Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Judge
Celiana's arms came a little tighter around myself, with one even tracing her finger on my thigh. I won't deny, it felt weird, but good at the same time. She continued to do so as we pulled up to another stop, and the thumping from the obvious club just down the street. I looked down at her hand. Twisting round and round over my thigh, Using my left hand, I grabbed her own hand, and held onto it.

"Keep doing that, and you might have to pay for it."

A smile was clearly on my face. As she was responding to me, the light turned green for us to go. Using my right hand, I pulled on the throttle and sent us across the way, and onto the side of the roadway. Letting the engine idle for a moment before turning it off, I took out the keys and put them in my pocket as the helmet I wore closed in on itself.

"Welcome to Exhibit B"

I could feel the bass thumping before I ever actually heard it. As we came to a stop waiting for the light to change I was still idly tracing circles on Zeph's calf as he turned off the engine he grabbed my hand and said, "keep doing that and you might have to pay for it." I let out a purring noise low in my throat before saying, "A price I'll gladly pay Zeph." As I pulled my helmet off and dismounted Zeph's bike I couldn't help but grin. Just as Zeph said, "welcome to exhibit B" I grabbed his hand and half tugged and half dragged him towards me and the bass saying "Come on Zeph!"

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Holding onto her hand, Her comment of willing to pay that price made me smile devilishly right before being dragged a portion of the way towards the door. When we finally came to a stop, I felt like she was trying to rip my arm off with how hard she was tugging me. The bouncer at the front door, Clearly there to keep people out, and kick others out. He asked for our ID's and I handed him mine. After looking it over, he handed it back, and then asked for Celiana's. He approve, and let us move past.

Once moving in, it was apparent that the bumping music was loud, and would be a little bit difficult to talk to others. That was the point. Not to talk, but to drink, and dance. Instead, I decided to grab a hold of her hand this time, and lead her onto the floor. We can get a drink later. I pushed past some people, and moved around others towards the floor.

Turning around, Looking at her brown hair and her face for a moment, I then smiled, and leaned forwards just enough so that when I spoke to her, she could hear me.

"Now show me what you got."

Now this is what I'm talking about! As Zeph and I moved past the bouncer and into the club I got rid of my riding coat at the door and embraced the thumping bass. Zeph grabbed my hand and I felt my heartbeat flutter slightly. The bass was thudding around us and Zeph leaned in close and said, "Now show me what you got." Gesturing with one finger for him to wait there I sauntered over to the DJ's booth moving my hips and putting on a bit of a show as the previous song was ending and over the noise of the club put in a request.

Sashaying back over to Zeph I leaned in close against him and said, "Hold on Zeph, now you'll really see what I meant about dancing. Try and keep up." Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder I shot him a playful wink as the DJ announced the song. "A'ight ladies and gents we got a request up in here for a party tune! As the beat kicked into gear I started slinging my hips and moving in close to Zeph until I was against him grinding against him. Extending my hands behind me I pulled him against me and lost myself in the music and bass.

As the song said low I pushed back against him and gyrated my hips as I went down. Coming back up I whipped my long hair back around my left shoulder looking into Zeph's eyes as I continued dancing both for him and for me.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
After speaking to her, she gestured for me to wait. Um... okay? Not sure why she had to go. But when she came back, The music began to play, and the song was... cheesy, yet appropriate. Her words reaching my ears were clearly going to be true in a moment. Try and Keep up. Sure, I can try. As she turned around, swinging her hips back and forth. At first I was kind of surprised, but then, I had to react to her.

She came up close to me. Dancing rather provocatively. She was almost literally grinding up against me. And I won't deny, I was feeling pretty... good. I let my hands rest onto her hips. She continued to move back and forth, even moving down when the song was mentioning about going low to the floor. I let my hands slide along her arms as she almost went to her knees.

As she went low, all I could think about, was where, and when did she learn to do this? Either way, I grabbed onto her wrists, and pulled her up slowly. Letting her still gyrate her hips against me. After I pulled her completely up, my hand slid down her arms, her sides, and down to her hips as she was looking, sexy.

Looking into my eyes, She still had her back to me with her head facing me. Her green eyes, mixed with the gold flecks made me almost want to just stand there and stare. Instead, I smiled brightly,

"If you want me to try and keep up, you are going to have to do better darling."

Zeph grabbed my wrists as I'd started coming back up pulling me back to my feet and moving with me. The way he looked at me was very appreciative as if he was trying to decide whether or not to press me up against a wall right then and kiss me. I could tell he was trying to figure out where I'd learned to dance this way. Leaning in against Zeph I whispered in his ear, "Coruscant taught me quite a few things cyar'ika." As the song started winding down the DJ put another very provocative song.

As the beat picked up again I gave Zeph a sultry look before spinning away from him and starting to dance again. Meeting his eyes I sent him a message through The Force. "You have to chill for this song. Watch me and enjoy the show." Spinning away I started moving in time to the beat. Gyrating my hips and popping one up as I moved into a very modified and slightly slutty version of Echani fire-dancing. Tuning myself into The Force I lost myself in the beat. Closing my eyes I opened myself to The Force I saw in color and I just danced for Zeph and me, nobody else.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I guess she was good, oh so good at this. I smiled and shook my head as she told me to relax and to watch. Part of me wanted to go against that. Just to grab her, and not let go. She was making me want to go against everything that told me no. I had been held back, I tried to act nice. I tried not to hurt others. But I could see, how sometimes, you needed to take matters into your own hands. Watching her dance, all I could do was just stand there. Once the song was dying down, I walked up to her. Just looking at her for a moment.

"Keep making me stand there and only watch, then I will have to just join you."

I grabbed her arms, and pulled her towards me, I put my arms on her hips, and got really close to her. I was a rebellious person at heart. And as such, I looked into her eyes. I could see how she moved was a direct correlation to her own life. She went against the grain. She was someone who was not afraid to express herself, and I envied her for that. Able to express herself, even through her own hardships.

"I can't waste it."

Leaning in just a little more, I kissed her.

Smiling as the song died down I opened my eyes and saw Zeph walking over towards me. Smiling and keeping eye contact with me he came up beside me and said, "keep making me stand there and only watch, then I'll have to just join you." Then he grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him letting his arms rest on my hips, he was right up against me looking into my eyes seemingly starting to understand even more and even better who I really was. Then he said, "I can't waste it." Before I could ask what he couldn't waste he pulled me against him and kissed me.

As he kissed me I moaned into his lips and felt my knees go weak a little bit as I melted a little on the inside. Then a slower tune began and rather than dance I leaned into Zeph's embrace and kissed him back, hooking my left hand around his neck pulling him in closer. I really didn't want to let him go but I did owe him a proper dance. Just then I heard another song come on still blushing from his forwardness of kissing me and my rather insistent reciprocation of that I waited for him to take my hand and lead.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Kissing her, I could feel her lips. Soft but firm. As I kissed her, she did the same. I could feel her hand slide up behind my head. Pulling my head down towards her a little more as I let my own hands pull her closer towards me. She was tense at first, but then relaxed, and seemed to enjoy it. I am glad that she did, because I couldn't get my mind off of what I did. If I were to go back in time, and tell my past self that I would meet this woman who I would kiss like this, I might of thought I was insane.

After our lips separated, a song began to play. I smiled as my head was just barely an inch away from hers. Breathing her in, I could smell her perfume, I could smell her. And I wanted more. Letting my left hand slide up, it grabbed her hand that had reached behind my head, and pulled it away from us. My hand moved from her hip, to reside on the small of her back as the first words of the lyrics were sung.

​"Forgive me, but I can't waste a moment like this."

Slowly, we began to sway back and forth with the beat of the song. Slowly turning us in circles. I moved my right hand back to her hip, and then pushed her away, spinning her out, then back in at a rather moderate speed. Grabbing a hold of the small of her back once again, I smiled a little more as I pulled her in even closer than last time. I could feel her body up against my own. Letting us sway back and forth and moving ever so slightly in a circle once more.

As Zeph grabbed my hand and started a slow, sensual dance with me his hands went from my hips to resting on the small of my back right above my butt. Honestly though I wouldn't have minded if he had let his hands wander a bit as it was that kiss we'd just shared still had me on fire. He spun me out and then back in against him at a slightly faster pace. Leaning my left cheek in atop his right shoulder I just let my head rest there as we continued dancing then I started getting restless and after nuzzling in against his neck I whispered breathily in his ear, "Well done, cyar'ika you certainly have showed me a wonderful night so far. Hopefully you've got a little bit more of the wild side you want to let out later."

Then I did something that surprised me, I gently bit the side of his neck and whispered in a rather husky manner, "don't take me back to The Temple at the end of tonight I just want to enjoy this to the most I possibly can. I want to spend the night with you." Pulling back away for a moment I looked into Zeph's unique eyes and again hooking my left hand behind his neck and pulled him down and kissed his soft and firm lips rather aggressively before I pulled away again. As the beat to this song finally entered the outro I tapped his chest and said, "Your turn to pick a song and let me watch you." I gave him a very suggestive wink and as the song ended did a small curtsy and spun away to get a seat and a favorite drink of mine.

As the bartender said "one Cupid's Arrow" I grabbed my drink and took a sip as I waited to see what kind of song Zeph would choose and what kind of moves he had.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
Oh. It was my turn now? I guess I might need to come up with something that would get everything stirring between us. I smiled a little as I walked over to the Dj while Celiana leaned to the side with drink in hand. I smiled a little as I mentioned which song was needed for him to play. It was playing generic club music for the moment as the DJ was getting everything set up. Walking over to my date, I took the glass from her hands, taking a sip of the burning liquid as it slid down my gullet, and then placed it on the counter.

"How about you come with me."

Grabbing her hand, I lead her back to the floor as the song began to play.

"Lets just say I am a little addicted to you."

The rockin beat made me move. As it was soft for a moment, I then moved grabbed her hand, pulling her close to myself. Running my hands up her side, I leaned in. A sly, toothy grin as I continued to let my hands wander her form.

I was sipping my drink and watching Zeph walk over to request a song then suddenly he was there by me and grabbing my drink. Taking a sip from it he said, "How about you come with me." Then he grabbed my hand as I gulped down the rest of my drink and followed him out on the dance floor. Leaning in against me he said, "I can't help it I'm a little addicted to you." He grabbed my hands and moved in close against me then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close against him. His hands wandered and his left hand rested on right cheek while his right was up against my torso.

My breath caught and I let out a soft moan of pleasure. I wasn't sure he'd heard it but I moved in against him and as the music played and we danced together I placed my left palm on his chest and as the beat progressed I moved it further down until my hand was on his crotch and gave him a gentle squeeze. The music's beat had moved to a faster tempo and turning I began to slowly gyrate my hips against his pushing my ass back against his crotch and gyrating slowly for effect. I hoped that before long we'd be back on his bike heading somewhere quiet to truly enjoy each other.

As the song slowed down and began to end I turned again and wrapping my left arm behind his neck I pulled him to where he could hear me say, "How much hotter are you going to try to get me Zeph? A girl can only take so much before she wants to simply rip your clothes off. You'd best be making decisions Zeph because I want you NOW." I let that last bit sink in and let my voice ooze pure lust and sex. I went to grab another Cupid's Kiss but I sincerely hoped I wouldn't get to drink any before he grabbed me and we took off...

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
It was clear we were going somewhere else tonight. As she hung on me after the rather erotic dance, I couldn't help myself. Leaning down, I hooked my arm in the crook of her legs behind the knee, and literally swept her off of her feet. Lifting her off of the dance floor as the song was not quite finished, I then walked her out of the front door. Using the force to throw a credit chip from my wallet onto the counter for the bartender as a tip. After walking outside, I carried her towards the bike, letting her stand as I got onto it.

"One and only chance to get a ride."

Turning on the bike, I then revved it a little as people were passing us by. It was so hard right now to not try and just take her around the corner. The thing was, I liked her. A lot. Letting her get on, as soon as she wrapped her arms around me, I sped off towards my place.

Looks like I will have to give her the tour of the place later.

Before the song even ended he'd hooked his hand under my leg and I had time enough to think you naughty boy before I was falling and he caught me lifting me in a fireman's carry out the door. I'd grabbed my coat and as he walked out the door and carried me out to his bike I could see the desire in his eyes. A mix of honest desire, barely controlled lust, and a hungry look all at once and suddenly I wondered if it had been a good idea to turn him on as much as I had we'd arrived at his bike and just as he was putting me I kissed him. I slipped my coat on and slung my leg over his bike as he said, "One and only chance to get a ride."

Then I wrapped my arms around his waist and after revving the engine he sped us away. The fact was that his bike was vibrating and I was already feeling woozy with lust so that wasn't doing me any favors. Hopefully we'd be back at his place soon as it was I was barely holding my sanity together with what The Force was showing me. I saw him kissing my neck and gently biting my neck as well as he was unlocking the door to his place. Then I saw myself laying on his bed as he leaned over me shirtless and began to undo my dress kissing me before gently sucking on my collarbone. Then I jerked back to the present and let a low throaty moan escape my lips as I leaned into Zeph and let my hand drift down towards his upper thigh. On one hand I wanted him to rip my clothes off and be primal on the other hand I wanted to keep this dress intact. I did hope he was a mix of pure primal lust and gentle at the same time. I guess I'd find out soon....

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
It was clearly taking a turn. Gripping me, sliding her hands on me. I couldn't resist it. I just found this... urge to try and continue. Driving with one hand, I reached to my side and let my hand slide on her leg. Feeling her smooth skin as I was still trying to focus on the road. Looking down at the meter, I saw that I was going well over the speed limit. I won't say how much, but i could likely be in some kind of trouble for it. Slowing down to round another corner, I realized that sometimes, its okay to take our time. I smiled a little.

Keeping to myself for the moment, I was slowly coming to a stop at a light. After we were stopped, I turned around for a moment. Looking at her.

"You know, it's okay to hold onto me."

There were little shocks going off along my thigh as Zeph placed his hand on my upper thigh. Wrapping my other arm around him and leaning in against him as he drove I felt his hand move a bit higher and start moving his thumb in slow circles and shivering with lust and desire I moaned aloud in my helmet just as he said, "You know, it's okay to hold onto me."

I was so hot right now, I spoke into the comms my voice cracking as it did I said, "Zeph...please I know you want to take your time and let the anticipation build or whatever. But please by the Gods and Goddesses...DRIVE FASTER." I finished that last sentence in a throaty moan I just wanted him now. I wanted to be touched in a primal and tender way. I hoped he'd hurry up and do so soon...

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I smiled a little as I continued to tease Celiana. She was really wanting me to make her feel like a woman. As she said drive faster in her husky moan towards me, I leaned forward, and gunned it. Pushing the limits on the speed of this bike. Even transitioning from wheeled, to repulsors to reduce the rolling friction, and raise the speed ever so slightly. We were leaving the city very fast, and headed towards my home. Pulling up towards the main door, I came to a slow stop. Turning off the engine and letting it sit there as I let her get off. As she was taking her helmet off as fast as she could, I opened the main door with the force while my helmet closed up it's leaves.

Yanking the helmet from her hands, I threw it off into the side of the yard. Picking her up once more, only this time, she was facing me as I kissed her neck. Walking towards the house, I closed the door while she was hanging on me. Kissing her, I brought her towards the bedroom, and made sure to close the door.

Apparently my asking Zeph to hurry up had an effect because the next thing I knew we were rocketing towards his home. I could see him red-lining the bike and as we came to a stop in his front yard he used The Force to open his door. As I'd pulled off my helmet he yanked it from my hands and tossed it into the front lawn before I felt his hands cupping my butt and lifting me up facing him as he kissed my neck. Rolling my head back and letting a sensual moan slip from my lips I heard the door slam shut as we entered his house. He was still holding me by my bum and it was a huge turn on honestly. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we entered his bedroom and as we neared his bed I pushed my body-weight against him so that we fell to the bed together.

I hoped he wouldn't just tear my clothes off but that he'd drive me wild as he slipped me out of my clothes. Hooking my left arm behind his head I pulled his head to my chest as I licked and then gently bit his neck. "Gods and Goddesses I've been wanting to do this since dinner! You taste wonderful Zeph..."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
I smiled a little as we fell onto the bed. Clearly, we wanted more. I began to take my own clothes off. Throwing them to the side as she began to comment about wanting to taste me since dinner while I was suckling on her neckline. Smiling, I stopped and decided to return in kind.

"Well then don't waste a drop darling."

Kissing her, pressing her, I would make love to this woman.

Fade to Black

Waking up I leaned against Zeph's chest and smiled. I pulled the sheet over myself and snuggled in next to him. I didn't want to get up yet but I knew that I'd have to eventually...For now though I just nuzzled up against him and let out a content hum. This moment was bliss and I was happy with that...

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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