Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connect The Dots (Jedi)


The plan was to get in and get out as quickly as they could. She wasn't looking for their secret plans to rule the galaxy. All she wished was to see if they had any information on her lineage. The clues that they had received thus far had led them here.

Normally the Mandalorian woman would wear her armor for a mission like this. In truth she felt rather naked without it but leaving it in the ship was for the best. She was coming here posing as a Jedi just visiting the archives and Cryax was her guest. He had come to keep her company. It was the perfect disguise.

On her belt she had a blaster and something which looked like a Lightsaber but wasn't. As a witch she didn't use a Lightsaber but if she was going to pose as one she needed one. She hoped to not have to use any of her weapons.

As she opened the doors to the Temple Ana walked in hand in hand with Cryax. She would have loved to sit here and read all day but she they had a job to do. She needed to get him to a computer so that he could work his magic.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
@ Lan Graendal
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Sarianna sat on the mountainside, she enjoyed Ossus for its serenity while her mind reached out. The tingling sensation within the force bringing her around to enjoy the feeling of it all. Her staffs were on her belt, the six batons on the back of her belt wit the sigil on her chest. Sarianna had worked hed to secure everything she was working with while she kept her legs cross. The sash over her eyes, the leather training garb before jumping up when she felt something else there. Someone she had never felt before with her head turning to feel Anastasia and moving so she was out of the sun.
The young Chiss accompanying [member="Anastasia Rade"] had a perceptible limp in his step as he escorted her through the Jedi temple. He was slowly getting used to his cybernetic knee, but he wasn't quite there yet, and had a few weeks of physical therapy left. He squeezed Ana's hand as they entered the building, she dressed as a Jedi and he, well, her escort.

He had no idea what the inside of a Jedi temple even looked like, so he was intensely curious about the place, and tried not to look too much like an gawking outsider as they walked the halls. He'd always wanted to have a look at the inner workings of a Jedi computer as well.

Most of all, Cryax wanted to get the Mandalorian witch the long lost information she needed about her past. Jedi were secretive about their Archives and weren't known to give just anyone access. Especially not and as a criminal slicer with a Black Suns bounty on his head.

[member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Lan Graendal"]
Lan Graendal stood in the academy with a broad smile brightening his features.

"That's it, Jason," he said, "Let the Force flow through you. Let it guide you, it shall not falter or lead you astray."

"Yes, master."

A small class of Jedi Younglings sparred and trained before his very eyes. They weren't even really addressed as younglings anymore. Most of them were almost eleven years old; ready to take the title of Padawan and be selected by a Knight or Master to learn the ways of the Force. Lan wasn't an official instructor per se, but all elder Jedi were expected to pass along their knowledge and wisdom to the younger ranks. He didn't mind, in fact, he delighted in the opportunity to watch these young boys and girls grow.

A leaf-green cloak adorned his form as he slowly paced around the room, offering a word or two of advice to the young Jedi intensely sparring with each other. The occasional groan or yelp of pain told him that one of them had let their guard down enough to take a light blow from a training saber only to steel their resolve almost immediately and lurch back into the fight.

They would be great Jedi someday.

[member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Sarianna Misarr"], [member="Cryax Bane"]
She wished she could spend a few hours in here just pouring over the centuries of knowledge hidden in these books. Ever since Ana became a free woman she loved reading anything she could get her hands on. Her captors had given her a book once but had quickly taken it away from her.

Ana hoped this all of this went smoothly as the last thing that he needed was trouble. She had wanted him to rest a few more weeks before doing this. Hopefully all of this would go without a hitch and the Jedi wouldn't be alerted to any issues until they were far away.

Walking slowly along the hallway she turned them into a room filled with books and a few holo terminals. Luckily enough there was an empty one just for Cryax. "It's all yours."

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Cryax whistled softly at the library's interior. He'd never seen anything like this beautiful place. He saw Ana looking at all the lexicons, too and smiled. She liked books as much as him apparently.

The Chiss gave her a gentle kiss and in a hushed tone said, "Just watch my back, and let me know the moment someone comes in here." He took out his Datapad and plugged it into the HoloTerminal. "We're probably being filmed," he said as he typed. "But I think I can do this quickly enough that by the time someone notices, we'll be long gone."

He started slicing into the Jedi Archives, his red eyes intensely staring at the screen. It was an exhilarating task because the Jedi code was so foreign. So beautiful. He wasn't sure he completely understood what he was doing, but he sure as hell was going to give it his best shot.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Nodding she kept her eyes to the door. Ana needed to stay alert and focused if she were to keep them safe. She would be able to sense another Force User coming which normally would be useful but this place was covered with Jedi. Any number of them could be headed in this direction.

He knew what he was looking for and she had no doubt he would be able to get it before the Jedi got here. If he happened to swipe more information than what was needed Ana wouldn't complain as she was rather interested in the Jedi.

The thought of packing up some of the holobooks crossed her mind but than she thought better of it. What if they were laced with trackers or something? She knew that sounded crazy but Ana would much rather be safe than sorry plus she was supposed to be watching the door.

Ana turned to ask him how he was doing but [member="Cryax Bane"] looked deep in code so she decided not to bother him.

[member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"]
For a few minutes the only sound in the Jedi library was the click-click-click of his fingers on the Datapad. Then a tiny ping from Little Brother. "I think I found something."

His read eyes moved over the Datapad very carefully as he digested the information. He hoped Ana was ready to hear it.

"So the name Rade was one of the main search parameters because it's really all we have. There is someone in this database named Cedric Rade. And here is his birthdate." He did some math in his head. "He's the right age to be your father. And, get this. He was an Imperial." Cryax continued to muse outloud.

"So let's see if we can find the connection to your mother." he scratched his chin as he kept reading.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Lan Graendal"]

Lira walked down the halls of the Jedi temple with the most unreadable of expressions. In her hand was a small datapad held horizontally. A long page of script ran across it in a language that was definitely not galactic basic, though from the speed at which her eyes were shifting across and then down it was clear that the young Jedi girl was more than fluent in whatever it was. As she walked through the halls people moved to avoid her, stepping to the side or jumping out of the way at the last second to not run into her.

Some of them cursed, others shook there heads, but most just smiled.

A padawan that was deep in thought was usually a good thing, it meant they were studying or trying to learn things, and from Liras perplexed expression and complete absorption into what she was reading it was clear that Lira was in fact learning.

Ever since Avalore and Hal had rescued her from Prakith Lira had been buried in books. The Jedi Archive had been a massive wealth of information. History books, tech manuals, instruction booklets, everything and anything Lira could ever have hoped for was in the archives, and most of it was available for her to read. She found herself buried in mountains of knowledge, and it was not uncommon to see her wandering about the temple in her current state.

Unconsciously she paved her way towards the Archives, her feet carrying her into the library, and directly into [member="Anastasia Rade"].
"An Imperial?" Ana blinked slightly and looked back at Cryax loosing her concentration for a brief second.

How could he be an imperial? Ana had been so sure they were both just just caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps he was an imperial gone good?

"Do you know what he did for the Empire?" She inquired as she turned back around to face the door. It was curiosity that was driving her. What he did honestly didn't matter that much. She could put the pieces together if need be.

Before Ana realized what was happening a Jedi, Lira, bumped into her. Instead of instantly panicking she looked up to see her with a book in her hand. "What are you reading? It must be a page turner to have run into me." She giggled a little trying to keep it cool.
[member="Cryax Bane"][member="Lira Dajenn"]
"What did he do for the Empire? That's a good a question, Ana. Let's see if there's anything about that here." Cryax perused the data that he'd retrieved from the secure networks. There was a good chance, his hacking would be detected soon so he skimmed as fast as he could. Then he heard Ana addressing someone right behind them.

The Chiss froze, not sure whether to turn around and face whoever was crashing their party, or to keep on reading nonchalantly. He chose the latter, moving his lanky frame in front of his Datapad so that it looked more like he was just browsing the computer. He started downloading all the data to his computer. Once the file transfers were complete, they'd have everything they needed to analyze the information someone else. It wouldn't be long.

He was sure that Anastasia would figure out a way to occupy the interloper. After his recent ordeal in a Black Suns prison camp, he didn't relish the thought of spending any more time in someone's jail.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

“This?” Lira said almost instantly, like she hadn't even noticed she bumped into the girl. “Its a text on ancient Jedi, dating back to before the Old Republic was create. It's actually really interesting, though it took me a few weeks to figure out how to read it. It turns out that Jedi used to be pretty much inside the government of the Republic. They ran it on equa-”

Suddenly something occurred to the young Padawan, almost off handed. She had never seen this woman before.

That wasn't unusual of course, Lira was hardly omniscience and people passed around the temple all the time. This woman wasn't anything unique, not at all unique actually, but her friend, her friend was something different.

A Chiss!

She had never seen a Chiss before! She had heard of them, read about them, studied a part of their culture while at Prak University, but she had never seen one before. The question of what he was doing never really entered her mind, nor did the fact that she knew there were no Chiss working or training at this temple.

Instead she mumbled to the girl “Excuse me.”

Then wandered over to the much more interesting blue fellow. She plopped herself down into the seat beside him, wide eyed and observant, clearly trying to take in every detail.

“Hello!” She practically screeched the words. “You're a Chiss right? From the Ascendancy?”

Her words were practically oozing with a thirst for knowledge, never even shot a glance at his computer.
Ana loved to read so she was actually quite interested in what the girl was saying. She could actually see them being friends if she actually went here. Hearing about the book was a good distraction and she hoped that it worked. As soon as Cryax got the data they could and would blow this place.

"Really that's fascinating. I didn't know that do you think than perhaps the Sith and Imperials used to work together." Ana cursed to herself slightly as the girl noticed Cryax but it wasn't the computer she was interested in it was the fact he was a Chiss.

She believed he would be just fine but just incase Ana decided to join him. It was possible he was not done with his slicing of the system. "Yes, my boyfriend is a Chiss. He came to the temple to visit me. Isn't that sweet?" She stated as she hopped over to where Cryax was and lightly kissed his cheek. Ana was trying to get the attention off him and back on to her to give him more time.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
"Shhhhhhh," he shushed the young Jedi as politely as he could. She was a loud-talker. "This is a library after all." he smiled at her, needing her to play nice.

Then he wrapped his arm around Anastasia and smiled as she kissed him. "Yes, I just decided on a whim to pop in on my lady here. I wanted to hang out with her while she did, uh, Jedi things." He looked back and forth between Anastasia and the Jedi with an edge of nervousness in his eyes. Since it wasn't a world he'd ever been exposed to, the Chiss really had no idea what the Jedi did in these temples besides wave their lightsabers around.

Oddly,the woman was looking at him like he was some rare zoo exhibit. "Sadly, I'm not a part of The Chiss Ascendancy. I wasn't born on Csilla so..." he stopped, realizing how idiotic he was going into his life's story. He then continued with a soft smile. "I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you much about it. I can speak a little bit of Cheunh, but that's really all I have in common with my people."

[member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

“Oh...” Lira said sounding disappointed.

Her eyes went down as she wallowed in sight depression and it was then that she noticed the screen of the computer. Lira had seen slicing programs being run before, she had been in college after all and it wasn't uncommon for some of the smarter kids to try an get into the universities private systems. Her eyes shot open almost immediately, though she quickly tried to get in under control.

Her heart began to race slightly, there was no way anyone should be running that kind of program on one of the library computers. Everything was open access, and what shouldn't be...shouldn't be. Lira began to think, her mind racing.

Suddenly she realized she hadn't said anything in a very long time.

“That's too bad...” Pausing for a moment. “I studied Sociology at Prak University, the Ascendancy was a topic of much discussion. It's nice that you came to visit, I can't imagine many take the time of day to come see their significant others.”

She began to drawl on, unsure of what to do next.

They were up to something.
Her gaze went to him to Cryax to see if they were in the clear to go. She didn't know much about slicing software or how any of that worked so she looked to him for guidness. The most that she could do was blast them out of there. If they could do this without any violence however she would prefer to take that route.

The Jedi were no threat to the Mandalorian's as far as she knew and she didn't want to cause trouble. Az had enough on his plate as it was. The last thing he needed was his little sister trying to cause a war trying to get after some old files.

"I don't see why not, if you love someone wouldn't you want to spend time with them?" Prak University, really? I can't help but be a little jealous. I never got the chance to go to school. Did you major in Sociology or was that just a class?" She was doing her best to keep the girl distracted in hopes she wouldn't start asking those other questions about his computer.

[member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax nodded his head as if he was listening intently to the ladies, all the while surreptitiously unplugging his Datapad. It had pinged very softly as they were talking, signalling to him that the download was complete. He put it in his pocket and gave out a large sigh of relief. He saw Ana looking at him. He gave her a knowing glance and a small head nod that suggested they were done. Then the bespectacled Chiss turned towards the young Jedi who, frankly, didn't seem to mean them any harm.

"I'm sorry to be rude, but we really need to get going. Ana's um, Master is going to be here soon for her training and she shouldn't keep him waiting right?" He smiled at Ana. The lie was the best he could come up with on the fly. He only hoped it wouldn't spawn more questions. "Come, darling, let's go!"

[member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

She had to do something. She had to stop them. They were stealing! That was the only reason they could be hacking the archives, the only reason to run any sort of program like that. Her heart was beating at an indiscernible rate now, beating like a drum over and over again. She could hear it in her own ears, thumping over and over again.

There had to be something!

“Oh?” She said finally, forcing the words to sound normal. “Who are they? I can walk you there, help you find your way quicker. Maybe we have the same Master.”

Lira would follow them. It was her only choice, then she would flag down a Master or a Knight and have them searched. She wouldn't be able to stop them, not by herself anyway. She didn't know how to use a lightsaber, could barely nudge a rock with the force, and wasn't very good with the staff that Hal had given her.

She had no other choice.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka had been enjoying the temple. He hadn't really been with the republic too long to have visited it. But there's always a conflict, everyday. He carried a glass of water with cold ice in it. The water was for him to drink and the ice was for eating if he got desperate. As he entered another corridor, the archives, he saw a group of people. Oka decided to walk by them and listen, maybe follow them since one seemed suspicious to be in a Jedi temple. His brown cloak and black and brown robes is what he wore.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
Ana didn't know any of the Masters in this temple but hopefully this girl didn't know all of them because she was going to have to make up something on the fly. Something told Ana she did though as this one was smart or at least book smart.

"Master Sinden. We actually just began working on Force Bubbles. He's showing me how to protect myself. Normally we have a lesson soon but see I canceled for today because I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend." Pausing for a moment she grinned at Cryax. "Sorry, I should have told you but it was going to be a surprise. I was going to take you home and cook you dinner. Guess that's out in the open now." She laughed almost nervously. She was trying her best to be confident in herself and her story. If they ever got out of here that was what she was going to do. He could tell her more of what he found there.

"We should get going though because I still have not gone to the market. It was nice meeting you though." Taking Cryax hand she turned to walk away.

[member="Lan Graendal"][member="Cryax Bane"][member="Oka Osaa"][member="Lira Dajenn"]

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