Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Compliment the Person Above You! that a compliment, or just thanx? :p

Aniway, since idk how you realy look, im kind of limited on vhat kind of compliments I can give.

Hmm... you make me smile, most of the time i read ur posts here! :)
Thanx! Actualy, i dont realy eat all that healthy. Lots of meat, lots of vegs, and i avoid fast food, but other then that, i got no problem stufing my-self vith cookies, pancakes, and cakes here and there XD . And im a fiend for fries and kebab. I know il work all that out, so i can aford to eat prety much vhat i want, as long as i keep burning it out after. And for that extra oomf, theres the suplements.

Thats vhat alot of ppl i met irl, dont realyze; you dont have to go on some insane diet regime, to stay fit. All you got to do, is work it off regularly, and you can eat prety much vhat-ever you want, and stay fit. They mostly think i must hav gone thru hell and back regarding food, to get this kind of phizique. Not realy. Building a fit body is about workout, first, diet, second. And a few suplements and hormones, for that extra litle touch, and your set. Now, i HAVE gone thru hell and back regarding working out, but thats a diferent story.

But most ppl wuld like to get fit, just by siting on a couch all day, adhering to some insane vegan diet. Less work, they think, for the same end rezult. No. That way, they vont get fit, theyl just get skinny and sickly.

I admire yor comitment to keep theze game threads going!

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