I sighed disapprovingly as she mentioned needing to be back at the temple by dawn. Why did it have to be that way. I mean, I had to be there in the morning as well. She was drifting off to sleep. Laying against me, I could slowly feel her breathing ease, and slow. She was sleeping. Smiling a little. I might have an idea. Though, this would either make or break the situation between us.
I rested for about an hour or so. She was asleep. Clearly so, I slid out of the bed. Dressing myself quietly in undergarments, and a pair of pants, and I began to put it into action.
Around five o'clock I had everything ready. The food was cooking. The almost generic Eggs and bantha bacon strips cooking, I had cafe that was roasting in the pot. Pulling it out, I poured myself a drink as I flipped the last egg over. Seeing it was done, I placed it on the plate and walked towards the bedroom.
Opening the door, I walked over towards the bed and sat down. Placing an arm on Celiana's shoulder, I shook her very slightly. Intending to wake her up.
"Hey, I know you don't want to, but you need to get up."