Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connections: Roving Market [Open to All]

He felt a sudden pain in his forehead, quickly placing his hand over it. "N-no! N-n-n-not again!" He gasped as his hands started to shake. He looked down at his shaking hands, before his entire body started shaking, rather violontly. "NO! MAKE IT STOP!" He shouted, collapsing in the middle of the market place, still screaming. "SOMEONE FETHING MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE!" He shouted. He was having one of his flashbacks and he probably needed medical assistance, ASAP.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Enigma"]

"Oh, I'm in no hurry to pledge myself to the Republic, Circe. So far as I answer to anyone, I answer to the Councils as a whole, not just those that base themselves on Tython and Ossus, and call Grayson their Grandmaster. And I'm a citizen of the Fringe as much as I'm a Jedi. But I daresay we're not here to talk allegiance." Her eyes, pale blue from extended exposure to Sith poison, never left Dray. In the presence of two Sith Lords, she was still fairly certain that this wasn't a trap. Another reason to be thankful for Spencer. "Well met, Lady Dray. Are you Circe's Master, Apprentice, business associate...or newest wife?"
| [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Enigma"] |

"You could say I am one of those and closer to another. For now, I am just a business partner and friend of Circe's in more than one way." She winked at Ashin. Alicia was concealing her Force-sensitivity from the former Jedi Master, so with any hope, she wouldn't be detected to be the Sith Lord that she really was; and that was the way she liked it. Her life as Alicia Drey was to further herself as Darth Ayra. Everything she did was for an imperative set forward by Darth Pandeima, who happened to be Circe Savan.

"I am aware of Circe's shall we say... title? But I like to have powerful friends, Miss Varanin."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Enigma"]

'More than one way' and 'closer to another', in Ashin's substantial experience with Circe, pegged the reference as 'wife.' The 'one of those', though...well, Force presence or no Force presence, Drey had pegged herself as a business partner over and above that subset, making her, ceteris paribus, Circe's Master or Apprentice. That, and Circe had a history of taking ridiculously attractive Force-sensitive women under her wing, or trying to anyway. Ashin was reminded vividly of Isis Fontana and Rave Merrill. Alli Wren had been something of an exception, but then again Allie Wren owned Baktoid, and so far as Ashin knew the name Alicia Drey had never crossed her desk. On balance, then, most likely a concealed Forcer -- not too rare an occurrence, as qey'tek meditation was a common technique these days. Ashin pegged Dray's age as early thirties, her own age or somewhat younger, but without the altered eye color and other physical effects of significant strength in the Dark Side. For her part, Ashin looked ten to fifteen years older than she was, and a reason her eyes had gone a pallid Bando Gora blue-white -- those changes were the first things she looked for.

No -- wait. Those golden near-human eyes might be going yellow. Or was that a trick of the hangar lights?

Too much ambiguity for her taste, but she offered Dray a belated nod. "It's Missus, by the way." She tapped her alchemical wedding band. "Happily wed for a good two years, and close enough before that. Or just Varanin will do. What's your part in this ship, Miz Dray?"

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble
Aurelio wasn't the biggest fan of the planet, but Tatooine had its moments where it brought about something interesting so he could mostly tolerate it when sand got into his boots and clothing. He was at this specific shopping area because he had heard it had some items worth buying, but so far all he found was trash not worth his attention. The young noble was continuing to tour through the market for anything interesting when he heard the sudden scream of pain. He quickly turned, strange object still in hand, to see a hideous man screaming his head off asking someone to 'make it stop' and falling to the ground in obvious misery.

Aurelio watched him wail for a few moments before calling out to the general vicinity, "Can someone please help this man? It's obvious he is quite a bit of pain here!" He then gave an exaggerated sigh when no one did anything, he then pulled out his communicator and made a quick call. Soon enough there was an emergency vehicle at the scene, and a pair of men rushed over to try and help the fallen stranger who was suffering greatly. Hoping that this would solve the situation, Aurelio turned back to the strange little statue he was holding and continued to inspect it while mumbling under his breath about how he could maybe finally get some shopping done in peace. Maybe he would present himself to the local cantina if all else failed and the screaming continued.

[member="Al Gorlock"]
| [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Enigma"] |

"This ship?" She took a moment to look around the hangar bay. "Nothing much. I'm just a guest, I guess."

Darth Odium

[member="Al Gorlock"] [member="Aurelio Murtix"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Veino Garn "][member="Enigma"] [member="D-Man"]

Odium watched as the man approached and suddenly had an attack of some kind. The Nautolan cocked his head to the side and watched as the man writhed and shook. Odium heard another calling for someone to help and Odium began reaching for his blade to kill the suffering man, but the man called for emergency services and so Odium simply turned and walked to a vendor across the street.

It was not long before he found a stall with several crystals and gems of various sizes and shapes. His black eyes fell upon a natural crystal of deep red. With a careful hand he lifted it up and the vendor proclaimed that the stone could help tell fortunes and the like. Odium sniffed the air with his head tresses and could tell the man believed his own story. The force subtly entered the crystal and responded by reaching for Odium in the force. Whether it was a residual effect or a rare crystal that he could use he didn't know, but either way it was responding to the force and that made it a possible use. He could still feel the crystal as he looked at the vender and set down a cash credit worth 5000 credits.

The vendor quickly snatched it up and checked it for authenticity before holding a hand out for more. Odium nodded reached into his satchel and produced a small needle. with lightning like speed he pricked the man's palm and turned away. The shop owner held and protested for a moment as he began to pursue and then a yelling of a different kind began to come from him as the poison started to affect his blood. Blood poison was a scary and painful thing and Odium carefully placed the needle back in it's sheath as he walked toward the starport with the fist sized crystal still tugging at his thoughts.

He drew on the force and focused on [member="Darth Isolda"] his Master.

<<I have a fist sized crystal that may work. I will return to you now.>>

He walked along and saw the three women standing at the foot of a shuttle boarding ramp. They were all force users and two of which he had met before. He stopped to blatantly stair for just a moment or two before walking on to his own ship three bays down.
From beyond, Darth Isolda would reveal her pleasure and satisfaction at her apprentice. Her approval would resonate through the Force.

This was just one step of many for what was to come. For the construction of an artifact that would make [member="Darth Odium"] a true beacon of the Goddess.

Of the Dark Lord.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Enigma"]

"Fair enough," said Ashin with a shrug. Not a Subach capship associate, then, and capships were Subach's bread and butter. Maybe a fightercraft investor, or maybe Circe's investments were getting...extracurricular again. Artifacts and the like. She could well remember the room full of artifacts that Circe had presented to her a while back. But who didn't like a good artifact investment?

"Where's your next port of call? Think I've seen enough of Tatooine for one lifetime."
| [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Enigma"] |

"Probably where she's going." Alicia nodded in the direction of Circe, before tucking her hands into her pockets.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Ashin Varanin"]

"I intend to reclaim what's rightfully mine - that is, what a certain Isley Verd took away from me and my company. With Subach's reintegration into the Confederacy of Independent Systems, I can finally take back the factory locations that were stolen from me by him and his cabal during Operation Weedkiller. Hopefully there's something left of them after what Myra did..."

Of course, there really wasn't much left. The facilities had been more or less scorched beyond recognition by the detonations of their reactors, but the carcass likely could, for a significant sum, be returned to active service. Not to mention that the resulting crater would let more of the factories be built underground...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"That's right, I suppose Subach does still own land on most of those worlds. Verd...not someone I knew, he took the Confederate reins after I retired from executive service, but I knew his reputation. Opportunistic, ambitious, willing to name state property as is own and vice versa. Classic prebendalism. A modernizer, the hard way. So I'm told, anyway. I remember hearing about this...Weedkiller...and finding it pointlessly vindictive.

"So where's your rebuilding capital coming from, then?"

Darth Odium

Odium took the small fighter he had brought and left the planet in bound for the GR-75 medium transport in orbit. No major tricks this time, as soon as the ship was docked it began moving from the gravity well and jumped to hyperspace.


Well-Known Member
Damien took the blade offered by the Dug, transferring credits for it, and drew an inch free of its sheath. The blade resonated power, even giving off the feeling of slaying a Master, making him sure it must have indeed slain Zaiden.

Smiling first at the Dug, then Ashin, he bowed low, "Thank you both for your time. I wish you both a pleasent evening."

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