Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruption and crystals

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya tried to hold in her laugh. "I would expect you to get much off me, if you haven't noticed I haven't much meat on my bones." Making the moment of her slender body. She cleared her mind closing her eyes as she sat down. Her mind focusing on all the fragments of crystals searching in her own way to find them. Quickly jumping from one to the next mapping out the ones that had potential for praelior plans. Her eyes burst open as she stood herself up. Sanya's head quickly darted in the directions of where she felt the more powerful shards of crystal so she had a better mental image. She pointed behind a big rock close to praelior. "There is one over there I think." Sanya headed towards a small hole in the wall kneeling down reaching for one. If the jedi taught her anything is that focus and a clear mind would show and guide to what she was looking for.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked at her as she was moving and when Sanya indicated an area she was slowly letting a grin come to her face as the sight of a large enough shard came. Slowly Balaya picked it up and held it between her hands letting her thumb run over the smooth surface. Slowly Balaya was moving and spoke while she was walking deeper into the tomb. The tunnels giving way to a large chamber with torch sconces and chalices for rituals. The tomb in the center was closed but a great deal of the pottery and the different valuables were gone. The massive zeltron stood going in there to the platform while she set the crystal down and presented a small chalice for the ritual. "Your sabers." Balaya was slowly working on them when she got them, her hands disassembling them with a small alchemical knife being presented that she slowly started to work with. The crystal chamber with the blister pods stretched along the outside were curving itno the standard part where the saber was assembled. She slowly started carving runes into the interior of the hilt. The sith magiccs she was channeling into them with the script to contain and create a nexus of energy while she slid into the bone the crystal. Fitted and secured while she slowly bled some more blood into it. The blood hardening to fill in the gaps while it gleamed like red black crystal.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya followed the sith further in with the two shards of crystals, to a large room. Praelior asked for her sabers, so Sanya unclipped them from her belt. "Here you go." she said as she placed them an the large stone table. She watched as her sabers where been dismantled them putting in the two new crystals inside. Praelior then continued to carve runes inside of the hilts then focused her energy's into them putting her blood inside hardening around the newly added crystals. She looked at the sith consentrating on assembling them back together. While Sanya waited she sat down to meditate letting the time pass by. It felt strange to her now, she was so used to focusing on her old signature but the darkness within her changed it, she still managed to focus visualizing a line the more focused the less the line waved in her mind. The dark energy flowed off her skin like a waterfall. After what she presumed was twenty minutes or so Sanya stood back up. "Is it done?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya continued to work on the blades, the crystals were set in place with the hardened blood to keep them from rocking around and the jagged edges that connected the bones made for a sight as she set them back together, letting force energy seal the bone hilts while the blister pods seemed to hum with the darkside from her machinations and the runes that were for spirit binding. The goal was to have it catch and absorb the spirits with a failsafe that allowed her to escape should her lovely little apprentice try and entrap her. There were a great many thought in her midn though while she was moving her hands along the length of the hilts and holding them. Balaya activated one s it seemed to produce a fiery gold and orange blade for a moment with the sentient crystal inside hurling insults about her not being the owner of the blades. Balaya remained there though while she was invoking the darkside spirits within the tomb and speaking to herself. "Arise." The pulse of dark energy and hatred was what she noticed first as swirling energy came around her until it was being channeled, though her body into the hilts to give them the taint and the magics. Ensnarement spells to make collecting souls enjoyable to the wielder... a supernatural high that they would miss the feeling of. "They are ready my dear."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya smiled at praelior saying that they where done. 'Finally my own actual sabers.' She giggled to her self while she took them back igniting the blades, swinging them about to test. The voices was a strange thing, one seemed to be shy while the other was enthusiastic meeting it's new owner. "Ohhh I love them." She said to praelior. "Thank you, I can't wait to try them out on someone." A menacing smile reached her face looking at praelior. "Don't worry, I don't mean on you." Adding to the banter from earlier. The feel of the hilt was smooh and light, no longer did she have to use something chunky. She dis engaged the blades clipping them onto her belt still feeling the hilts while they dangled, sending goose bumps up along her arms.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her as she turned towards the girl and was walking with a grin on her face. "Oh there is much more to them." She slowly leaned down enclosing her hands around Sanya's while showing them interlocking and forming a z shape. The center of it holding the crystals while she held it up for her to use. "The hilts can connect and with practice you can throw it as a single blade or have them disconnect in mid air and connect together again. It will require training my dear but I believe you are not one to shy away from working on something and as your connection to the darkside increases slowly the connection to these blades will grow."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya bowed her head. "I will practice with these every day, whether I'm attacking air or slicing down someone in the wrong place at the wrong time." This now took away having to annoyingly build a third saber, she had two now that would connect. Although it's only the throwing and splitting them aspects she'd need to learn. Well she already knew how to throw and guide it back but obviously distance would be a big role in this. Sanya looked at praelior again with the smile still. "So can I go test these out? Something simple for the feel and maybe move to somewhere more lively and capture a few subject's. You did say you'd teach me alchemy and what better way than a living being."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her as she held a small grin on her face thinking about it. She could do that go and get her somewhere to test her blades out and slowly before leaving Balaya grabbed the stone slab that was the tomb. She was ripping it off and holing it as it went to the side leaving the remains there while she was looking inside and grabbed the small amulet left in there with dusted bone. The massive zeltron was moving towards the entrance with the former jedi and she raised her hood up leading the way towards the path to take them back to the ship. "You can test it on some of the larger tuk'ata but leave the babies, they can be of use."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

As they made there way out back into the blistering heat Sanya had a grin on her face. "I will try not to kill the babies unless they wrap there selfs around my ankle." She waited for a moment before continuing. "Don't worry I'll not kill any probably just make sure there unconscious, as for any of the other ones there good as dead already." She continued walking with praelior towards going back to the ship and hopefully they would pass a family of them. Maybe she'd keep one for herself if the sith allowed it. If not there are may other creatures she could uses as a pet or something to guard the ship.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya continued to walk through the ones there while she was speaking sithese for them to hear with her attention on the area around herself. 'Attack her' She let the larger ones go after Sanya while focusing on the smaller ones and pushing back the little creatures as the tuk'ata attacked the former jedi. Balaya came ot the end of the canyon moving faster though while she turned back around and let some of the pups come around her feet while she knelt down watching the display. SHe wanted to see what this little jedi could do and how far she could fall before finally she allowed Camellia to infect her lover.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya's head spun as she could hear the large pack of tuk'ata's, some was a lot bigger than her but that ment nothing. Before praelior left to draw the pups to her Sanya grinned. "Back in a moment." She said with a giggle of excitement. Unclipping the sabers from her belt she connected them together to try splitting them mid air. She ignited and threw them towards the closest few, guiding it with the force the sabers drove through the neck of the first dissconecting them.

She now focused on the two separate sabers bringing them wide along the outside, one missed while the other hit a second before coming back to her hand. The tuk'ata's still remained in a full charge and she started to charge towards them leaping high spinning her waists looking like a orange fan with a full blur from the blades around her. As she landed close to them she pulled one of the dead bodies to knock one out of the way while slicing upwards at another.

The main hand swung back impaling the one behind that was about to bite before crossing her blade to another in front. She leaped once more toward the remaining three one covers in scars and a white eye, it's obvious some of the marks are from a saber with how deep scars some ran. Although the other two charged at her while it remains waiting for it's chance. She had already thought of a finisher for the beast.

While the other two circled her Sanya she crossed her sabers across her chest and then threw them straight into the skulls of them and drew them back to her hand. The Alfa male scratched it's paw on the ground dipping it's head ready to charge, while Sanya built up energy into her hand. As the tuk'ata charged she launched the beast into the air and she leaped to intercept it wile it's body wriggled, when she got above it Sanya let go of the energy in her hand making the pulse that was once blue now red. Its body smashed into the ground Sanya followed with her sabers pointing down stabbing into it's neck. She stood up pulling the sabers out through it's neck to make sure it definitely died unlike the many failed attempts before her. Wiping her forhead with the sleeve of the robe she made her way back towards praelior. She approached her out of breath looking at the sith. "Please don't tell me I need to skin them." She said as a joke.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya was looking at her as her eyes held a small glint in them with a smirk. "Do you want to skin them my dear?" She was looking the girl over and leading the way with her hands while she held the small tuk'ata pups with one for herself, one for Elara and she motioned. "Come now my sweet apprentice, you have earned one for yourself and if you want t have Camellia all happy I am more then certain she would love a gift." Balaya said it with a grin on her face walking back towards the sip and letting Sanya have her moment of decision. The main things she was looking at was in her hands when a second ship arrived. After them and full of their croa, well some that she was going to teach Sanya to control. She wanted and had brought her here to keep her promise to make her strong enough to feed Camellia... Now she needed to put her inner darkness to the test as one of the troopers monitoring the sithspawn presented her a data pad. "We have found a suitable transport lady Praelior." That was all she needed to hear as her voice came out." Good, now come my apprentice. We are about to begin your first lessons now that you have everything you need. You will be leading the charge with these croa. Your control over them must be solidified."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya looked up to praelior her while face dropped. "Not really, it's too hot I'm sweaty and I still have dried blood on the robes. Damn I wish I had my stuff." She wasn't meaning to complain, but she preferred comfort when fighting. She held out her arms holding the pup. Its still young enough to be trained and no where to go back to. "Thank you." She said with a small grin on her face as she walked towards the ship with praelior. A second ship flew over head land I close to praelior's, they headed towards it to see it was full of croa. 'She never lets up with the surprises.' She thought to her self following the sith, till one of the troops handed her a data pad. As she spoke Sanya nodded "no need for apprentice, we are friends after all such formalitys aren't needed. Sanya or pet as you like to call me will be fine, I got used to that one. Also doesn't the croa only respond you you and camellia?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

"They respond to whatever I command them to respond to in this case... the virus has felt you are worthy enough. The darkness you accepted will slowly make its way to your heart and you'll find my pet there are a great many things you will be able to do now." Balaya also well had something to help as she drew one of the amulets for control of the croa. Their blood on the amulet while she slid it out and around Sanya's neck with a smile on her face. "They will obey those who have bathed in the darkside, all you have to do is command them and they will follow... If they seem to resist establish dominance my pet. Show them why you are in charge and make them obey your orders."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

This wouldn't have been the first time she had taken charge of a team but it was a first for them been sithspawn. Sanya tilted her head down while praelior but the amulet around her neck and then looked back up to her. "Ill do my best." She looked at all the croa mostly geared up there weapons had been put on the racks but there armor was on. "With all the running about I've done I'd be surprised if it hasn't passed through my heart a few times." Making a slight joke from what she said. "I will take this as the opportunity to try push my darkness on them, let them know I'm in control. Although I'm still not sure about what you have planed, if anything I'm quite confused."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya moved into the ship and took a seat in her chair as she had a grin on her face. 'Good good." The joke about the darkness was amusing to her while she was moving with her fingers directing some of the troopers and reclining in the chair the holographic displays appeared around her while it opened a neural link. She was slowly working on inputting more information and power for the holocron on her ship as she listened to see what Sanya did with the croa to establish her dominance. "I look forward to seeing what you can do with it pet."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya sat down close to praelior watching what she was doing, but the question remained of what was she directing the croa to do. What was the objective? Still what ever she needed to do she will do it at the best of her abilities. "Where to next and what we doing?" Asking the sith. Even a brief explanation would allow her to think of a rough plan how to go about what was needed to be done. Although at least she can take what's about to be done with a little more ease, and maybe even add more croa to the collection if they can. "If there is any spare armor that the croa is using any chance when I can use some. I might have to cut some parts off to make it to my liking but it would probably help me perform better, and I'd probably smell less. At this rate I will need a portable wardrobe."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

She broke the connection looking at Sanya and grinning as she spoke. "We are going to intercept a ship heading towards Ruusan. Then as we board it you are going to lead the team. No distractions and there will be no one to report what happened. Your choice my pet of what happens to the people on board. You can kill them, infect them but you will be working to test the croa's obedience to your authority and skills." She was there beaming now a little more while her data on the croa was being recorded. "The ship is going to be destroyed and the first things we have targeted is their hyperdrive and communications."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya smiled knowing they would be close going to russan, if they had time she wanted to check up on a off the records project. Something praelior would like to get her hands on. "Praelior if we have time I'd like to head to russan after. I may have a little surprise waiting for you if it has been completed, I also need to check up on a few things with my Droid. also If you send ship there a head of us I can send the clearance code for them to pick up a Bach of vehicles and droids." It would be nice to be somewhere familiar for even a minute, and she actually had more clothes there after many days of straight working. On the topic of the ship she already had a few ideas of how to go about it, if it was big then a simple split up the croa and infect them. If it was a small ship then probably move together.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked at the girl and she shrugged, given what she had done having it be a trap after all this time would be strange and very unbeneificial given her own state. The large zeltron smiled and she had a grin on her face. "Very well pet, we can head over there after we get the ship, I would rather enjoy seeing it with her own eyes before she was moving a hand. "You may proceed, now go and spend time getting your croa to obey you, these tests will prove invaluable as Camellia and myself cannot be everywhere we need them to be able to be controlled by others."

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