to sentient beings.
Workshop: House of Progress

Modification Made:
Tier Up: II to III
Changing Headquarters: Current location was temporary; now changed to Dromund Kaas.
Other: Changed logo and therefore changed the text colour to match. Made minor changes to the description and rationale, including switching fonts. Removed link to own bio due to it being redundant.


Tier Up Requirements:

New Submission:

  • Workshop Name: House of Progress (Trovas iv Stuztala)
  • Location: Bastion
  • Speciality: Sorcery & Alchemy
  • Tier: III
The natural order: An ideal. A dream. A fantasy.

There was beauty in nature, to be sure. There was some degree of order, springing forth from all that chaos. But it was far from perfect. It was far from the hallowed principle the narrow-minded and the fearful consider it to be. It was to the sorcerer, the alchemist, what clay was to the potter: Filled with possibilities and yet limited on its own. But in the right hands? Then, and only then, its true potential could be realised.

Throughout the ages, many great beings had set out to do just that. Great things had been accomplished, which had only intensified the fears of their detractors, for in the Dark Side there was power. True power. The power to reshape reality itself, to mould it according to the will of the shaper. The power to create perfection.

It was for this reason that the House of Progress was founded. To achieve the impossible. To learn the unknowable. To do... the unthinkable.


Adrian Vandiir had always had a fondness for the esoteric, a fondness that only flowered further after his initiation into the ways of the Sith. Where some spent hours upon hours, days upon days, honing their skill with the blade, he spent it in musty tombs and darkly-lit libraries. Where some sought out the thrill of battle, he carried out twisted experiments in the name of progress.

After acquiring the Holocron of Darth Wyyrlok III, his skills began to progress much faster, the dark knowledge from the Holocron spurring him towards greater and greater depravities in his quest for knowledge. For power. For perfection.

It was from this ethically dubious foundation that the House of Progress was founded; an institution, originally only made up of Adrian himself, dedicated to the furthering of "Sith Science" by any means at their disposal. While some would find their methods questionable, abhorrent even, Adrian himself was convinced that it was all for the greater good; after all, was there any pursuit nobler than the quest for perfection? Any cause more worthy of the sacrifices, willing or otherwise, made in its name?
Company / Workshop: The Intergalactic Monetary Fund

Modification Made: Adding history and transfering ownership to a different character account; [member="Paris"]

Rationale: Taking a new direction with Natalie and it would make sense that she pretty much abandoned the company, or at the very least went missing and so somebody else stepped up.

New Submission:


  • Image Source: Myself
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: If required
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Intergalactic Monetary Fund
  • Headquarters: Mygeeto
  • Locations: N/A
  • Operations: Droids, Starships, Weapons Systems, Energy production systems, Clothing
  • Tier: Tier 4

Primarily, IMF subsidize public expansion and providing necessary firearms to those in need of it. (For a hefty price), it wouldn't be too difficult to find them instigating wars for the purpose of profit, and perhaps to shift out of date stock. They are the embodiment of corporate capitalism with no restrictions. All goods manufactured come from industrial droid factories which produce cheap models sold off at outrageous prices, and for good measure, pollution which damages the environment, with good reason. The numerous buildings used to produce such goods would be far too expensive if they were "clean and green."

The recent disappearance of the company's previous owner and founder has left it in a state of disarray, and despite Paris laying down a firm fist on those who are greedily attempting hostile takeovers at a whim, grabs for power are still being made. Most shipments to major players in the galaxy have ceased due to strikes, and local production facilities are facing protests which would usually be steered away through bribing of local officials to enact swift justice. Nevertheless, troubling times are ahead for the business.


The company was founded by Natalie La Forte, her sister Carina LaForte, a supposedly dead scientist and a group of very wealthy individuals wanting a place on the Director's board in exchange for lump sums of money at regular intervals. In truth, the former 3 are not the bulk of wealth sustaining this, the various tycoons seeking to exploit planetary resources are.

The company's founder, Natalie LaForte, mysteriously vanished from the galaxy one day along with all direct blood relatives. While most presume that she died, her looming presence can still be felt in the board room. With former majority shareholder Lunara Ochenta also mysteriously disappearing, the Directorate appointed the third largest shareholder, that being [member="Paris"] Utorna to the position who overhauled the conglomerate into a galactic powerhouse. In truth, everyone knows that she is really administering the company on temporary conditions, as Natalie's daughter was the only individual mentioned in any document pertaining to her mother's inheritance, and when she comes of age Paris will be swiftly booted by a set of corporate busybodies trying to get on her good side.

Of course, there are ways of delaying her coming of age, and Paris has already made her presence known, making extensive use of the autocratic position of CEO, who essentially has free reign over the company's finances to revitalize the corporation and rebirth it to the once glory that it formerly had.


Parent Corporation: N/A

[member="Sennion Crestmar"]

You will need one thread for change of ownership and a separate proof of change of location - could be a thread, could be a location submission.

[member="The Slave"]

I need a link to a thread or a submission that relates to the change of location.

[member="Kaine Australis"]

Can't have more than one specialty as a workshop. It's different than companies. Tiered you up, though.

[member="Mishel Noren"]

Please link the submission next time rather than the marketplace thread.

[member="Charzon Loulan"]

That Major Contract ain't gonna pull it. You will need to actually have to reach a point where Jaster/UTC gives you a long-term contract. The way it is right not is not going to work.

[member="Adrian Vandiir"]

I need a thread or location submission to change your location.

others - updated.

Zef Halo said:
I need a thread or location submission to change your location.

Sorry, I did not know that applied to workshops as well, especially ones not tied to any specific location by more than replaceable and/or movable equipment. Changed the "New Submission" section to the old location, though I removed the "& The Fairwind | Temporary" part.
Submission Name: Kista’s Creations
Link to Submission:[SIZE=9pt] Here[/SIZE]
Reason for Modification: The Company is fully moving from Mandalore to Alderaan.
[SIZE=9pt]Modification: [/SIZE]
  1. (HQ) Office building, New Aldera City (Alderaan)
  2. Primary Factory , New Aldera City (Alderaan)
  3. Secondary Factory, New Crevasse City (Alderaan)
Company / Workshop: The Emissaries.

Modification Made:

Tier Up: 3 > 4
Adding Operations: Molecular Alteration of Chemical Substances [Cornerstone Scientific], Engineering of Artificial Space Constructs [freebie]
Adding Locations: Tatooine [CIS contract], Metellos [Codex sub], Empress Teta [Expansion thread], Vaynai [Codex sub].

Rationale: Did the work.
Complete a Major Contract.
Sign a contract with three additional player run organizations, one of which must be a major faction.
Display four examples of company growth in influence and/or finances OR territorial expansion.
Display four uses of company operations.
New Submission:

Religious/esoteric/occult consultation
Alchemical creation
Adversarial downsizing
Biological strategy and application in combative solutions
Extreme asset makeover
Study of sentient species psychodynamics.
Molecular Alteration of Chemical Substances.
Engineering of Artificial Space Constructs.
  • Tier: 4
The Emissaries operate as a decentralized system of cells with little to no communication between one another, unless an operation demands a greater-than-its-parts scale. Since the sacking of Coruscant by the Sith Empire Starvald has drawn the disenfranchised, the lost and the fallen into the fold and crafted an organization rooted firmly in the improvement of self.

Even if it means over the head of others.

Its people are diverse and that is reflected in the host of... services they perform for the correct price. From consultation to organic uplifting and even sentient species research the Emissaries have their fingers in a lot of profitable pies.

Coruscant - Most of their efforts have gone into establishing a base of power on Coruscant, a planet often referred to as the center of the Galaxy in both economical, political as well as cultural terms. They host numerous safe houses, control a number of spaceports and warehouses and have stakes in some industrial property in the Works of Coruscant. No matter where the Emissaries expand next, they will always consider Coruscant the heartland of their efforts and the larger they grow, the more they plan to increase their interests within the various sectors of the planet.

Throughout his career as a problem solver on Coruscant Jairus Starvald cultivated a host of contacts and networks through which his job was made easier. From fences to gear suppliers and infochants, but it was the following generated from obsessive fanatics who enjoyed the macabre that Jairus got the idea for the Emissaries. The business of assassination was a good one, but it lacked certain upwards mobility that kept him interested. Utilizing the funds and assets he had gained throughout the decades of being active as a Sith Lord Starvald created a loosely-organized cult to keep himself entertained.

Even a Sith Lord needed a hobby, he reckoned.

Rather than immediately spread out through the Galaxy Starvald utilized the chaos left in the wake of the Sith's attack on Coruscant to consolidate his influence in certain sectors of the Coruscanti underworld.

Subsidiaries: /
Parent Corporation: /
@Kista Bralor

I need a thread or a location submission to demonstrate the change of location/s.

[member="Richard Von"]

Please read the company rules and specifically the tier up rules found here. You have not covered the prerequisites for a tier up.

Other/s - done
Company / Workshop: Los Muertos

Modification Made:

Tier Up: ​[SIZE=9pt]Tier III-IV[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Two Personal Commissions or Three Specialty products.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Ri Sosutudas, The Far Seer[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Jin’Tutai, The Forgemaster’s Ring[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One Mastercraft Project thread.[/SIZE]
The Chained Tome

Rationale: To better fall in line with the skill of Darth Maliphant, and the expansion of the workshop.

New Submission:



  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link:N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Workshop Name: Los Muertos
  • Location: Bastion
  • Specialty: Force Artifacts & Organic Creation
  • Tier: IV

In the deep reaches of nebulae and the ever expanding grasp of space, is the singular ship known as The Technicolor Beat; otherwise known for its rambunctious and decadent parties, the ship holds a secret that is as vague and dark as the ever developing entropy that holds the galaxy in a death grip. Just as the universe should one day die of total heat death, so too do the Sith and Jedi who seek powerful artifacts come to Los Muertos for their creation.

With The Slave at its helm, creation begins and ends with his final approval. Pulling from every corner of the galaxy what could often be considered the best resources possible for creation; wrought tight by the proverbial hand of creation to form infamous weapons like The Darkstaff, or Ishtar, The Song. These creations were made with as much love as they were blind hatred and fear, their emotional depths as deep and abysmal as the man who made them; all for the expressive purpose of death. Although not secluded to such ideals, now such weapons are made from The Darkstaff as its paintbrush, created with as much aggrandized power and intrigue as possible.

Although not directly connected for ‘commissions’, Los Muertos was a name given to The Slave by a Sith Lord long past, but through the grapevine it had stuck. In no time at all from the first commission to the last, The Slave has gone by the morbid moniker for the sake of ease rather than choice. It is through this that the majority of the lesser known circles have found him, and through referrals he gets more business.

The only real stipulation to doing business with The Slave is that he doesn’t collect credits for what he creates, as Jaeger Solutions can provide all he needs. No, The Slave looks for compensation in terms of physicality, give a finger for a sword, a tongue for the right to rule, the soul for eternity. He collects not based on fiscal ideas, only what deems as proper payment; whatever that may be.

Some may not be willing to pay the price for what they seek, but Los Muertos always collects. One way, or another.


Los Muertos is a company founded on the mind of The Slave, from beginning to end. The Alpha and Omega of creation is founded in his imagination and rationalization, and is the sole proprietor and craftsmen of the company. In all aspects, he does what he wishes and nothing more; though the occasional customer could simply request the extra initiative. However, costs may vary, and The Slave is no fool to what he demands. The workshop known as Los Muertos is, and will always be, The Slave. It shall begin and die with him, unless a successor is chosen to take up the mantle.

Following his subsequent brainwashing however, The Slave has transformed his workshop into a tool for use by The Sith Empire; making much of their legendary artifacts for nothing more than trust and foundation within their omnipotent presence, hoping to be recognized for his skills in such.


  • N/A

The Last Son
Company / Workshop: Yusanic Ironworks & Forge

Modification Made: Tier I to Tier II, Location Added, Symbol/Image added

Tier Up: Tier II
Adding Locations: Yusanic Ironworks & Forge Storefront Location

Rationale: Adding a physical Location for the storefront upon Eshan, Expanding further to reach a wider audience, and to open the customer base to more than Holonet Auctions, and Allies/Friends.

New Submission:



  • Workshop Name: Yusanic Ironworks and Forge
  • Location: Eshan, Storefront
  • Specialty: Weaponry/Armaments and Armor/Armored Clothing
  • Tier: Tier II
The Echani species are well known for their use of vibroweapons, and Fiber armors in their many forms of combat. Using it not just as a form of battle, but of communication between one another. Many times, these weapons can break, and armor can be torn. As such, an armorer, Swordsmith, or just a man who knows how to simply fix these tools are needed. As a young man who lived with a single father away from the city, and the public eye, One could travel days away to finally reach the city for what they need. Instead, Shaun learned quickly how to fix his weaponry, and mend his armor. More so, he learned how to improve upon them for various needs, and desires. While at first it would be simple pockets, a better way to have fiber armor on, without compromising mobility, and even using, without his father's permission, his fathers gear to upgrade his own.

Continuing to live away from the rest of the world of Eshan, it seemed more reasonable to use a bow, or a spear as hunting tools. One could easily make arrows with the right tools and materials. Making a bow to be powerful enough to hunt requires a steady hand, and a sharp mind. As a young man that now has moved into the city, and moving to find his place in the galaxy, Shaun found himself in the employment of a Blacksmith, armorer, and swordsmith that needed and extra hand.

It was with time that the young man learned quite a lot of needed knowledge to craft his own swords, blades, and armor. While still relying on older technology, Shaun spoke to his mentor. Seeking his council to have a simple repair shop work to create a name for itself. To expand to the galaxy and share what they can do on the Holonet. Should people need repairs around the galaxy and request their services, or even ask for weapons and armor to be specially made for them, then they could oblige.

Yusanis, The most famous General of the Echani people during the Mandalorian wars. As many know him to own and use a double bladed vibroblade known as a Firebrand, The shop was named in the honor of the man.


As with any form of employment, one can work their way up from the bottom of the totem pole. Shaun was a simple fire keeper. A warm body in the shop to make sure the fires and forges stayed warm. Cleaning up shop for the night, and preparing everything in the morning. It was after proving himself viable as someone who could actually perform well in the task of creating weapons, The owner, An older man who had once traveled the Galaxy and fought in many wars, had decided to train him in creating weaponry for the Echani people.

After much debate, Shaun was given the liberty to create a holonet location for the shope. While the old man owned the shop in name, Shaun was running the holonet side of things. Still training and learning to better himself in the creation, fabrication, and mending of weaponry, arms, armor, fiber armor, and even leather working.


Sor-Jan Xantha

Company / Workshop: Corellia Digital

Modification Made: Move to Factory Archives

Tier Up: N/A
Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: N/A

Rationale: Exploring the company side of Chaos was fun for a few years, but the story's been told and its time to move on.

New Submission: N/A

Sor-Jan Xantha

Company / Workshop: Holoflix

Modification Made: Move to Factory Archives

Tier Up: N/A
Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: N/A

Rationale: Exploring the company side of Chaos was fun for a few years, but the story's been told and its time to move on.

New Submission: N/A

Sor-Jan Xantha

Company / Workshop: Corell Financial

Modification Made: Move to Factory Archives

Tier Up: N/A
Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: N/A

Rationale: Exploring the company side of Chaos was fun for a few years, but the story's been told and its time to move on.

New Submission: N/A

Sor-Jan Xantha

Company / Workshop: Corellia Defense

Modification Made: Move to Factory Archives

Tier Up: N/A
Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: N/A

Rationale: Exploring the company side of Chaos was fun for a few years, but the story's been told and its time to move on.

New Submission: N/A
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