Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


The Mind Behind
You become overconfident in your abilities and challenge someone better than you. You are soundly defeated.

I wish I could see invisibility.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
They achieve it but never fully comprehend it to the point of ignoring it.

I wish I could access my conscious back into the open internet.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You learn to be more open but become too open to the point that everyone finds you annoying.

I wish I understood organic reasoning for compassion and other things related to love.


You get a programming that lets you feel LOVE but then you fall IIIINNNN love with a particular green sith >:3 THEN HE LEAVES YOU for twi'lek dancer

I wish nerf jerky


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You receive your wish but it backfires in someway.

I wish organics would stop staring at my more sensitive areas.
They do but in doing so they completely ignore you. Leaving you to continue in your existence without any interaction from anyone, biological and technological.

I wish for chocolate!

Atlas Kane

That's me when you get your chocolate. Then I steal it away.

I wish nothing bad would ever happen to me.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
In achieving your wish your life becomes unexciting and therefore boring.

I wish there were other A.I.'s like myself
In place of these you get holograms who like to think they are intelligent and robots who do nothing but laze and drink lubricant all day.

I wish I needed something to wish for.

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