Xi Rel
Dark Blade
Naaa... your a cutie. Hottie... you need to be a bit more... how2put it... wild... to be a hottie
Aniway, if it wer vithout bloodshed, it wuldnt be gladiators. Or fun! Hell, in ur average punch-up, you get some blood drawed. Even in training. U lose yor hand/foot, mis-judge distance, and you slam ur knuckle/shin to the other guy/girl's lip/nose or something, insted of stoping just before. Hapens all the time.
Fighting w/o bloodshed isnt fighting at all. Its just pretend. Like that WWE "wrestling" crap, or olympic TKD vith all that armor that takes the fun out of it. But its not as bad as u think. You get used to it, and you start to enjoy those stinging strikes vhen blood gets drawed. And in time, you get tough enogh not to even feel light-headed vhen you eat a hard one. I cant even remember the last time I been KOd in a fight. And its not from lack of trying on the other guy/girls part.
Aniway, i stil say your cute!
Aniway, if it wer vithout bloodshed, it wuldnt be gladiators. Or fun! Hell, in ur average punch-up, you get some blood drawed. Even in training. U lose yor hand/foot, mis-judge distance, and you slam ur knuckle/shin to the other guy/girl's lip/nose or something, insted of stoping just before. Hapens all the time.
Fighting w/o bloodshed isnt fighting at all. Its just pretend. Like that WWE "wrestling" crap, or olympic TKD vith all that armor that takes the fun out of it. But its not as bad as u think. You get used to it, and you start to enjoy those stinging strikes vhen blood gets drawed. And in time, you get tough enogh not to even feel light-headed vhen you eat a hard one. I cant even remember the last time I been KOd in a fight. And its not from lack of trying on the other guy/girls part.
Aniway, i stil say your cute!