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Coruscant: Please Take My Money [Galactic Alliance, corporations, interested organizations]

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
ATTN: Cathul Thuku

Yousa one of da strangest witch doctors mesa seein in mesa career as a Jedi brute: most witch doctors mesa saw were usually not as interested in investing moolah da wa yousa do. Nevertheless, mesa seein how yousa fit in this. Mesa hope that yousa liken Gungans: Gungans central to IGR's business.

Gen. Ugohr Poof
Commanding officer, Army of Malastare
IGR Brokerage owner
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Dear Miss Merrill,

Alderaan and its people are all too familiar with the damage that the Sith can do. In additional to the medical aide, and doctors from Clan Vereen and Clan Ordo that my riduur [member="Draco Vereen"] has offered, Alderaan, House of Organa also offers Royal Engineers to help rebuild.


Faith Vereen-Organa

Dear EXEC:

Speaking as half a Corellian and half a Zeltron, I can empathize with your goals and motives. You'll find that I've already disbursed fifty thousand credits to you under the heading of 'water asteroid dudes.' I hope these funds prove sufficient for your needs.


Sor-Jan Xantha said:
Mara, that's a no to smuggling in a few cases of Corellian fireball whisky then? S. J.
It depends, Master Xantha. Is the Corellian whiskey weapons-grade?

[member="Gir Quee"]

Mr. Quee -- I apologize; I don't know your current rank -- your offer is timely. Apart from the Alderaani/Mandalorian contribution, we have relatively few factory ships around; the Naboo sent one, but it was also partially configured for supply transport. Looking over the specs, it seems that your Hephaestus-class outstrips the Naboo ship as a pure manufacturing vessel, by a serious margin. Your company's reputation precedes it, and these specs are very impressive. I don't hesitate to bankroll the construction of these vessels for Coruscant's use, even though I'd imagine the bill will run well into nine figures. You have a blank check for this. Do as you will.

[member="Faith Organa"] received a heartfelt and eloquent message of thanks for the supplies that she and [member="Draco Vereen"] had brought.
The dust was settling, the reports were coming in. Coruscant had been liberated from the One Sith but the IGBC was not without losses. Some of their personnel were among the missing and dead, and there was extensive damage to their headquarters. Sifting through the numbers, Eno forwarded on an open letter to Lan from Silk Holdings. He carefully reread it several times before he sent her a reply.

Miss Merrill,

Words cannot express my gratitude to the Galactic Alliance for their efforts to liberate Coruscant from the clutches of the One Sith. For years, our headquarters there has been operating as if in a warzone. We suffered many casualties in the battle but my fears are calmed for IGBC personnel that will be employed there in the future after efforts to rebuild.

Which brings me to your letter.

I recognize that the wealth of Silk Holdings is substantial, however, the price tag of rebuilding the jewel of the galaxy should not fall to you alone. I am sure there are many within the corporate community who are donating what they can, or charging discounted rates for their goods and services but the needed capital to deal with the clean up let alone the rebuilding will be staggering.

The InterGalactic Banking Clan calls Coruscant home. We cannot offer ships, or heavy machinery or medical supplies, however we can do much to ease your burden.

The IGBC oversees a number of charitable organizations and has ties to many planets who have a vested interest in seeing Coruscant restored.

We would like to set up a relief fund specifically for the purpose of aiding the populace of Coruscant and taking on some of the financial burden of disaster relief so that Silk doesn't bear it solely. I would also like to establish a memorial fund to compensate victims and their families for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice at Coruscant.

If we can be of further use to you or your efforts, you need only ask and I will personally see it done.


Lan Porgata
InterGalactic Banking Clan

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
[member="Lan Porgata"]

Chairman Porgata,

Thank you for your kind words. A number of corporate and private interests have donated relief funds, but due to time constraints I've handled these donations informally, as well as my own expenses. I would be pleased to partner with you in creating a dedicated relief fund and a memorial fund as you describe. I'd be happy to cover any incidental or ongoing operational expenses for these funds, including advertising and setting up dedicated outreach lines for donor recruitment. If you're amenable, I'll transfer the donations that others have made, as well as all related financial records. The current total is somewhere just south of fifty million credits -- not especially significant in the larger picture, but good seed money for garnering new donations. Additionally, I will match all donations personally.

A point of clarification that may be useful for your accountants: though Silk is facilitating my work here, and though your people will be dealing with them on certain points, I'm not using corporate funds. My current and future contributions are solely from my personal savings, including the sales of large share blocks from Iron Crown Enterprises and Akure Executive Interstellar, as well as ongoing dividends from my equity in Silk, AEI, and Arakyd, among others. Suffice it to say that my situation is sustainable.

Thank you again, Chairman.

Mara Merrill


[member="Ria Misrani"]

Simone shuffled forward in her seat as Mara's response flashed across her screen, smiling she jumped up and began packing. Essentials only. She snatched up a datapad connected with the computer and yanked it free, slinging the backpack over her shoulder she practically skipped out the door. Here was a great opportunity for her not only to get off Nar Shadda for good, but to set up a more prosperous life.

Another message came to light and she read it as she shouldered her way through the crowd to reach the spaceport. She paused at the entrance to read [member="Ria Misrani"]'s message and type up a quick response.

Hi Ria,

It's a pleasure. I'm coming from Nar Shadda, public transport isn't great. I look forward to meeting you.


She hopped the barriers when the guards weren't looking too closely, scanning the ships destinations she stowed herself away on the one to get her closets to Coruscant. Hitch hiking was always fun.
Miss Merrill,

When emergencies strike, we do what we must to keep things going. I applaud your generosity regarding your time and assets and the role you have stepped into leading the relief efforts. We will coordinate with your accountants as we proceed to ensure that everything is handled down to the last detail. For the moment, I'm happy to step in and take charge of the donations and set up the necessary funds in order to keep the relief efforts going without pause.

The IGBC will be covering all fees and expenses for these funds and the ensuing donor drives. Coruscant was our home and the IGBC will match your donations.

The amount collected so far is certainly encouraging and immensely inspiring in scope. We shall work tirelessly to encourage a continued response so that the needs of the Coruscanti are not forgotten.

The funds should be set up and ready to receive the current balance of donations within a day and my staff will begin plans for hosting a televised fund drive near the IGBC office as soon as we are given the clearance by authorities that it is safe to resume operations there. I will personally attend to the arrangements as soon as my trip can be cleared through the Alliance.

I look forward to working with you on this, Miss Merrill.


Lan Porgata

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
With multiple jumps required to even get to Coruscant, and very little time between each jump, first from Verkuyl to Javin and then on to Corellia, from where they will get to Coruscant directly. Far from being the kind of lady to know a lot about a whole lot of things, like Jessica or Cathul that she heard about by name because she was attempting to purchase stakes in IGR and in Pizza Hutt on behalf of Clan Lok, she was best versed in navigation and in spaceflight. She also knew quite a bit about the business of space freight, and the first few units of what was touted (at least by Jessica) as the ship that will force KDY to exit the heavy freighter market altogether were soon to be found in Star Tours' hands: for 300 million credits she would have eight cruiser-sized bulk freighters. And the reason why the regulations banned the sale of noncombat ships beyond 2000m in its largest dimension is that many a major faction fear that companies would attempt to use ships to make private supercarriers or battlecruisers.

"We have arrived over Coruscant... last time I went to Coruscant Star Tours was just getting started smuggling semi-large-scale shipments of hazardous materials"

"To think that we are now making multi-million ton shipments... now we are playing the game Maersk Star Freight, Bluth Company et al. are playing"

"That's weird: Maersk Star Freight and Bluth Company are nowhere to be found. Star Tours can't do that on its own"

Sor-Jan Xantha

Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:
It depends, Master Xantha. Is the Corellian whiskey weapons-grade?
Now I'm definitely smuggling some in.

If you have to ask if it is... you've clearly not experienced the genuine article. I know a Selonian with a still who still makes the stuff in small batches. We can crack open a bottle on Coruscant to celebrate the first SCNN broadcast in the system., start working on your alibi now for the pending Whisky of Mass Destruction (WMD) war crimes tribunal.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Clearly Star Tours didn't want to become involved in another version of the Trade Federation, nor could it benefit from that. For the time being, it would be best if Star Tours keep to bulk freighters measuring at most 2000 meters, for which she promised free passage for Jessica and her crew in exchange for a discount on the newest eight heavy ships. The Exodus, Terminus, Rasta Sub and five as of yet unnamed ships, all of which are Rasta Sub-class. But as Dunames found a location to land on Westport, close by to the Financial District, where IGR still had its Coruscant office and where the need for materials was the greatest, at least as far as Dunames conceived it. Many of the skyscrapers lay in ruins, many of these must be rebuilt. That was going to mean millions and millions of tons of duracrete and a few thousand tons of bacta a pop.

"Westport, let's land there!"

"Roger, Dunames, will do" the copilot told her.

"The schedule calls for millions of tons of duracrete, transparisteel and alusteel to be poured a week. Landing sequence initiated"

"Activate the cargo hatches!"

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
ATTN: [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Mesa hereby announcen dat da prototype of da housing allocation mackineek issa ready for use by da maxibig mass of refugees. Wesa not able to confirm whether da Alliance would grant usen any exclusive rights but wesa hope dat wesa can sell millions of square meters of property, especially as issa pertain to da Financial District. Da main reason why mesa mention da Financial District issa because wesa fought in there, and da Army of Malastare was at da vanguard there.

Ugohr Poof
Commanding officer, Army of Malastare
Owner and board member, IGR Brokerage
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

James Justice was a man who confused many. On one hand he was the crime lord who had stolen and sold a fortune. On the other he was the man who had helped build orphanages and raised Dal'Bor from the muck. The city had been a cesspool of vice. The locals committed crimes against each other. The people were oppressed. Squallor was rampant and more than that, it was vicious. The last thing he wanted was to see another planet, especially Coruscant, succumb to the same to this.

He wrote back a reply in kind;

"Dear sir or madam, enclosed you will find a bank account number linked to a bank account in the Outer Rim with 3 million credits. Please allocate these funds to an orphanage and school program for the children of the under city, the [member="Jessica Justice"] Orphanage. To assist in the building materials SocMin Fed will be donating half a ton of Durasteel.

I look forward to doing business with you and helping make Coruscant great again. Please keep me posted on the happenings of this Orphanage and the further needs to complete it.

James Justice"

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] had pointed the young Anzat in the direction of any number of legitimate and reputable people who were well respected in multiple spheres of galactic society.

...which might have explained why Sor-Jan looked instead for some contacts he'd met in back-alley deals on Hutt-controlled worlds.

This wasn't a new conversation for either of the two. When Sor-Jan had to get merchandise constructed in One Sith space over to the Silver Sanctum with no questions asked, particularly as it was military grade hardware, [member="James Justice"] had found a way to make it all work. So the boy penned a quick note over to his associate.


You still in the shipping business? I need to get some parts and equipment past the One Sith into Coruscant for an old friend.

We'll most likely be shot and killed (not necessarily in that order, we might get killed and then shot), but I'm bringing a case of Corellian fireball whisky. Interested?

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

James recognized the kid who had asked for help--the same one who was hosting the cloud data for Justice Shipping. Sor-Jan was a ball of a lot of things... mostly the sort of things you didn't expect when you looked at a lad. James had no idea what state Coruscant was in, or if any of his old contacts would still be alive or in power. Frankly, that didn't matter much. He doubted there would be any resistance left worth mentioning--especially when said resistance was going against a man who was known for shattering skulls on bulkheads without mercy.

"I am always game for another run, especially when alcohol is involved. The more risky the run is, the better. I've been waiting for a real excuse to show I still have the skills to fight and flight. Tell me how much we are talking about so I can know which ship to bring--and where to bring it. -Cpt. J"

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="James Justice"]


I need to get a couple of ComSats there. The main production facilities are on Talus and Tralus. We can meet at Centerpoint Station if you want.

The satellites are 100 meters a piece. I've got a Liorre-class freighter than can haul the gear, but they're unarmed and on the slow side at lightspeed. I'm in the process of refurbishing a rapid deployment vehicle that would be ideal for this sort of job, but it's not ready for prime-time yet.

The spacer smiled with a nod. This kid.... James wasn't sure what it was but he always tickled a side of him that he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he was so un-like James... polar opposites but both masters of their craft. He took a look at his fleeting roster, at who was where, how, why and when. He moved a few ships around, altered a few cargo routes and tapped out a set of commands. With a satisfied nod he had a fleet prepared.

'Give me 24 hours, I will meet you there with a pair of frigates and my personal vessel--and of course enough fighters and interceptors to drown a bantha. Never leave home without them. Will you need me to bring grunt labor too to assist with installation needs? That won't be a problem, and neither will ground troop security. --Cpt J"

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
Gir read Miss Merrill's reply carefully before he handed the datapad to his protocol droid.

"You may consider consistently using one title for your external communications, sir," suggested the droid, "it may make your role more understandable to others."

The man turned his head to face the droid, briefly making eye contact with C-5PO's incandescent photo-receptors before looking around the rest of the room. He may have a point there. Some still call me admiral out of habit, yet others call me captain on a day to day basis...and even others call me president when I'm at the company. Gir quickly realized that he knew not one word that could fully encompass his roles, even within the Directorate, without making some ridiculous portmanteau.

"That may be something to figure out at a later time," replied Gir, "for now, please label me in all communications as Mister Quee. At least that's somewhat democratic sounding."

"Makes me think of you as a civilian bridge crew member...that's not the captain," quipped one of the managers, "no offense...sir..."

Gir's right lip curled upwards, "None taken. Have we received word from the Weather Net liaison?"

"Not a formal meeting request," said Rhen, "but we did receive the technical schematics for the OSETS."

"We should figure out how to optimize Bay 5 to make the individual components. That way, we can transmit that configuration to the new ships when they get here so that we can expedite the process."

Rhen glanced at the specs, "Doable for the habitation quarters and living spaces, but for the mirrors...I'm not sure we can fully assemble those in t he ship. They're just too big."

"Is there anything that would prevent us from assembling the mirrored portions outside of the ship?"

"I don't know...let me see what I can do."

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="James Justice"]


You might want to back it down a piece. I think the Alliance is getting skittish about the private security. If you can get the Liorre past the Alliance-One Sith border, I'm happy to trust the Alliance and its own security apparatus from there.

And, if not, I can always file a claim for damages. Or just write it off on taxes.


Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
And clearly the first shipment of construction materials to arrive on Coruscant was treated as one big party on the apron of the Westport, for which part of the materials carried onboard will be used, with other cargoes used for rebuilding the Westport as well. Star Tours was treated as heroes, alongside the rest of the companies that did something towards the reconstruction of Coruscant. 1.5 million tons of liquid duracrete, a few thousand tons of bacta, were swiftly unloaded (although liquid duracrete was rather tricky to transport, Star Tours could do it just fine) would be delivered right on Coruscant's surface for the various contractors. If Dunames was the go-to lady for transportation amongst the First Order government, then surely Coruscant would appreciate a little bit what Star Tours did for Coruscant. As the various contractors all look at their piece of the pie, the duracrete shipment...

"Welcome, Star Tours. I trust the duracrete has arrived. But what is that ship?" a Cerberus representative asked Dunames.

"The lead ship of the Rasta Sub class, the Rasta Sub. It can carry 1.5 million tons of duracrete in one flight"

"Holy cow? And to be able to land it on a planet?"

"That's the one thing other shipwrights just won't do, not even KDY would do that sort of thing anymore"
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Nyos sifted through news and Mail on his console when the information about the attempted rebuilding of Coruscant came up. A descent proposal with a company that had a name to back the rebuild. Pulling some numbers from the last quarter, Nyos surmised InVal Cybernetics could find a new Facility on Coruscant. Assuming the offer of doubling his contribution was correct, that could make for the largest building in his ownership. Drafting a quick business proposal, Nyos keyed the Contact Us tab and began filling out a message.

<<<To: Whom it may Concern
<<<Subject Line: Coruscant Rebuild
<<<From: InVal Cybernetics
-----Message Included-----

'I am Nyos Val, CEO of InVal Cybernetics. I am contacting you regarding your request for donations. The rebuilding of Coruscant is an important task, I applaud you for your initiative in this matter. I am proposing to donate the resources to build a medical facility in my companies name, as well as supply the staff and supplies for those affected by the recent tragedies. All of my assets will be involved, I have already commissioned an increased in supply manufacturing and am arranging transportation to the City planet to look for a suitable location.

If your wager of 2-1 is accurate, the combined funds would be far sufficient to commission the build. I'd personally accompany the first shipment of goods and staff to ensure my involvement.

If you have any questions of counter proposals, please do not hesitate to respond.

I eagerly await your decision, Nyos Val

CEO of InVal Cybernetics and Manufacturing
-----Message Concluded-----

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