Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Creating A Powerful Force Imbued Crystal

Not for a lightsabre or anything but uh...for other reasons. Basically, i was wanting to go through the lengthy process of having Winter create a special crystal that is unique in its ability to function. I don't know how creating powerful crystals/stones/gems works so i was wondering if anyone might have some insight.

An example of what i'm trying to do can be compared to something called the Gauntlet of Kreesh the Younger, which has a red stone in it that i believes acts as its primary source of power. Could be wrong but its what i'm going with for now. Basically, what this Gauntlet did was unleash a powerful energetic blast to anyone who tried to touch Kreesh without his permission. He could even have this electrical power attack someone at will without them touching him.

What i'm trying to do with Winter is make a crystal similar in how its used but vastly different in terms of detail and ability. I wanted to created a extremely powerful ice crystal that is capable of channeling Absolute Zero temperatures and expelling it in different ways. So what does the Crystal do?

It makes things...really...really...really...REALLY cold. Among a few other things that i'll keep under wraps for now.

Question is. How are such crystals even made? Does it require alchemy? Sacrifice? Some other crap i'm not familiar with? I just need pointed in the right direction xD

Cheers to anyone who can help ^^
Queen Sovereign said:
a extremely powerful ice crystal that is capable of channeling Absolute Zero temperatures and expelling it in different ways.
So instantaneous death?

Absolute zero is the absence of kinetic movement of atoms, subatomic particles, and so on - so cold that nothing is moving (or, rather, because nothing is moving it is so cold).

Anyone caught in that? Immediately dead.


Disney's Princess
I'd say, do it. Especially if the Crystal breaks in the process.

That said? Creating alchemical jewelry that casts Force Spells at-will with unlimited ammo? Is kinda meh. But I doubt you'd be the only one keeping one around for kicks and giggles. Lulz. :p
Braith Achlys said:
So instantaneous death?

Absolute zero is the absence of kinetic movement of atoms, subatomic particles, and so on - so cold that nothing is moving (or, rather, because nothing is moving it is so cold).

Anyone caught in that? Immediately dead.
If you thought i was going to make a crystal that just caused instant death then you apparently don't know me very well. Absolute Zero? Sure, maybe. It does not HAVE to be Absolute Zero, but that was just the general highest goal i had for it. And even so, would have rules, mass limitations, weaknesses and other drawbacks? Most certainly. Instant death is a no go. But thanks for
Queen Sovereign said:
If you thought i was going to make a crystal that just caused instant death then you apparently don't know me very well. Absolute Zero? Sure, maybe. It does not HAVE to be Absolute Zero, but that was just the general highest goal i had for it. And even so, It would have rules, mass limitations, weaknesses and other drawbacks? Most certainly. Instant death is a no go. But thanks for
How you would use it is one thing, but a crystal that would do that isn't going to get through the factory. Sometimes it takes a harsh criticism to realize when something isn't the greatest idea. Go for cold, sure, but don't aim for stripping the movement from molecules. I'd rather tell you now that absolute zero isn't okay than you find out after any amount of work or effort you put into this after it is already submitted.

Better to change directions early than be denied when it's probably too late.
[member="Queen Sovereign"] - I have a good bit of research on the subject, Ostanes specializes in crystallurgy in several fields of 'arcane' Force Use. Braith is right though, Absolute Zero is out because of the insta-death component. HOWEVER you can make it simulate liquid nitrogen in terms of temp. That is more than enough to be hideously painful, if not instantly lethal. The rest of it? There is no set canon 'how' or the like. I base most of my stuff off Golden Dawn/Victorian & Englihtenment age stuff (I collect old books, sue me :p) and there isn't too many ways established in SW Canon for it. I can, however, share my views on what Chaos Canon holds for it, since I've been a small part of writing that, and have read most else what exists. Sadly I can't help actively in dev post, BUT I will be more than happy to volunteer as a sounding board and constructively contribute to help you out!

That said... It's no secret [member="Braith Achlys"] and I butt heads, particularly on Factory and Alchemy concepts. Frequently. But she is right. Absolute Zero in way unbalanced in an instant form. Perhaps prolonged exposure to a concentrated beam of it over 3-5 or even 10 seconds causes it? Horrible way to die. And the initial contact is liquid nitrogen like? Spitballing here really.
[member="Ostanes"] Braith is right, and i admit that. Frankly Absolute Zero was a thing where i was like "hmm, maybe i can make it work if i dumb down its nature and make it less lethal'. When frankly all i have to exactly what you said. Just make it cold, but not THAT cold. Simple solution, i mainly used the term Absolute Zero just to demonstrate what i was going after. But it did not have to be the final result.

At any rate, i'll be happy to PM you and share what i had in mind. And thanks for providing me a solution that i understand. I'm not too SW savvy and...makes it hard for me to make cool stuff in the factory and such lol.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if my understanding of the temperature is incorrect, as it has been a while since i researched it, but being at absolute zero does not entirely equate out to utter ceasing of inertia. As is, it does indeed bring all momentum down to the slowest possible, to an extent that zero Kelvin (abs zero) is known to be impossible to reach, through any number of steps, means, etcetera.

That being said, any form of solid would remain in its ground state, to which you look for quantum explanations, that state there will be inertial impetus, but not enough to even truly measure. Not lack of movement, but simply the slowest possible.

ie, someone frozen would need a procedure just as drastic to be brought back to proper life.

With this in mind? Is it an automatic death? Not necessarily, as each effect from a crystal has an upper limit. In other words, if the effect ended mere millimeters from the weapon? It would turn whatever it is into a brittle club, as well as make the air around it freeze instantly, to the extent that you would appear to have unbreakable ice. Within three feet of the blade? The wielder of the blade dies, and the others just laugh and point.

I wholly support Ostanes. HIs idea of a nitrogen level is perfect, sustained contact, or repeated, would freeze near to death, or the whole way if a person was dumb enough.

So, to wrap that up: anything that would project an abs zero aura, would simply freeze air before anything could reach inside of it. Liquid nitro would be the best means, and i wouldnt be against assisting if you like. Damien (my alt) did some dabbling with minor crystallurgy once upon a time, and is a master crafter, so could likely reach the yearned effect. Though a powerful tool never comes easy.
The word 'crystal' resonates somewhere in the multi-verse. Anton hears it and he flies past the speed of light to find it.

-reading thread-

For legal reasons I can't tell you why here, but I do believe Anton is your man. Crystals are his thing and if you shoot me a PM I'll let you in on a little secret.

-reads comments-

oh well [member="Ostanes"] is quite the idol to me apparently, I might have to thread with that guy some time. Dude's smart. But hey if there's still some things left out Anton could at the least help in the process. Either way good luck Winter, I'll be hearing from you one way or another.

[member="Queen Sovereign"]
[member="Anton Nadramie"] Dude like...lock that shiz in a safe fuzz. I keep my laptop close to my chest when i sleep LOL

[member="Braith Achlys"] I always wanted to RP with you but you seem so busy all the time. Maybe we can thread stuff unrelated to deving just for fun.

[member="Matsu Ike"] We still gotta finish our thing first ffffffff. One crystal at a time LOL
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

Don't be stupid and make something ridiculously overpowered. It should be reasonably obvious what this is.

Don't worry, if you do submit something over the top our Factory Judges are trained to be exceedingly polite and helpful in aiding you alter the submission to an acceptable standards.

Even with development there are limitations on what can be approved.

Connor Harrison

[member="Queen Sovereign"] If you want to use our thread on Dathomir for help in your development, feel free if it's suitable..


Well-Known Member
Gotta love that post. Sheerly golden... well I mean in correlation with the tags present. Which tend to equate to a generally unbiased writer/representative of staff - one whom then infers with every word of the aforementioned, that one of the sites writerd is stupid, or that the writers ideas are stupid.

Love it. Hilarious. Plus one.

[member="Queen Sovereign"]
Gonna get to your pm forthwith!

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