Ashin grimaced. "Drop the bombers. You want interceptors to kill warheads and bombers, and you want space superiority fighters, maybe even elite fighters if you're allotting two squadrons' worth of space for them, to handle the space superiority fighters that the other side will be sending after your interceptors. Rock-paper-scissors.
"As for battlecruisers, well, I've yet to see the galactic mainstream put out a reactor that can support it, and the cost is just crippling. Even just the cost to maintain, say, the Chrysalide -- it's astronomical, if you'll forgive the wordplay. To lose something like that, well, there goes a planetary GDP. Or look at the sheer number of governments that have had a line on the Emperor's Shield -- these ships are targets, liabilities. Like owning Korriban or Dromund Kaas."
She paused, rested on her cane. "If you're building ships for the Confederacy, you know I may have to walk at some point, since Druckenwell. But until then, I'm not too proud to look over your prototypes. It'll keep the lights on."