[member="Ordo"] @Turin Val @Kur Jaden @Taacyn [member="Kable Detta"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Kad Tor"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Ralize Darkfeather"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Marrik Aloxum"]
From no where, and everywhere all at once, a roar filled the air. But not from any man or beast, but from a falling frigate headed for the city. A Holo-recorder on the capital building captured the whole scene from re-entry to its collision in the manufacturing district. The recorder zoomed in and saw the shaping of a humanoid riding the ship to the ground....
Earlier that Day.... Aboard the Bastion Frigate
How's it going Frank?! Wazzup Charlie! My man Jorsk!! How's the little ones? Captain...Permission to come aboard, Sir?
Granted First Officer Dolan Netta [Clever don't you think

Welcome Aboard.
Thank you Sir, what's the plan for today?
Standard security Netta. Same squat different day.
Aye Sir...A smirk crawled across his face as he knew that today of all days would not be like any other. He knew Ordo's plan and he worked his way in the last three weeks, up to First officer on this ship, just from making the right friends and impressing the right people. He was working away with paperwork when his closed comm chirped with Ordo's signal. He turned to the Captain.
Please excuse me sir, I need to use the lavatory...Making his way to a storage closet he hacked and had been storing his gear in, he slipped inside and dawned his typical Mandalorian armor, Kath Hound, Charging Rhyno and a Beskad. The look on the faces of the crew...Aahhh...Priceless... Drawing a bead on the captain...
Please relinquish control of your vessel to me sir. Under order of the Manda'lor, I am taking your ship to allow for troops to land and occupy your lovely planet. If you would signal the evacuation order of the whole ship, that would save hundreds of lives and I would feel better not killing you all.
You traitor...How could you!!!
Like I said, by order of the Manda'lor. I am Mandalorian Born and Raised. Blood and Bone. Through and Through. Now, signal the evacuation Sir.
The crew ran for the hall and to the pods. But the captain stood defiantly in front of Nolan.
Who are you really?!?!
My name is Nolan Detta, One of two surviving members of Clan Detta of Mandalor. I'm the craziest Vod the Manda'lor has and volunteered to take this ship by myself, and am crazy enough to take it down if need, but I do not wish to sir.
How could I be so easily fooled? In any case. I cannot allow you to take this ship. He turned, signaled the evacuation then subsequently triggered the self-destruct.
I'm sorry sir, but you left me with no choice. Nolan ran to the console and did what he could to stabilize the ship, but was unable to override the self-destruct.
Frak....He checked and was assured that all crew had departed in escape pods, but what they had done, was jettison all the empty ones as well, leaving Nolan stranded on a crashing ship.
He ran to an airlock, located at the top of the ship. Opened it to see the Mandalorian fleet dropping out of hyperspace and the escape pods launching all over the ship. He mag-clamped to the hull and walked to an open space. He tried to disengaged the mag-boots but they malfunctioned and planted him there. The engines blew and sent the ship on a downward angle towards the surface of the planet. Struggling to get free, Nolan felt the shields flick on as a pulse of electricity flow through him. The nose glowed orange as it enetered the atmosphere. Nolan pulled out his Kath Hound and shot the mag-clamps off his boots. He waited until the shields were deactivated from overloaded heat. Moments before the ship made contact with the ground, Nolan set off a pair of grenades in tandem with his jetpack, propelling him like a round from a pistol. As Nolan came down towards the ground, he called out on his comms...