Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant: Please Take My Money [Galactic Alliance, corporations, interested organizations]

[member="Simone"] - a quick search of Underground databases confirmed her to be an occasional asset, a useful contact who knew what she was doing. Mara sent a thank-you note and connected her with [member="Ria Misrani"], another Underground-connected slicer who would be working on information security.

[member="Seydon of Arda"] received a set of Iron Crown work credentials of unspecified type -- absolutely ubiquitous and innocuous in the Coruscant system. Mara acknowledged that they needed to have breakfast sometime, promised she'd poke her father for him, and forwarded Seydon a fifty thousand credit gift card to the ship bazaar on the Tion Trade Nexus. It wasn't much, but it was enough to pick up a crappy freighter and go from there.

[member="Astarii Saren"]

Supreme Commander Ven:

Thank you for your kind note, and I will of course pass on your message to the businesses with which I'm in contact. However, I'm unsure of what abuses or corporations you might be referencing. You mention war materiel specifically. So far as I'm aware, that might include the following:

  • House Thul was contracted for security. House Thul is a Galactic Alliance ally, and participated in the liberation.
  • Omega Pyre was contracted for security. Omega Pyre is a longstanding Galactic Alliance ally.
  • HeklerKok (another longtime ally, owned by an Omega Pyre Colonel) has offered to donate small arms, vehicles, and personal armor for the use of Coruscant defense forces under your jurisdiction.
  • Concordia Crescent Technologies, a small Mandalorian firm, donated a large amount of food and money, and has offered to donate a quantity of small arms for the use of Coruscant defense forces under your jurisdiction. I confess I had some trepidation due to my own experiences with Mandalorians, but the volume of civilian supplies involved -- arriving in a handful of small, slow and fragile ships -- isn't something I could turn down at my end, and at this stage the offer appears genuine and innocuous in all respects.

If any of these corporations or arrangements are problematic from your direction, or if any of the other corporations I've contracted are exceeding their contracts, I will of course proceed as you will direct.

Mara D'Lessio Merrill
[member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Abraxis"] [member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Kelly Perris"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Fortris Sonn"] [member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Valashu Elahad"] [member="50H31"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Armis Vindex"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darell Irani"] [member="Cerita Sarova"] [member="Simone"] [member="Astarii Saren"]


I have been contacted by Nemo Ven, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. He has asked me to pass on his thanks to all of you, but also to remind you that security is still a major concern. Please do not bring heavily armed vessels or military materiel into the Coruscant system without the express permission of Galactic Alliance authorities. Please respect the mandate and jurisdiction of Galactic Alliance authorities.

Best wishes,

Mara D'Lessio Merrill

Eloquent and heartfelt letters of thanks were sent to [member="Alkor Centaris"] and [member="50H31"]. General [member="Ugohr Poof"] received half a million credits on the understanding that he could arrange for the development of a refugee housing allocation system in the very short term. No exclusive mass real estate deal, in or out of the Financial Sector, was within Mara's or Silk's power to grant; that was, as she'd told him, entirely a Galactic Alliance matter.
Ria had finally made it to Naboo, and no worse for wear although she was sure she should sue for the number of bumps to the head she got. Stretching her body out she filed out of the transport just like everyone else. Her tablet blinked again, another notification and another piece of mail. Opening it up she gave it a quick skim, she had her satchel slung over her shoulder as she walked down the skyway from the transport to the spaceport. She wrote out a quick note to @Ajira Cardei, saying that she would be heading to Coruscant and then she would return to Naboo to continue work there.

In the meantime, she decided to write an introduction note to her fellow slicer, @Simone. It wasn't anything fancy, or even that long, just a quick instant holo-message to let her know that she'd be there at Coruscant soonish.

Hi Simone,

Names, Ria Misrani will be headed to Coruscant from Naboo. Will meet with you there to see what you have in mind for security.

- Ria

From here, she'd walk across the spaceport to a different terminal and catch a transport out to Coruscant. Thankfully, Naboo had some of the best restaurants that any spaceport this side of the galaxy has ever seen.
Eralam said:
Eralam did not have an appointment. He did, however, have 300,000+ refugees that needed to be returned to their homes.

The campaign to rescue civilians caught in the crossfire between the One Sith and the Galactic Alliance had been a success, but that success had come at a price. The Network had been prepared to guide the refugees to safehouses and provide food, clothing, water, and shelter, and to keep them there as long as necessary. But now that the shooting was over, they had no way to get the refugees back home. Or, if not home, then at least to government sanctioned facilities, where they would be cared for.

See, the Shard had sort of expected them to funnel out on their own once it was safe. It's what a Shard would have done, at any rate. Shelter was nice and all, but emergency bomb shelters don't make for the best refugee camps. The safehouses weren't exactly overcrowded, but there wasn't an abundant amount of personal space either, and they were running through their supplies at an alarming rate. Instead of heading back to the surface on their own, however, most of the refugees expected some sort of official transportation. The fact that they had made the journey down into the lower levels on their own, sometimes through a hail of blasterfire, was irrelevant. The battle was over, and they weren't about to trudge through miles of debris and destruction if they could help it.

Goran had suggested shutting off the water and burning the food stocks, but Eralam had enough sense to know that would just make things worse. The Network was already having a hard time keeping a low profile as it was, and if the refugees decided they wanted to get hostile, there wasn't a damn thing the Shards could do without blowing their cover. The thing was, they couldn't arrange transportation for that many people by themselves without drawing attention.

And so, that's why the Shard found himself waiting in the foyer of some bigwig's office. Word on the street was that she was doing a lot to coordinate recovery and rebuilding efforts. Rusty had mentioned something about her being an occasional client of his, so that was some small comfort. He'd sell guns to just about anyone, but the weaponsmith had a nose for choosing buyers of custom weapons that were, if not exactly good people, at least potentially useful, whatever the hell that meant.

If that was truly the case, then problem solved. If not, it was time for the Network to draw attention to itself, one way or another.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Mara sagged. She'd finally caught up on messages, including an ambiguously worded note from the gorram Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance. It might have been a cease-and-desist. He probably hadn't meant it that way. Regardless, her fingers were sore, and Eiarra Denirel had been knocking on her door for ten minutes on and off. A Chalactan Adept and a Theran Listener, Eiarra had worked for Mara in any number of capacities over the years. Even through the door, Mara could feel her stress. At the next knock-

"Yeah, Eiarra?"

The door opened. "You're free? Good. There's a droid in the foyer for you. And there's something about him."

"Like what?"

"Not sure, but it's not the first time I've caught myself calling that droid 'him.' Something's unusual. Also, RCFC vouched for him, so there's that."

Mara grunted and stood from her dilapidated office chair. Her space was crammed with unbunched wires, active terminals, glowing arrangements of Force crystals, and used fast food containers. But everywhere else in this retrofitted office block was actually worse. Feth. "The gunmakers? All right, show it -- him -- in. Let's hear what he's got to say. Hopefully it's not another arms manufacturer looking to donate backlog to local security forces that may or may not actually exist or be loyal or whatever. I've caught quite enough heat from the Alliance over small arms imports as it is."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Elaine Thul said:
cc: [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Dear [member="Ajira Cardei"]

That is an excellent suggestion, and I have taken residence in old Alderaan embassy. I have weapons and armour being brought to here, to help equip the new militia forces. Any help would be gratefully received from naboo, and if you could have look at my current veting procedure and training plan. Then give me any feedback or thoughts on the matter, I would be most grateful in matter.

Recruitment and selection criteria
1: DNA taken to make sure they are who they say they are
2: Four references to make sure they are of good character (Also these would be checked by personal, to make sure the sith not trying to create a fifth column)
3: A basic medical, to make sure they are fit enough to carry out there duties without much PE.
4: A basic level entry exam, to make sure they are bright enough to do the job.
5: An interview to make sure they are right person (Though for now, anyone who passes the other four would have to do some stupid to be rejected.)

Training plan, before going out
1: First aid
2: Basic combat skills
3: Equipment training
4: how to use a holo communications properly
5: Crowd control techniques
6: Securing an area

Further Training
1: Basic law enforcement skills
2: Improving Combats skills
​3: Detective work
4: Securing a crime scenes
5: Conflict management courses

If there is anything you think I should add, or amend please don't hesitate in telling me.

Yours Sincerely Elaine Thul
[member="Elaine Thul"]

Lady Thul,

The actual recruitment of security forces, including vetting them, is so far outside my purview I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm told, though, that several reliable militia and Underground units saw action during the liberation. I'd probably start with them. It's also worth noting that it's probably not practical to ask for multiple references from people who live in a war zone. Many of these people are likely unsure where their own families are, let alone their friends or previous employers. That's to say nothing of the frankly dilapidated state of Coruscant's communications networks. No, I think whoever selects security forces will need to do without references, apart from recommendations from fellow militia members in the case of militia-originating applicants. I'd also question the use of DNA tests: reliable DNA records are likely to be rare due to fog of war, general chaos, and the Sith controlling all Coruscanti medical clinics for the past decade. Too, it might be worth blood testing them for midichlorian count, or bringing in some thaissen-based Force detectors.

The Naboo guards and I have just landed and are setting up shop in the former Naboo embassy building.
Eralam's arrival was announced by a resounding, bone rattling thrum as he found himself instinctively resonating with the Force sensitive crystals. It wasn't loud, exactly, but it as a powerful, deep noise that wasn't just physical. The Force itself seemed to vibrate. The Shard's face wasn't capably of wincing, but he none the less gave the impression of doing so as he paused in the doorway. The thrumming died down, and he stepped inside.

"Apologies for that," he said, his deep, gravelly voice an echo of the earlier ruckus. "Normally I'd have taken precautions, but it seemed impolite to snoop, so I didn't feel out the room beforehand. My name is Eralam."

The Shard showed his hands, palm up, both to show that they were empty, and to demonstrate that a handshake might be unwise. They were dangerous hands, and not just because of what he could do with them. And attempted handshake would probably result in a great deal of pain and bleeding.

"I'm sure your time is valuable, so I shan't take up any more than necessary. During the battle, for reasons and using methods I'm not at liberty to discuss, I was able to evacuate some three hundred thousand citizens nearest to the fighting to safehouses in the lower levels of Coruscant. That was the easy part. The difficulty comes from getting them back to their homes, or what's left of them. I've heard tell that you're the woman with a plan when it comes to this sort of thing."

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:

I have been contacted by Nemo Ven, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. He has asked me to pass on his thanks to all of you, but also to remind you that security is still a major concern. Please do not bring heavily armed vessels or military materiel into the Coruscant system without the express permission of Galactic Alliance authorities. Please respect the mandate and jurisdiction of Galactic Alliance authorities.

Best wishes,

Mara D'Lessio Merrill
She just got this message, and decide it was good idea to check in with the Supreme Commander.

[member="Astarii Saren"]

Dear Nemo Ven Supreme Commander
CC: [member="Ajira Cardei"]

Both I and Ajira Cardei, are currently trying to work out where to best deploy our efforts on security front.
Due to a recent message from [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], may I ask does this apply to Alliance members about bring in troops and equipment in.
As both of us are keen to start, getting the local militias and underground units into more cohesive group.
If you have any concerns, or wish to send someone to oversee our efforts.
Please either come to former Alderaan embassy or Naboo embassy, as myself and Ajira Cardei have set up temporary bases of operations there.

Your Sincerely Elaine Thul
From Alderaan a group of Haven-class Medical Stations outfitted with class twenty hyperdrives were sent to Coruscant. They had been prepared and the Alderaanians had planned on supplying them to the Galactic Alliance before the liberation so that they would be on hand if necessary, but the Alliance hadn't had the time to speak with the Alderaanian Royals prior to the invasion with the planning and preparation.

The eight medical stations were fully stocked and carried many teams of medical staff to be deployed to the ground as field medics for the planet. Any battle fought on Coruscant would result in the deaths and injuries of millions if not billions due to the sheer amount of people on the planet and the population density of the Galactic City. Hundreds of medical teams with Mandalorian Survival Medpaks were readied.

The group traveled with sixteen Ba'baar-class Medical frigates to deliver patients to the medical stations and medicine and supplies to the ground. Each frigate carried as much as it could in food stuffs and hydration tablets for any sectors of the city without clean water or food supplies.

They came with a simple message, <Clan Ordo and Clan Vereen, with the aid of the Alderaanian People offer their assistance.>
As [member="Eralam"] introduced himself, the lighting and holodisplays happened to flicker, and a soothing blue glow bathed Mara's disaster of an office. Despite the droid's sharp-edged hands and unique Force resonance, Mara found herself quite comfortable in the blue light.

"Don't worry about it," she said, reaching up to adjust one of the crystal armatures. She'd derived most of its components from the Ankarres Sapphire itself; these chandeliers were the Force machines she and Darron Wraith had used to finish cleansing the local nexus. Crystals were her specialty, so far as crafting arts went, and her sense of Eralam's external resonances reminded her of Eiarra's teachings about tsils and CCIR technology. And, of course, there were only so many ways a droid could have Force resonance like that. Then again, even if you grew up listening to the Great Holocron, daughter of the Master of First Knowledge, some things just weren't commonly known in Force-academic circles. Not in any depth, at least. So the term Iron Knight occurred to her during his explanation, but little more.

"That's a lot of mouths to feed, and I'd imagine food and water supplies are finite. I don't have nearly enough solid fuel/ration converters to provide for that many shelters. Most of what I have is committed to the prefab mass shelters that Omega Pyre, Silk, and others have promised. A lot of those are in place; a lot aren't. But I'm thinking those big prefabs are our best option. They're all around the planet, so wherever your bomb shelters are, we should only be talking about distances of a few dozen or hundred kilometres between your people and the nearest prefabs. What we need, then, is...let's see..." She turned to one of her glowing terminals.

"...feth, the Mandos are here. The Supreme Commander is going to be pissed. All right, problem for another time. Um, we need a service delivery partner -- a corporation or whatever -- that can deploy three hundred thousand people worth of hovercapable transport around the planet, in the short term." A chuckle. "I'm tempted to put Star Tours on the job, the way they keep bragging about their thousand-metre super-hover-enabled land-anywhere bulk transports."
"Sounds about right," Eralam replied, nodding. "Might be a bit tricky to get something as big as their toys down to the right places, but I reckon we can, uh, widen things a bit. It's not like the Undercity isn't in need of some urban renewal."

It was comforting to have reached an obvious professional on his first go. The Shard had halfway expected to spend a few days spinning his wheels in some bureaucratic nightmare before either reaching someone competent or shooting the place up. It wasn't like he hadn't potted his share of bureaucrats in the past, and he wouldn't lose any sleep over it, since he didn't sleep. But that would have probably made the GA quite cross, and not having to fight them over this was probably better.

"They've got enough supplies to last them for at least another week or two, maybe longer if we put them on half rations. I don't see that making anyone especially happy, but if it's necessary, they'll live."

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], in that case, I will leave the weapons behind for now, and only bring the supplies, we thank you for warning us about this situation instead of our wares being confiscated on arrival in the system.

"A week? Feth, that's an eternity." Still turned away, she scrolled through the Star Tours ships' publicly available brochures. "I'm not seeing anything about hangar space at all, or else I'd just park a few of these monsters two klicks up and do the back-and-forth by airspeeder. No, Star Tours is out. These Ringovinda Staryards boats do exactly one thing really well, and it's not this. Okay, let's see, what else do we have available. Who does mass transit, already has serious assets in the Coruscant system...who could provide enough shuttles or small craft, and temporary habitation for three hundred thousand..."

Then she started laughing. It was, perhaps, the first laugh she'd had since before the liberation started.

"...oh, you're going to love this." She tapped in a series of codes, then some more, then a few more to boot.

"[member="Darell Irani"], please. Hello, Mister Irani? Mara Merrill again. We have a unique situation here. Three hundred thousand Coruscanti refugees in bomb shelters, finite food and water, urgent need for emergency habitation in the short term. So I asked myself, who do I know that has enough small craft in the Coruscant system to move a quarter of a million people within a week? And then I looked up."

Not that her office, nor the quarter klick of permacrete and durasteel above it, permitted any kind of view of the Coruscant shipyards.

To: Miss Merill
From: EXEC

Just wanted to say that we here at The Hydian Way are providing all citizens of Coruscant with a 25% discount on all our recreational substances (for probably a week or something like that). Because everyone needs to take their mind off things every once in a while. plz send us some of ur creditz. It would greatly be appreciated as we are willing take them off your hands free of charge.

Sincerely yours, EXEC.

PS: Please don't sponsor new coppers. I suspect they intially will be hard on drugs. Not good for business dude.

PSS: The water asteroid dudes don't exist. Sorry. Had to come clean on that one.
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

After having received Mara's last message and sent a response affirming it, Siobhan occupied herself with putting words into action. So she conferred with [member="Tegaea Alcori"] and Captain Destiny, Firemane's Dahomian logistics officer. A few calls were made to the Church of Ashira to ensure that Healers would be dispatched. Unsurprisingly certain elements in the Church were unhappy about sending them halfway across the Galaxy to help 'heathens', but Siobhan quoted scriptures rather selectively and pointed out how this would show Ashira's compassion. Besides, the Queen was her High Priestess and her word was law.

Moreover, the Priestesses chosen were the more unorthodox and open-minded ones. This would mean they should be able to cooperate with the Jedi's healers and the Ithorian Priests of the Mother Jungle. She left selection in the capable hands of Priestess Eileithya Saedaris, who had spent many decades of her life away from the Eldorai.

Moreover, Liorre super freighters were mobilised to ferry supplies to Coruscant or assist other aid groups in doing so. It would take a while for help from Tygara and Dac to arrive on Coruscant due to the considerable distances. However, Firemane had an outpost in Galactic Alliance space, namely Sullust. Moreover, the Guild of Hammers was headquartered on Abregado-Rae.

Calls were made, orders given. ARGH replication devices would thus soon be arriving on Coruscant, along with whatever Liorre freighters had been in space there. Since the Alliance was in charge and understandably did not want large paramilitary forces or battleships popping up, Firemane did not send any heavily armed vessels or military materiel. The Firemane aid fleet would simply be guarded by standard security folks.
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

A message would come through to Miss Merrill, thanking her for the funds that would allow the company to secure the vital infrastructure and acknowledging that Aurora Industries would not be deploying anything heavily armed to the surface of Coruscant in the zone they would be providing security in. The Watchman droids were designed more for police roles than anything else, their weaponry and equipment geared more towards capturing and incapacitating targets. Taeli had no plans to placed heavily armed and armored forces in the Works.

The first few divisions were already being shipped to the Works from the Aurora facility on Galantos, their organic supervisors and officers riding in the transports with them. They would be relieving the Directorate men that had been holding the area since the liberation operation and would be under the auspicious of Coruscant Security and the Galactic Alliance, answering to the local military and police chiefs.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:

I have been contacted by Nemo Ven, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. He has asked me to pass on his thanks to all of you, but also to remind you that security is still a major concern. Please do not bring heavily armed vessels or military materiel into the Coruscant system without the express permission of Galactic Alliance authorities. Please respect the mandate and jurisdiction of Galactic Alliance authorities.

Best wishes,

Mara D'Lessio Merrill
It had stood to reason that, at some point, the Galactic Alliance was going to get skiddish about the volume of non-governmental organizations that Merrill was working with.

Governments, particularly those engaged in active hostilities, liked to have security, control, and complete situational awareness. And the more non-state actors that became involved in the landscape of civil affairs the less security, the less control, and the less situational awareness that the government would have. Even still, the boy couldn't help but pen a quick reply.

Mara, that's a no to smuggling in a few cases of Corellian fireball whisky then?

S. J.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
The bridge of the Rasta Sub was more similar to that of the Maersk that that of an AT-AT barge or a Neimoidian Yacht. Technically, she should talk about Bowser-class ships or Kamek-class ships rather than to talk about AT-AT barges but it has been mostly used as an AT-AT barge. Plus Neimoidian Yacht cockpits look like those on AT-AT barges for the most part, since two people could be seated in it no problem but a third sentient and the problems emerge. Cruiser bridges had multiple stations: engineering, security, life support on the right, the two piloting stations in the middle, sensor, communications, operations stations on the left, with a holographic communicator behind the pilots. And all too often commanding officers of noncombat ships were also their pilots, especially true with Star Tours, and, in addition, Ringovinda StarYards seemed to want to build all bridges almost the same from a Novroski all the way to the ship that was the brainchild behind the Kuat raid.

"All status go, captain!" the chief engineer told Dunames.

"Lay in a course for Coruscant and jump to hyperspace on my mark!"

"Standby" the copilot answered.

It seemed [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] had gotten his message and sent out a mass reply, stating a one [member="Astarii Saren"] would require approval from 'High Command' before entering Coruscant. Wait, approval for highly armed vessels. Who would bring highly armed vessels into refugee space? Well....those looking to take over he supposed.One hand tapped on the datapad keyboard while the other hand came to scratch his beard, mulling over the next move. It wasn't like a team couldn't at least arrive and state their intentions. It would be a simple 'yes' or 'no' and it wouldn't be wasted fuel.

Switching to a new message, Judah typed instructions to his Director of Salvage Operations, one Mr.Zej. It was basic, the team would go in and either start pulling wreckage from the skies or civilian areas so other humanitarian aid could continue on in a quicker manner. Salacia had the heavy equipment and know-how, so it was just a matter of getting crews to Coruscant as soon as possible. Medical and foodstuffs donations would be flowing in at the same time, Judah would instruct Mr.Zej to merely deliver the items where the government stated the greatest need was.

For now, he would keep abreast of the situation from afar, knowing his crews were competent and professional enough to handle the task at hand.
Hephaestus-class Factory Ship Stellar Enterprise, in orbit via Coruscant

"That bad, huh?" said the other man, looking at the datapad, "Do you really think we make all of those machines in that time frame?"

Standing on the bridge of the Stellar Enterprise, Gir looked down at the night side of the ecunemopolis, its industrial sections carved out with rings of red light. Coruscant. Before this latest journey, the only time he had visited the world had been as part of the Galactic Alliance's invasion force. He had seen the destruction first hand. Buildings leveled, livelihoods and destroyed. Incomprehensible pain and tragedy to the common Coruscanti citizen, but often mere statistics to some nameless government bureaucrats and sterile planning committees. There were times in government service that he had been distant enough to have been one of them, seeing more statistics than actual people.

But Coruscant was not one of them.

But being on the frontlines had made it difficult for Gir to simply leave the world after the Galactic Alliance had liberated it. His own battlefield, Westport, had already seen some of the first aid flow to it out of sheer necessity. Star ports needed to function to simply allow more aid in. But once the galaxy's eyes turned away from Coruscant's plight, who would be there for the Coruscanti except for themselves? Gir had decided to direct most of his efforts towards providing local Coruscant businesses with the machines and items that they would need to survive on the long term through the use of one of his company's factory ships. Gir eyed the datapad's contents warily.

"We need more production facilities to keep up with the requests coming in," decided Gir.

"They don't exist."

"Not yet. But maybe, we shouldn't be the ones saying who needs our help, and who doesn't. Maybe it should be the Coruscanti themselves who should do that, and we can facilitate their actions..."

He drafted a quick response to [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], deciding to engage her on her open letter.
Dear Miss Merrill,

I was among the Directorate contingent at the Battle of Coruscant to see the devastation that Coruscant has suffered through firsthand. I have found the damage wrought to be almost incomprehensible in its scale and scope, though I know that with the time and effort of yourself and many others, much of what has been lost can be rebuilt. I have dedicated one of my company's own factory ships to help worthy Coruscanti business owners by providing them with the machinery and items needed for them to run their business at little or no cost. However, I am faced with a demand that far outstrips my current abilities.

I would like to request funding from yourself to allow my company to build two Hephaestus-class Factory Ships which will be donated to the local Coruscanti government to help with the rebuilding as they see fit. Thank you for your time.

Your's sincerely,

Gir Quee

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