Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Compliment the Person Above You!

Naaa... your a cutie. Hottie... you need to be a bit more... how2put it... wild... to be a hottie :p

Aniway, if it wer vithout bloodshed, it wuldnt be gladiators. Or fun! :p Hell, in ur average punch-up, you get some blood drawed. Even in training. U lose yor hand/foot, mis-judge distance, and you slam ur knuckle/shin to the other guy/girl's lip/nose or something, insted of stoping just before. Hapens all the time.

Fighting w/o bloodshed isnt fighting at all. Its just pretend. Like that WWE "wrestling" crap, or olympic TKD vith all that armor that takes the fun out of it. But its not as bad as u think. You get used to it, and you start to enjoy those stinging strikes vhen blood gets drawed. And in time, you get tough enogh not to even feel light-headed vhen you eat a hard one. I cant even remember the last time I been KOd in a fight. And its not from lack of trying on the other guy/girls part.

Aniway, i stil say your cute! :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Sigh.... Ok....cutie then. :(

But but my alt Karlie is a hottie, and she's a wild one. Well, the way I used to write her on other boards that is. I'm slowly building her up here. Yea, I do a lot of character development...a LOT!. So it may be awhile before she gets, I mean till she is asked to behave accordingly

Drill Sargent... I think it fits you then. Like the Drill Sargent for the US Marines. Nasty bunch. They either make you or break you.
Oh no no no... i stil got nightmares of my own dril sargeant from the time i vas in the army, 8 years ago. He vorked me especialy hard, harder then he did most guys. I promised my-self i'd never become as insuferable as that. :p

Stil, i shuld thank him - he did teach me discipline vhile training, among other things. Even vhen I dont feel like it, to push thru and do it. Mind over body. But as grateful as I am, i wuldnt vant to become like him! I think he also had a crush on me, too... maby that vas part of the reazon he vorked me that hard. Aniway, no mater, ansient history. We do keep in touch tho, now and then.

Miss Quirky - that fits you! ;)

Assassin, Sith Empire

Hehe... and thats why the Sith rule. Its all about atitude, my dear! As long as u can back it up, ofc. Atitude w/o substanse gets ppl in trouble tho.

The term "outwit" indikates that the other guy/girl is in some vay superior, and you cant take them on head-on, so you need to rezort to tricks. I never liked that state of afairs. Thats vhy I put so much efort in-to making my-self as strong as posible, so i wuldnt need to take the tricky-way out, in that situetion. I love being strong/tough. Makes me feel safe and secure. Not to mention strength = respekt, too. Thats just how it vorks in the world.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Nope. you think it does, but what then after you get punched in the face? That's a MIKE Tyson quote per say.
Hehe..he was asked during a fight interview of what he thought about his opponent having a plan in how to win.
he replied that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Hahahaha... :D

Wits are superior i'm afraid. Muscles are just grunts. Look at who are mostly in charge of the superpowers. They don't get up in front like the old kings did when it comes time to fight. Nope. they stay behind on their thrones now using grunts to do the fighting. Brains controlling the mighty.

The world runs on brains. They own everything and control everything despite most are morons. But they don't have to use their own muscles and strength. They use grunts...mindless obedient grunts.

What if I am picked on or say assaulted, you say. Well, most likely i'll get my butt whooped. But that person will go to jail and then get sued. Who wins in a domestic dispute? Brains...and a smart lawyer. :p
Yea, evryone and there mother kuotes that, and its true. But i never sayed anithing about "having a plan". Plans dont vork in a fight. They vork before one. They vork after one, vhen you analize it. So yea, hes right about that. But in a fight, its all about instinkt, training, and muscle memory. If you have to think, during a fight, youl lose the fight. Simple as that. i seen it hapen many times. And I did it many times, vhen I vas just starting out.

As for vhos in charge... yea, thats not whos in charge. Thats just a figure-head. The ones realy in charge, are never seen, or heard. And yea, thats brains. But thats all strategizing. And the fact that they dont lead from the front animore, is the reazon the world is as fucked up as it is. In the old days, kings led from the front. They known full wel how deadly a war is. Now... they just sit in there comfy offices, and give orders. And they have no idea vhats going on in the field.

And yea, they control the mightly, as long as the mighty agree vith it. But if the mighty dont like it, shit hapens. Like a military coup, or things like that. The only reazon they have control over the mighty, is cuz of laws. But laws can be broken. And then vhat? All the brains in the vorld wont make a diference, vhen a pissed-of grunt comes smashing thru there door. There is a saying, and its very true "nothing is more dangerous then a trained soldier vho turns on his master". Most are mindless grunts. But grunts who THINK - they are rare, but they can bring down a vhole goverment. And no establishment can stop them.

As for that lasts... thats all fine, in teory. But wining a lawsuit is smal komfort, if you get your ass beaten/raped/etc so hard it leaves you damaged for life. Sure, the other guy gos to jail, sits out a few years, then gets out for "good behavior". You... you are marked for life, and you never realy recover. Not exacly vhat I call a victory. Not to mention lawsuits cost money. Lawyers cost money. That vhole fucking mess can drag on for years. And vhat if the other guy has a better lawyer? Then you get fucked up twice, and he walks.

No dear. I like it the old fashioned way more. That is, handling my own problems, my-self. And that means kicking ass, if and vhen needed. its simple, its efektive, and it sure feels good :D

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Oh I'm sorry, I kind of drifted off after 'Yea, evryone and there mother kuotes that, and its true.' hehe

Vengeance is now mine sith, after you skipped my rant in killing the person above you. Ha! :p

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