Z a i n e _ B a l f u r
Imperial Warlord Zovesa
Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
Asmus Omaand
Boggo Flib
/ Hadrian Javik /
Jackson Vernault
Cyr Vaust
| Objective | Rock Raiders
| Location | Aeten II
Balfur gave his rifle a quick once over, ensuring that everything was in order as he shifted in his armor. It was a bit stiff compared to his old one, but he was transferred to the Imperial Force Corps as Auxilia from the former Nightseer detachment Ravager Batallion. Consolidation of resources and what units remained was the path going forward, and his experience and skills were best suited to his new unit. Whatever the case, he was ready for it, so long as no uppity suit or overinflated ego was telling him how to fight a battle or do his job right.
The APC had finally arrived at their destination, the APC opening up as he stepped out into the hot, and hostile land of Aeten II, his rifle raised as his fireteam disembarked and cleared the immediate area. They had their orders, so anything that walked on more than two legs was more or less considered hostile. He gestured and barked orders to those under him to take up position as Zovesa ordered kill zones to be established to catch the bugs as they were exiting their nest, his orders punctuated by the sound of his rifle firing as a hole was blasted into a stray bug.
He'd take up a position for himself as he knelt down, reaching over to his backpack as he grabbed a few attachments, quickly modifying his ICWS into a sniper before using a window to rest the barrel of his sniper to stabilize his aim as he began to pick off bugs methodically, supporting the grunt stormtroopers that had already been carving a bloody swathe through the swarms.
It didn't take long for a complication to come up, as was usually expected during every op. The bellowing roar of something exiting the caves was indication enough that their job was about to become much more difficult. He'd shift his aim as he took aim at the cave entrance, his head cocking to look away from the scope as he saw the size of the Darkghast coming out before muttering under his breath, " Oh, you've got to be kriffing kidding me... " He'd quickly stare down his scope as he adjusted his aim, shifting up as he was tracking the beast's eyes. Most things that big had thick and tough hides, but there was always a soft spot that could be exploited. He just had to make sure the thing held still long enough for him to take out its eyes.