Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crown of Midnight

Lia'ssa followed behind and listened. She focused on the task at hand. The array of weapons that filled the room gave Lia a feeling of freedom. A way to defend herself was something the she could only do when there was no one watching. She smiled looking over the rack with the gleaming weapons. "Very nice dark one. Very very nice." She said with a short smile before walking and examining the weapons more carefully and closely. "What weapons may I use on my quest?" She asked looking away from one of the battle axes back towards her master... the dark sith. She had been called her apprentice for so long that she was starting to believe it herself.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

She was looking at her when she bhad the moment and the attention with some interest on her face. "We shall see apprentice. Before you can use those weapons we need to make sure you are able and ready. Now tell me about this one... who is it that took your daughter." She remained there for a moment and then sank down into a seat. Carved rock and iron against the wall that was raised to let her observe the combat area almost like an arena but she didn't bring anyone back here. More for her own amusement if she ever needed it or got bored. "You need to show me what skils you still have dearest one, then we can improve upon them and...." She trailed off holding a hand out with her wrist up as she whispered to herself the spell allowing the force magics to radiate for her. "Then I can make you stronger."
Lia'ssa stood their trying to remember what the woman was like. "She was.. phantom like. Dark. She was also quite fit. Dark hair and a strange way of moving. It was quick but she was so large with muscle that is seemed inhuman that she could do such acrobatics and..." She trailed off hoping that was enough to say. But then she remembered. "She had the name Yumi. Does that mean anything to you dark one?" She asked walking over to the poleaxe and lifting it off the rack.

"As for my skills. I suppose you need a visual demonstration." For the frist time in a while Lia'ssa was glad to be in such a loose outfit. Despite the way it slipped off her showing her area's a bit more then she normally would have liked as she began to twirl the weapon around in quite an impressive way, she was glad to have brought it with her. It was so free that it made the spinning and bending so much easier to do. She spun into a strike. Then bent backwards and did an areal whirl of the weapon. She finished it with a strike to the ground before ending the form and looking back at the dark woman. She pulled her outfit back into place from where it was, now covering herself up more. "How was that?"

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

She watched leaning back in her seat and taking int he sight of her movements and her technique. THinking of the name that had been given and she would have tow ork on it.. she would have to find this being who had vexated her apprentice when the girl stopped and finished. "LOvely and impressive as I would have suspected." She remained where she was and crooked a finger to motion her forward. "Come here apprentice, I want to see you use the force itself. Recount what happened. How did this one beat you? WHat did they do, any information will benefit my searching for information to give you." She watched her and golden eyes were looking out from the shadows of the room but the sith lord herself was releasing phermones and playing on it, emotions could be manipulated and she ran a finger on the arm of the chair making circles. "You want your master to help you yes? You want to please me so that we can rescue your daughter." She said it with a grin on her face. "Kneel and speak to me."
Lia'ssa breathed heavily as she returned the poleaxe to the rack on the side of the wall. "She used a lightsaber that completely deactivated my own as soon as they clashed blades. She sent me into a wall with a push of the force. I am sorry but that is all I remember." Suddenly, she could taste sweetness in her mouth as she took a deeper breath inhaling. After taking two more she then looked over at the dark woman. She felt herself feeling.. more or less, attracted to her. She sighed as she looked at her with a different light. The impressive pink colored skin changed from a simple color to an alluring one. Her tall form went from a threat to a pleasing sight. She was beautiful. Something Lia'ssa had known before but hadn't parent in the fact herself. Now instead of her thinking she was, she knew for herself.

"Yes. I do wish to." She said in a whispered voice, no longer wanting to raise her voice against her master. It was a delicious thought all the sudden. The woman being her master. Lia'ssa staying with her by her side. Maybe with some other things thrown in the mix. Wait. What was she thinking, this was about Nomira not herself. Still she walked to her masters feet and knelt down beside her. "How may I do that master?" She asked bowing her head.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

SHe looked at her kneeling down and leaned forward in her seat. THick and dark hair coming down as the sith lord herself held out a hand touching her face. Fingers lightly caressing at the lekku then she was speaking and letting blue red tendrils slither along her fingertips. The sith words were low in her throat, ancient and she smiled. "Worry not my apprentice, you will be stronger with my touch. Quicker, faster better able to channel and use the force itself.. to feel the power of the darkside.... my darkside." She was sharing her power with her. A sith spell that was addictive, enhancing the latent force capabilities with that of a master herself and she could control for how long. Make her feel good and powerful and strong before cutting it off. The addictive powers of the darkside itself.
She bit her lip as the feeling began. It then suddenly became too much and she moaned loudly. Power.. pleasure.. perfection flowed through her body at an unimaginable speed. It hurt. But in a good way. In the same way it had felt when she first was deflowered. This was a bad thing. Pledging herself to a dark one. But she couldn't resist enjoying it. "Oh.... yes.. mmm! Oh... oh oh... OH!" Her head twitched as her lekku's began to feel this flow through her body. "Yes!" She shouted then fell to her stomach onto the floor before her masters feet. It was all so much.. she couldn't imagine doing it again. But.. she wanted it to happen more then ever.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

The sith was looking at her as she seemed to enjoy itand she waited there for her to be ready once again. "Good my apprentice." A smirk on her face, tight lipped and enjoyable...she was moving and rose offering the hand. "Now come, we must get you on your way and secured. You want to get revenge against this one who harmed you." Her smirk turned into a full grin as she walked and allowed herself to look outwards and upon the area. She didn't have all of her resources but she had some and sheknew where to get more. Knowledge was power and the sith knew about the citadels and observatories for storehouses of darkside knowledge. "While you are doing that I shall have to amuse myself and will go to the observatories in the unkown regions. They need someone to discover them."
She approached the dark woman. A smile across her face. It was as if she had no way of resisting her now. But she would find strength. She always did.. she would.. do it latter then. Yes.. later.. after she had pleased the dark woman. She snapped out of it suddenly. Now side by side with the powerful force user she stood silently. "Alright.. However.. it is still a mater of my weaponry that needs to be discussed. I am still skilled with a saber but as I said before this one.." She held out the broken scraps of her old weapon. "Is in very bad shape. Could I make modifications to it or do you have something else in mind? "
[member="Balaya Praelior"]

"On the ship, we shall makeyou a new one... a stronger one." And one that ties you further with the darkside was left unsaid but she had an in... she had her on the line and placed a hand onthe womans shoulder to guide her towards the ship. She had equipment to maintain and fashion her own. "Now lets see what kind of saber can we make for you my sweet Lia'ssa. A new lightsaber yes but what materials... oh a lignan crystals for enhancing the cuttng power and strength. Alchemicalized metals to strengthen them and oh some leviathan hide." She grinned entering the hanger bay and the large zeltron looked down at the docking manager who was about to say something but then stopped and looked up before backing away and nodding quietly as he went off to get her ship from the rack.
She followed beside her wondering the same thing herself. She didn't like the idea of using a weapon that bound her to the darkside, she after all had jedi training and still retained their view on the force and on life. But it was a risk she was willing to take to save her daughter from that powerful force user. She would play the dark woman's games for now. Until she got what she wanted, then she would take Nomira and run. Run far away and live out the rest of their days... wait. At that moment she realized.. it had been years since she even considered a life outside of servitude. What would she and her daughter do after this was over? Where would there go? Surly a life of running and hiding wasn't much better then slavery!

Where would she go? She knew.. To the jedi who had once trained her. She brought her attention back to the woman and the making of her new weapon. "Mistress I belive you know far more about this then I do, seeing as how you have racks and racks of lightsabers. I built mine scavenging parts over 30 years. If you leave it up to me then we might miss our chance to save my daughter." She said jokingly.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

"Yes I do but that is only because I have spent my years wanting to work on them." She said it with a grin on her face going into the ship when it finally arrived to touch down for them. She was going inside and had racks of weapons, sabers, blades, guns and her armors. A few of them were quite a sight to behold with their enhancements. She had some ideas for the woman and her armor that could be made... a weapon but her mind listened and eyes shifted looking at from sideways. "Oh but my sweet apprentice, if you ran.. I would find you." She said it and looked at her, mentally whispering for her to come and point out she could listen in and feel her thoughts... while she offered a hand. "Here come and serve you master, close the doors to the ship and we shall head off."
She frowned at this. It was one thing to threaten her but another to threaten her daughter."Understand now dark one.. my daughter is not part of this pact between you and I. Once she is free I will take her where I see fit. If you harm her then you will lose an apprentice" She said sternly. Even though she was in no position to make threats she needed the dark woman to understand that.

With those words exchanged she walked aboard the ship, taking her masters hand and looking around. It was a nice cruiser. It was understandable, the dark woman must have had enough credits to buy every slave and slaver in the galaxy to afford all that she had here. What lacked her understanding was how she came into possession of these credits. But that didn't mater now. All that mater was preparing for the fight that was to come. "Master. Where can I begin crafting my new weapon?" She asked following close behind her.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

"We shall begin here and now. Oh the ideas I have." She was looking at it as the ship started to leave. Controls of the ship letting her move up towards space and it would go where they needed to go... find a way to follow this mysterious being who had taken her apprentices child. " Oh sweet apprentice, you mistake it. I care little for your daughter except to see what she will do... if she is like you and strong enough in the force... why shouldn't I have a mother and daughter as my apprentices? Have the two of you serving me. It is a delicious idea, it is almost too good to be true and makes it so you two can be together, never having to run.... never having to fear others taking her."
This made rage swell in her. "NO! You will not have my daughter. You will have to kill me to get to her and we both know you won't kill your apprentice just to get a weaker force user." She gave the woman a stern look. "I will hear no more of this. Lets focus on building my weapon."

She began to explore the ship looking for a place where saber parts were. She exited the room into a hallway and walked to the end. Opening the door she saw many materials spread across shelves and tables. Yes.. this would work. She would craft a weapon capable of defending herself and destroying the sith that took her sweet Nomira. It was only a mater of time. She knelt on the ground and began to use the force to sense what she she use. Seeing all the handles.. crystals.. power cores.. She might not have known what she wanted to make. But she was still going to try.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

Looking at her with a look on her face at the rage and oh it was perfect.. the best sort of fuel for her power that might be able to give her strength. With her enhancing of the force she could give quite a lot of power but followed touching different materials. She wanted to look at and get the right materials that would go into the robes and saber... a chance to really make a saber that was skilled and she activated the one chamber on the ship. Working as an alchemical forge itself. Where they could look at it, she was heating up the forge and would need some blood for the process from some of the slaves that were in cages and tanks.. to be bled for her needs but she spoke. "Oh... you tease... if she is not as strongas you perhaps we shall see. Wouldn't you rather have her here with me instead of trapped with another... if you both run, then you will always be running, always be looking for sanctuary and never finding it."
She ignored her masters voice and anger filled her. In that moment she saw it. A crimson red crystal.. powerful. Strong.. this is what she needed. She had everything she needed laid out in front of her for this sacred possess of making a lightsaber. And the last thing she wanted was the dark woman tainting this experience for her. "Mistress.. I am going to finish my saber now. I want quiet.. I don't want you looming over me. This is my weapon and I want to bond with it myself. Please.. leave me to my creations." She said. The bitterness in her voice growing as she went on. This was a mistake. She was running head first into another life of misery. But.. perhaps Nomira still had a chance at happiness. Lia shielded her mind from her master using an old power she had learned at the jedi temple. Now her thoughts were her own. And she would share them with no one else.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

She looked at her and laughed to herself as she was walking away in the ship. Taking position in her throne room with her equipment where she could change. Standing for a moment with some of the black robed slaves who served within the firebirds. She set the course while the apprentice could work on her lightsaber feeling the rage boil off of her. She sat down in the black iron seat looking out of the view port at the starlines of hyperspace and without a real destination to track was going to one of the pools for prophecy and farseeing to find this mysterious daughter.
Lia focused on the pieces as they floated above her head. She imagined each one and she could see where each one needed to go in order for the weapon to work. The core would be first, she moved it into position. The handle she had chosen was slick and had a very simple and easy grip, much better then her own yet a similar length and style. She began to slide one half a quarter onto the core, at the same time connecting some wiring. The silver piece was then put on and attached to the back as the front was then slide closer on. Now it was time for the most important part. The lightsaber crystal. She could feel the darkness of the crystal as it flouted closer to her.. she was ashamed to admit.. it felt good.. too good. The dark ones energy was rubbing off on her. Images of the dark one taking her daughter and killing Lia entered her mind and she was once again filled with hatred for her new master. She could feel the crystal's power grow more and more as her thoughts and feelings began to take control. it was as if she heard it .. speak saying "​Give into hatred. Peace is a lie.." She screamed and the pieces around her stopped floating, at least.. they were in pieces before. Now instead the small one handed lightsaber sat in front of her as if it was challenging her to use it. She stood and brought it to her hand with the force. It was activated. The crimson glow was dark.. darker then she could have imagined.. she felt despair.. but also power. She then deactivated the blade, unable to take it any longer.

She looked over at her other weapon she had placed on the table. Its power core scorched and unusable, its handle melted, its strange battery powered contraption she had come up with was in pieces. Looking at it now she was surprised it hadn't blow her to pieces the first time she turned it on. Then an idea crossed her mind. One she would shield from her master. Two lightsabers. Two weapons. One for a jedi, one for a sith. That would keep her grounded in what she needed to do, not the will of anyone else.. She approached the bench and began to repair her weapon. She sent a call out in the hall for a slave to enter. "Let my master know that I am finished constructing my first blade. Tell her I believe it is strong enough in the dark side to make even her admire it. And tell her that I am constructing my second blade as we speak.." She smiled. Soon Nomira.. Soon.

[member="Balaya Praelior"]

She perked up listening to it, one fo the slaves stood there in their robes before she motioned them off. An amused grin on her face when the ship dropped out of hyperspace. Jakku served many thingsfor manypeoplebut the observatoryat the core of the planet that housed darkside artifacts and a complete galaxy map including routes and secret locations within th unknown regions or where you could make contacts to find someone... she was looking at the chance for that.. and to use one fo the old model messenger droids to locate the daughter via blood biometrics a lot faster. "Very well, have her continue."

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