She'd been too stunned to reply to his declaration, finding a reply forming on her lips the moment after the comm line clicked off in her buy'ce. Ralize bit her lip sharply to get herself to focus back on the moment, and to keep returning fire from behind the open door of the speeder that was sheltering her. With [member="Briika Tor"] off to the side, [member="Kable Detta"] and [member="Kad Tor"] began their race forward.
A faint smile curled her lips as she tagged a particularly irksome guard in the shoulder, rendering his left hand - his primary gun wielding hand - useless. Briika was handling the near cover with incredible accuracy, giving Ralize enough time to swap out the blaster attachment for her favorite, the sniper rifle. With the scope and the readings from her HUD, she started picking off the guards in the path the men were taking towards their targets.
It would have brought Ralize some form of satisfaction, had she not thought the loss of life was a waste. Then again, the bastards were shooting at the love of her life. She had no issue nailing the guards right between the eyes to keep Kad safe.
"On our way." she said in response, hopping into the speeder and waiting as Briika did the same. She sped off, the rifle in her lap, barely slowing down enough for Kable to leap in before she gunned the engine again.
The explosion was...impressive. The hypervelocity cannons came tumbling down, the ground beneath them bucking wildly as the underground shield generators and power stations joined in the cascade of destruction. A wall of flame and debris vented outward from the site of his set charges, the side of the structure buckling outward.
She stared in horror, and felt as if everything was moving in horribly slow motion. They weren't going to get there fast enough....they weren't...
The speeder screeched to a halt and she would later say she didn't realize what she was doing. Ralize vaulted over the door and began racing towards Kad as fast as she possibly could, unable to breath or even think as she watched him fall to the ground.
Her heart stopped.
She might have screamed, she might not have. She really didn't know, her focus was so narrowed. She felt the energy burst out of her outstretched hands, a shimmering wall of bright emerald green forming around his prone form. Beskar clad knees hit the dirt as she willed the damn wall to withstand the flames and the debris pounding at it like a predator trying to reach its prey. Blood trickled from her nose and the edges of her vision darkened as she felt the energy rushing out of her far too fast.
All she could hope was that it held out long enough.