Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Crucifixion | Dominion of Generis | NIO



The Grand Imperial Assembly: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus
Willan Tal Willan Tal Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Enlil Enlil Halketh Halketh
Arjant Clevenger Mithrad Mithrad Julius Haskler Julius Haskler


'Well, we are little - erm - extra, aren't we?', Lord Erskine started, in jest, though he wasn't far wrong. Many of the warriors speaking as part of the Grand Assembly possessed either great violence, great power or both, a testament to the calibre of opposition the New Imperial Order could inflict at the drop of a hat. If any of the non-combatant elements had known even half of the deeds of their soldiering contemporaries, the Stormchaser was sure they'd be terrified of a fair majority of the warfighters they shared political duties with, though Barran also understood Onansi's point-of-view, realising in that moment that the time for warriors had once again come around. The lightning flash in his mind had all but confirmed that the New Order's true purpose had revealed itself, to win wars so great their likes would never be seen again, and to herald a new golden era for the New Imperial cause. Turning back to Onansi with a look that only another warrior would know, the Lord-Commander of the Blue-Hearts would smirk kindly and continue,'I understand and agree with your position, especially now we're on the cusp of something truly historic. Something I'm sure you'll understand all too well, as will the right-honourable speaker from Prefsbelt IV, am I right?'

Pausing for effect, the Stormchaser scanned the room to see if anyone else was in the know, to which a curious silence was offered in reply; the Brigadier-General didn't mind, as the questions on the matter of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were still very much hanging in the air in anticipation of much-needed answers, but the answer seemed irritatingly obvious to Lord Erskine, especially after watching a recording of Rausgeber's most recent address to both Prefsbelt Command and the people of Prefsbelt IV. It was time to instil some much-needed urgency into the occasion, and the Woad was all too happy to oblige the others when he remarked,'I know it helps to know what we're dealing with, but more oft than not , we're not usually afforded such luxuries. So what I suggest is that the right-honourable assembly focus on strengthening our own forces as much as possible. We're on the cusp of the greatest conflicts this galaxy will ever know, not only in the excellence of the forces who engage in them, but in the sheer scale of violence we'll encounter throughout.... We prepare, not for another fight like the Third Imperial Civil War, but we prepare for the greatest - and the last - of their kind.'

'Well, to sum it all up before I,"sIt mAsElF bAcK DoUn.", after the Sith Empire - all of our next battles will be bigger, wilder and ultimately more destructive than ever before.... An' I believe it's time we all act accordingly.'

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"I am here, after much protest from my aide," he said in response to Onansi's rhetorical query about where he was. They had held him on Ketaris under extreme security in the days that followed Muunilinst. And with good cause, it happened, as a member of the Assembly was murdered soon thereafter. Enlil did not live in fear for his life, however. He wanted to be there, in the line of fire. He wanted to do the job he was intended to.

It gave him much needed rest, but still more anxiety. This conversation was one he had much time to consider, and it came much sooner than expected, but he leveraged his arrival to make his thoughts known. "Ever have I stood in staunch opposition to the destruction of entire civilizations. Erasing a world is not a unilateral response to opposition, Moff...?" He stopped and considered the man for a moment. The Grand Vizier's position required him to remain apprised of people who held offices and power within the Imperium, and he did not know this man. It was clear his holding had interfered with his ability to perform his duties. "I apologize, I do not know you, but this is neither the place nor time for introductions. As a member of this Assembly, your opinion is noted, but disparaging commentary on the nature of the Thyrsians will avail you naught in swaying Onansi. I have learned this myself the difficult way, and I pray you find wisdom in my mistake."

He folded his hands and bowed respectfully to the members of the Assembly before moving swiftly toward his seat. On his way past the Thyrsian, he gave a curt yet respectful nod but said nothing else.

As he took his seat, he placed his hands on the cold, austere surface. "Again, we have beaten back the Sith," he said, "but in doing so, we have exposed the ugly truth about ourselves. In my report, I recounted the situation on Muunilinst on detail, but I fear that report did not leave the COMPNOR offices. Allow me briefly to bring forward a matter that must needs be addressed before we begin to worry about world eating weapons, something that eats at our Empire from within.


The man's name was a somber, soft word on the King's lips as he recalled the lessons that the aging Imperial had taught him in life, and in his death. "Harssk was poised on Muunilinst to enact a sanitation protocol."

He folded his hands and closed his eyes. "Harssk is dead," he said, "but I do not believe that his beliefs died with him. While we bicker about the enemy on the horizon, our eyes are blinded to enemies at home.

It is past time that we address the differences in this room, and in our space. I will not stand idly and watch as people with the selfsame ideals that we toiled and bled to be rid of take root and bloom in our midst. Felist, Tarkinist, Pellaeonist- none of these words matter to me.

Are you Imperial, or are you here for your own reasons? That is the question I ask all of you now. Let us seek our answers together, or failing that, excise the weakness that threatens stability."

He looked Tavlar directly in the eyes.

"They may try to kill me," he said in a measured voice, "but if my death brings unity to this New Imperial Order, my life is gladly forfeit."

The Grand Imperial Assembly: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus
Willan Tal Willan Tal Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Halketh Halketh
Arjant Clevenger Mithrad Mithrad Julius Haskler Julius Haskler DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran




BYOO | Raijan Sol Raijan Sol
The scanners lingered back long at the moldy, pizza box that remained among the corpses; readings indicated a power level beyond imagination. An anomaly, he reckoned at first, then concluded it was merely a glitch. The spectre couldn't help but feel a tense sensation run down his spine as they abandoned the box behind. It was foolish to underestimate the Sith.

Silence accompanied the duo's ride over the ridge, only the soft hum of speeder engines dared to interrupt it in its soothing tune. The thicket ahead dwindled to reveal a large beam of energy channeled into the darkening skies above. Much like the ritual they had cleared minutes earlier, a group of cloaked figures chanted spells through wicked tongues and wrinkled fingertips. Varian's force scanner was of barely any use and Darth Machus' blueprints from Dantooine had been drained of all the intel they carried.

Apocalypse rode on the flip of a coin.

"Not any different from the other ritual." Avenger remarked with a scowl as they skidded to a halt on the ridge's edge overlooking the ritual below. A stun carbine materialized from his black cloak into his hands. "Go."

'Might the right-honourable speaker from Ketaris lend me his ear, for just one moment?'

All eyes turned around to Erskine again, once more going against assurances that he would behave himself in the presence of the Grand Assembly, but seeing Enlil again, (almost behaving like his actions didn't negatively impact one party in particular) was drudging up grievances he was previously all but certain had been repressed properly. The Woad could feel the tensions flaring between Felism and Tarkinism more often by the time 866 ABY had passed, but Barran wasn't willing to give up on his attempt to reconcile both ideologies, and wasn't willing to give up on the notion that it could still be achieved before the end of his political career. This hope was always visible to the likes of Enlil, and the Lord-Commander of Blue-Heart Brigade decided to lean into that as he continued, whispering,'Do you have any idea how much danger you're in, Milord? Word to the wise, it's not the presence that endangers your life here.... This really isn't optically sound at the moment. If ye want ti succeed, keep yer cards a little closer t'yer chest at least.', once the Grand-Vizier was close enough to humour it.

From there, Erskine offered a fist-over-heart salute and nodded courteously, turning back to the rest of the Assembly to say,'An' besides, this is not what we gathered here to discuss. There's bigger fish to fry after all, some last opposing elements in the empire's next rise to prominence.', in his usual Woadish drawl. With all eyes firmly on the Brigadier-General, Erskine smirked as he said what was on all the minds of those present, booming in volume so there would be no mistake as to what was said when he exclaimed,'An' not just the Brotherhood of the Maw either, we'll also have the entire Confederacy of Independent Systems to face off against! Friends of the Sith deserve no place in this galaxy, an' the CIS are no exception!'

The lightning arced back to him and he stumbled back, the power of the Dark Side suddenly turned on him. He roared out in pain, yet the pain was simply more fuel on the fire. The lightning intensified with each passing moment -- so did his pain. Pain was the path to power. Pain only led to more pain.

It tore at his hand, tearing off the metal paneling and burning the stump that was connected to the cybernetic. No, no, he just needed to direct it -- his hate and pain and suffering could be pushed on another. This Knight, ever steadfast, ever irritating stood before him, attempting to define him. Who gave him the right? It was Xeykard who controlled himself. Controlled... no. Direct it.

"RAAAAAAAAAGHUGHGHGH!" His saber turned off as he grabbed his left arm, trying to keep the stream of power directed at the Knight. He felt almost like a conduit, corrupted further with every second; he felt consumed by the power he tried to wield, yet his hate and pain stole any attempt to change his course.




'Wharr are we gawn, Milord? It's still a wee bit strange efter that Shadow Dome incident Scott telt us aboot-'

'We're gawn just beyond the site o' the Shadow Dome, Scott an' Ginge are in the know an' will not follow.', the Lord-Commander of the Wildcats replied to the young commander of AFV One, taking note of his merit proven by that point as the trees of Generis' hellish jungle whipped by them on the skeletal southward trail. The horizon above the treeline was lit in a myriad of troubling hues that had every Wildcat on the ground in a heightened state of alertness, and to top it all off, there was no interference permitted in any of the other operations on Generis that day, something in particular that troubled the Tuaths under Gowrie's command. The only promise that kept them all from complaining was the fact Lord Aron promised they wouldn't be deployed there for anything longer than two hours, and that they would be avoiding all the greatest threats to their survival in the attempt to reach the Shadow Dome's southern approach, but alas, one particular surprise awaited them regardless of their poise.

'Got suhin ye wanty say t'me, Tuath? Ah'm deid an' buried, an' yet here you are - reminiscin' when there's work t'be done.'

Davidson's entire crew would react with their own fearful variants of rage before they noted who was sitting in the seat under the left-facing viewports, though still keeping rifles shouldered and facing on him when they realized who it was, one the crew had been told much and more about in their training at the Imperial Academy; some would even ignore their trigger-discipline entirely until the Kellas stepped forward and gestured for them to lower their weapons, knowing the face better than all present to witness it. It was none other than Commoner-Captain Bruenn McHugh, Shugg in full spectral form, visible to all as if he were mirroring his former, corporeal self, in all things but the bright red glow in his irises. Unknowingly granting the Lord-Colonel his wish to see the Woad-born mentor who defined him one last time, but not in the way that Lord Aron would expect, and Shugg did not look happy with the fact Gowrie was there on Generis.

'The Sith Empire is-'

'Pan-breid an' buried, ah know an' don't care, Aron. Send yer subordinates on a mile-round perimeter sweep, ah don't want these new faces hearin' even half o' this..... That means,"EVERYBODY OUT!", crewmen!', McHugh interjected, understanding that Lord Aron didn't have much time to talk before leaving again, and not really giving much of a damn on the matter of the Sith Empire in his afterlife. As soon as the door was slid shut behind the last of the men operating Davidson's AFV, however, his dark exterior softened slightly, as did his facial expression, eventually winding back into a smirk before remarking,'It's good to see ye, Aron. Good seeing you're moving up Free-State ladder, though yer eyes are tellin' me stories. Dark tales are they, tales of the sort I silently disapproved in life.' , with a concerned sincerity the Kellas found himself sighing at in a dejected response to the seemingly-needless worries on the matter.

'Then you'll know what my torture victim revealed about himself in the process of talking, and that he more than deserved what I inflicted on him. Enough on the matter! Tell me what you came here to say, Shugg.'


Arjant Clevenger



STARRING | WARLORDS/MOFFS | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Willan Tal Willan Tal | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Halketh Halketh | Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus | Mithrad Mithrad | Enlil Enlil

Just about to retort back to the Thyrsian did the King of Ketaris and Grand Vizier of the Empire rush into the Assembly, many expected him to stay safely at his residence after the death of a prominent Moff that helped to found the New Order. Prominent indeed, yet their ideals did not align with Imperials such as Arjant. He was effectively silenced through one of COMPNOR's instruments, though it was blamed on Sith Assassins through the media.

It seemed that body count of domestic political rivals would grow with how this Assembly was moving.

"Grand Vizier, a pleasure to have you among us," friendly greetings to Enlil, though his presence was a disturbance after opposing the ideas of creating a superweapon.

"No one is out to kill you for your own interpretations of Imperialism, Grand Vizier," so long as he didn't continue being an obstacle in his way. "In fact, we've all commended on the order and security you've maintained on Ketaris, but I'm afraid there are other pressing matters to discuss other than our personal ideals."

his eyes glancing everyone before having them back on the Thyrsian, "one's experience in battle is not a true qualification to this debate. This is not a gathering of men making their opinions having more merit than other by the number of battles fought in. We are modern men."

Rustic savage

"Your predecessor laid waste to the Echani with fewer numbers, but compensate with their experience and exotic technology. Even if the Echani grew fat from their luxuries they outnumbered Amon's forces. An entire nation against a band of mercenaries; I wonder if it wasn't for the equipment Amon had would the Thyrsians be free men despite their experience in combat,"
another subtle jab at Onansi.

"I continue to believe that the construction of a grand weapon will be an excellent method to counter the rising threats of the Maw and help limit the number of Imperial casualties. Wouldn't you agree, General Barran?"

Djonas' upper lip curled upwards, practically in disgust at the frothing Sith before him. Even in the face of his own destruction, through his own actions, he continued. His own needed power to match the power need not be greater, he knew, as the deflecting barrier of the Force shoved the forks of lightning to the temple he climbed closer to, scorching and burning across the stonework. Heralding his steps as it marked the ground ahead of him and to the Sith, who was both the target and the source.

Reeking. he thought, grimacing at the continued smell of burnt flesh.

A final step brought him closer to the proximity of the Sith, his foot flattening on the ground caused him to shift his weight, abruptly swaying out of the stream of lightning and flicking his saber up the instant the weight of the lightning left in an attempt to catch the Barabel off guards. The silver beam flew upwards, flying up in an attempt to sever the Barabel's extended left arm at the elbow.

Into the sky arced up a light straight to the sky. If his vision was not failing him, then he was certain it was directly the cause of the manifestation in the system. Humming quietly to himself, he looked out to the new group of Sith that they descended upon. More black clad, pale skinned and deformed aliens. They hadn't even the decency conceal their blinding features.

Disembarking from the bike, Raijan's gaze shot up to Varian, brow arcing questioningly as his lips curved into an amused smirk.

"Go?" He says, eyeing the carbine in the mans hands, the blaster switch set to the stun. And then shooting his gaze back up to eye Varian.

"I'm not going anywhere with anyone using a handicap."

Cathryn Stellaris




Relevant Chars: Chelenne Akaris Chelenne Akaris Djonas Val Djonas Val Saaveina Saaveina Xeykard Xeykard Urzonith



From the south side of the blasted temple Ember team approached in earnest. They'd been held back until the initial wave could punch a hole through the outer defensive line and then let off the leash like rabid starved hounds after a single bantha. The Sith Engineers were their main target. Most notably the execution of said engineers and whatever data they could recover about this Superweapon.

The steel feet of her AT-RT beat the brush and earth into dust beneath her. Alongside the newly minted ISF Commander Ember Two Two was also on the move, gloves wrapped tight around the handles of his own AT-RT. Up ahead her motion sensors detected movement. She held up a single fist, halting the small two man strike team and then popped her helmet.

Ember 22 glanced over and grunted.

"What is it now?"

She grinned, puling a pack of smokes' from her pocket.

"Sight in on the perimeter, get a read on the situation."

A single match lit her smoke and she puffed deep, releasing a noxious blue cloud. Overhead the winds screamed like banshees and thunder crackled like booming mortars across the sky. She could hear the shrill shrieks of artillery shells and feel the vibration of their impact in her bones as the nicotine surged into her veins like rolling napalm.

Ember 22 dropped his binocs and snickered.

"Two tangos with a crew served emplacement. After that its just nerf herding militia. Counted five with carbines, no technicals.."

She snubbed the smoke into the rusted steel plating of the beat AT-RT.

"Sounds good. My reports indicate our allied forces are on the northern end of the compound, GPS puts us at the southern point."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Ember 22 asked.

She sneered.

"Duh, open the line, time for a gun run."

Both gloved hands gripped her helmet and rammed it back into the seal. The visor lit with a garish red hue, calculating distance and trajectory linked to the autocannon on the belly of her walker.

"East west, no mistakes."

"Copy all."

"We move on your go. Let me know when it's set up."

She reached down to her pack and ripped her TL-50 repeater free just in case.

You can never have too many layers of offense....




Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus | Arjant Clevenger | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler |
| Willan Tal Willan Tal | Halketh Halketh | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Enlil Enlil |

As Moff Clevenger spoke somewhat disparagingly of the Thyrsian, the Imperial Secretariat rested his elbow against the table, pressing index and major against his slightly sunken temple as he listened somewhat sardonically, although his facial expression remained stone cold. And so it would have seemed that even the Imperial Assembly was not free of the warm blood and confrontational nature of men eager to prove their dominance. The Chiss merely observed the exchange, having contributed his primary opinion, as well as his perception of what both sides seemed to bring to the table.

As Clevenger turned his head towards his direction, speaking his apparent, barely masked disappointment in the opinion of the bureaucrat, Rodam'ithra'dovor replied with a light, placid shrug of his shoulders, pressing his thumb below his sharp chin as to support the rest of his head, alongside his two other fingers. Mithrad's crimson, amber-tinged eyes sustained the Moff's own gaze for a moment.

"Not every problem needs to be approached with the subtlety of a Felucian Rancor. Leave the theatrics to the Sith barbarians. His Majesty's regime should lead by example, not bring itself down to the same lows as the Maw despoilers."

Mithrad's hand left the side of his head as he straightened up, bringing both of his slender palms against one another, fingers extended, resting down upon the spotless table, but not before adjusting his dark blue tie and the imperial pin that crossed it. Such metal tie pin bore the golden and black undertones of the Felist sigil, subtly announcing the man's relative alignment. The Secretary sighed gently, clearing his throat before speaking again.

"There is a proverb that goes "the pen is mightier then the sword". Such is untrue, however. Pens do not do battle, nor swords commit to poetry. Mighty, however, is the hand that knows when to pick up the pen, or raise the sword. That, I believe, is the crux of the issue- not whether or not the possession of a World Destroyer will be an asset to the Empire, but rather if it is the most beneficial solution to our current ailments."

"At any rate, I must voice that I am in agreement with Lord Barran. We must focus on strengthening our forces, whilst simultaneously displaying the superiority of the New Imperial Initiative to the rest of the galaxy. If we do so, the Sith Empire will become but a landmark in our shared history."

Having spoken, the businesslike Chiss slid back into his chair, resting against the tall backrest. As Onansi of Thyrsus peered in his direction as he spoke of Echani, Thyrsians and the recent, still-painful experiences of the Chiss, the Imperial Secretariat briefly closed his eyes, offering a nod of acknowledgement to the Warlord's words. The cataclysm at Csilla wasn't an experience the man or his kindred were going to forget anytime soon.

Mithrad's silent attention would soon, however, turn towards the situation surrounding the recently-arrived Grand Vizier, quirking a faint, black brow as there was soon talk of assassinations and plottings. He did not speak on the matter, however, merely observing with restrained curiosity.

With Enlil's arrival, he gave a slow bob of his head in greeting. Their past encounters they had almost always clashed against each other. It was only in their last meetings where they seemed to adopt the same stance, in regards to the approach of the Siler Concord, and the reinforcements of their worlds in the face of potential incursion from approaching Bryn'adul. However, with the efforts of the Force Corps at Sev Tok, reports suggested that the Bryn'adul advancement had all but halted since their last attack. Still, he greeted Enlil with a rather pleased nod, despite the lack of shifting facial features.

Onansi's dark eyes found the Galidraani General, he sought to bring attention to the preparations of war with.... His eyes rolled. Any of the Confederacy Forces he had come across were rather lackluster. Cut down in swathes with little to no casualties, there was no glory to be gained. No names to be written down in the annals of history for ridding the Galaxy of the Confederacy. Large they were, it'd prove a bigger challenge to mind ones own garden or farm.

And then Arjant rose up for more.

The earlier bout had left him heated, and the time filled with the Grand Vizier's breath and that of the Galidraani was enough to allow his mind to be drawn from the ignorant hologram. Onansi's attention didn't seem to be drawn to the Jaemus Warlord as soon as he begun speaking, instead making a pointed effort of ignoring him as he seemed to search for for something, or someones in the Assembly.

"Hm," he says, before swinging his gaze back around to Arjant. "Ah, my mistake Warlord... What was it again?" Waving a dismissive hand. "It matters not. Perhaps you'd find more agreement in a kitchen, or the archivists that study, rather than participate in the events of history. Theorizing the events of the past with impossible to measure hypotheses brings me no gain." Besides, Onansi was familiar with the events they spoke. He had been there, he had fought.

There was some merit to the mans words, but some Warlord with a predilection to espousing what the Assembly should do, instead of taking an active hand in support of the Order, was not a man that Onansi was certain to listen to.

"Regardless, turn your gaze from the Southern Systems, General," Onansi said to Barran. "I have heard your men have fought supposedly powerful dark siders and still live to this day. It'd be an insult to them, and to you, to charge them with another foe, especially one that employs droids for a combat force. Look to the Gaalctic East and West, those are where your eyes should lay."

"And yet this subject still remains. What is the cause for such a World Destroyer? How long would it take to produce such a weapon? How many worlds could the Imperial Armada destroy on its own before a superweapon has been designed, parts requisitioned, and construction beginning and ending?

I forgive certain members of the Assembly for their lack of knowledge on the abilities of a battleship,"
blinking noticeably in the direction of Jaemus' voice. "Yet, it is the reason for this Order's existence to recognize why we have not created one.

We are in the final days of a War for survival against the longest standing Sith Empire the Galaxy has known since the end of the Gulag Plague. We have liberated dozens of worlds from the grasp of the Sith. We have seen the destructive capabilities of the fickle Crimson Shadow when they rain destruction down on their own people. And yet, we share such an ability as well. It is only the matter of why, and how... A debate, we can all recognize, that did not end well for Commissioner Harrsk,"
Nodding once more in the direction of Enlil, he raised an arm to Mithrad to point him out.

"Such a superweapon will be a liability. The... Secretariat's earlier point, is right. It would be a detriment to our own alliances in creating one. One that would likely unite the galaxy against us again, this time on more than the one front we shared with the Sith."




BYOO | Raijan Sol Raijan Sol
"Then don't."

He dropped flat on the ground, spread his legs and adjusted the stun carbine's butt to his right shoulder. The HUD of his helmet interlinked with the carbine's scope, projecting its readings through the rangefinder. Six targets in a circle, spread into a distance of three meters each. The element of surprise was on his side but despite his skill he doubted it would carry him through all six targets. Should they notice his position, he'd fire a defibrillating gas canister from his wrist launcher - cover his movement and change his position.

It would've been easier if Raijan simply assaulted their position, too. No matter. The spectre had been used to working alone, or rather he'd been used to working involuntarily with Nighthawk. And she was way worse compared to Sol when it came to abiding to authority and orders.

The trigger was pulled and the first target fell flat on the ground; Varian's finger fired in quick succession after the others.


Enlil Enlil Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus Arjant Clevenger Mithrad Mithrad
Though Erskine was more polite about it, he understood the situation well enough to know that they had much better uses for their resources than going all out on superweapon expenditures, like forces or fleets devoted to the task of bringing down the superweapons of their enemies in particular. Though he had hoped for something of a more-understanding reaction from Onansi of Thyrsus, Lord Erskine grudged it not, as his Felist counterpart was right about the notion that Barran's forces would be better-spent elsewhere; not that they'd be the same forces after they made it to Galidraan, but that mattered little, and would matter even less by the time Tal had a full army at his disposal, proven as such in the Lord-Protector's intent to scrap the commonwealth-padding of their contingents' troop-numbers and vehicle crews alike. The fact every unit would come from Galidraan's inhabited worlds would show that no such need for colonial quality would ever really make itself present by then, from the North and South of the main home-world, to Galidraan Station and Galidraan III, the world of Woad, Highlander and Tuath clans in a state of ever-rising renown, even Galidraan IV's Carracks would be able to contribute in the grand scheme of Tal's design.

Each and every one of these newly-mobilised divisions would serve purposes that benefitted the triumphant NIO, but each and every one of these divisions would serve as replacements to the Brigades who paved the way for them, leaving the likes of the Fighting First and the Blue-Hearts in the past before these brigades had even disbanded from active duty. Whether these elements would choose to stay on as servicemen with the new replacements would be left to the hardened veterans themselves, as time was still proving that the hour still called for the old brigades, even if only for just a little longer. A flashback from the Victory Day celebrations on Bastion came flooding to the forefront of his mind, and Erskine could do nothing but laugh at the idea this vision of troops wishing to,"Set the standard", had given him, fortunately in a moment of silence between all the attending speakers, so the looks in his direction could tell that he was remembering something as opposed to laughing at Onansi, especially in putting his hands up in mirthful compliance.

'I have an idea.... Why don't I just bring along the right-honourable speakers from Jaemus an' Csilla to our deployment on Korriban? It's about time they saw what we're capable of achieving without such superweapon expenditures, wouldn't you say?'
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'Puttin' it simply, you're no done wae the Sith Empire just yet. Nor are your struggles wae the Maw, they're rebuilding the Sith fae the ground up, breakin' down whatever flees in their direction an' mouldin' them aw intae suhin' much darker than the Sith we faced off against afore.... Sith, but wae access ti the Netherworld, access you must shut - can ye understand what I'm tryin' t'say, Gowrie?'

Without missing a beat, not even showing a sign of pausing to dwell on the matter a little, Lord Aron responded,'You're answerin' aw mah prayers, Shugg. You're actually telling me exactly whit ah needed to hear since the war ended.', with the trademark toothy sneer of approval McHugh had appreciated when he made Gowrie his adjutant. Knowing on some subconscious level that the destruction of planets would attract the Mawlerites in most of his personal predictions, whether they were it's given architects or not, the Kellas could act in the assumption that his duel with the Mongrel could finally go ahead, finally assured of his chance after training constantly in Free-State HQ's sparring-yard in anticipation. Smiling more naturally, the Kellas turned back to his former mentor and continued,'Not only Mawlerites, marauders an' real Sith warriors... But-', with intensifying curiosity until he was interrupted by Shugg's harsh natural tone.

'-Aye, dinnae spoil it biht! There's much that must leave the imperator's lips as decree before you can even 'hink ae speakin' publicly aboot it.'

'So where next for Wildcat Battalion, sir?', Lord Aron asked in reply, to which a smirking silence was offered in reply. Bruenn would be leaving it to his aristocratic friend to figure out the answer for himself as AFV One's crewmen continued to sweep the area outside. Realizing the holdouts within the New Order's ring of death wouldn't have counted in this instance, Gowrie couldn't help but fret over which from the two planets in question would be the next place to strike, and even as McHugh wheezed and cackled like a witch watching stars clicking into alignment, the Tuath-born Colonel was still stuck between the choice of Korriban or Dromund Kaas. But then, remembering a little clue left in Shugg's answer, blurting out,'It's Korriban, isn't it?', in the realization that Hypergate Florrum was closer to the former.

'Aye, correct. An' without givin' any'hing away.... You'll know whit needs t'be done as soon as the Sith Empire's forlorn hope is snuffed oot, I presume?'

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Cathryn Stellaris




Relevant Chars: Chelenne Akaris Chelenne Akaris Chelenne Akaris Chelenne Akaris Djonas Val Djonas Val Djonas Val Djonas Val Saaveina Saaveina Saaveina Saaveina Xeykard Xeykard Xeykard Xeykard [IMG alt="Urzonith"][/IMG] Urzonith



"Close Air Support is set up."

She nodded, and snapped her repeater to the high ready. One hand held onto the handle of the AT-RT and the tiny walker surged forwards. She was careful not to exceed Ember 22 as he was point and knew exactly where the strike would come in. They closed the distance thundering and smashing through branches and bramble.

"Ember Two Three to Two One,"

"Read you."

"We are en route for close air support. Splash out in thirty seconds."


Ember 22 gave a palm wave. She let off the gas slowing down, visor still scanning the distance. Their squamates roared in from above perpendicular to their own path of travel. The shriek of TIE Defender Ion engines was like a shrill banshee as they dove, spiraled, and released their ordinance on the enemy line.

Plumes of ash and flame blossomed like sickly lotus flowers. Shrapnel rained down and peppered her armor like hail. She grunted from the overpressure of the proton torpedoes detonation.

"Chit that was close!"

"Sorry boss."


"Damage assessment?"

"Target destroyed."

No movement was spotted. She could see the craters still glowing amber orange where the missiles had impacted.

"Now's the time. Now or never," Ember 22 retorted.

"Let's do it."

Both walkers picked up speed, smashing the flagstones under their clawed feet. The whine of servos was met with the screams of dead and dying cultists and engineers on site. They were approaching the side of a blasted Ziggurat structure. Oily stones were peppered with pocks and carbon scoring. Enemy troopers poured out, militia with crappy blasters hailing them down with fire.

She opened up on her belly mounted rotary canon as they closed, ripping stones to chunks and obliterating bodies. A bolt of red hot laser fire bounced off her frontal armor, grazing her shoulder. Ember 22 opened up with his own AT-RT, flamer gushing forth rivers of superheated plasma. Bodies fell, burned and were rendered to charcoal. They had reached the entrance.....

"Dismounting cover me!"


She brought her AT-RT to halt as Ember 22 swooped down. A few stragglers came forth through the sea of flame and destroyed rubble. Cathryn quick as a hawk snapped her repeater to her shoulder and opened fire, nailing them dead center, sending their bodies flying. Ember 22 moved up to the breach, lobbing a grapefruit sized thermal detonator down into the hallway.

She seized the opportunity to swing up her leg and vaulted from the walker, choking up just behind him.

On the Northern end of the Temple complex she could her the NIO conventional forces assaulting the opposite battle lines. They were perfect distraction for Ember to infiltrate and assassinate like a scalpel lancing a tumor from flesh.

"Ember 21, 22, holding at breach, south side. 23, 24, land those things and get up here. We got a building to clear...."


Mithrad Mithrad | Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Arjant Clevenger | Enlil Enlil

Hardly a moment of respite. It was often said that conquering was easy, it was getting off the horse and ruling that was well and truly difficult. Tavlar would learn that today. For years past- he had the ever constant threat of the Sith Empire to hone the sights of the assembly toward. But now- that was a beast slain, a task done. In the end of the day, Irveric was a soldier- hardly a politician. Fortunately and unfortunately for him, the Sith Empire was hardly the sole threat to Galactic stability or the New Imperial Order itself.

And now, collectively, the assembly stood on the brink of making a decision that would decide the fate of billions. To tread the same path as the Galactic Empire past and consolidate its might and force into a doctrine centered around a weapon capable of planetary destruction. To some in the room- no doubt it was an attractive prospect- Csilla certainly proved that these machines of death and destruction could will the Galaxy to its knees. But so too could it rip apart the diplomatic ties it had built...and the New Empire itself- just as it was given the horizon.

Irveric spoke, as much as he preferred the statesmen to decide these matters. Empire was nothing without the spirit of its leader.

"It was the Stormtrooper Corps, the Navy, the Imperial Knights...that was what won us the war against the Sith Empire- a state far more capable in a wide projection of power across the Galaxy than this 'Maw'. However- what dangers the Maw does not possess in conventional threats it does in the ability it has to linger and strike from the shadows. That is the danger of the Sith that we and the rest of the Galaxy now face. The Sith have been forced from their time in the sun and now they linger in the shadows. Superweapons will do little to prevent this and may even lead to an epicenter of their sabotage. A project of that scale and compartmentalization will lead to inevitable infiltration by the Sith. It is best to keep our power decentralized as it is." Irveric suggested.

"Not only would it be a detriment to our relations but it ultimately...would make us more vulnerable. In its stead- we need to adapt our doctrine and military to combat this new enemy. Our opposition is not along the front with the Sith Empire now- it lurks outside our borders and truly...everywhere. I will not allow our Empire to be split within...but there will be investigation made into the matters of those who seek to divide and sabotage our New Order. I care not what your aim is but ultimately- our unity and stability is of the upmost priority if we are going to maintain the advantage over our enemies. Advancing your personal aims over the aims of our Empire will lead to you losing your power with upmost haste. We are a turning point from which we can be the dominant power in the Galaxy...but we can not allow ourselves to be strewn by these meager debates." Irveric stated.


Grand Assembly Speakers: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Enlil Enlil Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus
Arjant Clevenger Mithrad Mithrad


Ne'er a truer word said, especially in the Woad's astute estimation, as the debates were bringing Lord Erskine to invite the non-combatant speakers to Korriban to make a point before the timely arrival (and the opening statements) of the Imperator blessedly wound back the momentum of the debate, as both the Lord-Commander and his Blue-Hearts would be needed elsewhere at the time of Korriban's destruction anyway. There would be opportunities to invite fellow politicians on deployment with the Free-State of Galidraan soon enough, but there was still a few matters to attend to before Barran could even dream of entertaining such thoughts realistically, and whether these thoughts were perceived lesser or not, for those matters the Stormchaser would have gladly put any of his big ideas on hold. Offering a fist-over-heart salute to the man who inadvertently saved his life in the Second Battle of Ziost, and with little more than a timely comm-link message, Lord Erskine would offer his respects to Irveric Tavlar before responding,'I would first extend my thanks to the right-honourable Imperator before continuing, and I'll be the first to admit a few of us had hoped he would accord with our disapproval of the superweapon idea.'

'I never once portrayed myself an arbiter of peace, only an engine of order in and of itself. Peace, in my mind, isn't a goal one sets for one's people, but a resulting reward for obtaining victory by goals more realistic than pure symbioses. And yet, even I find myself stepping back from the light when I catch myself entertaining the thought.... Ziost 2 was actual Hell, but no orbital bombardment on my position, no matter how strong, could ever justify me allowing such a project to get the green light for development.'

'We've fought too hard, we've grown too competent as soldiers to weaken our own prestige like that.'
, the Brigadier-General continued, scanning his eyes across the room to the Felists in particular to gauge their reaction, then to Mithrad and Arjant Clevenger with the same narrow-eyed scrutiny. The original issue was swinging heavily against building a superweapon, and everyone knew it, but what Lord Erskine would propose would maybe serve to blur the lines drawn between the polarized Grand Assembly attendees, but only if it was approved by all six as a viably cost-effective alternative. Clearing his throat for the closing statement, Barran inhaled deep before concluding,'So why don't we just focus on beefing up and improving the elements that do work, and are known by all to do the job in every deployment? Our fleeters would probably love upgrades, our Legions and armoured brigades thrive on them, and the overall array the New Order offers - is, in fact, the best in the Galaxy.... So let's make the New Order's offensive array into something resembling the best - ever!', before sitting back down again, letting the others respond to the proposal as each of the attendees saw fit.



'Good, 'cause ye dinnae want any o' that madness spillin' oot. Trust me on that, in mah time oan the other side - the entities ah've seen would freeze the worst o' the Sith in their tracks.... Keep them oan the other side, even if it means sacrificing every man you have ti succeed in this endeavour, UNDERSTAND?!?!?!? Keep - the Netherworld - on the other side! Believe me when ah say that worse fates than death await your men if you fail! Much worse!'

'An' you think they plan to make their push from the Florrum gate?', the Tuath asked in reply, curious as to what the spirit of his mentor had seen to be so sure that someone from the Netherworld would attempt to spill out into the Galaxy from the Florrum Hypergate. With no verbalized or guessed plans of attack for such threats, Gowrie could only guess by then that the NIO would rather destroy whatever portals lay within their growing sphere of influence, as controlling or garrisoning either side of the portal didn't even remotely align with the supreme order the New Imperials represented; even with all the other potential factors of discovery taken into account, Gowrie could see no reason why the Lords and Moffs of the New Order would even entertain the thought of allowing such threats to stand unchallenged within their borders, making it seem to matter very little which gate within Tavlar's borders would be opened from the other side.

'Florrum an' just aboot every other Hypergate the Galaxy knows of. If they're gawnty spill oot, they'll be spillin' oot every last wan restin' this side o' the Tingel Arm.'

Troubled by the sheer scale implied, Gowrie knew what such a statement could've meant for the Galaxy's future if left unchecked, and if none were wise enough to urge for early action, it looked like the NIO would be the only ones left to contest such hopeless odds. As strong as their armies and fleets had become, the destruction would be all too difficult for either side to recover from, but the Kellas knew that strategy, (unshackled by the constraints of conventional Galactic warfare) could do infinitely more for the New Order than Shugg was considering. Taking mild issue with this, the Lord-Colonel snarled in response as he replied disdainfully,'Forgettin' wan small detail, Shugg. We dinnae need the rulebook if the Netherworld's denizens dinnae belong anywharr in this Galaxy, an' naebody else in the Galaxy wull either.... Demons fae the other side, aye? Sound, mate! The gloves are aff then, an' the Wildcats get t'dance wae the dead without moral misgivings - whit's no t'love aboot that, mate?'

Arjant Clevenger



STARRING | WARLORDS/MOFFS | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Willan Tal Willan Tal | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Halketh Halketh | Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus | Mithrad Mithrad | Enlil Enlil

Didn't look like everyone endorsed the idea of creating a superweapon to bring planets to its knees. Did Clevenger have other ideas to use it for? He did, yes; and he certainly did have other plots to unfold his own machinations that he believed would benefit the Order.

He did have one other card up his sleeve that would, hopefully, gather the interest of those in the Assembly.

"A superweapon has its flaws and strengths, I do recognize that; however, it would be of great use in certain scenarios."

"I speak in regards to systems dominated by the Dark Side of the Force that have been perverted by the Sith and their disdained followers. Systems such as Korriban, Ziost, Dromud Kaas, and others of its kind. These systems are a plague to the Galaxy and it is where the Sith are drawn to, to start their empires. It would be unwise to leave these systems as they are and not bring it to shambles. Why should we conquer these worlds and sacrifice more Imperials in the effort when we can rid of them once and for all, and save our Empire from the enemy resurging again."



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