Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Creeds And Empires // Dominion Of Krieg Hex [ NIO ]

// OBJECTIVE // Guns Of The Patriots
// FOCUS //
Careena Fett Careena Fett | Harath Eldar | Tarrik Kestis Tarrik Kestis | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Thaelius Thaelius | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

To the outburst of the Chiss, Tavlar only offered a side eyed glance toward the man. In this rebellion there would be upstarts who sought to fill the vacuums of power that came with newly formed regimes. The blunt fit from the man did nothing but strain Tavlar's patience immediately. Motioning a hand up before slowly lowering down to motion their arms away.

"None of this -" Tavlar stated outright, his patience wearing thin already before he glanced toward his Executor, motioning toward Ordo before offering a nod to the exiled Zambrano. No words would need be said for the man to realize what Tavlar meant. He was close to the vest with his trust and even as Vaulkhar had a deeply unnerving presence about him, he knew well the man would serve the best interests of this collective rebellion and relied on his instinct.

"I will not endorse the perspective of as anything this New Order ascribes to. You are a people slighted and left to rot in anguish here on this decaying world. The supposed 'Network' headed by the Clan Australis tried to liberate Mandalore and failed. Just as the rest of the atrocities the Sith have committed, I will not be content to remain idle while Mandalore and its moons burn. It is simple, contribute whatever you can to this war effort and Mandalore will be returned to the Mandalorians under this New Order." Tavlar stated flatly.
\\ Objective \\ Guns of the Patriots
\\ Location \\ Krieg - Sons of Mandalore Conclave
\\ Tags \\ Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Thaelius Thaelius | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal

If ever there was a time for sheer stupidity to run its course, now was not the time. Vaulkhar found his frustrations fueling a burning hate pulsing from within him. The unlucky few in touch with the force would notice his oppressive presence nearly all-encompassing as the Executor forcefully gripped the cosmic energy surrounding them. Rather than unleash his rage immediately, he peered towards Tavlar, meeting the general's uncovered eye with burning orbs of crimson. The signal he sought-soon revealed itself with a gentle nod from the Sovereign-Imperator. Vaukhar's spite filled gaze snapped from his charge to the 'High Admiral.' Before the fallen Jedi could interject, Careena aimed her weapon upon the Order's subordinate, only for their accompanying guard to lower his blaster.
"Enough," Vaulkhar's hollow voice echoed from within his mask. All at once, the dam holding back his wrath shattered. Both hands stretched out, one towards Thaelius Ordo, the other to the Togruta stormtrooper. His will rolled over both of them as if carrying the weight of a mighty storm. The fallen Jedi took hold of the Togruta's blaster in an attempt to both tear it from the trooper's grasp while simultaneously reaching forth to take hold of the Chiss's throat. "I will make myself abundantly clear," he stated while turning to face the subject of his rage. "This foolhardy man is not a voice permitted to speak in honor of our movement," Vaulkhar echoed Tavlar before moving through the imperial group to position himself at a midway point between both parties. "His obsession with names and history has inspired him to openly disrespect your culture and undermine what we are trying to do here today," he paused and bore his burning gaze into Thaelius's own.
"The Sons of Mandalore have obliged us with an opportunity to stand together against a common enemy. Yet, you barge into this meeting, adorned in a beskar'gam you have no right to claim as your own. I will grant you a single mercy this day, Thaelius Ordo," Vaulkhar's smaller form stepped up to the towering Chiss. "You will beg our hosts for forgiveness and step back behind the Grand Vizier and Sovereign-Imperator where you belong. Until either your superiors or the Mandalorians directly engage you, you shall remain silent and be thankful you're permitted to take part in this meeting altogether."

Volgin Alto

// OBJECTIVE // Rock Raiders
// FOCUS // Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Zaine Balfur | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa

"Copy, trooper." The storm Sergeant sounded out to KZ. The Gen'dai immediately emitted the aura of a gruesome warrior. Only fitting being the man's origin as a instrument of annihilation who yearned to shred the foundations of the Galaxy time and time again. Now undergone some form of ego death...from a piece of rebar, he served at the tip of the spear of the New Imperial Order's fighting force.

"We're hitting these bugs with sonic ; crack those damn carapaces." Javik stated flatly, unslinging the concussion rifle from his shoulder and grasping the pistol grip tightly as his other arm grasped the grip at the rifle's fore.

"KZ! - " Javik sounded out before he tossed a belt of sonic detonators in the direction of the BARC mounted trooper.

"Take these and pop those bugs, move out!" Javik said before soon enough he was at the head of five other troopers as they crossed through the open mouth of the cave to initiate the cold and industrial brutality of this extermination.

Harath Eldar

\\ Objective \\ Guns of the Patriots
\\ Location \\ Krieg
\\ Tags \\ Careena Fett Careena Fett | Kestus Bralor | Thaelius Thaelius

Harath could not believe his eye. The sheer audacity presented before them was the gravest of insults the exile could imagine. To stand before them, a motley crew struggling to piece their beskar'gam together, boasting a full set of the ancient rite, was an egregious slight. Had Careena not taken up her weapon in defense of their traditions, the cybernetic warrior would've done so for her. Fortunately, her actions made clear the Sons of Mandalore's stance on the actions taken before them. They would not accept such insolence in their home. Their conclave functioned as more than just a home to the displaced people, but also a fortress capable of warding off an attack from larger forces. With the New Imperial Order's leadership trapped with the trio at their front and dozens of armed Mandalorians at their backs, he could not imagine a worse place to fail so efficiently.
With the intervention of the Sovereign-Imperator and his Executor, further negotiations with the New Imperial Order seemed feasible. Though things kicked off poorly, proper respect had quickly been established by those they expected to speak. Harath's gaze shifted from the Imperator to the masked entity marching through their delegation. Harath had heard of the exiled Zambrano before, given his part in conquering Mandalore and service to the Sith-Imperial regime. Some of the Eldar held the bastard in respect after the domination of Mandalore; others found the creature an abomination. Harath, on the other hand, saw a challenge worth tackling.
Few could claim to of killed a master of the force raised within the Zambrano regime, let alone one who stood as the fist of the Emperor himself. Harath watched the strange creature's display with interest, taking note of each movement at length.
SHADOWING Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar

It was a sight to behold, to see the Chiss admiral adorned in the Mandalorian's armor and entering the meeting with the apparent intent to make his presence there known for everyone to see. Lucien narrowed his eyes the moment the man spoke, wincing without visibly showing his disgust for the man's actions in the moments before the situation began to spiral. Weapons were trained from one party to another as the Mandalorians reacted in a manner that was common to their kind when dealing with a slight of this level. Troopers responded in kind, their training kicking in when their hosts trained their blasters upon the individual who happened to be apart of their Order-- but not the retinue who walked in the room initially, that is.

Lucien remained as still as could be during the small period of exchange in which all of this hostility almost happened. The black hilt of his lightsaber was clipped to his belt and a blaster strapped to his thigh, but he feared not for his life enough to react with weapons of his own. Though he wasn't a master of diplomacy, Luc still understood that the more hostility displayed by their side would simply add fuel to the fire before things even begun. A mutual ground was necessary for them to come and meet at the middle, and more than a handful of tact was required by their side to ensure that no more interruptions were capable of destroying any further progress made moving forwards.

With that in mind, the Sovereign aimed to move things forwards by getting right down to the matter whilst Vaulkhar moved to defuse the situation entirely. The proceedings moved back on track from that point on, and Lucien returned his gaze to shifting between Krieg's elders and the delegation who were veritably in charge of the negotiations. Powerful and influential figures had been present before the unwanted interjection, men who had already commanded the respect needed to bring the Mandalorians along the same axis as their burgeoning organization. For now or until called upon, Luc ensured his presence was purposefully muted by comparison as he did his best to blend in with the rest of those present.

Location: Krieg
Role: VIP Guard
Objective: Guns Of The Patriots

The solider was deadset on keeping the Mando in sight. A slight move, a single inch of moving to go for the trigger, and he wouldn't hesitate to fire. He knew it would have to be done, afterall, they were on neutral ground at best and the situation grew more tenuous by the passing seconds. The room would alight with return fire and he knew that his entire mission would change to escorting the Sovereign and his friends out of the base and to a gunship as quickly was possible. The Mandalorians were many, but he counted exits and heads, how many shots he thought it would take. He wasn't sure if this was something he could win, but damn if he was going out without a fight. His finger settled firmly on the trigger of his blaster rifle, the chattering in the background draining into nothingness. Unless it was a direct order to him, the only thing that mattered in the world was the Manda-


The world suddenly went cold.

Cold wasn't a proper word to describe it. He wasn't sure if he had a proper word to describe what was happening. He blinked, once, twice. He swore that he was still sighted in on the Mandalorian. He swore he still saw her. He didn't. His hands were gripping steadfast on his blaster rifle. They weren't. He was shivering inside of his armor as he felt echos of footfalls shutter through his entire being. Each step made it's way through his boots and vibrated up through his shin, before reverberating into his body itself, working it's way through his nerves until it latched on with sudden fangs directly into his heart. It was cold. A great noise filled his ears without a proper source, without a proper sound to the concept. Like a great many stars falling into nova all at once in volume, while at the same time having the silence of a slain choir. He was lost in the waves of a storm he couldn't feel and in a sea that didn't exist. A great empyrean darkness. Where was he? He turned. He willed his head to shift, only feeling it finally give into his commands after what felt like minutes. Blackness. Endless blackness tunneling forever, spinning, spinning, and crowcalls. Footfalls. One, two, three. They grew closer, and he felt the weight of some unspoken sin begin to bear down upon him. It was the wrath of something from the deeps, long forgotten and ancient, despite how recent the wounds felt. A figure made it's way through that empty forever, crossing by some unseen veil and into his reality. Cold. That impossible distance between them was bridged by a grip that settled down on the blaster rifle. He only noticed it when he looked down to the weapon proper, but when he looked up, the shade was still in the distance. He should have felt terrified to let his weapon go to whatever beast of the end this was, to whatever horror of untamed madness, but it was an odd comfort, to not have to worry, to not have to fret about the dark and the light. Let them have the control. They obviously know the unknown, and have dredged their way through the end of all things. It will be okay, Ravraa, it will be okay.

He let go of the blaster.

The Force was a powerful thing when used by the untrained, especially to those that were mute to it's symphony. When wielded by a demon, however, even the simplest of demands can shatter a mind. Ravraa blinked, once, twice, as he took a step away from the figure. Reality slowly daring to come back to him.

//tags Careena Fett Careena Fett Harath Eldar Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Vaulkhar Vaulkhar Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Thaelius Thaelius Boggo Flib Boggo Flib Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
we shall all die willingly

Weeks prior...
Recon Camp,
Aeten II, Stygium Reserves

"We are gathering intel on BUGS, CAPTAIN?!" Sergeant Vukic growled.

"Simmer down, Sergeant. These are the orders." Lt. Agrippa replied sternly.


"It comes from above." the Captain interrupted him tonelessly. "Board of Economic Directors."

"What?! Why the hell are a bunch of stuck up bureaus sticking their nose in our business?" Belisarius didn't recall Vukic redden this much before. Apparently, he had some personal distaste towards the board. He wondered what the story was.

"It is what it is, Sergeant. Keep monitoring." Captain Belisarius said.

"Copy that, Sir." he grumbled and turned to leave. A few steps later he abruptly spun back. "Just...just tell me why aren't we exterminating these nests ourselves?"

"That's been left to the Force Corps." The lieutenant replied and Belisarius glared at him. Agrippa still had a long way before he figured out what to say and when to say it. As expected, there was a "WHO?!" exploding from Vukovic's mouth and a series of creative curses and swears in Basic, Huttese and another language he was unsure what. He stormed out furiously and took it out on a poor cooking pot lying aimlessly on the ground.

"Lieutenant, let me do the talking next time." the Captain said coldly with a scowl beneath his helmet.


New orders had come in forcing Gladius Company taking an overwatch position and securing another exit of the cavern system where the bugs might flee from, potentially. The men weren't happy, of course. Their first task after the consolidation at Nirauan was...observing bugs. The Company was rowdy, unsatisfied and thirsty for blood and action. No one gave it to them. An intuitive private thought recording the bugs for the last weeks was good footage for a future documentary but he was probably the only one content. Fingers were itching on the triggers and when the orders came to leave the position of 'tip of the spear' to someone else, a FORCE Corps no less, Captain Belisarius truly believed the men would karking revolt. After all, Gladius Company and most of the 51st Airborne were created of pro-Imperial former paramilitaries. Discipline was a different beast in such formations.

The day these orders came, Belisarius thanked the galaxy the soldiers didn't turn their sights on their own. He'd had enough of insurgency for a lifetime.

"Captain, look." Lt. Agrippa handed to him dusty electrobinucolars. They synched with his visor and produced a thermal vision of the cavern systems which the Force Corps and addendum were storming. Even with the molten within the caverns, he saw something terrible. Something incredibly large.

Moving straight towards the entry being stormed by the assault force.

Belisarius opened a line towards the attacking forces, specifically Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa and Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt - the commanding officers his comm channels indicated.

"Assault team, this is Gladius Actual. You've got something big coming your way from inside the caverns. Stay frosty."

Then, to his Lieutenant, "Agrippa, get men with rocket launchers up here. We might need heavier firepower."

Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Zaine Balfur Hadrian Javik
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Wilhuff Krieg

// OBJECTIVE // I - Guns Of the Patriots
// FOCUS // Careena Fett Careena Fett | Harath Eldar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Tarrik Kestis Tarrik Kestis | Thaelius Thaelius | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The Mandalorian before seemed to flinch from the outburst on either hand. Be it from a battered frigid nature or a worn down network of reflexes the Shipmaster merely let off an audible groan as he leaned himself up by the table.

< "This one speaks out of line in the lot of you, that I can see. Why or how you brought him here is...bewildering. I can not imagine you'd let this outburst go unanswered. This rabble rouser spoke above his superiors, his elder battleminds in such a way? My creed would not allow this. Regardless - this New Order seems to be still a parceled together host. Even so, I hear you ally yourselves with Sith regardless? Tell me - in how does any of that make sense?" > Kestus stated outright, seemingly blunt and apathetic toward Ordo past the offhanded comment. They were there to conduct business, he wouldn't let the Chiss waste their time any further unless it would be baring witness to the man's execution.
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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Objective | Guns of the Patriots
| Location | Krieg - Planetside, Sons of Mandalore Enclave
Careena's hand rested on the grips of her blaster pistols as she eyed one of the security detail that accompanied the diplomats who not only raised their weapon against her but spoke in Mando'a. A sneer formed on her features beneath her helmet, quickly devolving itself into a smirk as she remained perfectly still, unafraid of being threatened by the trooper. They certainly had a backbone, thinking that a grunt like them had a chance against veteran Mandalorians. Whether she considered their use of their language as an insult or not remained to be seen, but she let it slide for now as they immediately stood down after the shady figure accompanying them spoke. She was particularly wary of this man; his cadence and tone all oozed with that of a pretentious Sith, and her suspicions were more or less confirmed as Kestus spoke.
Her posture remained the same as she leaned back against the wall, letting Kestus take the lead with their initial questions. While it was true the Sons of Mandalore required allies and resources for the day that they could take back Mandalore from the Sith Empire, it didn't mean they would simply leap at just anyone. They had to prove themselves as capable allies and comrades in arms, something that they have already gotten off on a bad foot so far. They needed more than empty promises and hollow words. Her eyes would shift from one individual to the next, gauging their character and measure just by the way they carried themselves as well as the atmosphere they had about them.
Objective I - Guns Of The Patriots
Tags: Vaulkhar Vaulkhar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Tarrik Kestis Tarrik Kestis | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Speaking to: Kestus Bralor

Tyrell's free hand covered his face as the diplomatic conversation started to go downhill. He groaned quietly to himself and rubbed his thumb and index finger over his eyes until they reached the base of his nose. He took a stepped forward to stand out more from the group as he attempted to control the situation. His cane tapped against the metal floor with a sharp click as he attempted to draw eyes towards him.

"Our 'allyship' with the Sith of the Qotsisajakaar is purely a move of pragmatism. They've openly defied the Sith Empire which gives us a common enemy. Given our relative size to the Sith Empire, we need all the allies we can get, even if they aren't exactly ideal." Tyrell looked at the Chiss Admiral for a moment as that sentence concluded before returning to look at Baralor to answer his first question.

"Which, as you may have inferred, explains the presence of certain individuals here. Ordo may mean well, at least in his own mind, but it is clear that does not possess a good mind for diplomacy. A disrespectful outburst such as this will not go unanswered, I assure you. However, at a later time, as our negotiations are quite a pressing matter that I think would be detrimental to us all if they were to be delayed."

Tyrell paused and gritted his teeth together. The anger and irritation in the air was thick like a humid night on Dromund Kaas. Combined with the ever-overwhelming presence of Vaulkhar Zambrano, Tyrell had to take a small moment to steel himself to avoid letting it getting to him. He cursed his indescribable sixth-sense that did nothing but impede him. Force be damned.

"We do not fight only for the Imperial, we also oppose the oppression of all people. Especially those under the iron fist of the Eye of Solomon. The Genocide of the Mandalorians on your home planet is a repugnant atrocity that will not be tolerated for as long as the New Order persists."

Tyrell paused for a very brief moment once again, looking at every Mandalorian in the room. Hopefully, he could get the diplomatic proceedings back on track. He wanted nothing more than to reprimand Ordo, but getting the Sons of Mandalore on board with their effort was the priority.

"Mandalore, however, is a long way into Sith space from here. The moon of Concordia has been heavily weaponized to defend their statement of vulgar totalitarianism. As it currently stands, the liberation of Mandalore is a large and complex endeavor and we will need far more resources than we currently have to achieve it. Should you choose to contribute to our effort, or even join us outright we have every intention to hand Mandalore over to you once the Sith stain has been scrubbed from it. Conquest for the sake of conquest is not our M.O. unlike those who would attempt to purge your culture and people from the galaxy, and self-governance of Mandalore under the New Order would allow you to regrow and spread your ways like you, unfortunately, will never be able to Krieg."
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Location | Aeten II
Objective | Rock Raiders
Focus | Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Zaine Balfur | Hadrian Javik | Belisarius Belisarius

The APC jolted as it traversed the rocky terrain. The 25th Lightning Battalion was the late, not a good impression, but at least they made it. "Alright boys and girls, check your gear, check your buddy's gear then check your gear again. I don't want someone's blaster malfunctioning because you didn't check it." It was going to be an interesting mission. They would be working with other combat units, not that Jackson minded, but he was sure his troops had other thoughts. "Major, why do we always arrive last? I bet we won't even be seeing any action....all them force corps boys get all the fun." Jackson smiled, "Don't worry sargent, there'll be enough action. And don't let the force corps buddies catch wind of what you say. Finnick, what's our ETA?" The APC suddenly stopped. "Zero seconds sir." Lt.Lawrence looked up at Jack, "Major, is it true we're fighting damn bugs? Who are we kriffing bug control?" Jackson picked up his rifle, "Yep, don't go complaining to me, take your disagreement with IMPCOM, i'm sure they would love your babbling."

The doors opened and the men rushed out. "Company commanders! Take charge of your company and have them form up!" It was an amazing sight to see, hundreds of men lining up in to perfect rank and file. Hundreds of dirty, stinking men. Great, just great. Jackson pulled out his comm, "High Knight Marshall, 25th Lightning Battalion ready to exterminate some bugs. Apologies for arriving late." Jackson looked at the formation in front of him. "Company commanders! give the orders of the day! MOVE OUT!" A few Quick salutes and "Yes Sirs" later, and the Battalion had reformed into small fire teams.
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Location | Krieg
Objectives | Guns of the Patriot
Tags | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Vaulkhar Vaulkhar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Harath Eldar | Kestus Bralor | Careena Fett Careena Fett | Thaelius Thaelius | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal | Tarrik Kestis Tarrik Kestis | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

Marlon’s Shuttle quickly landed on the surface of Kreig near the Mandalorian Enclave and as he approached he could hear the distant sounds of arguing. Then he looked above and saw a Resurgent-Class Battlecruiser in orbit , the Black Sword , “High Admiral” Ordo’s Ship. Marlon sighed knowing what was happening , Thealius Ordo and his recklessness once more. If what happened on Nirauan wasn’t enough he wondered how his superiors allowed this.

As he arrived at the scene meeting up with the Sovereign Imperator , the Executor and the Grand Vizier , Marlon finally understood the situation. Once more had Ordo disrupted the meetings held by the NIO with his recklessness and utter stupidity. Worse of all he seemed to be wearing some sort of beskar'gam which seemed to stand out compared to the ones of the other Mandalorians present. Marlon smirked upon seeing the so-called “High Admiral” in that armor. Who did he think he was , some righteous person who could claim whatever title he wanted? Neither the Sovereign Imperator nor the Executor ever gave him the rank of High Admiral and this man thought he could attend in matters concerning the NIO and disrespect everyone present. Something had to be done , that man needed to be humbled.

However that had to wait. For now what was important was the meeting with the Sons of Mandalore. If the so-called High-Admiral tried again to defy both the New Imperial Order he would be dealt with swiftly. It was a shame however that the NIO would have to face an obstacle to their plans from a man as Ordo , who had almost ruined the negotiations held here on Kreig. If the Sovereign-Imperator was to allow this man to continue this madness it would mean horrible consequences for the NIO , what happened here on Kreig was a warning. If that man wasn’t properly contained then potential allies could be lost.

With that Marlon stood alongside other officers present at the meeting remaining silent as the Sovereign-Imperator and his right-hand men led the talks. The other officers present were only there to spectate and had no real role in the talks. They were here to watch unless they were to be addressed by the Sovereign-Imperator , the Executor , the Grand-Vizier of the Mandalorians present and nothing else. A Man like Ordo would be an example of insubordination and what was going to happen to him afterwards was to be an example of the fate of those who had the audacity to openly disrespect and disobey their peers.

Imperial Intelligence Headquarters - Nirauan
Intelligence Operation "Soaring Banner"
Leading up to the Krieg Campaign
Objective III

Remus stood with a dataslate in hand as intelligence reports, combat assessments and a number of other relevant intelligence information streamed into the hub of the Imperial Intelligence Agency. Underneath directions of the Sovereign Remus had been appointed the lead many within the Coalition for the Preservation of the New Order, essentially a mass intelligence gathering network that masqueraded as a political organization. COMPNOR and it's organs were built with the sole intent of providing the New Imperial Order everything it needed to know and capitalizing on its gains when it did know everything it needed to know. The planning for the campaign on Krieg had been forwarded to Remus and he had a part in the planning, Krieg was a world close to the NIO headquarters on Nirauan and when Remus had been appointed as the head man at COMPNOR and it's two largest agencies, the Imperial Intelligence Agency and the Imperial Security Bureau, he had taken stock of the worlds surrounding the NIO's headquarters and Krieg was one of them. Almost immediately he had dispatched agents to Krieg to begin preparing for what would be considered a "campaign" less an invasion.

Imperial Intelligence agents marked points of interest for the Stormtroopers and Imperial Army units, it provided political dossiers on notables on the planet as well as developed a web of informants on the planet that could provide services should they be needed. A notable part of Remus' intelligence operation on Krieg was focused on those who would have loyalties to the New Imperial Order and those, due to the close proximity to some Sith worlds, would have loyalties elsewhere. While the gathering of intelligence on the planet had been one of his priorities, he had prepared the Imperial Security Bureau for immediate deployment following the beginning of the campaign. Remus had been annointed as both the shade and the spectre of the New Imperial Order. The Imperial Security Bureau would deploy and handle undesirables across the planet, not in a way that was mass killing or executions, no in a way that was ruthless and efficient. Remus had the agency and the bureau working to identify targets and notables that would present a problem for the eventual rule of the planet.

Planetary management had been shoved into Remus' mind as he crammed reading texts and books on management and identifying key pieces of infrastructure that would require acquisition when campaigning. While his training as a soldier had assisted in this, it was entirely different when you were attempting to manage the successful conquering of a planet with little to no damage caused unless absolutely necessary. That was a token difference between the New Imperial Order and the Sith Empire, the New Imperial Order understood the importance of appearances and the implications of planetary rule, the Sith Empire reveled in wanton destruction and wholesale extermination. Would that happen in the New Imperial Order? Absolutely. It would always happen in war, that was a fact but it could be controlled and directed, it could be managed and could be used as a weapon to instill the virtues and morals of the New Imperial Order.


Boots on the Ground - Krieg
Intelligence Operation "Soaring Banner"
Objective III

Remus' Task Force Vengeance had arrived in orbit above the planet Krieg, there was a mass of other ships, some military, some civilian. Officially, his title was "Director of the Imperial Security Bureau" but he also held the title of "Director of the Imperial Intelligence Agency" and the leading member on the Select Committee of COMPNOR. Remus' flagship, the Tyrant, had already arrived and began dispatching the 23rd Imperial Army to the planet. The 23rd had nearly fully transformed into its role as the leading unit for dignitary protection, high priority and secret installation and facilities protection as well as a special forces unit. They were the new Novatroopers, adorned in their black and yellow armor. Remus had designs and plans for them, they would become the near exclusive VIP protection unit throughout the Empire, among other things and they would continue to operate as his direction but for now, they were to be soldiers on the front line. Remus had a larger staff than he had ever had before, he had adorned the new crisp uniform of the New Imperial Order but with the COMPNOR twist to it, the cream white jacket had stood out, it was a little flashy but it had historical sentiment to it and those who were aware would know that it struck fear into the hearts of whomever knew. Those that didn't know? They'd come to know.

In the lead up to the campaign, the Imperial Intelligence Agency had identified dozens of supporters for the Imperial Security Bureau, COMPNOR and the new nascent CompForce. CompForce would be the ideological security/army of COMPNOR and would provide COMPNOR with the ability to protect itself and provide support to campaigns. Remus had studied the history of CompForce and was none to pleased with its record as suicidal fanatics that endlessly threw themselves at a target; Remus would train them and they would become a slightly more effective suicidal, fanatical army of devotees to the New Imperial Order and the New Orders' tenants. Imperial Intelligence had given caches of weapons and small arms to those identified as having extreme or near fanatical loyalties to the New Imperial Order, some of them government officials others just simple citizens looking to make their way in the galaxy. Remus had directly authorized their deputation into CompForce and they would form a metaphorical "fifth column" in the means of capturing the planet.

Remus wasn't going to sit around in some destroyer above the planet, no, he was never that way. This is where the fun begins. Remus was a front line commander, even when he was promoted to Major General. The shuttle ride from the planet had been swift and he was accompanied by a number of other shuttles, vessels and a cadre of TIE fighters seeking to protect him. Remus prepared his blaster, adorned his battleplate and stared at the squad of Novatroopers who had been with him since the beginning. Landing are secured, the cadre of officers and officials departed their shuttles and immediately began work. Krieg had once been a prominent Mandalorian world and the new Sons of Mandalore had established their enclave there, he wondered if Kavar Lok, his Mandalorian confidant, had heard of such a group. Remus turned to an aide and motioned for him to come to his side. "Contact Lok. Notify him of this." Remus placed his hand on the shoulder of a very obvious junior ISB officer who nodded rapidly and ran off in a direction that Remus could tell that he had no fucken clue what he doing.

Remus motioned his finger in a circular motion and streams of black and yellow armored Novatrooper squads marched forward, lead by white jacketed Imperial Security Bureau officers. A good majority of those living on this world didn't follow the Mandalorian creed and those that did adhere to the Mandalorian creed and culture would be left alone, as long as their interests didn't conflict with that of the New Imperial Order.
Imperial Warlord of the Redoubt Governorate



//Objective:// Objective II // Rock Raiders [ Aeten II ]//
//Location Objective:// Abandoned Stygium Mining Spier [Target Wesk (W)]
//Position:// Disembarking TXT XV-60a APC | Entering Target W Location
//Accompanyment:// Imperial Force Corps Aeten II Knights Taskforce (KTF) Aurek (A) & Besh (B)
//Personal Accompanyment:// KTF-A ( Zaine Balfur , Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand )
//Friendlies-In-The-Area:// Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt , Boggo Flib Boggo Flib , Hadrian Javik, Jackson Vernault Jackson Vernault Belisarius Belisarius

Inside TXT XV-60a APC – Gampassa 1


A few moments passed when the last intelligence report beeped in from Mynock Leader. Zovesa raised her vambrance to her face once more and tapped the embedded monitor. Patching in several electronic commands the report was sent to a probe droid who was perched on top of a gonk droid at the far end of the APC, charging on stand by. Its large red eye blinked into activation and unfurled its spindly mechanical limbs, levitating from its slumber. It hovered towards the center of the space between the benches. From a tertiary socket it spat out the report’s details. A blooming holo-map emerged and rattled into focus. As it refined its detail, the full scale of the operational zone of Target Wesk was revealed.​

Target Wesk was as sprawling mining facility and worker’s barracks complex. There were two central avenues that were lined with worker’s barracks housing. The avenues met at a open plaza that led to the main facilities that were housed beneath the main monolithic Stygium Mining Spire. All over the map however, were highlighted red rings with dark fillings. Those were the beetle nest entrances. Wide and deep holes carved into the red desert and hot rock below. Zovesa studied the map and allowed the others to see. Zovesa leaned back into bench and pressed her back against the APC’s wall.​

“I count sixteen,” she said grimly.​

“Imperator’s Balls,” Dreggs sighed, “Sixteen? The whole complex is a flood of those things.”​

“Which is why we are going to have to be smart about this, or else we’ll get overrun,” Zovesa chimed in, trying to establish some cold order. She stood up, bending over to accommodate the low ceiling of the APC and hanging onto a grip bar mounted above. She pointed to the outskirts of the complex.​

“We’ll have to park the APC’s here,” Zovesa said continuing, “The tremors from these things will spook the beetles, they’ll swarm.”

“Once deployed, we meet up with advanced teams who are carrying out nest demolitions. Our job is to be their shield and their ramparts if they swarm.”

“Advanced teams?” Dreggs replied.​

“Fifty-first of the airbornes are providing overwatch, while Stormtrooper contingent are already there scoping out the nest caves, Hadrian Javik is our contact for that team,” said Zovesa.​

“ETA 5 Marshal!” called out the pilots of the APC over the comms.​

Zovesa smirked, “This is where the fun begins.”

She tapped her fist against Dregg’s pauldron piece and surveyed her Taskforce.​

“Aurek and Besh, move out,” Zovesa coolly commanded.​

At Target Wesk

The APC came to a screeching halt. The back door hissed open and the disembarking gangplank slid out, impaling the red desert earth of Aeten II. With their hoods drawn and weapons tucked under the long flaps of their acid rain protective cloaks, Taskforce Aurek and Besh marched out. Remaining behind a special communications team who had quickly set up their equipment in the new open space of the APC. Powered by gonk droids they checked their equipment and shot a thumbs up to Zovesa as she exited the APC.​

The desert was saddened with puddles of sulfuric rainwater and the air was thick with the repugnant aromas of volcanic activity. Even though their helmets filtered most of the toxic and noxious particles the surrounding volcanoes spewed, the stench still seeped in. Zovesa marched out towards where Dreggs was organizing the various squads of the Taskforce. Passing by a new recruit, Specialist Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand , Zovesa gave him a strong thwack on the back shoulder. She nodded to him and pointed her finger.​

“Counting on you today, Specialist,” Zovesa said, before walking off to link up with Dreggs.​

As she did a comm-line prickled loudly in her HUD display, “Genesis Rifle Team One reporting in, we’ve got your six High Knight Marshall.” ( Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt )​

“Copy that Genesis One, glad to see it. We will be moving in shortly, watch our six and creep in with us. We’ll need the cover,” Zovesa said.​

Zovesa walked among her squads, “Alright, it’s time, we go nest-by-nest. One-by-one. We send in scouts, assess, and the detonate. Then we move. The detonations will definitely trigger movement. If it gets too hot, you get out and fall back. Understood?”

Taskforce Aurek and Besh confirmed with a united, “Yes Marshal.”​

“Let’s go,” she said.​

The moved in disciplined groups. With front troopers providing watch and rear providing cover. They moved into the first parts of the central avenues. The worker’s barracks were entirely abandoned. The windows smashed letting the dunes roll in and flood them. The entire modern structure looked like have sunken ruins from a lost time. Hidden in the rising tide of sands however, were gruesome clues of a catastrophic slaughter. Torn skeletons and crushed bones. Long rusted blotches of blood. In the distance the towering black steel monolith of the Stygium Mining Spire could be barely scene as the blowing clouds and rain gave only glimpses of its structure. Its emergency energy was still on and its emergency lighting gave it a dim red halo glow.​

As the crept closer to their first nest hole, the sound a loud explosion in the distance. Zovesa motioned for everyone to halt. That was to loud for a detonation, Zovesa thought. A cave in? She was not sure. Whatever it was, it would have triggered the nests below. The beetles were overly sensitive to surface tremors. Blasting nests would have to wait, the stampede was coming. She turned and faced her squads.​

“Break into fire teams, hide in the barracks buildings and prepare kill-zones over the nests,” Zovesa harshly said. “I want full suppressive fire.”

“They’re all coming now.”


Zovesa broke off with her team and ran towards an adjacent building, the entrance door failed to slid open. So Zovesa took out a window with the butt of her rifle and motioned for her team to vault the window sill and jump in. She watched the each go in and waited to go last, covering their entrance. When the last jump in she leaped over and entered. Inside the members spread out, each taking a window and levelling their weapons. Zovesa slowly reached for her lightsaber, pulling it from its rest inside the shoulder mounted pouch of her combat vest. She held it in her hands, not activating it. Tightening her black gloved grip around its Ducastel frame.​

Then they came. First the echoing shrieking of their massive numbers, then the rumble of their approach, then chaos. The nest cave belched a swarm of beetles. Bursting from the depths in undulating hordes, it was hard to see where one started and one ended. A moving mass of insectoid limbs, screeches, and hisses. “Light them up!” barked Zovesa. Flashes of blaster fire ripped across the buildings in converged barrages of bright red death. Some of the blaster fire was findings its mark, killing the beetles and triggering their defensive death throws, exploding upon death. Others ricocheted off of their hard carapaces. Sonic grenades helped loosen their hard exoskeletons and open them to blaster fire. But, the swarm was huge.​

Zovesa moved to Dreggs and tapped him on the shoulders, “I’m going up top, the Knights will help break the hordes up.”

Dreggs nodded and returned to commanding the barrage. Zovesa crouched and moved to a set of stairs and took them to the top of the building. Reaching the roof she walked to the buildings edge and ignited the white silver beam of her lightsaber. Summoning the Force, she focused it into a razors edge in her mind. And just as she would execute an attack with a conventional weapon, as a rifleman would his, or a sniper, she unleashed the Force in a direct action.​

Throwing out her hand she bombarded the rotten air of Aeten II before her with telekinetic power. It crushed the air into a thick compressed wall that exploded forward. Crashing into the horde it and shattering it into smaller groups. For the brief moment it revealed open space, which Zovesa exploited. She guided the Force to her feet and leap down into the open space. Landing hard, she combat rolled forward and rose up in a wide arc slash that severed duo of beetles at their limbs before she buried her saber in each of their skulls. Having attracted their attention, she Force leapt once more to another nearby rooftop and took a portion of the hordes with her.​

Zovesa prepared for another onslaught when another voice echoed in her HUD’s comms, "Assault team, this is Gladius Actual. You've got something big coming your way from inside the caverns. Stay frosty." ( Belisarius Belisarius )​

Before she could reply for confirmation, another sudden explosion. Something much bigger had burst out from one of the nest caves. It was hulking, massive, multi-limbed and let out a guttural roar that was no screech of an insectoid. Then hordes ran from it and stumbled over each other. Zovesa’s red eyes widened behind the visor of her helmet. The beetles did not stampede because they heard their approach, they were fleeing from something. And now that something had come for them.​
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Location: Krieg
Objective: 1

Vaulkhar Vaulkhar Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Careena Fett Careena Fett Kestus Bralor Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Harath Eldar Thaelius Thaelius

Tarrik stood simply disappointed in the outcome of events that proceeded to take place. Not only had the one called Ordo had simply barged in. Causing a blunder in his own right. It only caused the Inquisitor to let out a sigh, placing a gloved hand over his face. Not only had the fool come charging in claiming that he was a Mandalorian. But proceeded to insult the diplomats that were conversing with them. Unlike any other diplomats, Mandalorians, when slighted, preferred to settle matters with the blaster and the beskar plated fist. None of this seemed to bode well. Even as one of them. A woman had stuck a blaster to Ordo's chest. Tarrik had almost sincerely hoped that she would pull the trigger and get rid of the pathetic piece of trash that dared to disrupt the very plans of the New Order.

The Inquisitor had almost moved as if to pull the man from the party and to beat him senseless. It was only when his Master had emerged forth that Tarrik the First Brother stood back. Not wanting to anger the Executor, for which facing his wrath would bring pain the likes of which he could scarcely imagine. Tarrik had almost moved into action when one of the guards, a trooper moved with his blaster which if it was not for Vaulkhar grabbing his blaster, the Inquisitor himself would have swiftly contained the actions, his master grabbing the Chiss by the throat. A sly smirk showing ever so slightly as he watched. Thinking that it would be amusing for the Chiss to have his neck snapped right there. To his dismay, his master had reluctantly offered mercy to the fool. When all Tarrik wanted to do was to beat him senseless. Drag him out and have a private moment filled with screams, blood, and a whole lot of begging for his life and even forgiveness.

Nonetheless, he dare not act. Not to act against his Master in any sort of way. The trooper placing his blaster down. The inevitable dread that was commonplace with Vaulkhar made the atmosphere tense. He was uneasy, making those around him feel uncomfortable. He knew it all too well. As if the very aura wanted to make you run away. Nonetheless, he remained silent. Not a word was spoken, as it should be. It was not his place. The Mandalorians were needed in the fight against the Sith. Unlike the Sith, they were open in making allies. As the old saying goes. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Such a term was never more true than it was now.

Watching as the talks grew interesting, the Sovereign Imperator speaking, trying to turn the talks around to what was their goal. If these talks failed Ordo would be held personally responsible, and Tarrik would have loved nothing more than to start pulling fingers and teeth from the likes of the poor diluted fool. An uneasy tension hung in the air, but hopefully, one that could be restored, and mutual goals between the two parties met. He had faith in his Master and the Sovereign Imperator, most of all he had faith in the vision for the future.

Post #1
Location: En Route - Stygium Mining Spier
Position: Fleeing Horde

Armored footfalls clashed hard against gravel and rocks, periodic volleys from the mercenary's modified TL-50 screeched blindly through the open air as Cyr attempted to hasten herself through her augmentations. Her body was being pushed hard as she dodged and dashed away from the onslaught of insects, looking for any semblance of cover to give herself some kind of respite. In the distance, she could see what appeared to be a complex - the red hue of emergency lights stood out against the otherwise desolate locale. Cyr, still running as fast as she could, activated an open comm link to announce her presence and request assistance. "Attention - this is Null-02, I am en route towards what appears to be a defunct mining facility -" before she could finish her distress call, the ground began to shake violently, followed by the vocal disapproval of something big - much bigger than the insects. Cyr stopped in her tracks and turned around, her gaze beset by something she hadn't expected to encounter. It towered above everything - what was at first a threat now cowered and fled, not even acknowledging her presence.

For the first time in her existence, the mercenary felt something akin to fear. She slowly backed away while keeping her gaze locked on the gargantuan entity before turning and bolting the remaining distance towards the less-than ideal sanctuary of the nearby complex. Her stride became one with the chaotic clattering and stampeding of the indigenous creatures, her heart thrummed against her torso as the repetition of her own breathing resonated inside of her cracked helmet. Upon closing the distance, Cyr noticed an opening in the facility and rushed towards it without hesitation - quite literally diving forward into an open window. A cacophony of foreign screeching from the swarms mixed with the constant bursts of blasters inhabited the otherwise lonely construct.

The mercenary's form swung around to face the window - that thing was coming, and it was angry.

At her backside, one of the insects leapt and pierced through her shoulder with one of its razor-sharp limbs - Cyr screamed out in pain as she grabbed where the insect had pierced, breaking it off with her enhanced muscles. It squealed and twitched, backing off momentarily before retaliating with another leap directed for the woman's head only to be met with a single cleave of a silver blade, being bisected and crashing into the sand. A lightsaber hummed softly in Cyr's right gauntlet as she looked around, furthering her inspection of the complex and continuing to seek out the source of the blaster fire within.

Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa | Belisarius Belisarius | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Zaine Balfur | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Hadrian Javik | Jackson Vernault Jackson Vernault | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

| Tags | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa Zaine Balfur

Specialist Asmus listened once more as the Marsal spoke about a number of things. Sixteen holes to clear out, the APC's getting the bugs attention, and linking up with advanced teams. Seemed like a lot of trouble for something that could have been struck from orbit after being drawn out. Unless the company wanting this done was dead set on keeping any surviving structures around to avoid reconstruction costs. His eyes rolled behind his helmet at the thought of the large corporation trying to cut corners. To be fair, they were reclaiming something after a large political shift, not just for their own sake.

He held his tongue about the big wigs making decisions that trickled down, waiting to see just what mess they all had signed on for as the APC rumbled closer to the drop point.

The door opened, the ramp dropped, and already behind them another team was setting up in their place. Communications, hopefully quick enough over the radio to actually save the lives of the men on the ground after contact. They would see, coming down the ramp, he passed the Marshal who reached out and gave him a thwack on the back. Confusion first, before hearing the words and everything coming together.

"Will not disappoint, Marshal." Asmus replied smartly with a sharp nod but did not stop to chat as both went on their way. Orders were given, and both units were on the move shortly after. Asmus kept to the rear guard, eyes scanning all the while the units moved before an explosion had them all wondering silently. His own head pivoted, trying to locate the source as it became clear the bugs were on the move.

More orders, bodies moving as they fanned out and took up fire positions around the complex. The echoing shriek of the bugs announced their presence as Asmus settled in to shoot. They exploded forward, the cross-fire of blasters working some over quickly as they clawed and clambered upwards. There was something noticeable to his eyes, having made a living of watching beings for a living. They weren't clamoring to assault their position, one scurrying up and into the window he was in before pausing at the sight of him and seeming to waffle on it's reaction.

He didn't give it long as he pulled his left hand to the side, blaster in it before taking out the vibro-blade in the other and stabbing it between plates and twisting. He hadn't noticed the Marhal's absence until he pushed the bug out of his position and saw her descend into the pit. Sheathing the blade, he proceeded to pour on the fire around her, her pause accented by the explosion and revealing a hulking beast.

"New priority target! New priority target out in the open for anyone clear to engage!" Asmus called over his comm to the group. Shooting a few more beetles off the walls towards the windows before directing his fire towards the beast that had emerged and driven the horde their way.


Aeten II: Bug Hunt

"Yes sir!!" I grabbed the sonic grenades. Pull the pin and went to work.

Sonic pops. Explode.
Kubaza beetle is dead.
The swarm scurries on.

Sprinting forward went.
Sectors cleared. Left and right now.
Kubaza beetle.

Its devastation.
Earth trembling. fissures. It comes.
Bigger Predator.

" Grenade out!" I shouted. All was well. Till it was not. the amount of swarming insects was alarming to me. I could feel each movement and rapid heart-beat as my own. They felt fear as a whole. The force was not needed to know this. Something bigger was coming. The rhythmic pulsation was strong enough to tell me this.

Silently I prepared. Pulling the trigger on my issued blaster carbine to further shred the Kubaza beetles left behind. No longer was I fresh in clad white. I was stained with green hues of blood and volcanic ash.

As a warrior should.


Wilhuff Krieg

// OBJECTIVE // I - Guns Of the Patriots
// FOCUS // Careena Fett Careena Fett | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Harath Eldar | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Tarrik Kestis Tarrik Kestis | Thaelius Thaelius | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

< "And so Mandalore would be returned to us if this New Order is able to liberate it...even still, there's a war to fight. A war neither your kind nor ours is truly sure we can win. The Sith Empire has dedicated the entirety of its infrastructure to war production for years now. Competent leaders or...not, the deck couldn't be more stacked against this insurrection. Even so- it is either place stock in this New Imperial Order...or rot away into nothingness." > Bralor said, slowly standing up once more with a low groan of pain sourced from the scorched flesh beneath his Beskar'gam.

"I see no choice...its either we remain here and wait for the Sith to drive us away again or we fight. There is no other path for us- in this fight our fate is in our hands once more, live or die." > Kestus stated bluntly. As much as he might've been skeptical of yet another Empire seeking to sow the favor of the Mandalorians it might be the only means to liberating the homeland once more. They could either decay in stagnancy in this meager enclave or risk everything for the redemption of their identity in how Bralor saw it.

// OBJECTIVE // Rock Raiders
// FOCUS // Boggo Flib Boggo Flib | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Zaine Balfur | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa | Cyr Vaust Cyr Vaust | Belisarius Belisarius | Hadrian Javik

Corporal Davis "Wraith" Garrick took up a position beside Hadrian Javik, raising his battle rifle and taking aim at the insectoid creatures deeper in the cavern. Switching his blaster to semi-auto, he eyed the nearest of the monsters and pulled the trigger. The particle beam cleared the room in less than a second, slamming into the creature's multi-part maw with a resounding thud. Without missing a beat, Garrick dropped to a knee and took another shot at the same beast. Not taking any chances, he fanned the trigger and blasted the creature several more times before surging forth to plant himself against the heated cavern wall.
"That makes six for me, Sarg. You're falling behind," Davis's playful jab at Hadrian came to a quick end as one of the beetles exploded from a tunnel above the scout trooper. He dropped to his side and ripped the beskar bowie-knife from his belt before violently driving it into the creature's side. It screeched at the downed scout, snapping at his helmet, carving grooves through the metal, all while Garrick drove the weapon home into the cracked carapace of the beetle. He rolled the creature off of him before shakily pushing himself to his feet. "Seven," he sputtered before sliding his knife away. His arm snapped out to take hold of the wall once more as a rumbling began to overtake the tunnels.
"That's one big son of a queen," Wraith muttered as he took aim at the massive darkghast burst from the nests below. He watched the creature sweep out a massive arm and annihilate a number of stormtroopers. "You hate to see that," he took a knee behind a bit of cover and mounted his blaster rifle on the rock before unloading on the hulking monstrosity. Each round found its mark as they slammed into the beast's chest. "This ain't doing shit, Sarge. We need something to knock this SOB on its ass," the scout trooper called out to Hadrian before refocusing his efforts on the insectoids once again.

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