Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop


Triumph Class A-602 Compact Battle Cruiser
  • All Standard Features
  • Very High Armament Classification
  • High Hanger Space
  • Mass-Produced Vessel
  • High Defense Classification
  • Many Advanced Systems
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Very Low Manueverability Rating
  • Very Low Speed Rating
  • High Maintenance due to Advanced Features
  • Vulnerable Connection between Ship and Engine Units

The Triumph Class A-602 was a collaborative effort between Republic Fleet Systems and Byblos Drive Yards, both subsidiaries of the Trade Federation, in the year 902 ABY. This new model was designed to replace the aging Triumph Class A-601 Main Battlecruiser, which had been in service with the Galactic Alliance Navy for quite some time but was now deemed obsolete after the invasion of Coruscant.

In order to cut costs, the Senate Finance Committee recommended downsizing the warship and increasing its production rate. This decision was met with approval, leading to the mass production of the A-602 across the galaxy. The new design aimed to maintain the efficiency and power of its predecessor while incorporating modern technologies and advancements in weaponry.

The Triumph Class A-601, with a length of approximately 3,500 Meters, boasts a formidable array of state-of-the-art weaponry, including missile launchers and even the newest invention in the GX-R1 Hybrid Cannon, which gives it both physical firepower and energy firepower on the battlefield, although it uses up a large amount of energy. The enhanced shielding allows it to stand up to both Imperial Star Destroyers and bigger vessels currently deployed by the Dark Empire.

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Bymb Hemborr​
Deputy Viceroy​
Galactic Basic
High Galactic
Trade Languages​
Business Education
Accounting & Finance​
54 Years Old​
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
200 Ibs​
Pressure Suit​

Strengths and Weaknesses


  1. Technical expertise:
    1. Known for their advanced technical skills, particularly in the areas of engineering and construction. They are able to effectively oversee complex construction projects and troubleshoot technical issues efficiently.
  2. Strategic planning:
    1. Adept at creating detailed project plans and implementing strategic initiatives to ensure the success of their projects. They are able to anticipate potential challenges and develop effective solutions to overcome them.

  1. Lack of empathy:
    1. Often perceived as cold and detached due to their logical and analytical nature. This can make it difficult for them to effectively communicate and build relationships with their team members, leading to potential conflicts and misunderstandings.
  2. Slow decision-making:
    1. Known for their meticulous attention to detail, which can sometimes result in slower decision-making processes. This can be a disadvantage in fast-paced environments where quick decisions are necessary to address urgent issues or capitalize on opportunities.

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Darth Grosnais, prowled through the desolate wastelands of Jakku in search for the Starship Graveyard, his crimson lightsaber humming at his side.

The harsh sun beat down on his armored skeleton, casting errie shadows on the sand dunes as he stalked his prize - salvaged starship parts scattered across the barren landscape. The Force whispered to him, guiding his steps towards a hidden cache rumored to hold the key to unlocking imaginable power should one claim it.

As he ventured deeper into the treacherous terrain, Grosnais noticed a flicker of movement in the distance. His keen senses picked up on the subtle shift in the Force - He had known that the Jakku Jedi Enclave were operating on the planet, but they were supposed to be farther into the dune seas of the planet.

With a sense of added urgency, he reached out to a criminal syndicate known for their ruthless efficiency in smuggling operations.

Striking a deal to provide a distraction for the Jedi sent towards his location, while he carried on the search. The criminal syndicate set up camp on the outskirts of a bustling trading outpost, drawing attention away from Grosnais as he delved deeper into the unforgiving wilderness.

He navigated through the treacherous terrain, his senses attuned to every sound and movement around him. The wind howled, carrying the distant cries of scavengers and the haunting whispers of the ancient sands.

As he neared the rumored location of the starship parts, Grosnais could feel the power pulsating through the Force. It called to him, beckoning him closer with promises of untold riches and unimaginable strength. The dark side of the Force swirled around him, fueling his determination as he pressed on through the blistering heat and shifting sands.

"I am close, closer now more than ever."

He exclaimed, slicing through the external panel of an old imperial star destroyer.


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  • Classification: Long-Range Turbolaser
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average
  • Extreme Range Support
  • Extreme Damage Output
  • Very Large Ammunition Capacity
  • Smartgunner Chip for Crew Reduction
  • TX-100 for Maximum Weapon Power
  • Extremely Large
  • Extremely Heavy
  • Very Low Rate of Fire
  • Designed for Capital Ships (Star Destroyers up to 3,000 Meters +)
  • High Maintenance due to Special Features

The Imperial Grade Heavy Quad 70TT HTL Needlenose Turbolaser Emplacement represents the latest advancement in long-range turbolaser systems created by the InterGalactic Technology Union for Project Iron Misery.

A contingency plan enacted by the Trade Federation of Planets following the collapse of the New Imperial Order and the emergence of various imeprial successor states such as the Empire of the Lost, The Dark Empire, and the Imperial Military Protectorate.

Serving as a pinnacle of Old Imperial Research, The Heavy Quad Needlenose was an enlarged iteration of the Dual 720HTL. It featured slender and longer barrels, aiming to optimize damage output and enhance accuracy over vast distances.

This formidable weapon was specifically designed for Star Destroyers measuring up to 3,000 Meters in length, owing to its colossal power demands and the necessity for advanced generators to maintain coolent functions.



--- GX-R1 Experimental High Powered Hybrid Ordinance Cannon ---
(Massive Anti Aircraft Cannon SWTOR) (Gat Tambor Permissions)
  • Long-Range Support
  • Extreme Damage Output
  • Large Ammunition Capacity
  • Smartgunner Chip for Crew Reduction
  • TX-100 for Maximum Weapon Power
  • Extremely Large
  • Extremely Heavy
  • High Recoil
  • High Maintenance due to Special Features
  • Consumes a large amount of Energy

The GX-R1 Experimental High Powered Hybrid Ordinance Cannon represents the first advancement in hybrid-weaponry created by the InterGalactic Technology Union, a proud subsidiary of the Trade Federation of Planets.

Serving as the pinnacle of new military research, the GX-R1 Epxerimental was designed to combine the strengths of both Mass-Driver Cannons and Shipboard Turbolasers, as a cost-saving measure for future battlecruiser designs for the Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire. Although it has not yet been released for the open ship-market due to the affects of the Core Wars.

This formidable hybrid weapon was designed for cruisers, star destroyers and battlecruisers, owing to its colossal power demands and high maintenance to avoid complete shutdown. It requires advanced generators to maintain coolent functions, and only the best of gunners are allowed to operate them.

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Trade Federation 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System

(DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret) (Gat Tambor Permissions)
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas System
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Battlefield Range
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Low
  • Battlefield Support
  • Very High Damage Output
  • Large Ammunition Capacity
  • Smartgunner Chip for Crew Reduction
  • TX-100 for Maximum Weapon Power
  • Extremely Large
  • Extremely Heavy
  • High Maintenance due to Special Features
  • Requires the use of ATX Energy Pillars

The Trade Federation 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System is an improved variant of the DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret used during the Clone Wars by the Republic's Venator class Star Destroyers.

Engineered by the
InterGalactic Technology Union, a proud subsidiary corporation of the Trade Federation of Planets. Its primary purpose is to offer unparalleled long-range support for capital ships, ensuring their protection and dominance on the battlefields in 900 ABY.

The 89HG Heavy Turbolaser Turret System boasts enhanced firepower and accuracy, making it a formidable force to be reckoned with in any combat situation. Although it requires a substantial amount of power to maintain coolant functions and prevent frequent breakdowns of crucial systems, thus relying on the power source of ATX Energy Pillars, which without proper upkeep, the efficiency and effectiveness of the 89HG System can be called into question.

The impressive weapon system was specifically crafted for cruisers, star destroyers, and battlecruisers due to its immense size and substantial energy requirements, enabling these ships to harness the formidable destructive capabilities of the technology.

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Trade Federation Grand Industropolis, Druckenwell
The Grand Industropolis is situated on the periphery of Il Avavli, the capital of Druckenwell within a synthetic mountain range, offering a sense of seclusion while maintaining proximity to the vast armament facilities and offices of various corporations that reside on the world in 900 ABY. Numerous public transport and landspeeder lanes connect the sprawling megacomplex to the Druckenwell Transportation Network, the Spaceports and the industrial warehouses.

Such accessibility not only enhances the efficiency of operations within the Grand Industropolis but also fosters a sense of connectivity with the larger community, facilitating collaboration and innovation among its diverse inhabitants.
A large number of private landing pads provide direct access to the spire complex for senior Trade Federation executives.

Visitors heading to the Industropolis undergo intense security screenings upon entering and leaving, though public areas of the complex devoted to sales, showrooms, expos, and the room devoted to the Interstellar Stock Exchange have
higher level security measures in place.

Trade Federation employee work spaces are protected by addtional layers of physical, energy, shielding and information security to safeguard the commercially and legally sensitive work being undertaken .There are security personnel stationed at key points throughout the complex, monitoring the activities of both visitors and employees to maintain a safe and secure environment.

Overall, the stringent security measures in place at the Industropolis serve to not only protect the valuable assets within the complex but also to uphold the integrity and reputation of the Trade Federation as a whole.

max level of security is reserved for the executive spire of the Industropolis, and work areas undertaking projects and assignments deemed by the Executive Board to be crucial to the future profits of the Trade Federation and its subsidiaries.


  • Description:
The Grand Industropolis has been built amidst a droid-made mountain range located in close proximity to the Capital City of Druckenwell. Tucked away deep within this range, the Headquarters are strategically positioned at a considerable distance from the city, ensuring protection against any unwelcome intrusions or criminal organizations.

With the inclusion of the Executive Tower, this vast megacomplex encompasses a sprawling surface area capable of accommodating warships, should the necessity ever arise.

There are numerous other buildings within the Headquarters complex, such as the shield generators, turbolaser emplacements of various sizes and strengths, office buildings, manufacturing plants, private landing pads.

Although that is just on the surface, beneath the complex are various factories, vaults, vehicle bays, tank storage, data centers that stretch for endless miles down into the surface, ranging from armaments to battle droids in order to ensure that the fortress world is well protected should the galactic powers arrive overhead.



Main Entrance:

The Trade Federation Headquarters on Druckenwell boasts a grand main entrance, with large double doors made of polished durasteel and adorned with intricate patterns that highlight the wealth and power of the organization. Flanked by towering statues of key Trade Federation figures, the entrance serves as a symbol of the organization's dominance in the galaxy.

Grand Hall:
Upon entering the headquarters, visitors are greeted by the stunning Grand Hall, a vast space adorned with opulent decorations, polished marble floors, and ornate chandeliers. The hall serves as a meeting point for Trade Federation officials and guests, with comfortable seating areas and state-of-the-art holo-communication terminals for conducting business dealings.

The Council Chambers:
The heart of the Trade Federation Headquarters is the Council Chambers, where the ruling body of the organization meets to discuss and make decisions on matters of trade and diplomacy. The room is lavishly decorated with plush crimson carpeting, gold accents, and a large holographic display table that showcases trade routes, market trends, and other important data.

Diplomatic Quarters:
For visiting dignitaries and ambassadors, the headquarters boasts luxurious Diplomatic Quarters, featuring spacious suites with panoramic views of the surrounding cityscape. Each suite is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including personal holo-comms, holoprojectors, and private dining areas for conducting diplomatic negotiations.

Trade Federation Museum:
The Trade Federation Headquarters also houses a prestigious museum dedicated to the history and legacy of the organization. The museum features a vast collection of artifacts, documents, and interactive exhibits that showcase the Trade Federation's role in galactic commerce and politics throughout the centuries.


Trade Federation Archives:

In addition to the museum, the headquarters is home to the extensive Trade Federation Archives, a vast repository of information and records pertaining to the organization's business dealings, partnerships, and political alliances. The archives are strictly guarded and accessible only to authorized personnel, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive data.

The Grand Central Market:
A bustling marketplace located within the headquarters, the Grand Central Market is a hub of activity where traders, merchants, and business owners come to buy, sell, and exchange goods from all corners of the galaxy. The market offers a wide variety of exotic products, rare items, and luxury goods, making it a prime destination for those seeking high-quality merchandise.

Executive Offices:
High-ranking Trade Federation officials occupy lavish Executive Offices within the headquarters, complete with private conference rooms, personal assistants, and cutting-edge technology to facilitate their work. The offices overlook the bustling cityscape below, providing a sense of status and power to those who occupy them.


Training Facilities:

To ensure the ongoing success and competitiveness of its members, the Trade Federation Headquarters features state-of-the-art Training Facilities where employees can enhance their skills, receive specialized training, and stay up to date on the latest industry trends. The facilities include holosuites, simulation rooms, and classrooms equipped with the latest educational tools.

Security Operations Center:
To maintain a secure and stable environment within the headquarters, the Trade Federation has established a sophisticated Security Operations Center, staffed by highly trained personnel and equipped with cutting-edge surveillance technology. The center monitors all areas of the headquarters, responds to security threats, and ensures the safety of employees and visitors.

The Atrium Gardens:
A serene oasis within the bustling headquarters, the Atrium Gardens are a lush green space filled with exotic plants, soothing water features, and tranquil seating areas where employees can relax and unwind amidst the hectic pace of business. The gardens provide a peaceful sanctuary for contemplation and reflection, allowing individuals to recharge and refocus.

Trade Federation Auditorium:
A majestic auditorium within the headquarters serves as a venue for important meetings, presentations, and conferences hosted by the Trade Federation. The auditorium features state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, comfortable seating for hundreds of guests, and a stage equipped with holoscreens and projection systems for delivering impactful speeches and announcements. This grand space is a focal point for industry events and showcases the organization's influence and prestige in the galactic community.




The Trade Federation Headquarters on Druckenwell boasts a rich and extensive background that traces its origins to the early era of the Clone Wars and first iteration of the Trade Federation under then Viceroy Nute Gunray.

Originally established as a droid manufacturing plant in anticipation of the impending war with the Galactic Republic, the facility quickly grew in size and importance due to its strategic location along the Corellian Run.

Throughout the Clone Wars, the Droid Factory was instrumental in providing the Confederacy of Independent Systems with essential units for the front line and resources in the form of foodstuff.

Nevertheless, as the conflicted intensified, the facility became a target for the Republic Navy looking to weaken the CIS military strength within the region. Despite enduring significant destruction, the factory was left mostly intact but now under Republic Occupation.

With the rise of the Galactic Empire, the droid factory would be converted into an Imperial Palace for the Governor of Druckenwell and remained within Imperial Control during Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

Entering into 900 ABY, the Trade Federation has purchased the facility from the Governor of the World for less than market value, transforming it into a formidable stronghold away from the eyes and ears of the Galactic Powers such as the Sith Order and the Galactic Alliance.

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Xoli Kaikruts-guns
"Once you start making life through science, then it becomes very hard to accept natural evolution"
  • Name: Experiment TF-66/79bg, the Xoli Kaikrunts-guns (trans. Children of Industry)
  • Designation: Strand-Cast + Clones
  • Origins: Hidden Laboratory of the The Trade Federation
  • Average Lifespan: 900 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems)
  • Description:
The Xoli Kaikruts-guns were the result of many scientific advancements and experimentations with cloning, genetic engineering, and bioengineering conducted by the Trade Federation within a relatively short timespan ranging from 880 ABY to 889 ABY.

Designed to pass the limitations of a singular clone army and the genetic warriors of the Sith, the
Xoli Kaikrut-guns were genetically modified organisms grown from multiple genetic sequences centered around a prime clone template with the intention of enhancing the abilities and skills of the species from which they are derived.

As a consequence of employing a prime clone template, every
Xoli Kaikrut is genetically indistinguishable and maintains an identical physical appearance regardless of the genetic material that is introduced into them.

Creation of the species was accomplished with the aid of several cloning technologies such as the Splicer rig, Spaarti Cloning Cylinders, Clone Vats, Re-engineering and the overall assistance of the Paradigm Besh Model of the AN-X1 "Paradigm" Genetic Matrix, in order to squash negative mutations and enhance desirable gene sequences.

Xoli Kaikurt were designed with inspiration from the Neimoidian Hive Structure, allowing them to function within a unique Hive Mind system for the purpose of exchanging information among all members of their species.

This facilitates their ability to effectively carry out the duties delegated to them by the Trade Federation Overseers. Through the integration of the Hive-Mind structure and Flash Pumping, they are able to address any vulnerabilities typically associated with this technology, guaranteeing that each individual meets the required intelligence standards.

Xoli Kaikurt exhibit various advantageous traits due to the presence of the Hutt Gene in their genetic makeup. Unlike typical bio-evolutionary species, they do not possess a skeleton; instead, their body structure is supported by an internal mantle, facilitating muscle movement and overall body shape. Their skin demonstrates resistance to nearly all chemical substances, with only the most corrosive agents posing a threat.

Additionally, their slippery body texture makes them challenging to grasp. A slimy coating serves as protection against chemical burns and heat, while their immunity to numerous poisons and diseases is well-documented. Remarkably, they have the ability to regenerate lost body parts in case of injury.



  • Breathes: Type I, Type II, Type III Atmospheres
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.84 Meters (9'4")
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Brown and White
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions:
    • The Xoli Kaikurl are an aquatic species with broad flat heads, rather tiny eyes, and long drapping mouths. They control things with their mass of tentacles, allowing them to use a multitide of computers and devices. Their unique physical features enable them to navigate both underwater environments and land environments with ease, utilizing their tentacles to manipulate objects and interact with technology. Despite their unusual appearance, the Xoli Kaikurl are incredibly intelligent and resourceful beings, using their advanced technological skills to thrive in the galaxy.
  • Races:
    • The Xoli Kaikurt were created from the prime clone template of a Gree (Species) and therefore there is no diversity.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
  • High Resistance to Diseases and Poisons
  • Highly Resistant to Mental Powers
  • Excellent financial and mathematical skills.
  • Considerable Navigators, Technicians, Inventors
  • They are capable of vast calculations neccessary to cross the intergalactic void
  • Long-Life Span
  • Can Survive in Type I, II and III Atmospheres
  • Advanced Growth for Rapid Populations
  • Re-Engineering - the subjects also gained a strange Force signature that made them feel "wrong" or unnatural to Force-sensitives, and which made them frighten non-sentient creatures, such as banthas.
  • Susceptible to Clone Madness
  • Mental Instability.
  • Emotionless
  • High Maintenance for Creation to ensure Proper Intelligence
  • Hive-Mind


  • Diet: Primarily Omnivorous
  • Communication:
    • Xoli Zurr Way:
      • Useing inaudible pulses of energy in wavelengths that were not perceptible to human eyes for communication
    • Xoli Murr Way:
      • A spoken language which is a strange combination of alien tongue and droid binary code, IE: Xoxca 00011001 Murda.
  • Technology level:
    • The Xoli Kaikrut-guns exhibit a high level of technological advancement, incorporating numerous cutting-edge technologies available to the Trade Federation. They receive all newly developed technologies from the Trade Federation's Armory prior to their release to the public.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • As a result of their intense concentration on mathematics, science, and engineering, Xoli Kaikrut-guns tend to regard concepts like Religion and Beliefs as insignificant and hold a sense of contempt towards those who adhere to such unverified theories.
  • General behavior:
The Xoli Kaikrut-guns can be viewed as a collective hive-mind species, much more preferring the company of others of their kind than other sentients. They are known to form tight-knit communities, within the starships and laboratories assigned to them by the Trade Federation, often working together to achive common goals and protect one another from potential threats.

These creatures thrive in groups, finding strength and comfort in numbers. Despite their preference for their own kind, they are not hostile towards other species and can coexist peacefully as long as their claimed dominion is respected. They have been deeply instilled with a strong sense of allegiance towards the Trade Federation, often regarding the organization their 'paternal' figure in a way, unwilling to betray them even with the greatest of promises and rewards from opposing factions.

In the realm of education, the Xoli are known to focus on disciplines such as sciences, finance, and mathematics, positioning themselves in competition with the Muuns and the Givins. While they do not neglect combat training, which aids in protecting themselves from adversaries in business dealings, their strengths lie more in administrative roles rather than direct combat.


The Xoli Kaikrut-guns came from the result of many scientific advancements and experimentations with cloning, genetic engineering, and bioengineering conducted by the Trade Federation within a relatively short timespan ranging from 880 ABY to 889 ABY under then Director Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . A team of the galaxy's finest scientists and engineers were carefully selected for the monumental mission of creating the perfect species.

This extraordinary endeavor aimed to develop a genetically modified creature that excelled in intelligence, loyalty, mathematical abilities, navigation skills, and an array of other essential financial competencies to ensure the Federation's dominance across the galaxy. The team worked tirelessly, pooling their expertise and knowledge to ensure that every aspect of the new species was meticulously crafted to perfection.

Although the early stages were plagued with mutations and genetic defects as a result of so much gene splicing. Some were too week to even stand, while others exhibited violent tendencies that made them uncontrollable.

Despite such setbacks and delays, the team remained determined to see their creation through to perfection. Several years had passed, as they painstakingly analyzed and adjusted the genetic code of the
Xoil Kaikruts-guns, striving to eliminate most of the flaws and weaknesses. It wasn't until the Krevaaki Sith Lord Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol was brought on board, that real progress was made and after countless trails and errors, they succeeded in creating the first batch of clones that met their exacting standards.

The recently perfected clones were celebrated as a remarkable feat of scientific accomplishment, showcasing unparalleled intelligence and steadfast allegiance to the Trade Federation. Through the utilization of Sith Magic, they excelled in all essential tests and tasks assigned to them.

The first batch was perfected, and so the second batch was made using strand-casting techniques to enhance them even further, causing the creation of a rather strange hyrbid of cloning technology to ensure a positive outcome.

In 900 ABY, the Trade Federation of Planets embarked on the mass production of the second batch, which was subsequently disseminated throughout the galaxy via specialized colony ships. These ships efficiently transported the batch to numerous oceans and bodies of water scattered across the vast expanse of the galaxy.

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