Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crossing Paths

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The silence on the street was deafening. Shops had closed for the night, people had gone to sleep, and nothing was moving. The still darkness of an alley was broken by a lone figure walking toward the lit street. The man had timed everything perfectly to catch the guild's operation off guard.

Two men stood in front of the door, positioned to keep people like Tod out. A shift change was about to occur, leaving one guard alone for a few moments. Peering around the side of the building, Tod saw one of the doormen enter, while the other turned his back to watch him go inside. Seizing the moment, Tod moved swiftly around the side, scattergun raised, and as the door shut behind the first guard, he pressed the barrel against the back of the remaining man.

The guard froze, silent and still, his hands slowly rising as his rifle clattered to the ground. "Open the door," Tod said, his voice cold and distant, devoid of hesitation or remorse.

The door opened with a metallic hiss. Tod nudged the guard through with the barrel of his gun. A new guard approached, puzzled at the sight of his shift partner. "Felic, why are you off your post?" The question hung in the air for only a moment before he spotted Tod.

Before the man could yell or signal for help, Tod fired a rifled slug through the first guard's upper back and into the second guard's sternum. Both fell to the ground, struggling with their wounds, and the facility erupted with the sounds of shouting.

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"And that's why you I think you're better off working for the Haxion Brood" Kaila finished explaining to the gang leader, stood before him and his guard in a separate room deeper inside the "abandoned" warehouse. It was spice production, of course, a smaller operation that began independently in the area and could honestly use all the help they could get. The Pykes had plans to start their own operations here soon enough and they didn't like competitors, but they didn't like strong competitors for very different reasons. The Haxion Brood had been gaining rapid momentum in the underworld lately, and Kaila was here to offer the brood's protection in exchange for more than a little cut.

They weren't blind to the fact that they were essentially selling the entire thing to The Brood, but neither were they blind to unforgiving nature of The Pykes. There wasn't much choice, but Kaila had offered them the better deal.

"I guess you're right, but can you truly promise me that-"

A gunshot rang out, followed by incoherent shouting all throughout the warehouse. Kaila lifted one finger to silence the Rodian gang leader as she slowly turned towards the door, Golden eyes narrowing as she tried to feel the area through the force.

"I sense... Hm. One so far" Her voice was but a whisper, yet the Rodian understood what was happening clearly.

"You some kind of Jedi?!"


Kaila summoned a pair of Lightsabers from beneath her cloak as she crept out the door and onto the catwalk above the production room, observing the small crowd of loosely organized gang members gathering on the opposite side of a door, behind which the loud gunshot had originated.

She half expected to see Pykes burst through that door any second now, and yet she could still sense but one being on the other side. But who? If they were a bounty hunter then they were either a brave fool or overqualified for the job, to be taking on an entire gang nest by themselves. That had to be it, she couldn't sense either side of the force having any greater presence then the other, just that of any lifeforce really.

Still, Kaila reckoned she could handle it if the gang couldn't. Either they'd deal with him once that door opened or she'd get front row seats from up here.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Another guard was in the room, caught off balance by the sudden encounter. Tod raised his scattergun, racked another round, and slam-fired twice. The first shot tore a golf-ball-sized hole in the Twi'lek's chest, and the second blew off most of the man's arm.

Tod had his shotgun loaded for a Neal Protocol, with the remaining rounds switched to buckshot, perfect for the close quarters of the building. In the entrance room, there were two doors leading to other sections. He raised his weapon and shot the controls on one door to prevent a flank while he cleared the closer room.

Stacking up against the nearest door, Tod pushed it open. Inside, two individuals were in what looked like a locker room, one blue-skinned, the other green. What an odd pair, Tod thought. They opened fire, forcing him back into cover. They'd had time to prepare for his entrance, but their erratic firing suggested they weren't properly trained.

Tod leaned low, peeking around the corner, and shot through a locker, hitting the green-skinned figure. He quickly pushed forward, slam-firing a second round into the blue-skinned one. Surveying the room, he noted the makeshift cover—overturned lockers—but it hadn't helped them much.

A gurgling sound from behind caught his attention. He turned to the first two guards he had shot. The one Tod had held at gunpoint was dead, but the other was still on the ground, struggling and making wet, rasping noises. Tod finished him off before turning his focus to the door at the end of the hallway. His swift clearing meant no one had breached that door yet.

Dropping his scattergun, Tod worked quickly, applying detonite tape around the door frame. As he set it along the walls, he could hear frantic voices from the other side, likely attempting to get through.

Backing up, Tod reloaded his scattergun with dragon's breath rounds. Once ready, he activated his fusion thermals, the HUD lighting up in vivid hues.

Tod detonated the tape, sending dust flying and obliterating the door and its wall. With his thermals on, the sudden dust cloud didn't hinder his vision. He opened fire on any silhouette that appeared, his scattergun spewing flames at anyone unlucky enough to be caught in his line of sight.

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Kaila couldn't see what was happening behind the door below but she could feel the number of souls steadily decreasing as the lone gunman performed his craft.

Five, one feint and likely dying. Then a gunshot knocked them down to four, then three, then two. A pause, another shot, the feint presence of life in the force suddenly vanishing from her senses violently.

One remained...

She could feel that murderous intent on the air, that uncaring but quite deliberate presence.

But why had the shooting stopped...?

Kaila flinched as the whole damn wall was torn to shreds and dust choked everyone's vision down below, nor could she accurately see without the force from up above the cloud. More shots rang out, more lives vanished from her senses, others were in such pain that the Dark Side within her was actually feeding off the misery as muzzle flash and fire briefly illuminated the cloud.

Fire... incendiary munitions no less. She cast a barrier between herself and the concealed shooter using the force, knowing this must be some manner of slugthrower he was using, and so her lightsabers would be an ineffective defense.

But fire? Fire she could work with...

"A man after my own heart" The pyromancer muttered, a thin smile creeping into the corner of her lips.

The Gunman would find that the flames left to consume his dead or dying foes abruptly grew, some swallowing their targets entirely with no explanation until they leapt out like striking serpents. They weren't terribly precise as the Pyromancer had to rely on her force sense to estimate the man's location, but they were alive, first targeting the doorway from which he had emerged, blocking his exit now, then more flame circled back to strike at the man again.

There was something unnatural within this place. And deeply wrong.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The sudden eruption of flames caught Tod off guard. He wasn't sure what had caused the new obstacle but assumed it was Force-related, as he did with anything beyond explanation. The dust was beginning to clear, and his thermals were becoming overwhelmed by the blaze, striping away his advantage.

Switching off his thermals, Tod rapidly assessed the situation. The fire had spread behind him, cutting off his exit. The flames leaped, seemingly striking at him, forcing Tod to dash through the blaze toward the production room. His armor held up well against the heat, shielding him as he powered through the flames.

Bursting into the production room, Tod landed in front of a tall, imposing humanoid figure with a rifle aimed toward the ceiling. The worker hadn't yet recovered from the sudden encounter. Tod leveled his scattergun and pulled the trigger, only to hear the empty click of a dry chamber. Without missing a beat, Tod shouted, "CATCH!" and tossed the scattergun to the humanoid.

Reacting on instinct, the worker dropped their rifle to catch Tod's scattergun, giving him the chance to draw from his right holster. Tod fired twice, landing one shot in the chest and the other in the head. The worker crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

Workers around the room began regaining their senses and fired on Tod. Cover was sparse, and the fires he had ignited among the workers had grown more intense than what seemed possible. With his free hand, Tod grabbed a flash grenade from his belt and tossed it toward the spicers shooting at him.

He cut the audio feed to his helmet and cowered away from it. A minor shockwave alerting him to the grenade's detonation, causing him to swing back around, fanning the hammer of his revolver. He fired four rounds into four stunned workers, each shot landing with a wet thud as the bodies hit the ground.

The immediate area was clear, but machines blocked his view of large portions of the room. Scanning his surroundings, Tod spotted a figure on the catwalk above. He couldn't keep his focus there as the flames forced him to keep moving. Flipping the revolver open, Tod loaded six fragment rounds into the cylinder, ready for the next attack.

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The flames licked at her target and yet he powered through, bursting forth from the flame only to continue his killing spree. Kaila could only scoff at the tenacious display as her would be hirelings were stunned and then gunned down, sudden sound and pressure causing her ears to ring for a moment as she watched this all unfold from on high.

The shooting only stopped when the gunman had no more bullets to shoot, concealing himself to reload and continue the slaughter no doubt.

Kaila had enough, and leapt into the room amidst the pile of burning bodies they had both left. With a flicking motion, she cast all the flame towards whatever cover the man had chosen in an effort to flush him out, suspecting that long term exposure would at least make him move to a new location. Then she re-summoned the invisible barrier between herself and the gunslinger as she marched forward, electrical currents already arcing between her finger tips.

"You're good, gunslinger. I'll give you that... Must have been expensive too, Bought by the Pykes perhaps?"

Her senses were well attuned, too much so to be some rejected padawan or self-styled grey jedi. She was staring right at the man even behind cover, and she had every confidence that if he were to move suddenly, she would know.

Still, her pace slowed until she was creeping inch by inch towards him, preparing for the battle to come. One would think talking to her enemy went in the face of such caution, But for a practitioner of the Dark Side, drawing emotion in one's foe could serve both to empower abilities and to make the thoughts of one's enemy known through the force. Not like Jedi who seemed to talk for talking's sake.

"Did they tell you there would be people like me here? or have they been hiding that from you?"

Truth be told she doubted anyone knew she was here. Even if someone knew the Haxion Brood had interest in the operation, it would have taken a Mole to know that Kaila specifically would be here, considering that the involvement of rogue Sith within the syndicate was relatively new, and highly secretive. Not even her own men knew just how deep those claws had sunk into The Brood.

But she didn't need this gunslinger to know much of anything, she only needed to sow the seeds of doubt.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Flames shot toward Tod, forcing him out of cover and into a new hiding spot. He caught a brief but clear look at his new opponent, an unfamiliar woman who he didn't know what to make of. It didn't matter, though, his goal remained the same: push past her and finish the job.

"Thanks for the compliment," Tod said. "But let's chalk this up to community service." It was a lie; he'd been hired for this, but it was customary to not discuss employers.

Tod patted himself down, realizing too late that he hadn't brought the nerve gas. He was unprepared for the shift in circumstances, but this encounter was one of the last things he had suspected.

With a sigh, he answered her next question. "Sorry, doll, didn't know you'd be here." Rounding the corner, Tod came face-to-face with his adversary. "I'm surprised they could afford the likes of you."

It genuinely surprised Tod to find a Force user working for, or possibly with, this crew, he couldn't tell what her role was yet. Typically, a few guards sufficed for security since they were cheaper and usually effective.

"I've got an appointment with the boss man. If you'd let me have a word with him…" Tod's offer was half-hearted, he didn't expect it to work, it never did, but he always gave it a shot. It also gave him the chance to size her up.

From his assessment, Tod assumed he'd lose in hand-to-hand combat, but if he could stun her, he might have a chance to break past, complete his mission, and escape through a wall.

If she refused his request, Tod took the initiative, making the first move. Like a flash of lightning, he fanned the hammer of his revolver, firing one shot directly at her and five more at her feet and nearby objects. He hoped the shrapnel would unbalance her, creating the opening he needed.

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Community service? She scoffed, not believing a word of it. Then the gunslinger stepped out, giving Kaila a chance to look him over while they spoke. Good armor, that her first thought. Rugged, but certainly a cut above what the gangsters were wearing, more sturdy. Next was the coat; Bulky but likely concealing many tools of his trade underneath. And of course the helmet meant she couldn't see where he was looking, and she wasn't exactly a minder reader despite her array of powers. She would have to summon It if she wanted someone to probe thoughts today, and even then she needed it to be inside his head for that.

She'd have to approach carefully.

"I've got an appointment with the boss man. If you'd let me have a word with him…"

"That's me..." She stated firmly, though it was a half truth. She was next in the chain of command now, her word was law.

"As of a few minutes ago, this became my operation. And you owe me for damages-"

The gunslinger drew before she could finish, a fragmentation round splitting apart, revealing the previously invisible barrier in a burst of sparks that bounced off the invisible half sphere. Then he fired more, forcing her to expand the barrier instead of using her free hand to retaliate.

She growled, backing quickly backing away with her barrier which was quickly beginning to weaken as it intercepted and bounced numerous bits of shrapnel which were flung out a short distance from the her.

Kaila quickly hid herself behind a nearby stack of crates so that she could drop the barrier and rethink her approach, flexing tired fingers and taking a few heavy breaths under the strain of holding the barrier for so long, an ability which she was not as attuned to as others. Judging by the fanning technique her opponent utilized so often, he must have been wielding a revolver of some sort, likely a six-shooter, though she had heard of Mandalorians using eight-shooters too. Even so, odds were good that he'd be in cover too, reloading.

Not much time to think, but enough to act.

Exhaling sharply, She quickly turned and began to lift one of the crates from atop the stack she hid behind and throwing it with the force at the gunslinger while simultaneously taking a running leap just behind it. Ideally she would come crashing down saber in hand at her opponent while the thrown crate acted as more of a diversion. If she could close the gap and cut his weapon apart or even strike him, perhaps she could end this before he finished loading, else the inhuman speed of a bullet would prove difficult to counter even for one trained in the force.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

OOC Note: I haven't done combat in a while, so if I mess up, please tell me.

Tod pushed the woman back into cover, cutting off her speech. He considered making a run for it but decided against it as he had no idea what tricks she might have up her sleeve.

He flipped open his revolver, spent casings falling to the ground with a series of metallic clinks. Reaching for a speed loader, he prepared to reset. "Look, lady, you're not who I'm here for. I'm here for the ugli—" Tod's words were cut short as a box was hurled at him, forcing him to drop the speed loader, his gun still empty.

Thrown off balance by the unexpected attack, Tod barely had time to dodge before she was striking him. With no time to holster his revolver, Tod dropped it. As much as he loved the weapon, he valued staying alive more. He raised his vambraces just in time, blocking her lightsaber strike. He hoped the cortosis in his vambraces [see armor] would short-circuit her saber, and catch her off guard for his counterattack.

Whether or not her lightsaber shorted out, Tod rolled to the side, creating any distance he could between them. He drew his second revolver from his cross-draw holster. With no time for precise shots, he aimed at her center mass, firing three rounds at her chest and stomach.

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(OOC: you're doing fine lol don't worry)

Kaila's saber came crashing down on the gunslinger's gauntlet, but for some reason it didn't short out. Instead it ground against the Cortosis armor, spraying Violet sparks as the Non-Dimetris Circuits within worked to prevent the typical feedback loop, keeping her saber in the fight, although it could not cut through the Cortosis despite Kaila putting all her weight into the attack, which was surprisingly strong for a woman her size.

The Gunslinger's sudden roll sent all that weight crashing forward, her lightsaber cutting into the wall where her target once stood. She was quick to recover, turning just in time to catch him drawing a second pistol on her. She re-summoned the barrier just before he could take aim, bullets slamming into it as she stepped back only for the barrier to suddenly shatter.

The bullet punctured her own cortosis armor and caught her lower rib cage. It hit her Laminanium bones at an angle as she turned sideways, the loud sound indicative of the metal beneath her skin, though there was obvious blood as the bullet tore violently through flesh and then through the air again, embedding itself in a wall across the room.


She ducked behind another stack of crates, gripping her wound. Her unique implants had kept it from becoming lodged in her flesh, and her gruesome training had seen her develop a high tolerance for cruel pain, but it was certainly still bleeding.

Think Kaila, Think...

She could see why the Mandalorians loved slugthrowers and rippers so much now. She couldn't block them with a lightsaber, intercepting them with the force required a great deal of concentration and they were too fast for the mind to perceive once fired, not even through the force, not like a blaster. One of these days she wouldn't see it coming, wouldn't be able to summon a barrier before it came.

She looked down, realizing that the wound was turning her black tunic a little darker.

Realizing that she'd have to prioritize herself over the project, she quickly set about tending to the blood loss. While she could have pulled from her personal med kit, there was no time for bacta spray or anti-septic.

Instead, she took a deep breath and held her lightsaber to the wound, carefully cauterizing it shut...

"Fffffffff-UUCK!" She screeched through grit teeth and threw her head back against the crate, only deactivating the saber once she feel that the flesh had been burnt thoroughly shut.

"How much did they pay you?" She called out while peeking around the corner to retrieve his discarded pistol through the force and in search for the mercenary, a newfound anger in her tone as she began to draw on her own pain to power her dark abilities.

"We both know you're not doing this for free..."

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Smoke was coming off his vambraces, the lightsaber melting them slightly by superheating some of the metals. While annoying, it was better than them cutting through. The cry of pain told Tod his shots had landed perfectly. He smirked, he always liked to gloat when hitting his target using sheer intuition to aim. "Should be glad I wasn't using my hollow points, would've hurt a lot more," he teased while pushing out the half-spent cylinder and replacing it with a fresh one loaded with shrapnel rounds. The metallic clank of the discarded cylinder echoed through the area.

As he reloaded, Tod considered his situation. It might not be the smartest move to finish her off. His very limited understanding of Sith and Jedi suggested that she probably had some master or mentor. He didn't mind angering guilds, but Force users were a different story. Killing her might show him that his eyes are bigger than his stomach.

Hearing her curse loudly was reassuring, it meant she was still managing. While picking up the half-spent cylinder, he heard her question. "You're right, doll, I'm not cheap," Tod replied. "But hey, if you've got the cash, we should be talking jobs." Typically this falls out the window when he shoots the person who may employ him, but it was another one of those things that it wouldn't hurt to try.

He glanced around, trying to locate his revolver. "Here's the deal: you hand me my revolver, and let me have a word with your soon-to-be former associate. In return, I'll let you walk out of this with just a warning." He leveled his revolver at his hip and began circling the crates, keeping his distance while trying to get a clear view of her.

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The absolute nerve of this man, that was her first thought.

She could hear him reloading over there, putting more bullets in that annoying contraption of his. Kaila slowed her breathing, expanding her senses into the force again, realizing that he was slowly moving while speaking to her, no doubt circling around to finish her off. This was starting to anger her as much as the pain, having to play cat and mouse back and forth with some bounty hunter.

She caught sight of him for barely even a second before ducking back around the crate, circling to a different corner to stall just awhile longer. She needed more time... a distraction.

"No. Tell me how much and I'll make a counter offer, but no one can make demands of me, not anymore"

Kaila wasn't lying either, she had been willing to set aside differences for mutual benefit in the past, but she needed to be sure that he wouldn't simply shoot her the moment they tried to shake hands. She needed some assurance.

<<Parasideus...>> She spoke Telepathically inside her own mind.

<<Grab a body>>

Silent and unseen, a disembodied spirit would possess one of the more intact bodies somewhere behind the gunslinger, silently standing up to stare with empty eyes at the man.

"You... should... consider..." It spoke, it's voice that of a thousand men and women, young and old, from across hundreds of worlds and species. The voice many, yet shackled in unison within the throat and mind of one being. If only he could feel it through the force as she could, if only he could feel just how wrong it was.

This was all to redirect the gunslinger's attention while Kaila gripped the catwalk above them through the force, the hanging cables which suspended it weakening until... It dropped, threatening to trap the gunslinger beneath it.

Perhaps he'd be more likely to negotiate then...

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

As Tod rounded the corner, his opponent moved, her figure slipping out of his line of sight. He glanced over his shoulder toward his actual target, sighing as he realized he'd have to deal with her first. This was no place to risk getting stabbed in the back while preoccupied.

His offer seemed to have struck a nerve, and Tod briefly considered pressing it for fun, but this was wasting too much time. Before he could respond, a voice sounded behind him, making him spin around.

The figure before him didn't seem fully there, more like a specter than solid flesh. Tod cocked his head, studying the new presence. "Didn't I shoot you?" he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. It certainly looked like it, the figure had the appearance of a zombie, cold and numb. Before he could investigate further, he heard a creak above him. Looking up, he saw the catwalk collapsing toward him.

Tod dove backward, but not fast enough. The catwalk crashed down, trapping his legs. Dazed, he took a short moment to process the sudden rush of pain and the feeling of being trapped. While his legs were surprisingly unscathed beyond some bruising, they were pinned, and he'd need time to free himself. Worse, his left arm was dislocated.

Quickly regaining his senses, he forced himself up, spotting his revolver lying nearby. Gritting his teeth, Tod grabbed his left arm and forced it back into place with a sickening pop. Adrenaline dulled some of the pain, but his arm felt weak and nearly useless.

Grabbing his revolver, Tod scanned his surroundings, staying alert while working to free his legs from beneath the catwalk. "Alright, let's negotiate then. What do I have that I can offer you?" he called out, doing his best to keep his composure. Though not frantic, his tone held a note of hesitancy. "I think you know the two things I want." He needed to buy time, hoping to stall any attacks long enough to free himself and regain control of the situation.

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There was a crash, and then an offer to negotiate. She could feel through the force that he hadn't moved far, so he might be stuck.

<<What do you see?>> She spoke Telepathically to the reanimated corpse.

Said corpse tilted it's head while observing the gunslinger through lifeless eyes.

<<We see him pinned... but he yet bears arms>>

Kaila leaned back into the crates and groaned tiredly. He was much more difficult to kill than she first expected, and these primitive slugthrowers were far more dangerous than she had imagined. Fortunate then, that she had evened the playing field a little. He couldn't move but keep her at a distance, she could move but couldn't get closer.

She came out with his missing revolver in hand, held by the barrel in a non-threatening gesture. It was empty anyway, but she figured he'd be wanting it back so the gesture meant something at least.

"I think you know the two things I want."

"Don't you mean three things?"

She asked, holding up the revolver.

"Money, your weapon and the boss dead, Yes?"

Her cauterized wound would be visible through the hole in her armor, reminding them both perhaps that she did not hold all the cards yet. However, she was still willing to show herself because she believed that if she could appeal to his greed and to his baser survival instincts- that is, to offer him a way out- then she could end this conflict without having to think up a way to kill him, which had become difficult without time to prepare.

"You might think you want the boss dead but I don't think you really do"

"And neither does the Haxion Brood" She explained, taking a few careful steps forward. There was no lie to be found in her tone, Her leadership within the brood was no bluff to be made idly and neither was she unwilling to use it.

"I can't disclose my exact position but I can tell you that it's enough to make things very difficult. But I can also make things very profitable for you. I can also get you unstuck..."

"Let's talk about it"

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Tod wiggled one leg slightly, realizing how futile the effort was. A large piece of metal had trapped him by the shoe, leaving him completely stuck. If left on his own, it would take a while to free himself, likely having him dislocate his foot in the process.

He sat back in reluctant acceptance, there would be no regaining control of the situation. For now, he was at her mercy.

She reappeared, and Tod instinctively pointed his revolver at her, but her demeanor suggested she was looking to parley rather than fight. He cautiously decocked his revolver, sliding it into an inner pocket of his coat since his holsters were out of reach.

"You're right, three things, I almost forgot about the money," Tod said, his tone edged with self-mockery. "Not like me to overlook that." He could see the wound he had inflicted on her, and it gave him a smug satisfaction. If they ever met again, he'd be sure to bring it up, assuming this didn't end with them at each other's throats again.

She mentioned the Haxion Brood, but Tod had no idea who they were. Probably some new group trying to make a name for themselves. Let's see how long they last, he thought.

"Profitable? Now you're speaking my language," Tod said, leaning forward and placing both arms on the metal. He quickly pulled his left arm back, pulling back his right to rub at the sore joint. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the pain will soon flood in.

"Tell me more about these Haxion guys. Are they a new gang in town? And as for the bossman, let's save him for last. His ass isn't out of the fire yet," Tod said, ready to listen.

Everything else was on the table, but sparing the boss because of a bribe wasn't a good look for Tod's reputation.

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There were two kinds of people who could joke in a time like this. Fools, or something far more useful.

She watched the gunslinger holster his remaining weapon, or at least the only visible weapon, and then she approached at more casual pace. He sounded confident still, but she could see he was clearly in pain, the rush of battle beginning to subside. It would take longer for the Sith to feel her own pain to it's fullest extent, but Kaila knew that she would be in a similar position shortly.

And so she would take this momentary pause in hostilities to tend her own wounds, removing a personal medkit from her belt while the two conversed, applying antiseptic patches to the burns.

"Tell me more about these Haxion guys. Are they a new gang in town? And as for the bossman, let's save him for last. His ass isn't out of the fire yet,"

"You've met us at interesting time, it seems. My associates and I bought them out recently, A confederation of the powerful and the wealthy, but also the hidden. The only reason you and I have met is because I'm the most... hands on of the bunch, while the other underbosses prefer to pull strings from the shadows"

It was the easiest way to paint a picture of their wide reach and vast resources without compromising the brotherhood itself. She was one of the many underbosses, or at least that was how the brood knew her. But she was also a member of the shadowy council pulling all the strings without their knowing.

Kaila went looking for something else in her medkit but was having difficulty spotting it. And so she would lift the mask from her face, letting the Cortosis helmet drop to the floor with a metallic thud. Without it, she had a face to support her claims of being one of those wealthy individuals leading the syndicate. It was a thin and angular face, with soft pale skin that contrasted starkly with the expensive red lipstick she wore. Most notable however were her eyes. The way they shone gold even in the dark while carefully searching for something.

"Ah" She pulled a small capped syringe containing a mild pain killer from her bag.

Then she would crouch down just out of arm's reach and flick it to the gunslinger, an olive branch of sorts. He might need it too, if negotiations took long and he remained under that collapsed walkway.

"Now then... You've met me early enough in this little... career that my particular cell within the broader syndicate is still growing. You admittedly have skills that I would like to employ. But for that I need to know what they sell for"

"We'll talk about the boss- who i've just hired- last, as you say" The thought of giving him exactly what he came for made her jaw clench, but she had time to see how this went. More than he did, she suspected.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Tod listened to her explanation, nodding slightly. "So, just another shadow organization. You should introduce me to your associates, I'm always looking for new job opportunities." He glanced down at himself, rummaging through a pouch on his belt before pulling out a roll of bandages.

He looked back up at the sound of a metallic thud, her helmet hitting the ground. Tod stared for a few seconds, analyzing the face and taking in details. She could use more sun, Tod thought. Her other striking features where the golden eyes he had seen on many Sith, and the lipstick that felt like a contradiction to her complexion. While she had shown her face, Tod had no intention of returning the gesture, preferring to keep his anonymity.

She flicked a capped syringe at him, and Tod set the bandages aside to inspect it. After reading the label, he tucked it into a shotgun shell loop on his gear, he'd save it for later. Negotiations were best handled sober. He returned to his bandages, fashioning a makeshift sling for his arm, which provided some much-needed pain relief.

"I can't give you a flat rate," Tod said, adjusting the sling. "Depends on the job. If you need me to pick up your dry cleaning, I won't charge much. But if you want someone like a Jedi Master taken out, well, that's a different story. Then there's always room for negotiation beyond credits."

Tod paused, considering his next words. "Here's my proposal: you get me out from under this wreckage, I'll go greet your new employee with a proper welcome, you return my gun... and you toss in a few thousand credits. In exchange, I'll handle some 'acquisition' work for you, expand your operations a bit and I'll meet some of your friends to discuss further joint ventures. How does that sound?"

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"I can't give you a flat rate," Tod said, adjusting the sling. "Depends on the job. If you need me to pick up your dry cleaning, I won't charge much. But if you want someone like a Jedi Master taken out, well, that's a different story. Then there's always room for negotiation beyond credits."

"I will handle the Jedi myself" She stated firmly, as if it were a matter of pride or perhaps an ongoing mission.

"You would be handling things like... this"

Kaila gestured to the damaged warehouse around them. Initially it seemed like a fair trade though, or at least until he brought up "welcoming" her newest employee. He seemed dead set on killing the man and she couldn't decide if he had some sort of personal vendetta or if it involved some professional code, like he just had to see his previous contract through.

On the one hand it was annoying but on the other, if she were to hire him then at least she would benefit from his work ethic.

"Hm. you seem like a pragmatic sort, and I suppose I could replace the boss with someone I already know and trust"

She threw a glance at the unused syringe he'd tucked away, reminding herself that he was stuck and hurting. Kaila however was still standing.

"But that's a lot of effort and additional resources that could be spent elsewhere... So I suppose we must consider two hypotheticals; What is stopping you from killing my man and then pissing off to Canto Bight with your riches, And what is stopping me from just leaving you here and keeping my money?"

"Decisions, decisions..."

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker

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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Tod chuckled at her zeal over the Jedi. "Alright, I'll leave the Jedi to you."

He listened to her next point before replying, "Well, right now what's stopping me is this catwalk you dropped on me, oh and any contracts I go into I like to follow through with. As for what's stopping you, that could be anything, curiosity, maybe? Or maybe you're thinking a partnership could be more beneficial than you first thought. There are plenty of bounty hunters, but not too many who can clear entire facilities solo. Or hey, maybe I'm just that charming."

He rubbed his shoulder again as another sharp pain flared up. "I could also force a replacement for your former associate as part of our deal. A few more operations like this, and it should be worth the effort, don't you think?"

Tod paused, then asked, "But here's something I'm curious about your opinion on: what kind of impression would it make if, before you even offered me a job, you had to pay me off to back down from another one? Doesn't exactly scream, 'Hire me, I'm reliable.'"

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ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Or hey, maybe I'm just that charming."

Oh. He's one of those, she'd been meeting a lot of them lately. She had a soft spot for a rare few, but those few hadn't shot her.

Still, he was making sense even if she didn't like it when men like that made sense. The bounty hunter market was drying up lately, with the Mandalorians crusading on the other side of the galaxy and rest dead. It was an industry of young and inexperienced hunters with more guns than brains now, and it'd been a long time since she heard of anything like this going down, even if these were just street thugs.

And of course there was his work ethic to consider. If she couldn't buy his loyalty before the contract was through, nobody could.


Her pride would just have to recover, as would her accounts. No matter, it would be worth it in the long term.

Kaila stood, observing how exactly the catwalk had pinned him. She could lift it with the force but it would take some energy, and she had just come up with a more fun way.

"Hold still" She hummed, and began carefully cutting away the metal debris. Admittedly she'd come a little close for comfort here and there, but it was deliberate, and she had control enough not to actually hurt him.

After all, Entertaining her was the least he could do.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


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