Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Covert Exfil From Nar Shadaa (PM to join)

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
This girl was just a kid and she had a bounty on her head? Someone had some serious issues. Or too many credits.

"I think I'll stay here. You mind making a stop at Correllia? I have to take care of a few things there."

Milo pushed aside his empty plate, satisfied with the meal.

"When shall we duel?"

[member="Serenity Loveheart"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Sighing I said "This is exactly why I chose to work with James Justice. He may be a drunk, an incorrigible flirt even, but he at least has sense enough not to be an idiot with why he takes out bounties on people. You mentioned your Master being involved with her that sounds as if you've training in The Force if earlier was any indication...Also yes we have quite a few dessert options." With that I called over one of the droids and asked for it to bring out the desserts that were on hand. If I recalled we had Lemon Bars, Coffee and vanilla bean flavored ice cream, and loaded peanut butter fudge. "As for where I got this awesome ship...I found it amidst the ruins of Mandalore hidden in an underground chamber of one of their garrison buildings. It was interesting to find such a thing there and with the armor plating it has as Beskar no less. If you're looking for a place to just find ships that you can rebuild as your own I'd recommend the spare parts and junk yards of Eshan. They're quite well known for their ships and I've a few connections there..."

Looking towards Milo I said "that's fine by me we can make a quick stop by Corellia too since you've business there. And as soon as dessert arrives and Serenity can find something to satisfy herself we'll head down to the training rooms. You've still yet to answer my question Mr. Zett, why exactly were you being pursued in a clunk of junk by armed fighters? The registration on that clunker said it was Trandoshan in origin so I'm wondering why it is you were being pursued? Miss Blonde is a Bosh'tet so Serenity's story makes sense but you've not told me yours..."

[member="Serenity Loveheart"] - [member="Milo Ren"] - [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Milo Ren

A Howling Voice in the Desert
Milo took a sip of tea and prepared to tel his story.

"Well, you could say I'm a wanted man too. Some people in Nar Shaddaa really wanted me dead over the contents of my black box. So I grabbed the nearest freighter and made a run for it. Plain and simple."

He leaned back and looked over the two females, his green eyes curious for any questions that may arise from what he just said.

[member="Celiana"] [member="Serenity Loveheart"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Taking a sip of my tea as the droid brought out dessert selections for Serenity I looked towards Milo. "You're clearly a Force wielder otherwise even Serenity's attempt to get you to open that box would've worked. I'd venture you've some kind of Force artifact inside along with personal belongings. That being said I won't ask what the contents are unless they conflict with the rules I mentioned previously. Will you and by extension I be hunted due to the contents inside? And if so why? I'd venture to guess as well that since you have Force training at least somewhat one of the things inside the box is a lightsaber. Outside of those observations I've got nothing..."

Looking towards the droid I got up and walked over to the dessert tray. Grabbing a homemade lemon bar along with a small bowl of coffee flavored ice cream and a spoon I walked back over to the table to hear Milo's response...

[member="Serenity Loveheart"] - [member="Milo Ren"] - [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Serenity took a selection of the treats, some eating in one bite, before happily walking back to the table.

"You still haven't told me what's in that box; and again, I'm sorry for trying to mind-trick you, I was just trying to be friendly, you know... you-.. wouldn't understand" Awkwardly closing her sentence as if she had more to say.

The residue of some of the foods got around her mouth and she wiped it with her left hand, and flicked her hair backwards with her right.

[member="Celiana"] I [member="Milo Ren"] I [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

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