Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cover Your Crystal Eyes

Thais was so fooled by Mr. Meriet and his silver tongue. But ultimately, she had no idea what he was planning inside his head. And quite frankly, as long as it went along with her own ideas for Kallisto Mining Corporation, she was game.

But as usual he was catering to his slave. Thais cocked her head at her newest courtier. This affinity for his slave was very unusual. She wasn't sure what do with the information, but only tucked it away for future use.

Crix was an asset for sure, but Thais wasn't naïve enough to recognize where her advantages lay. If Mr. Meriet had a weakness, she would exploit it at all costs, while maintaining the her ice cold façade.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix bowed to the princess as she left then sat back down. Filling his plate with food and passing it down to toby "Eat T, I don't want you going hungry" He ordered, then as his Baeu reluctantly started to eat Crix returned his hand to the back of his slave's neck rubbing gently to soothe his poor man, men like toby did not deserve slavery. He sat like that for endless minutes , falling into a gentle rhythm, until he was satisfied toby had eaten his fill. He Darlin' never seemed to eat enough no matter how much Crix tried his darling man refused to eat all that was offered.

Giving up on a cleaned plate crix stood up to return to his room Toby following a pace behind. There was little time for dalliance sadly so it was straight to business, Crix oversaw that both himself and his Toby were adequately kitted out with coats and good boots. The mines promised to be largely inhospitable and crix was not accustomed to discomfort and whilst toby inevitably was it made it no easier to stomach. He was weak to his Tobys well being, a weakness that was so easily exploited.

Once satisfied that he was prepared and Toby was at least protected enough to return to the Palace in one piece he rejoined [member="Thais Kallisto"], let the tour begin.
The three of them, along with Thais's ubiquitous Palace Guards, traveled together in a roomy transport to the Kallisto quarries. These were nestled in one of the largest crystal valleys on the planet. It may have not been to Crix Meriet's taste, but the crystal spires which rose from jagged colorful mountains were a sight to behold. The mineral and ore found in the quarries, not only provided the resources for the planet, but was the sole nourishment of the Gutretee natives.

"You know Mr. Meriet," said Princess Kallisto, assuming her narraration of Isis features would be of utmost interest to him, although he still seemed very preoccupied with Toby. "The Gutretee are a very violent race. I just really don't know what the governor is thinking by letting our miners free. They will not know what to do with themselves, and they will likely create havoc in Neskroff. I will have to double the security of the Crystal Palace. But I digress." Thais gazed out of the window for a moment, never tiring of the beautiful expanse of crystal on the horizon. And never did she forget that it was all hers!

"The Gutetree eat the crystals as well as small crystalline animals. The animals are fragile and don't survive beyond Isis, so these are not highly desired, except by our miners, obviously. But oddly enough, and fortunate for them, the Gutretee crystal skin is impervious to blaster fire."

She instinctively touched her bandaged hand, thinking of how she had slapped Napo the night before and the cut which was still healing there.

The transport slowed as they were at the entrance to the Mines and the workshop. "I have an artisan working out how to develop this hide into armor, but obviously, it would mean finding a way to get the skin off of the Gutretee." After she said this, Thais appraised Mr. Meriet for his reaction. From what she had witnessed of his personality in twenty-four hours made her think that he was just a cruel enough man to come up with an idea for this armor that would not put the Princess and her newest courtier in a vulnerable position.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
'Isis a tour: extended and uncut' by [member="Thais Kallisto"] was not something that interested Crix. He listened but only half way. His main focus was on Toby, his beau needed a new scarf before winter set in, a cold toby made for a concerned Crix. His eyes ran over Toby's coat too, perhaps a new coat too ... Oh what was the princess prattling on about? Violent slaves Yada, yada, yada. "I agree completely" He replied distracted "But such will work to your advantage more penal slaves" He added focus still on Toby.

He couldn't bear to look outside. The place made his head sore, he'd thought it before and he would think it again this planet was thought up by a child pageant girl on spice.

Whilst Thais droned on about eating habits of the slaves, crix returned to his T. Continuing his silent inspection of his dear man, thumbs running over the back of Toby's hands as he looked over the palms or signs of work from his Toby. The man had an annoying habit of acting like a proper slave when Crix wasn't watching, clear ... clear ... stop. He was brought pause for two reasons firstly and most importantly because he'd found a raw patch on Toby's hand ... he'd been working again. He supposed the bit about the gum ... whatever's being blaster resistant was noteworthy too. He hummed in bemusement then turned to Toby "Interesting" He said in a pointed tone, he'd have to remember to put some cream on Toby's hands as soon as they were back. He was cross with Toby but the thought of him in pain was too much.

He put Toby's hands down to focus entirely upon Thais as she announced her plan for a slave-flesh clothing line. Whilst he could see the appeal and indeed enjoyed the idea he could already hear the rallying cries of the rebels ' The queen of bloodied flesh' 'Turns your Baby's blood to fashion' "Perhaps not a project to tell the governor about ... he might get prickly" He smirked, this woman's naivety amused him but that said so did her project. "If you're serious, overfeeding slaves then starving them when they get fat might improve your chances, there might also be a way to gather excess flesh from corpses nature makes but I'm no scientist"

'The queen robs our graves' was a little less damning
The transport was parked now. A Palace Guard opened the door for the Princess, Crix, and even his beloved slave Toby. Aside from the rainbow colors of the crystals, the mine's exterior was nothing special. There were various entrances where Meriet would be able to see the Gutretee slaves dutifully working. Any other human or humanoids positioned around the quarries appeared to be part of management, overseeing the operations.

"Perhaps you can employ your associates to help us with that endeavor as well," she said, referring to the subject matter of the Gutretee armor.

"We can go inside of the mines if you would like to see the depths of the quarries. There are some beautiful sights down there. Or we can go into the workshop and you can pick out something for Toby. A jeweled slave collar perhaps?"

Thais was feeling generous today. And her planet was literally covered in crystal. To her, these rare gems were as prevelant as leaves on trees. Because of its great wealth, it was surprising that Isis hadn't been overrun with more opportunists, but again, credits could pay for the best security and Isis was experiencing peace. Hopefully her idyllic life would not be threatened anytime soon.

[member="Crix Meriet"]
As the transport door was opened Crix Slipped a signet ring from his own hand onto Toby's, A simple silver ring with an M engraved into the Enamel, a tag of sorts without having to subject his Darlin' to anything as degrading as a collar. Then with one last squeeze he lent over "Stay close, I love you" He would have to maintain an emotional distance from his Beau. If a slave riot broke out the slaves would not need anymore weapons. Then he exited standing to Thais's right Toby half a pace behind.

Cold eye's surveyed the mine, it all looked tranquil but things could change quickly where slaves were concerned and these slaves were blaster resistant ... not to mention fething Ugly. He was paranoid, these slaves were unknown to him and that unnerved him.

"I'll do what I can majesty ... " Crix didn't know many people with a publicly touted expertise in flaying ... what sort of Company did [member="Thais Kallisto"] think he kept?

He didn't turn to answer Thais's question, his eyes still scanning the mine, points of weakness, safe zones ... high ground. Necessary knowledge if one was to survive a slave revolt. "The Workshop first I think Majesty ... You are most generous " He was distracted and thus didn't really 'get' the collar bit. Toby hadn't worn a collar in a decade and Crix would certainly not be putting a spiky garish collar on his beautiful slave. Perhaps a ring or a chess set, he was trying to teach Toby chess. Hmm so many options.

Finally satisfied that there was no imminent threat Crix finally turned to Thais, Lead on Majesty" He smiled. He just wanted to get this done with then he could go back to safety ... he missed his whip.
The pair made their way to the Kallisto workshop. Out of all of the places that Crix Meriet had seen during his Isis trip thus far, the workshop would probably be the most impressive. It was a large craftsman space that held tools, tables, kilns, and forges. Hung on the wall were samples of what was made in the workshop.

"Most everything is made by hand," Thais said proudly. "There is a factory for mass-produced goods - certain jewelry and slave collars tend to do very well on the open market - but for the most part, we have patrons who commission the rarest of items.

"The other day the King of Cron wanted his sword handle decorated with rare gems from the mine. Our biggest season is weddings where we're often contacted for tiaras, rings and crowns."

There was a monotonous tone to her voice. To Princess Kallisto these were the fruits of her mine as easily picked as apples from an orchard. Never did she even think one day it would all be in jeopardy.

"Would you like to take something from the shop or off of the walls? To keep?"

[member="Crix Meriet"]
Crix followed [member="Thais Kallisto"] into the workshop. A refreshing break from the garish environs outside. The whole planet made his head sore. The workshop was tolerable however, the crystal here was refined and the rock sheltered his eyes from the refraction of light that plagued the outside world.

Crix listened with a measure of genuine interest as Thais described the items on the wall, he might hold a distaste for her but he enjoyed pretty things. Talking of pretty things he turned slightly to check on Toby. His slave was still half a pace behind. He nodded along as Thais described the king of Cron and his odd habits.

Why should a man want a sword hilt covered in crystal?
The decadence of royalty never ceased to amaze him.

"Thank you majesty" He was grateful ... ish for the permission to take anything he wanted from the displays. "Come Toby" He ordered, emotional distance in play. It killed him that looking for a present couldn't be more romantic. Alas the price of loving another and working for royalty. The pair walked along the displays, crix stopping occasionally at certain items before deciding against them. He was stopped at the craft bench of one artisan who was about to throw a ring into the waste as the crystal atop it had cracked in half

"Stop" Crix demanded "I want you to make me something out of that ring, Take the two split sides and make me a pair of pendants nothing large or garish .... I'll be back later see it done"

Then he walked away to rejoin Thais

"Quite the workshop your grace" He smiled "One of your fine staff is applying finishing touches to my choice, I look forward to seeing more in the meantime"

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