Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connect The Dots (Jedi)

Ana was only defending herself as she had been taught. The last thing that she wished to do was fight with anyone. If they could rationally work through this that would be for the best.

"I didn't think anyone would listen to me if I asked. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. I have no issues discussing what I was looking for with a master. I don't wish to fight."

If it meant that they could freely leave Ana would give up her weapons to the Jedi. She may be a Mandalorian but that didn't mean she wanted to get into a fight with anyone.

[member="Cryax Bane"][member="Oka Osaa"][member="Lira Dajenn"][member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

“Okay.” Lira let out a loud exhausted breath.

She wasn't sure if she had just averted a fight, or if she was being tricked, but she was leading towards the former. Now of course it was just about corralling a Master and one of the techs. Of course if it was up to her she likely would've just taken it on the Chiss' word and let them go on their merry way. Unfortunately for them however, she was just a padawan and had no such authority.

Reaching into her pocket she fished out a small communicator, leaning on her staff as she did so in an attempt not to fall over onto her face.

She smiled when she retrieved it, and keyed in the temples main comm frequency. “Uuuh...Hi. Yeah, we need a little help in the Archives.” The man on the other end interrupted her with a question. “Yes I pressed the button.” He interjected again. “No there's no danger, but please send one of the Temple Masters and get these blast doors open.”

The control room should be able to open the blast doors remotely even with the panel destroyed, though she doubted they would do so until everything was secure.

Lira smiled at the pair.
“Uuuh...Hi. Yeah, we need a little help in the Archives.”

Ben sighed and sat up, placing his data pad down, and getting to his feet. There was a time when he would have sent someone else to deal with an issue like this, but, he felt like he had to get back in the good graces of the Jedi. The former Grandmaster adjusted his robes and he rushed towards the archives. The medical equipment on Ossus was much better than, well ya know, not healing it at all so his ribs were finally starting to not hurt anymore. He was training again, his lightsaber mostly, he was getting rusty and the people around the temple were finally starting to realize that he was not just an old man who was grandfathered into the Jedi. He was much more skilled than he looked.

Punching in the code to get into the archive, Ben strode in and was met with many unfamiliar faces, the air seemed a bit tense and he stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and looked at each of them. He pulled his hood back and revealed his face, his beard no longer unkempt and disheveled, now clean cut on his face. "So....," He spoke as he looked from each of them, keeping his voice calm, while also trying to figure out exactly why he was summoned. "What seems to be the problem?"

Lira Dajenn

[member="Ben Watts"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Her eyes bulged as she saw who it was the Temple sent.

Lira hadn't been in the Jedi Order for long, but as mentioned before she had been reading and devouring knowledge like crazy, not the least of which was the history of the Jedi Order. She knew exactly who this man was, and what he had done. Ben Watts had been one of the two founders of the New Jedi Order on Coruscant along with Teferi Efreet. She paused for a second, wanting to babble something about Jedi and the like, but instead she launched into a long tirade about what had happened.

“Wellll, these two” She pointed to Anastasia and Cryax. “Came in here to get information on her mother who apparently at one point and time was a Jedi Knight with one of the Orders that you brought together. Neither of them are Jedi so they didn't have the access codes to get into the records, so instead of asking they just sliced into the systems and then they ran into me and because I take interest in different species I kind of ignored the girl and ran over to him, sorry, then I noticed that he was running a slicing program then he came in” She pointed to Oka “And started rightly antagonizing these two for hacking into the records but then it started to escalate to a point where we nearly started fighting over some old records about Jedi and no-”

Lira finally ran out of breath after the longest run on sentence in history and had to take a moment to calm down.

“Anyway, the problem is. These two sliced into the Archives, but as far as I can tell all they took was information that we likely would have freely given.” It was still a crime though, and far above her pay grade.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
After the doors opened, Oka jumped back. Seeing someone walk in, someone with strong power in the force, he walked up to him and studied him. He looked old. Then, he spoke up after hearing the babbling. Yes, he has no authority here, but the archives shouldn't be accessed by anyone but the order. If they wanted information, they should've asked instead of doing what they did. "It doesn't matter what they get out of the archives even if its their business. The point I was stating was that they took something and we don't know what they took. Yes they could be telling the truth, and even if they were, that still doesn't mean they're off the hook." he paused backing off of the man. "I'm am not of this order, but formerly am. If you are of any Jedi order, you know how important the archives are no matter if its information about a species." he finished walking over to the blue man. He asked him a question in a whisper so nobody else heard it. "Pardon my actions upon you young man. We have met. May we go talk outside?" he asked hoping he'd say yes and the others wouldnt notice.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ben Watts"]
Great. Now there was another Jedi here. And this one seemed to get all the other Jedis all riled up. While Cryax watched the scene, he snuck his Datapad back in his trenchcoat pocket for safe keeping. There was no telling when one of them was going get Force grabby with it again.

As the young, obviously sheltered, padawan tattled on them, Cryax glared at her. It was her fault that they'd been caught in the first place. Cryax took this moment sneak a hand over to Anastatsia, and he gave her hand a squeeze to make sure that she was not too upset. As the padawan continued on excitedly, he whispered to Ana. "Don't worry, I'll make this up to you." Cryax was upset with himself for putting her through this and also embarrassed. The best slicers didn't get let themselves get caught like this.

As [member="Oka Osaa"] approached him, the Chiss started, wondering if the man was going to make a grab at the Datapad again. But then he apologized and asked Cryax to go outside. Cryax, a bit confused, returned his request in a barely audible whisper.

"I'm interested in talking with you, but I don't think they're going to let us slip out unnoticed."

[member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He laughed in his head hearing his response. "Hmm, that is true. Got any ideas on how to get out? I can't just go against the Jedi. After all I am one." he whispered back. Maybe he had been all wrong about these two, I mean, not all witches are bad and not all blue people are bad. He knew a few people who were bad and they were Jedi, hiding under the title and betraying orders. What could he do to get them out?

[member="Cryax Bane"]
She didn't know what was going to happen now that one of the Jedi Masters was getting involved. He was probably going to take their datapad and maybe even throw them both in jail. Whatever happened she knew it wasn't going to be good.

Ana didn't regret poking her nose into her past. If she hadn't she never would have meet Cryax whom was important to her. He had quickly become a big important part of her life. "It's ok," she squeezed back with a smile. They were in this together and at the end of the day as long as they were both safe that is what mattered not data about her long lost past.

Instead of trying to defend herself Ana chose to wait to see what the Jedi Master had to say about this situation. She had caused enough damage as it was.

[member="Ben Watts"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Ben nodded his head and listened to the young Padawan tell the story of what happened. His eyes glanced at the others, not knowing any of them, but he kept his attention on the Padawan as she spoke. He stood in the doorway so there would be no getting out if any of them attempted it, but honestly, even if they did get out they would not make it far. If Ben sounded the alarm then every Jedi in the vicinity would be on their tail and having a Chiss in their ranks would make finding them all the easier.

"I see," Ben said when the Padawan finished talking and he looked back at the others who seemed shifty. Ben watched as the boy pocketed the datapad back into his pocket and Ben smirked, so, it was going to be like that was it. The other man in the room spoke up and preached about not taking anything from the archives. While Ben agreed, to a point, nothing worth stealing was in the Ossus Archives. Unless they had changed, but, when he was Grandmaster he had put all important holocrons, documents, sith artifacts on Tython where he had brought the Jedi back together.

The other man whispered to the Chiss and Ben chuckled slightly to himself. Even if he wasn't one of the most aware Jedi currently living, he still would have seen what they were doing, for goodness sake it was happening right in front of him. "No need for whispers," Ben piped in, looking at the two with a grin on his face. He began to step towards them slowly, being friendly, not aggressive."Obviously trying to sneak into the archives is not a good thing, we here at the Jedi Order frown upon such actions, and you are right young Padawan this information would have been given freely if asked."

He kept his eyes glued on the Chiss who he knew had the data pad, he could feel he was remorseful in a way, and honestly they wanted no trouble from what Ben could tell. "You're a good slicer then? Then you will know that this temple is rather knew, and being rather new has its perks, one of which is being able to tell exactly what records were accessed." He smirked and then looked at the other man and then at the girl.

"The good news is there isn't much you can steal out of this archive that is not already public record, and in your research of this place that I am almost positive you did not do, you would know that we do not store much valuable information here. Don't you think it was a little too easy to get in?" He smirked to himself and took a step back and moved himself over to the computer system and he logged himself in. He went back to when the system was accessed and completely erased anyone ever accessing the information to begin with.

"There we go," Ben said, clapping his hands together, and turning back to the group. "It is like you were never even here." He spotted the exit to the building and he leaned his head back frustrated and turned back to them. "Okay.... who shot the terminal? Seriously?"

[member="Anastasia Rade"][member="Oka Osaa"][member="Cryax Bane"][member="Oka Osaa"][member="Lira Dajenn"]
Sweet relief rushed over the Chiss at the realization that they weren't going to be arrested. As for the question of who shot the terminal, Cryax scratched his head and pointed to the blasted panel. "I'll, um pay for that." He sheepishly picked his blaster up off the temple floor. Then he turned back to the master Jedi.

"Seriously thank you," he put his hands together and bowed them at the man.

"I assure you the only data we copied over was her family records. When you check them, you'll see."

He smiled over at Anastasia and squeezed her hand again. "We've already wasted so much of your time. We really should get going, right Ana?"

[member="Ben Watts"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He had been so unwise today. Oka then found out he had learned a new lesson today, although he wasn't quite sure what that was. Switching back his attension back to the blue man, and nodded as he walked out of the archives. Hopefully, the blue man would catch on and follow him outside the temple after dealing with them. His trip to the temple was worth it since he gained more wisdom that he didn't have. No, he didn't get wisdom from looking at books or information, he got it from simply interacting with the people all around. Maybe he made the situation worse than it seemed but for what you don't know is something you can't confirm.
Anastasia had fully expected to be punished and thrown into jail. It was what she was used to as a child but the Jedi seemed to be reasonable. To think that her mother had been one made her smile. Ana wished she could remember the woman whom had taken care of her for that short period of time.

"Thank you Master Jedi," she deeply bowed. "I apologize for taking up your time with this nonsense. In the future I'll ask before just sneaking around." Ana was embarrassed that they had gotten caught like this. It would have been better to ask.

Ana nodded at Cryax when he asked her if they should leave. The couple had definitely overstayed their welcome. "Yes, we ought to get going. Thank you again for everything." She pulled on Cryax a little and began heading towards the door. It was best they leave.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Taking Ana by the hand, Cryax quickened their step in order to catch up with [member="Oka Osaa"] outside the temple. The man knew something that he wasn't telling and Cryax let his curiosity get the best of him. Before he approached the man, he gave Anastasia a quick peck on the cheek, hoping she wouldn't mind this temporary diversion.

"Excuse me," the Chiss slicer said in a low voice, making sure he was out of earshot of the temple Jedis. "You said you wanted to speak with me earlier. Well, I'm all ears."

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Hearing the man approaching, he turned to him. "Hey. So... a slicer and a witch. Cute couple huh?" he paused. "Just wanted to mention that before we really talk. Okay, what you did in there was dangerous. I'm not fond of witches but she seemed to have protected you and your datapad. What's up with the datapad, we've met before in a bar and you never showed your datapad.And sorry for all the questions but was Anastasia's mother really a Jedi?" he asked with a serious look. Oka wanted to tell the blue man something but he couldn't find what that was.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax flashed a soft smile at Ana when the mysterious man called them a cute couple. The Chiss and the human witch obviously cared for each other deeply. He blinked his red glowing eyes, listening to the man's questions with a furrowed brow. The Chiss wasn't entirely sure if this was him, but he vaguely remembered a hooded man he met in a bar somewhere, Coruscant maybe? Cryax hadn't gotten a proper look at the guy's face, and from what he remembered the man wasn't in much of a mood to talk that night.

Cryax glanced down at his pocket. "Well, I don't exactly want to broadcast to the galaxy that I'm a slicer so I usually keep it hidden. Did you want to uh, hire me for a job? Despite what happened in there I usually don't get caught, and I can pretty much get behind any firewall as long as its connected to the HoloNet. If there's information out there that you need?"

When [member="Oka Osaa"] asked them about Ana's mother, he snuck a look at her. He didn't want to speak for her or give details she didn't want to give, so he just squeezed her hand again.

[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Ben Watts"]

Well, that all worked out rather well, and despite herself she was proud.

With a smile she looked at the couple, walking away from the situation no worse for wear. When they were gone Lira sheepishly approached Jedi Master Ben Watts, her eyes narrowing slightly as she still carried the training staff in her hand. She used it like a crutch, her nerves growing somewhat weak as she approached him. Sure she had spouted a tirade at him already, but it was different to have a conversation with him.

“Master Watts?” Her voice was shaky.

Oddly enough, she felt rather intimidated by the man. From what she had heard of him Be Watts was hardly a scary individual, in fact from events that had just unraveled Lira would have guessed he was quite the pleasant individual, but there was something about talking to the founder of the Order that had her on edge.

“Could I speak with you a moment?” She paused for a moment. “I'm new to the Order, I was recently rescued from Prakith, If you have a moment I would like to ask you a few things...about the Order.”

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
So he is a slicer. That makes sense now but he wasn't seeking information. "Thankyou, I really do appreciate the offer but some things are better unanswered, yes?" He rhetorically asked. "Jedi here at the republic do things differently. Yes, I was foolish today but I learned something. Oh... before I yack anymore about stuff, I have an invitation for you. From a smuggling group owned by Zanya Reeza. You are good with computer and tech, you probably could open a capital ship's hangars if you wanted. Its an offer but you ddon't have to take it. We belong to neither dark or light, but she needed a jedi so that's where I came. So what do you say... uh what's your name?" he asked.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Cryax nodded at the man. "I could probably do that with my eyes closed." He grinned, and stuck out his hand. "My slicer handle is 'Bug'. That's what you can call me."

So far the job that was being dangled was intriguing since Capital ships tended to have much tougher anti-slicing safeguards. For Cryax, the difficulty of the job made it that much more alluring. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small card, flicking it to the man.

"You can tell Ms. Reeza that I'm interested. And here's how she can get in touch with me."

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka smiled taking the card and said, "Good. I'm sure every crew needs a slicer." Turning his attention to Anastasia, he said, "Why'd you decide to become a witch when your mother became a jedi? You don't have to tell me but I expect some sort of good reason for getting into the archives even if you didn't go deep." he finished seeming impressed.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
"I believe my mother to be a Jedi from the information I have gathered thus far. I didn't know my mother or father for that matter." She paused wondering how to continue without reveling much more about her past. If Ana had learned anything it was that the past was best left there. Let's just say I didn't have a normal childhood. I was taken to the witches to learn to use the Force at that time I didn't know what the Jedi were."

She had originally decided to poke around in her past in hopes for closer. What she found was much more than she could have imagined. Now she was just continuing the search as an excuse to spend more time with Cryax. What she was really doing was hard to explain without going into her incredible terrible past. She didn't want to do that.

[member="Cryax Bane"][member="Oka Osaa"]

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