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Corruption and crystals

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya climbed back onto the leviathans corps cutting around several of the blister pods with the saber. "So what's this idea of yours?" She asked using a loud voice. The stench of it's flesh was foul and every time she took a breath in she could taste it. Each one she cut out she lifted them guiding them carefully to the floor so they wouldn't split open. She had got about six forming a circle of holes, she stabbed the saber in as far as it would go connecting the holes with a deep cut. After they all where connected she ripped the flesh off with the force, throwing the chunk of meat onto the floor towards one of the other leviathans, kind of a subtle hint for it to eat it as a cruel joke.

She looked inside the gaping hole to see three of the ribs exposed now, with the saber she sliced across the two visable ripping them out tossing them close to the blister pods. She slide down the side picking up the two large ribs with the blister pods on top. For a second sanya stumbled due to the weight of everything but got her balance back. Walking over to praelior barely able to hold everything she looked at elara walk in with saber parts. "Where do you want these?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya motioned to where she was working on it with Elara passing her the different pieces of equipment and she spoke. "Set it down right here." Balaya motioned with her hand while she waited and grabbed a piece of bone, slowly she was working it to shave it down and smooth it over, she hollowed it out and curved the blades so they could interlock with the power cell and fashioned the one hilt with grooves on it. The second section of it made to hold the blister podas she slid the talking crystal into it with the components. Balaya looked at Sanya as she motioned the knight over and held her hand out over the blades. She had Elara provide a vial of blood from camellia's samples. "One from what you love, one from what you hate and one from yourself." Slowly she presented the alchemy blade to collect the third component and bind the blades with the power as well as harden the hilts. "The alchemy will make the bone able to resist saber blades and bind them to you my dear, the blister pods will consume the souls of those you kill and with your dark crystals the darkside of the force will be stronger within you."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

She put down the bone and blister pods in front of praelior and then sat down on the floor. She watched as the sith worked crafting the hilts and merged the pieces together, it was exciting to finally have a pair of sabers that wasn't a make due and the solari crystals she had wouldn't have been any use for them now.

As the sith becond her closer she handed the two new sabers, they where light and felt smooth. She looked away from the sabers to the sith as she spoke. "Thank you, at this rate I will have to start calling you master." She said with a small laugh. "After all you have already done so much for me, and in some ways it confuses me. Most would have simply claimed me as an easy kill knowing I was one of them." Since she decided to devote her life to the dark for camellia she couldn't stand to link herself with Jedi. Although she didn't regret been one it was now past. She held both sabers in one hand passing over prealior's "I think this one belongs to you, and it served me well for the short time I had the pleasure of using it."

She clipped the sabers onto the belt around her waist, they almost felt like they had no weight to them, and she liked it. Heavy clunky hilts wasn't for her they seemed lacking in speed. "So what is next for me then? I presume you have some kind of plan?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked at the girl and grinned to her comment as she spoke. "If it makes you happy you may call me master my dear." Slowly she rose up though and had her pack and kit. "My plan however is those blades are not finished being worked on, there are still things that must be gathered and more testing. They'll function as simple blades but we want them to be grand compared to a normal blade." She did take her saber back and slid it back into place between her chect as it stayed there and she was walking off towards a ship. "We have much work to do and Korriban is our next stop, then we'll find you some locals to test those blades out on."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya smiled at praelior. "I won't let myself go through another master, they have a strange tendency of leaving or dissapearing. Instead I will just call you by your name, as a mutual friendship. You've helped me and I will continue to help you. And the sounds of a powerful weapon sound delightful, well not for those who oppose me but hey beggers can't be choosers, then again if there life is just to sad and not worth living I'm sure I. I mean we could make it better for them, I would like to see a galaxy full of little Cora's running around. Seeing camellia as one kinda got me some what fond of them. Although I must say that was a grate invention on your behalf."

As praelior took her saber from her hand, she watch her put it in the same place from where she pulled it out of the first time they had met. For some strange reason Sanya wonders how may other things she had stuffed in her cleavage. She continued to speak saying they would be heading to korriban. "Well I can't complain at least it's warm even if it is a saw sight for eyes. I never understood the siths fascination for that place, kinda weird to be honest." It wasn't meant as an insult to the sith heritage, but a simple remark and opinion.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

"Oh there are far older things on that world then some know and secrets on top of secrets." She was walking now and leading the way as the command for her armor to be on the ship waiting for her came. She had the time to work on some things and was pulling up the design of the sabers while the needed supplies they would have to get. The test subjects Vree that vong had brought were still around with their trees and things... she could and should use a lambent crystal as well while they were heading up to the ship in the shuttle. "On that world there are also things the jedi over look, that they ignore and that when used the right way can become something dangerous. That is one of the things we are going for to get you." She also wanted to play with the idea of trapping souls for another project she had but it had never gotten fully off the ground.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya started to follow praelior as she spoke about hidden secrets and how Jedi over looked them. "In fairness it's not like Jedi exactly wanted to stay there the times they went. With all that glorious energy it emits I don't blame them, probably couldn't handle it." She said with a smirk. Even though it has been a very short time the power praelior had gave her felt nice, it coursed through her very vains giving a sensation that the light side never gave her. Still all the talk of danger for once made her feel excited. "So what is this dangerous thing that I need?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her with a grin while in the ship to head up to the ship before leaving. She was looking at her now. "The first thing is this." She brought a holoimage of a large crystal. "It is a soul crystal that is able to collect souls from those who you kill with a ritual." She was going to forgo the ritual while she was moving about with a wider grin on her face. "The second will be using the tomes we recovered from Al-Khali to infuse your sabers with more magics to bind them to you instead of others. A small darkside nexus of your own to feed upon." She had more ideas but was going to keep those to themselves.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya got on board of the ship she made her way to the front into the Co pilots seat while looking at the tall woman speaking. Sanya looked at the holo image. "So the crystal is like a soul snare?" Something she had once briefly read upon while with the Jedi. "And the sound of my own nexus, well I certainly enjoy feeding from it." Already it felt like an addiction and she was not satisfied yet, but still she knew this was all for camellia. Sanya must become stronger and with the help of praelior it would be achieved.

She leaned back in the chair getting comfortable. "So what else are we to expect or is it just simple as that?" She asked curios for more details. They where going off to a place she didn't know to well than the common knowledge, then again the dark side wasn't something she was really aloud to research into that much with the restrictions on the jedis archives. Some part of her wished that she could have access to it from anywhere. Maybe she should send her droid in for some information, but come out with most. It would be a good asset to her. The information would still never reach the siths hands and would be for personal use, but it was something to think about later on. It was all if's at the moment anyway. Sanya now felt relaxed and with lack of sleep she'd like to use the time to catch up and get the energy she would need. "If I'm needed wake me. I still lack sleep and it sounds like this will he the only opportunity to catch up on it." she said as she closed her eyes.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her as she saw the jedi go off to go and sleep. She had surprised Balaya with hr knowledge and while they were waiting on the trip now Balaya was plotting on what would need to be done and what they could do there. Sure searching for a large enough shard to use in the spell would take some time and they would need to contend with some of the nasty creatures but it would also give a chance for her to see how the jedi reacted to the world and the tombs. That was of more interest to her for testing and experimenting now while she sat in her seat on the ship watching it jump to hyperspace. SHe had her full attention on the holo image of the sabers while she was working to plot out what would be within them as they were set to arrive in a few hours.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

As Sanya slept she started to dream about herself camellia and praelior, it felt strange like it was real. It was mostly flash of images bits of voices that wasn't clear. But one thing for certain she was in pain and the two of them watched, praelior even had scanners most likely monitoring her. The sound of coming out of hyper space woke her up. Sanya yawned as she gazed out the window to see the reddish brown planet in the distance. "I guess where here and I should get ready?" She implied wafting the hood over her head. The ship got closer and closer to the planet while she checked she had everything, even though she did that before they had left. It was a routine she'd become acoustom to.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

When the ship arrived she was looking it over, from the chair Balaya looked up as she broke her train of thought, seeking to keep her mind on Sanya and give her impressions and bad dreams. She wanted the former jedi thinking and busy as she rose when the ship was touching down near the pyre, her cloak coming up over her armor as she walked towards the ramp and had her sabers on display. The last time she had really been here had been with Eruni while they were moving down seeing the ruined academy in the distance while she was letting herself head towards some of the section of the valley. "Come along, we'll check the lesser known tombs."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya followed praelior off the ship instantly covering her eyes from how bright it was, she pulled the robes hood further over her head but it wasn't as long as her cloaks. she lowered her arm slowly allowing her eyes adapt to the brightness. Although the robes didn't help with the heat, the faster they got to the tombs the better. "So how many of the tombs have you explored here?" She said while looking at praelior. "After all there must be hundreds now. Tulak hord been one of the famous ones I know of." She could feel all the drakside that has been drawn to this planet millions of years worth of it.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her. "I have explored many of them but most have been picked clean of anything valuable mostly. A broken soul crystal will not be as important to most and neither will some of the area we are looking." She was leading the way through the sections of tombs in the valley as most were unmarked with the names worn away by dust and time. Her hands touching on and going to another section of canyon over looking more of the valley before she was moving with her attention off towards the bigger statues. Away from the temple and away from the places most searched. Deeper into the canyons where the beasts were located and she was pressing her aura out with sithese on her tongue as the tuk'ata's stood there looking at her with glowing red eyes. The tomb they were protecting either important or a den for their pups but either way Balaya was going inside.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

The blistering heat started to get to much and these robes really wasn't helping. "Tomb wise this is my first, not one for places with dead things. At this rate I will probably die from this heat really wish I had spare clothes. Also I'll rais my point again from earlier, why do sith have a fascination here. I can see why they want to be buried here it's too damn hot for anyone and would probably die from the heat alone, never mind the beast's here."

Sanya followed praelior through the valleys passing a few caves. Most seemed to have been marked once. After a while they encountered a small pack of tuk'ata's and she felt praelior how to shift her energy. She knew how to suppress the energy but to shift it was different. "How do you do that? I mean shift your energy and focus it onto something, I've felt it many times and I will admit it is impressive." It was a skill that looked like it worked a lot on stuff that was weak willed or easily scared, and if not it definitely inspired fear enough that most would think twice about doing something.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking over at her and thinking about the caves and planet. "The sith come here because it is an ancient world full of the darkside and yes being buried here adds to that darkness and power. So many wish for the things it can do." She had a grin on her face though hearing how the jedi sounded impressed and letting her energies come out while she was going. One of the larger tombs there while she was letting the energies come out. "THe energy you can shift the energies you have easily enough it is how you work with alchemy and control. Your power needs to be strong and familiar for you to be able to change it over most use just try and make a blanket ability."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya's face gave of the expression of confusion while still approaching tuk'ata's. "I'm don't understand what you mean by a blanket ability, I have the feeling it's like to opposite of stealth but instead of making it tiny I presume you make it blow out. But you seem to push that onto one place kind of I'm not sure." As they became closer the tuk'ata's started to growl and bark. It was amusing to see them warning us off because if they didn't move they would probably die. Sanya through out a small force push to one of the bigger ones making it fly back into a rock, as it made contact with the bolder it yelped getting the attention of a few of the other ones. Still the tuk'ata's at the front kept there sights on Sanya and praelior. "Should we kill them or see if they move off. Either way I don't mind. They look like a waste of effort if you ask me, but what needs to be done will be done."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked down at the beasts as they were growling and then slowly she crouched with her hand coming out as the purple eyes glowed in the shadows recording what was there but her force energies were pouring out as an aura of command. "Stealth involves shrinking your presence, command involves showing how powerful you are and the beasts of the sith will respond." She was looking at the tuk'ata's and they slowly parted while she started to enter the tomb seeing the entry way built for massassi while she climbed through to stand in the center of the massive tombs pathway. "Come along, they shall let us through."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya watched the creatures depart as they both got close to the entrance. 'Well I guess that answers the question.' she thought to herself. She followed praelior into the tomb instantly a lot cooler than outside. "Ohhh so much better, still warm but bare able." They ventured further in some parts looked as they had collapsed over time. Columns laid scattered across the floor and bits of rubble everywhere. "This place looks really old, I wonder how old. Also I hope you know where we're going because my sense of direction isn't so good when it's places like this." She put her hands on one of the fallen columns laying across the path, pushing herself up and over it. On the other side there was an arch way with old sith language. Some of it had worn away but most was still there, although she couldn't read it.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked at her as she was walking through and observing sections of the tomb. The fallen chunks of it all telling her and showing her more of what she needed before her attention went to the girl. "Yes I know where we are and where we are headed, we'll be able to make it back and if not well... I have always wondered what ex jedi tasted like." She said the joke with a grin while stopping short of a room and peering in while her hands were going over the walls then down to the ground. Small shards of crystal and dirt everywhere but it was what she wanted. Now she just needed to find enough of it to complete her spell on the sabers. "Looks for larger shards and then we will find a quiet place to continue to preform the ritual on your sabers. They will be wonderful for your cause."

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