Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


You steppn on my wishes bro? *removes earing and chases after you in clicking ghetto 10 in heels). OH HELL TO THE NO!

Anyway your wish is granted, but the rancor chases after you in rancor size ghetto heels and then I get you.

And Zrs'fes you cant wish for something thats already true ;)

I wish George Takei to meet @[member="MAI"] so he can say


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
He does but I, not knowing enough about his career in Star Trek, does not understand the joke.

I wish I could create another being like myself.
Granted, but shes selfish and doesnt want to share attention..she terminates you PUN INTENDED.
I wish you and I could dance to this


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You know it but it's not so satisfying.

I wish I knew why I had so many organic males suddenly taking interest in me.
@[member="MAI"] Granted, they like you because you make them
I wish for that dance MAI :p

(what the frak is a tomska?)
She dances, but not the dance you are looking for, instead she does....(wait for it) THE ROBOT!!!! HAHAHAHAHA get it because she's a droid!

I wish all of those who have a valentine a very happy valentines day.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
I ignore that wish and slap you, @[member="Rasu Gan"] for making such a horrible joke.

I am starting to wish I would not draw so much attention only do to my looks.
Granted, *DEEP DEMONIC VOICE* But those who are single shall feel incredibly flustered at the sight of lovey dovey couples!
@[member="MAI"] granted, I like you as the not person you arent.
I wish people would listen to the music videos I post.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
They do but that does not mean they like them --insert lolol-

I wish I wasn't so confused about organics and their reaction to me, both positive and negative.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
They do but then it's nothing special since everyone likes them and it becomes just another fad.

I wish someone other than the mon calamarian would at least try to attract me. -insert lol-

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