Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connect The Dots (Jedi)

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
After hearing the lie that the woman obviously told, Oka used the force and closed the doors focusing on the locks and locking them. "Leaving so soon, Jedi?" he asked. He wasn't trying to be offensive or anything but they wouldn't just pop up in the archives without be guided by someone of higher rank would they? I mean, he didn't buy it, what they told the girl.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
The sudden locked doors stopped the couple in their tracks and the Chiss slicer instinctively put an arm around Ana, pulling her a bit closer to him. His Datapad was burning a hole in his pocket as it dawned on him that they'd most likely be searched. The robed Jedi master who had barred their exit did not look happy. Not one bit. He decided to feign ignorance. He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and tried to seem as non-threatening as possible. Just a geeky Chiss with an overly curious mind.

"Wait, are we not allowed to be in here? Wow, I had no idea. I always thought these places were open to the public.Terribly sorry. We'll be on our way. If you could just, um, unlock the doors. Heh."

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka walked up to the blue man but kept his distance. "Open to all jedi. I don't think you are a jedi, besides, you took something it looks like with that datapad you slipped into your pocket." he paused and walked up closer. "Don't play games with me boy, I know my jedi, and you aren't one." he finished backing up in case they held weapons.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
"I am a Jedi and he is with me." Ana stated quite sure of herself. There was no way that she was going to allow them to get captured by the Jedi. If anything she would get him out as this was her doing. She had brought him here due to her stupid curiosity. "My boyfriend came here to visit me at the temple. I didn't know he was coming, he surprised me, I'm sorry. As for the datapad, he is a computer analysis and brings his datapad everywhere he goes."

She wouldn't say slicer as she knew that would sound some alarm. It was better to leave that out of everything if she could. Ana didn't like the way that this Jedi was speaking to him at all.

"We were just leaving now to go pick up dinner. I promise not to bring him back here. I thought Jedi were more open than this or at least that is what I was taught." Her arm went around his waist as he pulled her closer. She was going to try and use words first.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"You can claim all you want, it won't change my thoughts. As for your boyfriend, may I see the datapad?" he asked walking even closer to the blue man. They were defiantly here for something, and they got it. Maybe it was good, maybe bad, but they still took something away from the archives which didn't belong to them. "Only the sith would tell something like that. These archives are ancient information that are not to be shared outside of the order or to other outsiders. If you were taught by this order, you'd know that. Even if you were taught by some other Jedi, it'd be the same teachings. Is this betrayal to your order?" he asked with a calm but slightly loud voice.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
As the man started to lecture them, the Chiss, instinctively backed away from the robed master Jedi. His DataPad was his most prized possession, his weapon against the world, and he wasn't about to relinquish it that easily. The Jedi could not have his files. Cryax had done some very bad things. Things that a counter-slicer could find once he or she got past his encryption. Things he didn't want found, especially not by Jedi.

But more than his Datapad, he wanted to protect Anastasia. If she got arrested he'd never forgive himself. As he moved backwards, the young slicer put his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.

"Look, man, she had nothing to do it. This was all my idea. If you let her go right now, I'll play nice and you can have the Datapad, ok?" He continued to move backwards, quickly glancing over his shoulder for another way out. If there was one.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lan Graendal"]

While the other Jedi slowly began to interrogate the suspicious pair Lira slowly made her way over to one of the far walls.

The Jedi Archives over the last few years had received significant upgrades. After multiple attempts, and a few successes, at stealing both holocrons and data all Archives in all temples now had extra security measures. These measures were usually just an extra thick wall or two, some blast doors, and maybe an automated turret. For this temple, it was an extra set of blast doors on every single exit, triggered by a number of hidden switches.

Lira knew this, because every Padawan, Knight, and Master who studied at the temple knew this. It was taught in the first tour of the temple when you got here, and the important of remembering were the triggers were was strained quite a bit.

It was to one of these switches that Lira slowly made her way over to, inching her way across the floor while the pair was distracted by the other Jedi. As she did this however it occurred to her that this man did not seem familiar either. Though by his lightsaber she could tell he was some sort of force user, and his robes fit the part, she noticed that there was about him. He felt as though he didn't belong here.

She shook her head, her mind was just playing tricks on her.

You couldn't judge a person on first glance, that was downright racism.

Eventually she wound her way over towards one of the hidden switches, only a few feet away from the pair. There she lifted a small panel up from the wall, and pressed a big red button. As soon as she pressed it alarms began to flare. Heavy blast doors slammed down on all the exits, red lights began to flare, and a single klaxon warning sounded, loud enough that everyone in the temple heard it.
Being called a Sith hurt even by a stranger. The witch prided herself on never falling into the trap that had been set up for her by the Graug. She had been told over and over again that if she surrendered to them she could be a Queen. They would take all the pain away but she always said no. She never would be a Sith and enslave anyone the way, she rather die.

She was about to argue back when she heard Cryax giving up his datapad for her. Ana knew what types of information he stored on there so this, was a big deal. His actions showed volumes of what he thought about her and it was the sweetest thing. As she glanced back to Cryax she heard the alarms sound and the blast doors begin to close which would seal their fate.

The truth would not help them now and she was not about to give herself up. They were not going into some cell and going in front of a Jedi tribunal. There had to be a way out.

Taking a few steps backwards she whispered in Cryax's ear. "I'll cover you while you open the blast doors for us. I have a few spells up my sleeve."

She would wait till he was in place as she wasn't sure how he would be affected. "I'm not a Sith, I can't use the computer system on my own. He was helping me find the name of my mother. A Jedi too. I wanted to know about her since I can't remember her."

She wasn't going to let them get captured here today.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Noticing the alarm to go off, that would probably be bad for the two. It came to thought with what the blue man said, that he may of just started a career of a criminal. "Wasn't exactly calling you a sith. Just give me datapad and I won't use force. Try to run, I will use force." he commanded keeping an eye on the blue man. He was different, he may not be a Jedi but he is something.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]
The Chiss shook his head, still backing slowly away from [member="Oka Osaa"]. His hand moved very slowly down to his blaster as he tried to calm the excited edge in his voice while he negotiated with the powerful man.

"Let the woman go, and I assure you, you'll get the DataPad. Like she said, she just wanted to find out about her parents. And it was my idea to do this. We got what we wanted and now if you could just let her go in peace, you can take my computer."

Suddenly the Chiss dropped to one knee, firing his blaster at the room's door controls, attempting to disable them. He wasn't sure if his hail mary would work. It was possible the man was using Force powers to keep the couple locked in. But when Cryax felt trapped, he usually shot first and asked questions later.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"]

Lira Dajenn

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Shooting a panel on a wall usually meant that the thing the electronics controlled was disabled, this meant when the slicer shot the control panel, instead of opening, the door locked permanently.

Lira gaped for a moment. “You idiot!”

She shouted at him. They were now trapped in this room, well unless they wanted to use the other Jedi's lightsaber to cut through the blast door, but that would take quite a bit of time, and would cost the temple more money than Lira had ever seen. In the corner of the room the young Jedi began to brood, only realizing a second afterward that the man had a blaster.

Her face dropped, and from the small of her back she pulled a small stick. It wasn't a lightsaber, that was obvious to anyone who had ever seen one of the weapons. She pressed a small button, and the stick extended out on either end to a length of three feet, a training staff. It wasn't exactly a good counter to a blaster or a lightsaber, but it was the only weapon that Hal had taught her to use so far, and it was the only weapon she carried.

It would have to do.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
The blue man was really starting to tick Oka off. One, they broke into the archives, two, they stole information, three, the blue man fired upon temple property. He picked up the blue man with the force and held him against the wall while on the other hand he held one of his lightsabers that he ignited. "The datapad, NOW." he said. He would only apply pressure if the blue man tried to shoot anything else. The lady beside him had already gotten a staff out. Oka decided to whisper something, "Uh.. you have a lightsaber, right?" he asked still keeping the same eye on the man.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Any bravado that the Chiss slicer displayed before the Jedi used his Force powers was gone as Cryax found himself immobilized against the wall. The slicer was genuinely afraid and it showed on his face. Especially after the guy busted out a lightsaber. His blaster dropped to the ground with a clattering sound.

Cryax's red eyes stayed trained on the older Jedi as he moved his hand slowly into his trenchcoat pocket, careful to make no erratic moves. With marked resignation, he pulled out the DataPad and lifted his arm up, holding it out for the man.

"You're going to need a slicer with a pretty high level of expertise to get anything off it. All the data's safeguarded with my own custom encryption software." He warned, gulping audibly. He continued.

"Look, seriously, if you just let me go, we can talk this out, yeah? I'll show you exactly what data I took, and I assure you I took nothing more. Listen, my boss is going to kill me if I don't get that Datapad back."

With a feeling of dread deep down in his stomach, he realized there was a kernel of truth in that statement. It was entirely possible Mr. Rigger would skin him alive for this misstep.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka released the blue man and force pulled the datapad over to his free hand. "Trust me, I have no use for the datapad. I'm going to destroy it, unless you give me a good reason not to." he said closing his saber and attaching it to his belt before grabbing his glass of ice water off of the floor. "Understand this please, the archives are information that no one outside of the order should know. That's why this datapad is so important even if your family is on here. You never know if someone's working for the sith or are betraying." he finished sipping the water. This wasn't something Oka liked to do.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Ana was not just going to stand by and let anyone do that to Cryax. She would rather then take her than his datapad. She knew how much that meant to him and what was on it. It was his life, his most prized possession. Scare tactics did not work on Ana as she had seen them all before.

"Dai poteri delle streghe prima di me, mi viene il potere sugli oggetti, mi il potere di muoversi come vedo in forma! "

She stated calling the datapad back to her which she handed to Cryax as her eyes gazed around the room. "Run, I'll be right behind you up the ventilator shaft." She knew he was smart enough to have backed up his information and with the data back he could do anything else he needed to.

Ana would do what it took to keep him safe. She had promised him that when they had decided to come here. She never went back on promises.

Her gaze than turned back to Oka as she stepped in front of Cryax. "Your the one stealing things not us. That is his property and we have nothing of the archives on it. Your forcing me to act like a traitor by the way your treating us. I have to protect myself, him. It's only natural to protect those we love. You have to understand that." She called forth a spell which would keep him safe from attacks. It wouldn't last too long but hopefully it would be enough.

"Nu'ashuvi Allya concedimi la volontà di essere forte. Concedimi la volontà di messa a fuoco. Mi permetta di superare la mia paura e rabbia. Così ho la mia colpire il mio nemico per i peccati che ha commesso contro di me. Ora! "

" Figlie di Allya, io ti invochiamo. Scudo con la tua forza e potenza, mi difendere dal male."

[member="Lira Dajenn"][member="Oka Osaa"][member="Cryax Bane"]
Sarianna had begun rushing when she felt more people gathering and now as she was standing there off to the side she was hearing the spell as the sigil on her neck glowed. One of the batons on her belt coming to her hand as she moved spinning it in her hand. She had been on Dathomir before and knew their spells when she heard them so she aimed for the woman. "Look for the ichor." It was part of the spells, for some and she knew how dangerous some of the spells could be while their had the waters. Her hand grabbing another baton from her belt while she looked on tracking the ventilation shaft with her force senses.

Lira Dajenn

[member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Lira dashed to the ventilation shaft as fast as she possibly could. It wasn't very smart to call out your plans, especially when other people were closer and more agile. She reached the entrance to the shaft, a small grate that was about seven feet up from the ground. She would have needed a running start and a bit of the force to reach it, Cryax could probably have just jumped and entered it.

“Stop!” She called over the womans strange shouting.

Lira made absolutely no move to attack Cryax, nor did she use the force to obstruct Anastasia or aid Oka in sipping his water. The man was equally an idiot and was just escalating the situation passed what it was. The girl and the Chiss lad had stated several times that they took no secret data, and quite honestly Lira believed them. The sections of the Archives that held more secretive data would likely take days to slice into, not mere moments and a simple datapad.

Not to mention that the man voluntarily gave up the thing for inspection. There was no need to destroy his property, no need to go digging. All they needed was one of the temples techs to take a quick look and erase whatever data had been stolen.

“You bantha brained idiots are turning this into an international incident. There's no need to destroy the Datapad or fight each other!” She lamented the words. “If what you're saying is true. You didn't access any of the deep archives, simply the old record books.” That meant the slicing program they had run was likely little more than a way to figure out a user-name and password to get into the archives, not really a crime that would get one thrown in prison. “If you had just asked, those records would likely have been given to you without a second thought.”

She felt the needed to point that out. “I realize you meant no ill will, but you went about this in entirely the wrong way. Put down the blaster. Stop speaking in tongues.” She pointed to Oka “Stop escalating things where you don't belong” She had long since realized that he was in fact not a part of The Jedi Order by matching his robes against those of the Jedi here and therefore had no real authority here. “Let me get one of the Masters, we can talk this out. I promise.”

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
This situation was just getting worse every minute. Yes, he wasn't apart of the order, but he used to be and he knew how important the information was. He ignored the padawan and set his glass back down. Oka started walking past the witch and blue man towards the blast doors. He felt a presence nearby, somewhere. But he wanted out of this place so he felt the blast doors with his hands. Usually, he could tell if they were thick or not. It seemed they were.
Cryax, clutching his Datapad tightly now that it was back in his hands, jumped at the opportunity that the padawan gave him. He had dropped his blaster when the Jedi Force held him, and kicked it across the floor in a gesture of conciliation.

"Listen to this very smart young lady here." he said gesturing to the young blonde padawan. We can totally talk this out." He smiled a crooked grin, putting on an innocent choir boy face.

Maybe Ana could have gotten the records by asking "pretty please," but Cryax was a wanted criminal slicer. He highly doubted that he'd be offered that same courtesy.

It wasn't a rational thing, being a slicer. Half the thrill was the risky business of going where you didn't belong. And making sure you didn't get caught. Unfortunately Cryax seemed to be failing at that last part lately.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

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