Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop


Kalist VI Advanced Automatic Shipyards [K-VI AAS]
The Shipyards are situated in the heart of the Kalist VI mountain ranges, strategically positioned atop several mountains to provide a level ground for the construction of ships. Due to its geographical placement and its crucial role in the Galactic Alliance's war endeavors, the Shipyards pose a formidable challenge to locate, even with the aid of advanced scanning technology.

Furthermore, accessing this facility on foot or by ground troops is entirely impracticable. The sole means of accessing the facility involves utilizing either a shuttle or military transport, provided that one has obtained the necessary authorization to prevent being obliterated by the automated defense network.

  • Description:
The Kalist VI Shipyards have been constructed within a towering mountain situated in a secluded region of the planet. Nestled deep within the mountain ranges, these shipyards are positioned far away from any developed settlements on the planet. Comprising of the Central Command Center, the shipyards boast an expansive surface area that accommodates numerous private landing pads.

There are numerous other buildings within the Shipyard complex, such as the assembly facilities that are used for storage and arrangement of ship components, automated welding and cutting areas that are utilized for the fabrication of ship hulls and other structures, quality control inspection stations to guarantee the correct construction and functionality of starships, and offices and control rooms are designated for the management and supervision of automated operations.



Main Assembly Bay -

The Main Assembly Bay serves as the central hub of the automated planetary shipyard, where the construction of colossal vessels takes place. Within this facility, automated drones diligently engage in the process of welding metal panels, installing intricate machinery, and assembling the intricate framework of starships.


Material Processing Unit -

The Material Processing Unit, situated in the shipyard's backstage, is an advanced facility that utilizes cutting-edge technology to convert raw materials into the fundamental components of starships. Enormous smelters effectively liquefy metals obtained from asteroids in close proximity, while state-of-the-art Molecular Furnances fabricate intricate parts with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. The engineers diligently oversee the entire procedure, meticulously verifying that every individual piece adheres to stringent quality criteria prior to its integration into a fully assembled vessel.

Droid Maintenance Center -

In order to maintain the seamless operation of the shipyard, a specialized facility known as the Droid Maintenance Center is solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of the numerous automated drones that tirelessly contribute to the construction of starships. Proficient technicians diligently carry out regular maintenance tasks, identify and resolve any malfunctions, and enhance the software to guarantee optimal performance of the robots.

Central Command Center -

From its vantage point above the shipyard, the Command Center serves as a vibrant nerve center where managers and technicians oversee all facets of construction and logistics. Immense holographic screens provide up-to-the-minute information on ship development, resource distribution, and upkeep timetables, empowering the team to make well-informed choices to ensure the efficient functioning of the operation.


Docking Bays -

After the construction of a starship is finished, it is transferred to any of the numerous Docking Bays located within the shipyard. These expansive areas serve as launching points for the ships, propelling them into the orbital boundary of the planet. With the assistance of automated systems and cranes, each vessel is meticulously guided into its designated launch position, readying it to become an integral part of the Galactic Alliance-Dark Empire War's frontline forces.

Maintenance Docks -

The Maintenance Docks, situated in the backdrop of the shipyard, serve as a bustling hub where starships that have suffered damage or are showing signs of aging are brought in for necessary repairs, enhancements, and complete overhauls. A team of highly skilled droids and technicians tirelessly operate day and night to replace worn-out components, carry out structural repairs, and incorporate cutting-edge technologies to ensure the fleet remains in optimal condition.

Training Facilities -

The shipyard provides cutting-edge training facilities for aspiring spacefarers to develop their skills and knowledge in order to become starship engineers, pilots, and crew members for the next generation. Through simulators, trainees can immerse themselves in piloting starships through asteroid fields, engaging in combat with enemy vessels, and executing complex docking maneuvers. Instructors lead students through practical exercises, sharing the necessary expertise and experience to excel in the competitive realm of space exploration.



The Advanced Automatic Shipyards of Kalist VI boast a rich and extensive background that traces its origins to the early era of the Old Republic. Initially founded as a modest facility for ship repairs and construction, the shipyard experienced rapid expansion and elevation in significance owing to its advantageous positioning in proximity to key trade pathways. Through the passage of time, it evolved into a colossal and cutting-edge shipyard within the galaxy, equipped with the capability to manufacture a diverse range of vessels ranging from compact starfighters to colossal capital ships.

Throughout the Clone Wars, the shipyard was instrumental in providing the Republic with essential warships and resources. Nevertheless, as the conflict intensified, the shipyard became a target for Separatist forces aiming to weaken the Republic's military strength. Despite enduring significant destruction, the shipyard was effectively safeguarded by a united front of Republic and Jedi forces, ensuring its continued importance in the war campaign.

After the Clone Wars concluded and the Galactic Empire emerged, the shipyard experienced a decline as the Empire established its dominance across the galaxy with the Imperial High Command choosing to close the facility due to ever-mounting costs of operations and increasing focus on Project Stardust, otherwise known as the Death Star as the only way to maintain hegemony over the galaxy. Nevertheless, following the Rebellion and the subsequent downfall of the Empire, the shipyard regained its significance and became a prominent contributor to the galactic economy.

The Galactic Alliance took the initiative to reactivate the Shipyards in 900 ABY, as a direct response to the swift mobilization of the Dark Empire and their subsequent invasion of the Core. Situated on the outskirts of the Dark Empire's territory, the Shipyards located at Kalist VI are ready to play a crucial role as one of the numerous fortress worlds being developed to strengthen the perimeter around the Imperial Occupation Forces.

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Nute Griimda

Full Name
Nute Hugruisk Griimda
Commerce Fiend of the Core
Industrialist | Accountant | Banker
56 Years Old
Dark Empire
Imperial Ruling Council
Force Sensitive
Not Force Sensitive
Character Alignment
Lawful Evil
182.88 cm [6'0"]
74.8 kg [165 Ibs]
Template Credit

  • Nute Griimda, a Neimoidian Banker & Industrialist from the Nute Hive holds the position of Trade Federation Regional Commander, a title given to officers of the Trade Federation who oversaw particular areas of the galaxy under Federation control.

    He is now apart of the Dark Empire, replacing Councilwoman Meii-Nu Suu after her unfortunate disapperance in Midnight Mass.

    With his spot secured on the
    Imperial Ruling Council and within the Commission for Logistics, Industry and Transportation, Nute is more than able to implement the Grand Designs of the Viceroy from a comfortable position of power.


    Nute Griimda was born on the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia, to the wealthy and influential Nute Hive. From a young age, Nute showed a keen interest in politics and diplomacy, and his parents encouraged him to pursue a career in public service.

    Nute excelled in his studies and quickly rose through the ranks of the Neimoidian government, becoming known for his shrewd negotiating skills and ability to navigate the complex political landscape of his homeworld.

    He soon caught the attention of the Trade Federation during the rise of the New Imperial Order, a powerful trading organization ran by Director Gat Tambor, that saw potential in Nute's talent for manipulation and persuasion.

    The Trade Federation recruited Nute as a diplomat and soon he was representing them in high-stakes negotiations with other planets and factions across the galaxy.

    Nute's natural charm and cunning made him a valuable asset to the Trade Federation, and he quickly rose to the rank of Trade Federation Regional Commander, overseeing the Federations operations in the New Imperial Order.

    Nute's rise to power was not without controversy, however. Many rival factions accused him of using underhanded tactics and betraying his own people for personal gain. Despite these accusations, Nute continued to climb the ranks within the Trade Federation, amassing wealth and influence along the way.

    In 901 ABY, Nute was selected by the Commanding Viceroy to replace Councilwoman Meii-Nu Suu as the Chief Logistical Minister for COMLIT within the Dark Empire, securing himself a spot on the Imperial Ruling Council.


    Despotism Justifies the Means


    Shrewd Operator > Just like his fellow species members, Nute Griimda excels in various business operations and is always seeking opportunities to enhance his personal wealth and outsmart his rivals within the Imperial Ruling Council.

    The Black Book > Nute Griimda has an extensive network, with ties to various corporations and planetary governments, ensuring she can access whatever she needs whenever she needs it.

    Business, Not War > Despite his background as a banker and industralist, Nute lacks any experience in warfare or combat training.

    Cowardly > Nute, a Neimoidian Species member, is viewed as cowardly by his peers in the Ruling Council. He is constantly seeking to evade threats and is dedicated to fretting over potential worst-case scenarios.


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    Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Director - Trade Federation
    Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Senator - Galactic Alliance
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    *Ability Icons can be found here


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Type-104 Repurposed Imperial Star Destroyer [T-104 RISD]

"To effectively confront this New Empire, we need to use their own doctrine against them. We need to produce a new type of ISD that merges cutting-edge Alliance Engineering with the shear firepower of the New Imperial Order's former war machine."
- Jorgan Muttz, to the Alliance High Command after the Invasion of the Core.


  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Extreme Armament Classification
  • Extreme Defense Classification
  • Many Advanced Systems
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Low Manueverability Rating
  • Low Speed Rating
  • High Maintenance due to Advanced Features
  • Repurposed Star Destroyer - Wedged Design

The Galactic Alliance constructed the Type-104 Repurposed Imperial Star Destroyer in response to the Dark Empire's invasion of the core regions. This particular class of star destroyer was intricately assembled at Byblos Star Drives, incorporating salvaged parts from the fleets of defeated Imperial Warlords who sought to penetrate Alliance Territory while the superpower was preoccupied with the conflict against the Dark Empire.

Cost-saving strategies were given priority by the
Alliance High Command in their efforts to confront the Imperial Armada without overextending their defensive line.

Their belief was that by repurposing old designs obtained from the battlefield, they could improve the armaments and shielding of their ships, enabling them to directly engage other star destroyers affiliated with the remnants of the New Imperial Order and the Brotherhood of the Maw who had joined forces to make this insidious new threat.

The Type-104 Star Destroyer, with a length of approximately 1,850 Meters, boasts a formidable array of weaponry and robust armored plating that spans its distinctive wedge-shaped hull. Unlike other star destroyer designs that often incorporate carrier capabilities, this vessel was specifically crafted as a frontline combatant.

Consequently, its hangar capacity is rather restricted, allowing for the accommodation of only two squadrons of fighters during any given engagement.

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  • Many Special Variants
  • High Resistance to Lightsabers, Kinetic and Energy Weaponry
  • Mass-Produced for Frontline Combat
  • Many Advanced Systems
  • Very Low Resistance to EMP/Ion Weaponry
  • Low Resistance to Sonic Weaponry
  • Poor Overall Accuracy due to Special Features

With war looming over the galaxy, it swiftly became evident that the Trade Federation's freighters and cargo vessels traversing the vast galactic trade routes were inadequately safeguarded, leaving them vulnerable to potential threats from pirates and privateers from the various galactic powers.

As such the Trade Federation Directorate made the strategic decision to initiate the development and manufacturing of an innovation iteration of the B2 Super Battle Droid, designed to bolster their defensive capabilities and protect their valueable assets from enemy incursions.

This latest iteration of the B2 Battle Droid showcases a significant enhancement in physical prowess, boasting increased strength that makes it a formidable force on the battlefield. Additionally, it offers an extensive range of modular capabilities and presents various advanced models designed specifically for combat scenarios.

With its robust armor and defensive mechanisms, this variant has been finely tuned to withstand direct confrontations with adept force users, and can engage other heavy infantry battle droids it may encounter.

Although it does lack protection from sonic and emp/ion weaponry in order to save costs during its mass-production in one of the many trade federation owned factories.

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  • Limitless Power | The generator harnesses the power of hypermatter reaction, fusion generator components, advanced AI Systems for cooling, and plasma generation. This unique combination, along with the fuel injection of the Isotope-5, enables it to produce a tremendous amount of power. The generator utilizes the concept of Deep Heat, which is an experimental idea that involves extracting heat from the planet's internal core by circulating cool water deep into it. If the scale of this generator is ultimately determined, it could be installed on star ships by utilizing secondary reactors to fuel the primary one. This arrangement would grant Capital Ships of the Dark Empire a remarkable advantage in terms of range and speed.
  • Highly Unstable | The generator is characterized by numerous intricate components and the fusion process it entails in order to produce an enormous amount of power. Due to its complex nature, the entire generator is extremely unstable. Any minor breach or puncture would trigger a highly explosive reaction, capable of obliterating even an Imperial Star Destroyer if these generators were ever installed on such vessels after approval from the Imperial Military.

The Trade Federation Hyper Crystallic Fusion Power Generator Core represents the most recent innovation in power generation technology, originating from the ingenious intellect of Doctor Evar Rimkin.

Dr. Rimkin conceived the idea of developing a novel form of boundless power generation by amalgamating multiple reactors into a single colossal unit capable of providing energy to starships for an almost infinite duration, although such an broad experiment is considerably expensive for even the massive trading empire, known as the Trade Federation to undertake not to mention highly illegal to develop given the state of war that exists between the
Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire.

Despite the expenses involved, the Trade Federation proceeded with the experiment, clandestinely producing it in the Outer Rim region, far from the watchful gaze of the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance. Dr. Rimkin took precautions by conducting initial tests of the initial prototypes on desolate planets, aiming to prevent any catastrophic disasters from befalling the native inhabitants.

After the generator was made partially operational, it was transported across the Galactic Alliance's Blockade surrounding the Occupied Core State of the Dark Empire. This was accomplished by utilizing multiple vessels adorned with the insignia of various trading organizations, in order to prevent any complications from arising before the Federal Assembly.

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Reginald Sr.

Reginald Rymkin Senior
Viceroy Rymkin Sr.


62 Years Old
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Top of the Class
Somehow Passed
Teacher's Favorite
Lifestyle Traits
Lots of White and Gold
Force Sensitive
No Wizard Powers
Character Alignment
Neutral Evil
6 ft, 2 in"
120 Ibs
Template Credit

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    V I C E R O Y

    Biographical Information

    Reginald Rymkin Sr. was born on the industrial world of Kuat, renowned for its shipbuilding industry and prestigious Kuat Drive Yards. From a young age, Reginald was fascinated by the intricate designs of starships and the technology that powered them. Growing up in a family of engineers and mechanics, he was surrounded by a culture of innovation and excellence.

    As a child, Reginald spent hours tinkering with spare parts and schematics, learning the ins and outs of starship construction. His natural talent and passion for engineering quickly became apparent, and he excelled in his studies at the prestigious Kuat Engineering Academy. Graduating at the top of his class, Reginald was recruited by Kuat Drive Yards, the largest and most prestigious shipbuilding corporation in the galaxy.

    Starting as a junior engineer, Reginald quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating his unparalleled skills and innovative thinking. His designs pushed the boundaries of starship technology, earning him recognition and respect within the industry. With his sharp mind and keen intuition, Reginald became known as a rising star in the galaxy, destined for greatness.

    Reginald's career at Kuat Drive Yards was marked by a series of groundbreaking projects, including the development of advanced propulsion systems and cutting-edge weapons technology. His contributions to the company's success were instrumental in solidifying its reputation as a leader in the shipbuilding industry. Reginald's dedication to excellence and his relentless pursuit of perfection set him apart from his peers, earning him the respect and admiration of his colleagues.

    As Reginald's star continued to rise, he caught the attention of the Trade Federation, a powerful and influential organization that controlled much of the galaxy's trade and commerce. Recognizing his talent and potential, the Trade Federation offered Reginald a position as an executive, overseeing their extensive fleet of cargo ships and trade routes. Eager for new challenges and opportunities, Reginald accepted the offer and began his tenure as a high-ranking official in the Trade Federation.

    Reginald's leadership and ingenuity quickly made an impact within the Trade Federation, streamlining operations and optimizing efficiency. His strategic vision and business acumen transformed the organization, increasing profits and expanding their reach across the galaxy. Reginald's reputation as a visionary leader grew, and he soon became a trusted advisor to the Trade Federation's ruling council.

    When Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, announced his decision to step down from the post, Reginald was the natural choice to succeed him. His unparalleled experience in shipbuilding and trade, coupled with his proven track record of success, made him the ideal candidate to lead the Trade Federation into a new era of prosperity and influence.

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    Strategic thinker: Reginald Rymkin Sr. is known for his ability to analyze complex situations and come up with effective and innovative solutions. He can foresee potential obstacles and develop contingency plans to ensure success in his endeavors.
    Charismatic leader: With his charismatic and persuasive communication skills, Reginald is able to inspire and motivate those around him. He can rally his team to work towards a common goal and maintain morale even in challenging situations.
    Extensive knowledge of politics and diplomacy: Having a deep understanding of the political landscape of the galaxy, Reginald is adept at navigating complex relationships and negotiations. He can leverage his connections and diplomatic skills to advance his agenda.
    Resourceful and resilient: Reginald has a knack for making the best of any situation and finding creative solutions to problems. He thrives under pressure and is not easily deterred by setbacks, demonstrating a strong resilience in the face of adversity.

    Overconfident: Due to his past successes, Reginald may exhibit overconfidence in his abilities, leading him to underestimate potential threats or overlook important details. This can leave him vulnerable to unexpected challenges.
    Make Business, Not Violence: Reginald's primary role is that of a businessman, lacking the necessary skills for military strategy or frontline combat. He relies on battle droids and security personnel for his protection in order to survive.
    Death-Stick User: While, there is no doubt that Reginald is a top executive within the corporate world. He depends on the high of Death Sticks to keep him operating at 100%, often smelling like cheap colone and the foul edors of such an addictive substance.

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    *Ability Icons can be found here


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|| Ziggst Aruetii ||


General Information


'Fear the individual who can walk between the lines of insanity and empathy.'
- Ziggst "Zigg" Aruetii

Name | Ziggst "Zigg" Traitor
Aliases | Silver Menace / The Traitor / The Clanless
Age | 48
Species | Cyborg Human
Gender | Female
Faction | Indpendent Contractor
Homeworld | Boonta
Occupation | Bounty Hunter, Imperial Mercenary
Force Sensitive | No

Physical Information

Height | 6'0"
Weight | 145 lbs
Build | Slim / Athletic
Eye Color | Dark Brown
Hair Color | Brown
Skin Color | Pale

Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single

Notable Traits


Strengths & Weaknesses


Ziggst demonstrates exceptional marksmanship skills, proficiently hitting targets with precision using a variety of short and long-range weapons. Her ability to accurately shoot moving targets, whether stationary, on the move, or airborne, serves as a source of inspiration for others.


Ziggst, while a proficient warrior, lacks the durability of many Mandalorians due to her small frame and lightweight build. This makes it challenging for her to compete in strength-based battles against opponents who are stronger or larger. As a result, she must strategically use her opponent's strengths to her advantage.

+Mandalorian Warrior+

Despite being viewed as a betrayer by her own people, Ziggst remains unwavering in her identity as a Mandalorian Warrior. Her unwavering commitment to her pride and honor as a warrior is of utmost importance to her, and she is willing to go to any lengths to safeguard this pride, regardless of the consequences for herself or others.

-EMP/ION Weaponry-

Ziggst's susceptibility to EMP/ION weaponry, owing to her cybernetic enhancements, necessitates caution when confronting adversaries on the battlefield without adequate support.


Armor Unit
Melee Weaponry
Ranged Weaponry
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Rymkin had to smile at the both of them, manuevering the data googles back around his eyes, as dropped a subtle hint that his potential business partner had opened new refineries and had increased output of salvaged materials. The mention of expanded operations was a clear indication that was dedicated to their craft and their commitment to success.
Making it quite evident that this future partnership had the potential to yield significant benefits for both parties involved, yet the Viceroy understood that this light conversation from Danger was about more than simply making an impression but looking to guide the Federation into a considering her associate the only one able to handle the commission.
"The New Federation prides itself on its esteemed reputation, Mr. Dashiell. We simply cannot afford to provide our esteemed customers with subpar goods from a bygone empire. It would be in our best interest to entrust the task of dismantling these items to someone capable of scrapping them down efficiently. Although if you are too occupied to handle such a commission I can call in a few favors at the scrapper's guild"
Rymkin explained to , expressing his reluctance to align the New Brand of the Trade Federation with inferior merchandise and obsolete destroyers that lacked the necessary firepower and unique weaponry sought after by the latest galactic forces in the market. Additionally, he subtly implied that the Trade Federation had the option to seek services elsewhere if Dashiell's company did not meet their requirements.
"Miss Danger, your initiative is truly remarkable. The provision of food will play a crucial role in the impending conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the New Empire, with numerous deliveries being sent to the front lines. It is essential that we prioritize aiding those who are most vulnerable, such as refugees and soup kitchens that will inevitably emerge as the war persists."
Such a statement could mean many things, and yet they would never know.
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F L A G // :
ANS Monsoon | Bippina Class Dreadnought | 5000m

ANS Mentor | MC97 Heavy Star Cruiser | 5000m
ANS Array |
MC97 Heavy Star Cruiser | 5000m
ANS Montorr | A-601 Main Battle Cruiser | 4500m
ANS Kellen | A-601 Main Battle Cruiser | 4500m
TFS Nute | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m
TFS Gunray | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m

RISD Barbarian | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Saxon |
Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Onslaught | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Hand of Doom | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
ANS Bola One | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Two | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Three | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Four | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m

ANS Hammer One
| Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Two | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Three | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Four | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Five | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Six | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m

ANS Nebb One
.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Two.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Three.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Four.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m

ANS Core One
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Two
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Three |
BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Four. |
BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Five
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Signet One.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Two.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Three.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Four.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Five.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m

Several Squadrons | DP40 Heavy Gunship

F-29 Fortress Bomber
E-Wing Multi-Role Starfighter
LRS-B W-Wing Heavy Strike Bomber

RZ-5 Crynyd-series A-wing Interceptor
The bridge of the
ANS Monsoon was enveloped in an errie silence, the only sounds that broke the stillness were the gentle clicks of fingers on monitors and the conversations of the Command Staff on board.

A fresh chapter was commencing in the continuous struggle against the New Empire, commonly referred to as the
Dark Empire. Serving as the backdrop for this chapter was the Keera Major Orbital Array, an indispensable asset of the Alliance Naval Arsenal and a crucial element in restraining the Imperial Armada.

If this stronghold were to be seized by the invaders, the Alliance would find itself at a disadvantage across the entire core.

The Alliance High Command had a thorough understanding of the imminent threat, deploying multiple fleets to bolster the Corporate Fleet guarding the shipyards in an attempt to thwart the Imperials from gaining any advantage in any planned siege of Coruscant, the once Capital and most prized possession in the Galaxy for any Galactic Government.

Despite being unaware of the full extend of the opposing forces, the Vice-Admiral Ideon remained resolute in his determination to protect the shipyards, even if it meant relying solely on a single capital ship.

For once, during this terrible war the Galactic Alliance had the advantage of a strong defensive position, near the shipyards, making the Imperial Fleet have to go on the offensive to suceed in breaking their line.

Ideon had already initiated theoretical combat simulations on the tactical display, prompting the Command Staff to review the data repeatedly in hopes of a better outcome, although it never came as each simulation depicted the Alliance sustaining significant losses and having to dock multiple battlecruisers for repairs.

This significant reduction of their forces would prove detrimental if the Dark Empire were to launch attacks on other planets.

"Enter Defensive Formation Aurak 4 around the the Orbital Array, bring up tactical screens and establish secure communication with our formation. Recycle all sheild systems and prime all batteries for a full charge, we need to push back the Imperial Armada from the Shipyards."

The Captain's chair reverberated with the commanding voice of the Vice-Admiral, as the chain of command swiftly followed the assigned orders and the communication's officer tirelessly exchanged messages to the secondary flag officers throughout the fleet.

  • Alliance Fleet is holding defensive position.

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  • Many Special Variants
  • High Resistance to Lightsabers, Kinetic and Energy Weaponry
  • Mass-Produced for Frontline Combat
  • Many Advanced Systems
  • Very Low Resistance to EMP/Ion Weaponry
  • Low Resistance to Sonic Weaponry
  • Poor Overall Accuracy due to Special Features


With war looming over the galaxy, it swiftly became evident that the Trade Federation's freighters and cargo vessels traversing the vast galactic trade routes were inadequately safeguarded, leaving them vulnerable to potential threats from pirates and privateers from the various galactic powers.

As such the Trade Federation Directorate made the strategic decision to initiate the development and manufacturing of an innovation iteration of the B2 Super Battle Droid, designed to bolster their defensive capabilities and protect their valueable assets from enemy incursions.

This latest iteration of the B2 Battle Droid showcases a significant enhancement in physical prowess, boasting increased strength that makes it a formidable force on the battlefield. Additionally, it offers an extensive range of modular capabilities and presents various advanced models designed specifically for combat scenarios.

With its robust armor and defensive mechanisms, this variant has been finely tuned to withstand direct confrontations with adept force users, and can engage other heavy infantry battle droids it may encounter.

Although it does lack protection from sonic and emp/ion weaponry in order to save costs during its mass-production in one of the many trade federation owned factories.

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O R L - F E N N - R A
"Live alongside corruption for too long and you no longer notice the stench. The Jedi cannot help the slaves of Tatooine but they can help the slavemasters"
- Count Dooku to Darth Sidious


FACTION: The Dark Empire | Ailon Nova Guard

RANK: General - 17th Armor Core

SPECIES: Alion (Species)


FORCE: Not Force Sensitive

AGE: Prime

SEX: Male


VOICE: ---

WEIGHT: 189lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Dark Grey

SKIN: White, Pale

Orl Fenn Ra was born on the planet of Alion, a heavily fortified planet located in the Inner Rim Territories. Alion was a harsh and unforgiving planet, with blistering hot deserts and rocky terrain as far as the eye could see.

Despite the harsh conditions, the people of Alion were a proud and resilient species, known for their fierce independence and warrior spirit. Orl was born into a traditional Alion family, with a long line of warriors and military leaders in his bloodline.

From a young age, Orl was groomed for a life of military service, as was customary for many young Alion males. He excelled in combat training and quickly rose through the ranks of the Alion Nova Guard, the elite military force charged with protecting the planet from outside threats.

Orl's natural leadership abilities and strategic mind set him apart from his peers, and it wasn't long before he caught the eye of his superiors.

As Orl continued to prove himself on the battlefield, he was assigned to lead a special unit within the Alion Nova Guard, tasked with carrying out dangerous and covert missions to protect the planet.

Orl's unit quickly gained a reputation for effectiveness and efficiency, with Orl himself becoming known as a fearless and skilled commander. His loyalty to Alion and his dedication to his comrades made him a respected figure among his fellow soldiers.

But Orl's rise through the ranks was not without its challenges. As he gained power and influence within the Alion Nova Guard, he also made enemies among those who sought to undermine his authority. Orl faced numerous assassination attempts and betrayals, but he always managed to emerge victorious, thanks to his keen instincts and unwavering determination.

Despite the dangers and obstacles he faced, Orl continued to serve Alion with honor and distinction, earning the respect and admiration of his peers and superiors alike.

His leadership skills were put to the test time and time again, as the planet faced threats from various hostile factions and pirate groups. Orl's tactical prowess and strategic thinking were instrumental in repelling these attacks and keeping Alion safe from harm.

As the years passed, Orl's reputation as a skilled warrior and military leader continued to grow, and he was eventually promoted to the rank of Field Marshal, the second highest position within the Alion Nova Guard.

Despite his elevated status, Orl remained humble and dedicated to his duty, always putting the needs of Alion and its people above his own ambitions. He continued to lead his troops into battle, inspiring them with his courage and determination, and earning their loyalty and respect in return. Orl's unwavering devotion to his homeland made him a hero in the eyes of the Alion people, a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

In 901 ABY, Orl would leave the Alion Nova Guard and join the ranks of the Dark Empire.

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Imperial Kavaak Class Escort Destroyer

"Far too many starshipwrights in 900 ABY focus on adding more firepower and exotic weaponry across a ship's hull. However, they often overlook the fact that each new weapon necessitates a firing system, integration into the ship's targeting computers, and a significant amount of coolant to prevent overheating. By reducing the emphasis on weaponry and minimizing redundant systems, we have the opportunity to save a substantial amount"
- Jorgan Panzzi, to the Trade Federation Executive Board


  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Very High Armament Classification
  • High Defense Classification
  • Starfighter Support
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Mass-Produced
  • Wedged Design
  • Lack of Rear Weaponry
  • Exposed Command Bridge
  • Escort Duty Only

The Imperial Kavaak Class Escort Destroyer was designed and constructed by both Republic Fleet Systems and Byblos Drive Yards as their first collaboration project since Republic Fleet System's refounding in 900 ABY by then Commanding Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr .

The main purpose of this particular class of star destroyer was to design a scale down warship that could be pushed into mass-production for the galactic ship markets, while still keeping the overall aesthetic and visage of the larger and more formidable Imperial Star Destroyer, the mainstream of the New Imperial Order's and the Dark Empire's naval might.

The Kavaak Class, with a length of approximately 1,001 meters, was specifically crafted to provide protection and support to larger warships during combat scenarios. It possesses a sufficient arsenal and defensive capabilities to effectively counter and overcome enemy corvettes and frigates.

However, due to its specialized nature, it is unable to engage in direct confrontations with larger star destroyers and battlecruisers on an individual basis. This limitation arises from its lack of substantial firepower and advanced weaponry, which are commonly found on star destroyers during the Galactic Chaos Era.

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------ TIE/ads Advanced Droid Seeker ------
( Artstation - TIE Seeker)


  • Very High Armament Classification
  • High Defense Classification
  • Starfighter Support
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Mass-Produced
  • Wedged Design
  • Lack of Rear Weaponry
  • Exposed Command Bridge
  • Escort Duty Only

The Imperial Kavaak Class Escort Destroyer was designed and constructed by both Republic Fleet Systems and Byblos Drive Yards as their first collaboration project since Republic Fleet System's refounding in 900 ABY by then Commanding Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr .

The main purpose of this particular class of star destroyer was to design a scale down warship that could be pushed into mass-production for the galactic ship markets, while still keeping the overall aesthetic and visage of the larger and more formidable Imperial Star Destroyer, the mainstream of the New Imperial Order's and the Dark Empire's naval might.

The Kavaak Class, with a length of approximately 1,001 meters, was specifically crafted to provide protection and support to larger warships during combat scenarios. It possesses a sufficient arsenal and defensive capabilities to effectively counter and overcome enemy corvettes and frigates.

However, due to its specialized nature, it is unable to engage in direct confrontations with larger star destroyers and battlecruisers on an individual basis. This limitation arises from its lack of substantial firepower and advanced weaponry, which are commonly found on star destroyers during the Galactic Chaos Era.

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---- Tanssaa the Hutt ----
Her Highness, Tassaa Illip Anjja of Nar Shaddaa
Eminence of Krant, Kajidii of the Illip Clan, High Queen of the Spice Cartel


HOMEWORLD: Nar Shaddaa
FORCE: Not Force Sensitive
AGE: 440 Years Old
SEX: Female Currently
VOICE: ---
WEIGHT: 369lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: None
SKIN: Light Purple

- The Shadow Syndicate
- The Spice Cartel
- Contraband Resale Corporation
- The Hutt Cartel
Nar Shaddaa Deployment Troopers
Bootana Hutta Volunteer Troopers
Nal Hutta Heavy Cannoneer
Haxion Brood Raiders
The Gleaming Guard
Mythosaur Supercommandos
Warriors of Abonshee
Rangers of Thustra

Tanssaa the Hutt was born on the Moon of Nar Shaddaa, known as the Smuggler's Moon, to a prominent Hutt clan. From a young age, she showed exceptional cunning and ambition, quickly rising through the ranks of her family's criminal empire.

Despite her youth, Tanssaa displayed a natural talent for manipulation and deception, traits that would serve her well in the cutthroat world of intergalactic crime.

As Tanssaa reached adulthood, she grew restless on Nar Shaddaa and yearned for greater challenges and opportunities. With the blessing of her family, she set out on her own to carve out her own criminal empire on the distant world of Krant.

Tanssaa quickly established herself as a formidable force to be reckoned with, using her intelligence and ruthlessness to expand her operations and crush any rivals who dared to challenge her.

On Krant, Tanssaa built a network of loyal followers and allies, ranging from skilled assassins to powerful crime syndicates. She spared no expense in securing her dominance, orchestrating elaborate schemes and betrayals to eliminate anyone who stood in her way.

With her keen business acumen and strategic mind, Tanssaa's empire flourished, becoming a feared and respected force on the planet.

Throughout her criminal career, Tanssaa remained true to her Hutt roots, embracing her species' reputation for cunning and treachery. She surrounded herself with a cadre of loyal lieutenants and enforcers, each one as ruthless and ambitious as she was.

But for all her achievements, Tanssaa remained a creature of ambition and desire. As she gazed out at the stars from her opulent palace on Krant, she knew that her thirst for power would never be quenched.

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B A N C E S S O C K - S A V I T
"Live alongside corruption for too long and you no longer notice the stench. The Jedi cannot help the slaves of Tatooine but they can help the slavemasters"
- Count Dooku to Darth Sidious


FACTION: Durbillion Imperial Remnant

RANK: Lord High Admiral



FORCE: Not Force Sensitive

AGE: Venerable

SEX: Male


VOICE: ---

WEIGHT: 169lbs

EYES: Orange

HAIR: White

SKIN: White, Pale

Bancessock Savit was born on the planet of Kuat, a wealthy and industrialized world known for its shipyards and technology.

From a young age, Bancessock showed a keen interest in military strategy and warfare, dreaming of one day commanding fleets of starships.

He excelled in his studies and quickly rose through the ranks of the Kuati military academy, displaying a natural talent for leadership and tactics.

After graduating at the top of his class, Bancessock joined the New Imperial Order, a rising power in the galaxy that sought to restore order and stability in the wake of the Sith Empire's dominion.

He quickly distinguished himself on the battlefield, earning a reputation as a fearless and cunning naval officer. His strategic brilliance and unwavering loyalty to the New Imperial Order caught the attention of his superiors, and he was soon promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral within the Imperial Navy.

As a Rear Admiral, Bancessock was assigned to oversee construction and deployment of the New Imperial Order's shipyards.

He led the 17th Fleet in numerous successful campaigns against rebellious planets and pirate incursions, solidifying his reputation as a formidable and ruthless opponent.

Under his leadership, the 17th Fleet was assigned to more dangerous missions along the outer frontier worlds, crushing those who dared oppose the authority of the Emperor within such regions.

However, as the New Imperial Order's power grew, so too did dissent and rebellion after the Tarkinist Adminsitration.

In the midst of this turmoil, the New Imperial Order or Empire as it called itself then suffered from over-expansion and infighting amongst itself, leading to its collapse as a superpower on the galactic stage.

With a small but fiercely loyal group of followers, Bancessock established his own Imperial Remnant with the 17th Fleet backing him up, turning to piracy along the unguarded hyperspace routes.

Now, as the galaxy stands on the brink of a new era of conflict and uncertainty, Bancessock Savit remains a formidable force to be reckoned with. His Imperial Remnant stands ready to face any challenge, as he seeks to restore order and stability to a galaxy in turmoil.

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Bummuy the Venerable

MusicSeparatist March
AliasesQueen Bummuy Iinnon
The Venerable Trade Monarch
The Long Lasting Ruler
Class(es)High Nobility
Trade Monarch
Elderly Paragon
Personality TraitsPompous
Education TraitsFirst Rate Education
Trade Specialist
Rank(s)Trade Monarch
Queen of the Purse-Worlds
Honorary Board Member
Faction(s)The Trade Federation
The Galactic Alliance
LanguagesPak Pak Language
Various Trade Languages
High Galactic
Galactic Basic
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentNeutral Neutral
Weight250 lbs

  • Queen_2.png


    Royal Biography

    Hailed as a paragon of grace and intellect, Trade Monarch Bummuy the Venerable began her journey in the heart of the commercial powerhouse, Neimoidia. Born into a family esteemed for their shrewd business acumen, Phummih displayed an exceptional aptitude for negotiation and strategic thinking from an early age.

    As she matured ambitions grew beyond the realm of commerce yearning to lead her people with wisdom and compassion, envisioning a Neimoidia that thrived not only economically but also socially. Determined to earn her place on the throne of the Trade Monarch by studying politics, history and the complex dynamics of interstellar diplomacy.

    The ascent to power was not without obstacles given the male centered nature of Neimoidian Society, overcoming these with charisma and unwavering resolve gathering supporters around her from the more progressive factions within her society, while astute business acumen won over influential allies among the trade guilds and the Trade Federation of Planets.

    When the time came to accept the crown of Neimoidia, the planet's economy teetered on the brink of collapse due to corruption and greed of the previous rulership.

    With a keen understanding of commerce, Phummih would devise a comprehensive economic reform plan that revitalized industries on the world and restores its position within the galaxy.

    However the new queen's strength lay in her ability to bridge the divide between her people and the galactic community by skillfully navigating the treacherous waters of intergalactic politics and, forging key alliances and negotiating treaties that benefitted not only Neimoidia but also its neighboring systems.

    Under the queen's rule the Neimoidians experience a renaissance. Education and the arts flourished, the wealth gap narrowed and vital social reforms were implemented to ensure the fair treatments of all citizens.

  • Strengths:

    1. Strategic thinker:
      1. As the Neimoidian queen, she is skilled at assessing situations and developing effective strategies to achieve her goals.
    2. Charismatic leader:
      1. She possesses the ability to inspire and rally her people, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty among her subjects.
    3. Diplomatic skills:
      1. She excels at navigating complex political situations and negotiations, effectively representing her people's interests on the galactic stage.

    1. Lack of combat skills:
      1. As a leader who relies more on diplomacy and strategy, she may struggle in combat situations or confrontations where physical prowess is required.
    2. Overly reliant on advisors:
      1. She may have a tendency to rely too heavily on the counsel of others, potentially missing out on important insights or making decisions based on biased information.
    3. Vulnerability to manipulation:
      1. Her diplomatic nature and desire for peace can make her susceptible to manipulation by others who seek to exploit her for their own gain.

  • tf-site-header.png

    Royal Thread

    Placeholder | Placeholder

  • tf-site-header.png


    Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Commanding Viceroy of the Federation
    Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Galactic Alliance Senator
    Meii-Nu Suu Imperial Economic Council


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  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Starfighter Support
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Mass-Produced
  • Very-High Speed Rating
  • Rather Outdated Weaponry
  • Very Low Manueverability
  • Not Designed for Prolonged Combat

The GG-X1 Commerce Raider is a military-grade warship developed by the reestablished Republic Fleet Systems, a subsidary corporation of the Trade Federation of Planets.

Although mass-produced for the
Open-Market, the GG-X1 has recently seen an increase of interest from various planetary governments and criminal syndicates looking to bolster their defenses against rising threats.

With its many weapon systems and state-of-the-art sub-systems, the GG-X1 has proven to be quite the formidable force on the battlefield, earning a reputation for its speed and firepower.

The Commerce Raider's versatility allows it to adapt to different combat situations, making it a valuable warship for any criminal or pirate fleet operating on the galactic hyperspace lanes.

Its success in recent skirmishes with planetary defense forces has given it quite the reputation, allowing Republic Fleet Systems to become a leading provider of criminal starships.

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Mission on Gamorr

Tanssaa the Hutt lounged on her ornate cushioned litter, surrounded by her entourage of loyal followers. Her massive bulk was draped in luxurious silks and jewels, a symbol of her immense wealth and power in the criminal underworld.
The air around her was thick with the scent of incense and the sound of her low, rumbling laughter echoed through the alleyway.
The spaceport was alive with activity as ships of all shapes and sizes came and went, carrying their precious cargo to various corners of the galaxy.
Tanssaa's entourage kept a watchful eye on the bustling crowd, ensuring that no one dared to cross their formidable leader. The Hutt was waiting for the arrival of a team of bounty hunters who had been tasked with retrieving a valuable artifact for her collection.
As the sun began to set in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the spaceport, the sound of a approaching ship could be heard in the distance. Tanssaa's entourage sprang into action, preparing to greet the arriving bounty hunters with all the pomp and circumstance befitting of their esteemed employer.
The Hutt stretched out her massive arms, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the team who would soon be at her beck and call.
The ship touched down with a smooth landing, and the ramp slowly descended to reveal the bounty hunters and skilled individuals who had come to fulfill Tanssaa's request.
They were a diverse group, each with their own set of skills and weapons, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. Tanssaa's entourage bowed low as the hunters made their way towards the waiting Hutt, who regarded them with a keen eye.
"Welcome, esteemed hunters," Tanssaa's voice boomed through the alleyway, her slimy tongue flicking in anticipation.
"I trust you are ready to undertake the task I have set before you." She asked towards the group, ready to load the special equipment for the job assignment mentioned.

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Following: A Monument To Your Sins
Fondor Press Conference Chamber 19

After the Trade Federation Executive Board convened on Skako to discuss the incident at the New Jedi Order's Coruscant Temple, it became clear that decisive action was necessary to prevent any further disruptions.

The Board members were in agreement that allowing this rebellious organization to grow in influence posed a significant threat to the stability of both the New Jedi Order and the Federal Assembly.

Consequently, a unanimous decision was made to take prompt action in order to thwart any efforts made by the rebellious factions to garner backing and extend their influence. Despite their limited political influence within the Galactic Alliance, it was recognized that granting additional power to this particular individual would significantly undermine the alliance.

Therefore, the Minister for the Trade Federation Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin would secure a spot on the Fondor Holonet News Network. After securing the appointment, the Neimoidian would confidently take the stage within the press conference chamber, surrounded by Federation Officials.

"The Galaxy has observed an unhinged person named Bernard of Arca defacing the Jedi Temple on Coruscant with religious propaganda. He has announced his plans to cause chaos throughout the Galactic Alliance by unleashing his own version of justice, not aligned to our offical judicial system. Vigilantism of this nature is completely unacceptable within the framework of a well-operating democracy. "

Grimmin explained, amidst the flashing holocameras and the applause from the corporate lackeys positioned behind him. The Trade Federation had proudly went through the High Court System of the Alliance, and so for this individual to disregard such authority was a threat to the Alliance as a whole.

"Although their perspectives may have some validity, they have transitioned into a radical anarchist. They are attacking the fundamental principles of the Alliance within the New Jedi Order and are making baseless allegations against Kahlil Noble, the Consort of the Current Leader of the Order. If these accusations were substantiated and specific, the individual in question would have faced legal proceedings. The absence of such actions indicates that these are defamatory falsehoods."

He would get to the point without much delay, painting this person and their organizations as radicals trying to overthrow the bedrock of the Galactic Alliance. Besides, the New Jedi Order was more than happy to die for the Galactic Alliance which meant that the Federation and the Defense Forces would not have to contribute as much, saving them time and money.

"Therefore, we urge the Federal Assembly and the New Jedi Order to declare this renegade an outlaw and issue an immediate warrant for their arrest on any Alliance World. Such a warrant would also extend to any of their followers within the galaxy, make sure they understand that siding with terrorists will not be tolered within our union."

The Neimoidian finished, with a bow leaving the conference room despite the press following behind him.

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---- JK'Ruush the Beast-Tamer ----
"Your target is JK'Ruush the Butcher, a hulking whiphid with a nasty attitude. Equipped with a powerful heavy ordinance cannon, energy shields, heavy battle-axes, explosives, and poison blades, he is classified as highly dangerous and heavily armed. Wanted in twelve systems for acts of piracy and murder, he poses a significant threat to society."


FORCE: Not Force Sensitive
AGE: 45 Years Old
SEX: Male
VOICE: ---
WEIGHT: 269lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown

Situated in the remote Outer Rim Territories, the planet of Toola was a harsh and unforgiving world with icy tundras and treacherous mountain ranges.

It was on this frozen wasteland that JK'Ruush was born to a tribe of fierce Whipid warriors.

From a young age, JK'Ruush displayed a talent for taming and controlling the wild beasts that roamed the icy plains of Toola.

His ability to communicate with and command these savage creatures earned him the nickname "The Beast-Tamer" among his people.

As he grew older, JK'Ruush became restless and longed for adventure beyond the confines of his homeworld. At the age of fifteen, he made the daring decision to leave Toola and seek his fortune among the stars.

He stowed away on a passing freighter and eventually found himself on the bustling planet of Nar Shaddaa, the notorious moon of Nal Hutta and a haven for smugglers, pirates, and all manner of scoundrels.

It was on Nar Shaddaa that JK'Ruush encountered a ruthless pirate gang known as the Black Sun Marauders.

Impressed by his prowess as a Beast-Tamer, the gang's leader, a Twi'lek named Vensa Dstrin, took JK'Ruush under her wing and trained him in the ways of piracy.

Under Vensa's tutelage, JK'Ruush quickly rose through the ranks of the Black Sun Marauders, becoming one of their most feared and respected members.

However, despite his loyalty to Vensa and the gang, JK'Ruush harbored ambitions of his own. He saw the weaknesses in Vensa's leadership and began to plot a coup to take control of the pirate gang for himself.

With the help of a few trusted allies within the Black Sun Marauders, JK'Ruush orchestrated a daring attack on Vensa's stronghold and succeeded in overthrowing her, claiming the title of leader for himself.

Now in command of the pirate gang, JK'Ruush rebranded them as the Fangs of Hyperspace, and set out to carve a fearsome reputation for himself among the criminal underworld.

His mastery over the wild beasts of Toola proved to be a valuable asset in his newfound role as a pirate lord, as he used his creatures to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies and rivals.

Under JK'Ruush's leadership, the Fangs of Hyperspace quickly became one of the most notorious and feared pirate fleets in the Outer Rim.

Their raids on merchant vessels and space stations were executed with ruthless efficiency, leaving no survivors in their wake.

JK'Ruush's reputation as the Beast-Tamer only grew as stories of his ferocious creatures and merciless tactics spread throughout the galaxy.

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