Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Confronting the Past


"Course, ships just this way." He didn't miss a beat, offering another smile, even a bow of his head before motioning Valery Noble Valery Noble forward. Though when she did step past he clicked his com. A small blip to his droid. Warning to hide the 'gifts' in the smuggling areas of the ship. Getting arrested this close to the Sith just wasn't something he could do, even if it was the Republic that ended up holding him.

"Mostly medical supplies, with some food. Not enough to hold out for months on end, but I didn't have that much room and I figured medical would be more.. Needed."

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Stepping past him, it was like she slowed down for just a few steps while her eyes shifted up to his — she was trying to get a read on him, but he was good. Valery just smirked and continued her way through the hallways until she reached his ship in the small landing area behind the cave system.

"Medical supplies and food would be useful, and I doubt we'll be stuck for months. A few weeks at most, and we still have some supplies ourselves," Valery said while she waited for him to lower the ramp and allow her entrance to his ship. When he did, she moved inside and began to look around rather curiously.

"Do you usually do these supply runs for the Republic? Or do you just travel around and hope work pops up somewhere?" She asked to keep some conversation going. But of course, she was very much inspecting his ship a little too.



"Usually just drift around till I happen on a job. With the war anything I get from the Republic is usually trying to smuggle things behind enemy lines or into active battlefields. I don't mind doing it now and then, especially with the pay I get, but I'm not too keen on fighting the war." That, and he wanted to stay as far away from the Empire as he could. He turned his gaze off, briefly letting his mask slip. Briefly. Then he was all grins again, turning his gaze to stare down at the shorter woman.

"What about you? Jedi usually end up as forward base commanders these days?"

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She noticed his grin briefly fading, but she just figured he had lost something or someone in the war — almost everybody had, but it was certainly more difficult to some. So she wasn't going to pressure him on that and simply nodded along.

"They sometimes do, but I'm especially not the type to sit still safely away from the front. I'd like to be with my Jedi, help them and see what it's really like out there," Valery said, letting her tone linger on those last few words especially. She glanced around again and finally looked at him.

"I assume those... gifts really are just supplies, hm?" She looked at him with the confidence of a true warrior — confrontation didn't bother her at all, but she also wasn't going to look through every inch of his ship. She'd have to take his word for it or find some kind of clue. "Or do I have to ask for all your cargo manifests and travel logs?"



He just grinned. Kahlil knew for a fact he'd already put Valery Noble Valery Noble on his radar, but he also knew he could push her off with ease. "You're welcome to look over what ever you'd like, Master Jedi. I assure you everything you'll find is above board." Not technically lying. They'd stop before the ramp up to The Bastion, Kahlil casually bending at the waste before motioning for the Jedi to head on board if she so wished.

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Was he taunting or teasing her? She wasn't entirely sure but it sure felt like it... and that could only lead to one thing. With her fiery eyes squinting at him, she walked past the tall man and straight into his ship, where she looked around the cargo bay first. Everything checked out — there were crates of medical supplies and food but nothing illegal.

"I'll task some Jedi to help get this out of here, and then I believe it all checks out, Kahlil," she turned around to face him and just stared at him for a moment, hoping to just build some tension. Those who easily got nervous would always buckle under that type of stress, but he seemed awfully resilient to her.

"While that's being handled, maybe you'd like to get something to eat or drink?" Valery asked, but she was likely still planning something in her mind. Something just felt... off, and she had to know why.



Ah, good. R6 got the message. Kahlil let out a sigh of relief. In his head. He wasn't so foolish as to let that go in front of Valery Noble Valery Noble . And, for once, he was thankful of his Epicanthix heritage to keep his mind safe. He didn't miss a beat, all smiles, kind and patient. Even under the watchful gaze of the Master. He certainly wasn't the type who'd falter under a stern pair of eyes. Though he did let his gaze linger on hers far longer than needed. Full of delight, trickery. He smirked.

"Asking me on a date already, Master Jedi?"

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was used to dealing with tougher types who didn't sweat just because of the way she looked at them, but the way he stared back sent a rather odd sensation down her spine. For a moment, she found it hard to look away and felt her eyes naturally drawn to his. As if some form of connection was there.

Only his comment drew her out of that trance instantly, and while her old self would have likely crumbled, she just rolled her eyes and turned her back to him so she could lead the way back out of his ship. But deep down, she still felt something swirling that she couldn't quite place. Was it because he was really good looking-

Nope, she couldn't go there right now and snapped back into focus.

"I just want to make sure our guests are treated properly. Especially when they risk so much to get these very important supplies all the way out here," she said, but in a way that hinted at her still not entirely trusting what he really had on-board his ship. A smirk touched her lips as a result, and just before leaving his ship, she'd stop.

"Coffee or tea?"



Kahlil just let out a knowing chuckle. Odds were he'd be in quite the large amount of trouble if she did try to find the shipment. So long as he stayed on Valery Noble Valery Noble 's good side though, he should be fine. Right? Maybe. "Coffee." He'd follow after her, smile back and wide as ever. "What kind of creamer you got here?"

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"No creamer, I'm afraid," Valery said as she walked over to their rather simplistic coffee machine. They didn't have much all the way out here on the fromt, but it wasn't the worst either, unless he was used to really high-end coffee.

But after offering his cup, she looked past him to a pair of Jedi and smiled, "Excuse me for one moment, please," Moving away from him, she approached the pair and lowered her voice so Kahlil couldn't listen in.

"Move the supplies off his ship and uh, take a close look around." She said with a tone that suggested her lack of trust a little. The two just nodded and left to go take care of their new orders.

"Sorry about that, just getting some Jedi to bring the supplies off your ship." She smiled almost innocentltly and began preparing some tea for herself. "Also reminds me, do you want to sleep on your ship tonight or in this place? I don't think they will shell us with artillery, but you never know. In here might be safer."



Black coffee. Inwardly he cringed, but he accepted it anyway. Bitter drinks were never his thing. Kahlil took small, so very small, sips, watching her as she stepped off. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was ordering them to do. His smile returned, him offering Valery Noble Valery Noble a wink. "They can look as close as they'd like." It was all he said before his gaze shifted back to his ship. Spend the night there, or here?

"I like my bed. It's comfortable. Warm. Unless you're offering yours, I'll probably stay there."

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"And I'm sure they will," Valery said as he winked and made his comment. She hoped they wouldn't find anything in there, but she just had this feeling that something could pop up. It was in the way he looked at her and almost teased her about the whole thing. He must be hiding something, she figured.

While he looked back at his ship, Valery collected her tea and was about to sip from it when he made another comment. Her eyes slowly shifted up to his, and she just looked at him. But for some reason, she made no comment to strike back and there was no death glare either.

She just looked and felt something strange inside of her.

"I uh..." she gently shook her head, "I hope the artillery won't be bad tonight, then," she smirked and gestured for him to follow her into the facility, "I was also curious. Why can't I sense you in the Force at all? If you don't mind me asking."




He watched her for a moment, but said nothing else on it. Seems he caught.. Something with Valery Noble Valery Noble . His grin remained, even as he sipped the bitter cup of caf. "Let's hope so." Kahlil chuckled, then shook his head. Pulled out the small amulet around his neck, holding it aloft. "Taozin amulet. Became a must early on in my life, and I've just never bothered to let it go."

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

A Taozin amulet?

Valery hadn't heard of those before, but it was easy enough to understand that it helped mask someone's presence in the Force. Why he needed one though... that was the real question, but not one that she felt like asking. It was likely something a little more personal to him.

"Can't say I've seen them before, but seems useful." She took a sip from her tea and guided him over to the second exit out into the jungle, where she stopped and stared at the flora for a moment.

"Up ahead is Imperial held territory, and it's where we're expecting their counter-attacks to be launched from. So unless you feel like helping us here, avoid this place and stay close to your ship." She then turned to him and wondered if she should send him off for now, so she could get other work done. But... something stopped her again, and she began to think about ways to spend a bit more time with him instead.

"If you do want to help, I'll be running a quick patrol soon. Most of the Jedi are pretty worn out but you look like you can handle yourself. Care to join me?"



So that's where the Imperials were? Kahlil's smile faded as he took another sip, staring out as if there was something already there, already happening. He didn't hear her question at first. Was too off in his own world. Then blinked, glanced to Valery Noble Valery Noble . And shrugged. "Patrols sound more entertaining than sitting around. Sides, it's not like we're going off to fight, right?"

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"We're not, but it's always possible to run into trouble. You won't be alone though, so we'll protect you," Valery said with a slight bit of a tease in her tone. He looked like he could handle himself well enough, so she didn't actually believe he'd need her help. But only time would tell.

"Before we go, let me check in about those supplies first," Valery then tapped her comms device and allowed the message to go off on speakers. If they found something illegal, she didn't mind Kahlil hearing about it while she was right there with him. At the same time, a few soldiers began gathering in the area as well, ready for the patrol.

If nothing was reported by the Jedi, she'd finally turn to the others and nod, "Keep your eyes open and move in formation." She then turned to Kahlil and smirked, "You're with me at the front."



"You're very determined." Kahlil had a bemused smile on his face as he watched Valery Noble Valery Noble tap on the com. Sure enough, no report would come back. R6 and him had quite the system when it came to hiding their less than legal goods. Then, patrol. He shook his head as the Jedi motioned for him to follow. Might as well, but at the front? He bit back anything that might say he wasn't alright with it, instead stepping beside her with the same grin.

"Lead the way then, Master Jedi."

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

A part of her had really hoped that the report would mention something, but it seemed he really was just innocent. Or really good at hiding his stuff. Either way, she looked at his bemused smile and rolled her eyes, "That's right," she said before another Jedi chimed in — the Zabrak from earlier.

"Or just stubborn. You shouldn't be leading these patrols, Valery."

She sighed, clearly a tad annoyed, and placed a hand against the back of Kahlil's shoulder to nudge him along, "The others need rest, you know this. I'll be back soon." Without anything else said, she moved out of the cave, and the soldiers took up a proper formation pattern for the jungle around her.

The walk through the jungle that followed started very quietly. There was the occasional animal, some interesting plants, but no signs of Sith or imperial soldiers — exactly how she preferred her patrols to be.

"So Kahlil, where will you be going after all this?" she asked, wanting to make a bit of conversation and move on from the Zabrak's words.



"High alert then?" Kahlil raised a brow as he glanced over to Valery Noble Valery Noble . Once the Zabrak left at least. He turned his gaze to the planets local wildlife as they walked, humming softly. This place was fairly.. Different from what he was used to. Then again, Dromund Kaas didn't have the best wildlife to explore. .. Dromund Kaas? Panethea. .. Wait. "Back uh, home, I think. See how Panethea's doing these days with the war."

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Panatha?" Valery asked with a tilt of her head. That explained a few things about him...

She blinked, shook her head, and looked away into the jungle again for just a moment, "Well, it's far enough from the front, so hopefully your people are doing well. But with this war, I suppose we all suffer a little bit," she smiled weakly, and moved ahead just a little because they were entering more dangerous territory.

A few seconds later, a hand came up to signal the group to stop — she had seen or felt something, and was looking around.

"We're not-" she was interrupted as a sudden, high-powered bolt of energy left the barrel of a sniper rifle and struck one of the soldiers at the right flank, dropping him instantly.

"Enemy contacts!" another called out, as a storm of blaster fire erupted all around the patrol. Without thinking, Valery ignited her lightsaber and deflected the few bolts that were coming for her general area.

"Kahlil, I suggest you stay close to me," She said, perfectly calm as she tried to shield them both. "I'll cover if you can help create covering fire — then we can retreat back."


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