Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Critique of ... Yourself!

Sarge Potteiger said:

Ooooo, a trend!

  • I am a nice guy, I want everyone to have equal measures of fun.
  • I can form coherent stories. Sometimes.
  • I am told I write plausible characters that don't feel overly cliché'd.
  • I'd like to say I am impartial. I think no one person is more worth than the other.
  • I am too nice of a guy, I have troubles saying 'No' and feel bad for it.
  • Insecure. I doubt myself at every turn.
  • I care too much what others think.
  • I don't deal well with embarrassment or failure at all.
  • I get scared of new people. This stops me from contacting people I really want to contact.
  • Above fear also causes me to push people away and then I start fearing them too.
  • Because I push people away, I tend to write with only a select few despite wanting to increase that network.
  • I lack initiative. Just ask [member="Cira"] how often I update my thread trackers and how often she has to yell at me.
  • I can get overly excited and skip parts of stories at times. I try to hold this back, but sometimes it slips through every now and then.
  • I only seem to have female characters going despite being not-female as a writer. This irks even me and I tried to maintain a healthy balance between them but ultimately failed.
  • I am a horrible PvPer and I tend to write incredibly uninspiring posts when I am faced with such a scenario.
  • Why are all my female characters not-straight?
  • More on-point, why does this make me feel bad?
  • I force posts when I don't feel the inspiration flowing. Mainly because I don't want to disappoint others.
  • Oh yeah, I want to please everyone. I hate disappointing.
  • I try channel emotion when I write in order to get into the right mood. If I can't get into a certain mood, then I can't write. I apologize ever so often for this to [member="Darth Ophidia"].

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny

-I have a pretty creative mind, and can write an inspiring story about a rock.
-I am flexible to hurt my characters
-I believe emotional writing is my strong point. I try to mix my writing with my characters' emotions, and involve them to my writing instead of directly writing them.
-I try to write my characters as human as possible.


-I am perfectionist, I try to write the best I can and often fail to satisfy myself, which makes writing a bit tiring for me sometimes.
-I always get busy being a University student, which makes it difficult to have a constant speed while writing.
-I can't play bad characters, I usually feel bad if I disappointed someone both IC and OOC.

That's all for now, I would add more but Artificial Intelligence class awaits.
  • I like writing a variety of species, cultures and both genders. I like to hope I pull this off fairly well
  • Good at writing a clear narrative and dialogue between lots NPCs
  • Spinning long, complex stories
  • Interesting character backgrounds and creating new locations/species/NPCs for my stories

  • I sometimes struggle with consistency with my characters, particularly when moving back and forth between them.
  • Writing on internal thought and sensation often isn't great
  • Work can sometimes read a bit 'dry'
  • I don't quite get into my character's heads like some people. I'm not a "method writer" if you like. I'm fairly detached from them and focus on the writing. (Not that I'm not hugely interested in where they go.
  • I can be bad at just taking everything post by post and going with the flow. I often plan ahead. [member="Cira"] is beating me into submission on this one and I'm getting better at organic stories.
  • I can be impatient with newer people and those who don't read my posts these days. I used to be a lot better


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
  • Combat- I really enjoy PVP, and I'm good at it. I like to help others get better at it as well. I've also spent literally my entire adult life training to make holes at a distance with everything from rifles to rockets, so writing half decent soldiers comes naturally.
  • Tech- I've always been a fan of science and science fiction, so combining those interests is something I greatly enjoy and I think I do well.
  • Prompt replies- Anyone that's ever written with me knows that I can keep up a fairly blistering pace when it comes to posting. Unless I'm really stuck in a rut, I try not to make people wait more than a few hours, and rarely will more than a day pass without a reply.
  • Temper- The few folks that have gotten on my bad side might not believe it, but I've gotten a lot better at reigning in my temper over the years. That said, it's still not all that hard to set me off, and I hold grudges way past the point where most people would let them die.
  • Impatient- I really don't do well when there's not a lot going on. I try not to burden others by trying to make them keep up my pace, but if a story is going slow, I'll look for something else to do. More often than not, this translates to throwing increasingly complex ideas at the Factory to try to keep from dying of boredom. Sorry [member="Spencer Varanin"].
  • Easily discouraged- Most of my ideas tend to die before they ever really get a chance to live. Too many times over the years I've put a lot of work into making something happen, only for it to fall apart because no one was interested. Now, I don't even bother. If an idea doesn't look like it's going to take off, I'll abandon it and move onto the next one.
  • Emotions- I can't write emotions to save my life. That's one of the reasons I mostly stick to Shards. They've all the emotional complexity of a rock, and that makes life a lot easier. It also helps me avoid romantic entanglements with my characters. That said, while it might make life easier, it's almost certainly stunted my growth as a writer.
  • Crippling mixture of arrogance and self doubt- I've a bad habit of getting in a rut and convincing myself that people either tolerate me because they have to or outright dislike me and can't be bothered to say it to my face. As a result, when I get in those moods, it's not hard to convince myself that everyone else is worthless. I'll become increasingly more sullen, short tempered, and generally unpleasant, which only serves to reinforce the bad. It's a vicious cycle that's usually only broken by someone pulling me to the side and beating some sense into me.
I am gonna go against the grain here to be all hipster and edgy (are those the right terms? I dunno, I'm old now. Leave me alone.) and post weaknesses first, because I feel like that's really what matters to me.

  • My sass. This isn't just a writer trait, it's a personality trait. I'm a very sassy and snarky person here and in person. Sometimes it comes off in poor taste, other times it's funny. Most times it gets me into trouble regardless.
  • I'm a cynic. I always see the worst in people. I can't help it. Again, it's a personality trait, not just a writer trait. It has gotten me into trouble here.
  • GIF Queen. Sorry, I can't help it. The GIFs can't stop, won't stop. It's my own self-indulgence.
  • Lack of motivation to PvP. Invasions and other fights are breeding grounds for drama and I've exhausted my muse for it.
  • I sometimes neglect threads, in favor of posting to others. I know I do this, and I've been reminded of it. I feel bad. It just happens. I will always apologize and it's not intentional, it happens to me with TV shows as well. I sometimes have attention issues.
  • Writing with new people. There are a lot of people here I'd love to write with, but for one reason or another, whether that is because I simply never act on it, or because that person secretly doesn't want to write with me, or other circumstances beyond control, I always end up writing with the same group of people.
  • Technical words and in-depth descriptions. I love Star Wars. I love science. I love space and exploration. I am a master of none of them. I choose vocabulary I am comfortable with that conveys what I am thinking as best as possible.
  • 1-Liner Writers. The folks who are notorious for writing a single line response bother the crap out of me, and that will never change.
  • I am a pretty easy going person when it comes to writing. I am willing to work with any story/background/setting to help others with their goals, and I never ask anyone to edit their posts. Curveballs in threads are always welcome, and the main reason I continue to write is because I am anxious to see what you will post. I get most enjoyment from seeing others' characters.
  • Professional GIF'er. What can I say? I spend lots of time saving GIFs for all kinds of comical responses to people's posts. It's a fun way to pass the time.
  • I like to think I write a couple of well done, unique characters (Jamie and Seraphina). Maybe you don't think that. Maybe this shouldn't be on the list. Now I have to re-evaluate my life.
  • I am a pretty consistent post partner (for the most part), and try not to leave any threads unfinished if it is within my ability.
  • I try to be objective when the cynic in me is not in control of my emotions.
  • I do not ever attempt to impede other writer's intended stories.
  • I think I can develop decent plots. Not saying the best (I'll never say that) but decent.
  • I am willing to grow and learn. I think this is hard for many rpers to admit but I (like hopefully everyone else) go into each thread I am in with another person (or even myself) wanting to get better at story telling (this plays into a con below as well).
  • I fill a character niche' pretty well. Need a dude who is nothing but a servant with no ambition at all, want a loyal apprentice, want a grunt to die a horribly unheroic death? I got just the voice in my head to build a bio around for you!
  • I suck at writing in 3rd person. I really truly do. I am a published author but my novels are all written in first person. Its very, very hard for me to write in 3rd person. 3rd person writing includes writing my main character, his thoughts, feelings, etc along with the environment and what is going on around him. I'm trying to figure out a way I can blend it to make it more comfortable.
  • I have absolutely no self-esteem. I'm petrified when it comes to approaching other people for potential rp's; fear of rejection, fear of letting down a writing partner, etc.
  • I think I struggle with appropriate post length (is something appropriately short or long) based on what is happening in the thread or a previous reply.
  • I can be a bit wordy at times and more than a tad overdrawn.

Connor Harrison

Alright let's have a a crack at this. Hmmm.

- I go with the flow; trying not to plan too far ahead makes, IMO, the best sort of story and I'll encourage those I write with to share that discovery with me. See where it goes. Be spontaneous.

- Active and dedicated poster; I'm very active during the week and strive not to leave people hanging and reply straight away. If I forget, a nudge is all that's needed and I'll be there.

- Creative and descriptive; I like to help the reader picture my words as images in their head so I will try to create an engaging scene or sequence to help the reader picture it. I like to make my posts as real as possible with images, music and visuals to help guide the reader and invest in the character and story.

- Development is key; working from the ground up and exploring thoughts, feelings, emotions both physical and mental is important to me and I think others, so I love to help develop myself and others and take time to really flesh out characters and stories. To enjoy creating a world with words and not rush to the end for sake of "closing a thread".

- Supportive; I hope to come across as supportive to old and new faces, to all ideas and suggestions, and with the aim to have fun and make good friends and writing relations where I'll never make anyone feel less than me. We are all the same in my eyes and here for the same thing, regardless of status or post count.


- Lack confidence; I can over-read situations or comments that make me lose confidence in my ability as writer and my place around others, which is something I'm trying to build on. I also bottle up desires for my characters and wants in case they sound stupid, or nobody is interested. I keep quiet.

- Not assertive; when I should try push for something or be brave and take a lead, I can suffer and not do it, and settle in the background and just watch. Linked to confidence? Maybe. I hate feeling this way and am also trying to improve.

- Repeating themes; I've noticed I take an idea or narrative and drag it out, which I feel may irritate readers or writers. It's good for a while, but I need to know when to stop and change and move things on to keep it fresh for all.

- Inferior; (Man, I need hugs after writing these things. Better out than in!) Struggle to approach new people if I want to write with them because I feel I'm not "good enough" or "in their mindset", so just watch from the shadows and don't take a chance.

- Lack of variation; my characters are all male, around my age bar ONE female who is going slow. I need to take more chances and get out my comfort zone. Take risks. Be a nasty villain for once. Be a female. Be an alien. Experience it and really test myself.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
After further deliberation, I decided an addendum to my earlier critique is necessary.

Probably my biggest weakness, one I don't like to think about, is a crippling need to please other people. I am wracked with self doubt, constantly needing to know that what I'm writing is something people like. I pay way too much attention to which posts people like, and to that reputation on my profile. In short, I write primarily to please other people, not to fulfill myself or make me feel better. This dependency on the approval of others constantly leaves me frustrated and kills my desire to write. I don't like being dependent on others, even though it's a key element of who I am as a person.
  • I do everything IC without letting OOC shenanigans impact my writing.
  • I make sure every role-play I participate in affects my character in some way, be it minor or major.
  • I love writing romance, as evidenced by my numerous threads with [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. ♥
  • I like to think I'm fair in a duel, taking hits when appropriate and concentrate on the story behind the duel rather than the actual duelling itself.
  • My dedication to a single faction prevents me from spreading myself too thin across several.
  • I never force myself to write just to crank out replies, but instead like to take my time for higher quality.
  • My focus on a single family of characters keeps me from, again, spreading myself too thin.
  • I am a perfectionist, and thus will often not write until I have the perfect reply in mind.
  • I can also be a bit of a procrastinator, which sometimes adds to the waiting time where posts are concerned.
  • I am a hopeless romantic.
  • My focus on a limited number of characters, while allowing for deep characterization and a long role-play history, also means I'm putting all my eggs in the same basket. Should the basket break...
  • I think I'm terrible at writing duels, or at least the fighting itself against another writer.
  • I tend to rely on a very small group of writers for personal role-plays, such as any family-related threads, etc.
  • I can be pretty selective with whom I wish to role-play with. This too factors into my desire to keep my focus on a select few threads at a time.

There's probably more to both strengths and weaknesses I can't think of at the moment. I will update this post if I think of any. :)
  • I am good at descriptions. I can provide a pretty good description of a scene, a landscape, or a person. I love detailing how sweat beads on skin or how dust swirls around the foot as you twist it.
  • I believe I'm quite good at writing speech, making the words fit the character and the sentences make sense from a phonetic point of view.
  • I have a fairly good grasp on fighting with melee weapons. I'm not great, but I feel competent.
  • I make some good training threads, if one is to believe my apprentices.
  • I write up a really good Dominion. I haven't made many, but the one's I've participated in and the stories I've shared with others have generally produced good feedback.
  • I always try to be fair, helpful yet impartial in judgement.
  • I'm always open for answering questions, though I may take some time to find the answer.
  • I don't sacrifice my character's integrity for the sake of others. She is who she is and she will do as she will do. I take the consequences of this gladly.
  • I am poor at involving others in my character development. My stories tend to revolve a lot around my own actions and I find it difficult to involve others without becoming a secondary character.
  • Despite being a male myself, I am terrible at writing male characters. They always feel... Uninspired.
  • I find romance... Awkward.
  • I don't know my way around a ship.
  • I really don't know my way around tech and the factory.
  • I have never quite found the balance when it comes to promotions.
  • I let people get away with things because I would rather not cause an argument.
  • I can be too lenient on demanding posts from others. (*cough* [member="Kana Truden"] *cough*)
  • I can be waaaaay too slow in posting, myself. (Sorry guys!)
  • I don't always follow through and some times I forget about entire threads.
  • I sometimes don't mention that I have other obligations or that I would rather not do a thing, but instead push myself to follow through.
  • Starting threads is difficult.
In conclusion, I should find a good heir and give away all my faction responsibilities. Then do my own stories and teach peeps until I get tired of this character and kill her off in an epic way.
I'll bite.

  • I'm capable of adding genuine, believable, human emotion to a mossy pile of rocks.
  • I like scenery and descriptions.
  • At one point, I heard someone say I have this weird half-stream-of-consciousness writing style. I like to think of that as a plus.
  • Coming up with new characters is easy enough, I guess.
  • I generally write well within my comfort zone, which means there aren't an awful lot of awkward moments.
  • One thing I really kick ass with is solo posts at novella length.

  • Have you ever finished an RP with me?
  • I tend to ping-pong between being too trusting of random members who I have no reason to expect live up to my standards...
  • ...and too xenophobic of newer writers to ever increase the number of people I actually write with.
  • I utterly freaking loathe how PvP has evolved on Chaos. I've PvE-locked myself out of obstinate spite.
  • My interests are fickle as hell. Sometimes I join and write for three months solid, other times I get just a couple of weeks in before ooh shiny.
  • Because of that, I have way more abandoned RPs than I should. Sorry, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. You're the biggest victim of this.
  • When I'm actively involved in the OOC conversation, I tend to use past experience as a replacement for knowledge of the current RP environment.
  • As a result, I also tend to come off as pretty damn opinionated, which is even worse because those opinions are based on things that new members couldn't possibly have any contact with or memory of.
  • I've typecast myself like mad over the years. I don't see a problem with it, but it makes me a little less likely to make new characters to throw into new ventures. After all, why would I make another moody action girl? I've already got a half-dozen, covering the full spectrum.
  • I've always disliked the Factory, at some level. Even when I was running it.
  • None of you are [member="Aleidis Zrgaat"], so none of you will live up to my standards. I might not say it aloud, but there is a quiet disappointment there at all times.
  • Potty mouth, especially compared to other staffers.
A Few Other Quirks:
  • Something most people on this board don't know is that I have no issue writing male characters, but when I do, they tend be extraordinarily unconventional and not terribly "male." My favorite Exalted character Mask and my newer Shadowrun street mage Chris are both...flexible when it comes to gender identity, so I tend to keep them out of the public line of sight to keep people from being uncomfortable.
  • I've got a mild obsession with timelines, and having one that's internally consistent, even if it doesn't match everyone else's. This helps me organize my thoughts, but it becomes complicated on bigger boards.
  • I run a blog that only has content even tangibly related to forum RP. On an RP forum.
  • I love subjecting every character I've ever written to egregious mental trauma. Fabula (the dead woman reincarnated into a clone body with an identity crisis which was resolved when her soul was restored but it turned out to be evil) isn't even my crowning achievement as far as complicated psyches go. I create characters out of emotional and mental anguish, and then I put them through even more as they grow up.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
  • I can write long and short posts. I prefer the first but for the sake of pace or as a response, I can keep things short and more action paced rather than detailed.
  • I love character development and love to take my time with it. I prefer to go with this on a case to case basis. If a character isn't someone who would progress quickly and move up the ranks, they'll be slower than a snail.
  • Building relationships, whether it's blood-relations or any other (friendships, master and apprentice etc.) is very important to me. „No man is an island“ as the saying goes, I like to apply the same logic when I write. Even when I'm writing a loner, it's impossible for them not to meet people/get to know at least someone.
  • Fact-checker. I don't like to rush and claim something I'm not sure of. Which usually leads to a lot of stupid questions, if you will.
  • Diversity. I don't like sticking to a single type of character. But before I commit, I need to find my center and build from there.
  • Thread tracking. I'm your gal for that. I've over-obsess with them for any and all active characters and they usually all have at least two (bio and thread tracker in the faction I'm in) and they're often set up so one is story-wise, the other one divided up between thread type (character development, training…)
  • I'm not against emotional damage to my characters. They build character as far as I'm concerned and makes them work harder. Even in background for a new character, expect some emotional troubles in the past to get them going.
  • Details. I love details. Sometimes too much. Thoughts fall into this a lot. With certain characters, there's a lot of inside happening that may entertain more the person reading than it's actually relevant for the character (Ruu definitely on the top with this)
  • Stubborn. I'm stubborn in all things in life. Roleplay example, I will ground my characters into a fixed point until they're ready for the next thing. Even when it comes to promotions. I like my details, I like my background, I like to make sure they're truly ready (character example… Lauda had twenty threads for her knighthood promotion on her other board. True story).
  • Open threads. I'm the worst at this. I don't like to be in a space full of people in real life. It freaks me out. Somehow, the same feeling translates into text. It's nothing personal but so many people posting, catching up with everyone somehow ends up freaking me out every single time. I do them, but the feeling never leaves me.
  • Too many characters from my past. I've been writing star wars for a decade now. I still have most of my first characters. But I've heavily suffered from ooh, shiny moments throught my writing and created more of them, leaving a lot of them not fully grown as I'd wanted them.
  • Comfort zones. People I'm familiar with, people I've written and developed character relationships. They're my Mr. Panda (legit fluffy toy I still own, only one I got truly attached to as a child) and I tend to retract to them.
  • Character videos… I try not to but if I focus on making a video for any of my characters, I will, in a heartbeat focus all my attention to it and forget all other things.
  • Combat/duels. I over-analyze them more than anything, work them out in my head unsure whether if they will work or not due to which I avoid them unless initiated by the other person.
  • Male characters. There was a time, mostly in my teens, when I probably didn't care about it so much that it felt easier to write them. There's a few I still remember fondly and surprise myself how much work I put into them and enjoyed writing them. But in time I became a little too self-conscious about them that I simply lost my pattern and just gave up.
  • Star Wars Technology and ships. I suck at it. Plain and simple. I'd rather check with someone, ask them a million questions or just follow suit with someone whom I know actually knows a thing or two.
  • Never too much physical damage. I've never had a character with a robotic limb or something of the sort. Scars, yes; longer periods of time in recovery, yes. But never anything to the point of losing a limb. That troubles me.
Err… I'm pretty sure there's more. But that's pretty much the basics.
  • Pros:
    ​I like to think i'm good at descriptions, and really painting out the situation for those i'm writing with. The way I see it the more information I lay out for my writing partner the better. If I can get you to see the scene play out in your head clear as day my job is done.
  • Overall I like to think i'm a good writer, and despite my antagonistic preference I can write really any kind of character.
  • I excel at writing death, carnage, slaughter and otherwise evil acts portrayed in roleplay. I've always enjoyed the antagonist/evil side of the character, and have for a long time.
  • I'm a sucker for character development. If I can really challenge my character emotionally, physically in some way to help them grow I'm all for it.
  • I'm pretty flexible with the types of plots i'll roll with, and i'm not one to sour over a cancelled and/or delayed plot. I'm pretty understanding.

  • I only really write human or near human characters for the most part. Personally since we are all humans, I find it harder to get inside the head of a character that's not human.
  • I love details, perhaps sometimes too much. Especially in my characters the first thing I do is work to define a personality. To me a personality "Who they are" is absolutely number one in my profiles, if I can't define this and its 110% good with me I will not roleplay the concept.
  • Names. I'm EXTREMELY picky with names of characters specifically, but for anything I'm naming in terms of places, objects, planets it takes me forever. If it doesn't sound right, doesn't roll off the tongue like I'd like it to, I won't ever use it.
  • Although I can write combat and go toe to toe with some of the best writers, I would honestly prefer not to. I see combat as an excellent literary device in the story but it shouldn't be the main focus. I really prefer stories with character interaction, relationship building. All of that really develops a character.
  • I'm a slow poster. When someone replies to me I read posts a few times, and it takes time for me to generate the right ideas. Almost all of the time I need time to think, and some good music to generate some ideas. My slow posting speed can sometimes annoy others who like to fire out posts.
  • I can't write female characters. I've tried it before it just doesn't go well. Besides brief scenes with NPC's I shy away from writing female characters. Mainly because well I'm not a female, and I'm a stickler for getting experiences right in character. I feel when/if I write a female I wouldn't be able to get the character right due to the emotional, and biological differences, and If i'm going to write a character it has to be done at the best of my ability.
  • I can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my own characters, and writing.
Okay, finally doing this.

  • Absolutely no problems writing 'male' or 'female' characters. Write male characters well enough to have people believe that I'm male, too, to the point of considerable disbelief when they've found out otherwise.
  • I'm told my posts are 'worth waiting for'. At least, this is what my writing partners keep telling me. I'm really, really, really not bragging here. I think they're nuts because y'all have no idea how long some people have been made to wait by me.
  • Faith - a number of my characters have faith in one thing or another that is the guide for how they operate, whether it's religion, the Force, a fondly-remembered mentor or teacher.
  • Post length - I just write until the post feels done. This ranges from around 300 to up to around 600 words for an average post, with outliers reaching up to 1k - 2k words.
  • Taking hits - I've always done this. I don't purposely set out to, but I'm good for taking them where I cannot possibly avoid it, without resorting to... being woefully unrealistic about what should work and shouldn't in a given scene, which I do not do. Godmoding, people. It's not for anyone.
  • Patient: I will wait for you (to post), if you will wait for me (to post)...
  • Conflict. I'm pretty conflict-averse in life, but not in writing. I like torturing my characters, sometimes. I like bumps in my character's relationships. I go into every character relationship acknowledging the possibility that it might not work out, and though I grieve it if it doesn't work out, I'm fine with that occurring.
  • Timeline - When I'm on top of my game, I plot my threads along my characters' timeline. I know when something happened in reference to something else, and it also means that my character may not show up somewhere that someone else might want him/her to, if it's not possible that they'd be there.
  • Character integrity - I will not bend my character to act in a way that isn't true to that character, just to please someone else. Nope.
  • Character names - I pull these outta my arse, and I like to think they do well.
  • Unintelligent characters. Yep, can't do it. Can't even bring myself to try.
  • Chicky, really female/feminine characters - thinking about it, all my female characters trend towards 'tomboy'.
  • Happy, normal childhood/background - the majority of my characters don't have this. It's an unintentional alignment with my own childhood, which wasn't a happy thing for the most part.
  • Aliens. All my characters are human/near-human/etc.
  • Character death. It's never happened. Not afraid of it, just... well, haven't felt any of my characters are at a point where I would see their death as acceptable, even after writing some of them for over fifteen years.
  • Finishing threads. I like to think I'm slowly (very, very, very slowly!) getting better with this, but often times the threads I do finish take months (upon months and months) to get around to completing... or years, on some boards. I'm great at starting threads, or picking up new ones, but continuing to post once I do? Hahahahaha. I don't know why this is.
  • Vanishing - I tend to drop off the face of the board, and not think to post an LOA until I'm on the cusp of coming back. Terrible, I know.
  • As [member="Cira"] said, time management and alt circulation. At the very least I've not felt the need to create new characters in quite some time, so this helps.
  • Tech: wut?
  • Ships: wuuuuuuuut?

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