Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystal Harvest [Horde Dominion of Aurum]

Break watched as the rest of his comrades threw torches into the woods. He chuckled as he watched the primitives use their tools.

Break slowly began charging a plasma shot and fired it into the forrest. Setting everything in its path ablaze a single shot would annihilate miles of the wooded area and not much to stop it once it reached its peak.

"My @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] , I have EXCELLENT news...
Coming down from the heavens dozens of cruisers began to hover in the air above the ground. "Unleash the collectors, take this worlds organics." With a slight hum the sound of powering up machines could be heard by the cruisers. The job of collection would come now and the dragons were needed to advance the hordes war beast projects. "Let us go we need to set up base camp." As the cruisers settled down their cargo bays opened and shined red with hundreds of red eyes. Loading back up onto the transport dredge waited for his commanders to join him, while he waited he watched the forest ahead of him burn. The smoke was heavy and the occasional scream could be heard from it. It was beautiful to the Vong and he wanted to see this planet die more and more. But it was needed in his plans

"Lord Commander Break, hail the fleet and tell them to bring down a star destroyer and park it twenty kilometers from here. We will use it as a base of operations as we set up buildings, also tell me this news." He was in full command mode and he felt the surge of power flow through him from the Yammosk. God it was good to be king @[member="Incubus"] @[member="Break"]
Still dazed by the flash, he came to the Lord Dredge. Dare he speak of these images? Being chuckled at by the droid made no reaction from him. If he had been more free willed, he would have punched it in its face. Wait was that a free Will thought? He shook his head again, he was just phsycing himself out.
Break went into detail as he hailed the ship from orbit from is holopad working and talking at the same time

"I have been working on a small project of my own and these dragons will be the final ingredient to the mix. The GREATEST flying warbeasts we can ask for at the moment..."

Break smiled as he spoke and calculated the ship descending from on high the star destroyer in all its glory shone like new one of the personal favorites of Break

"And there is your ship, A drink prepared for you when you arrive."

@[member="Incubus"] @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
"Thank you Lord Commander, all this slaughter has left me quite parched." As the teams loaded up into the ship the busy transport was about to make its last stop for a while. From the command center they could get things rolling in setting up the factories and the colonies for the Graug. Lifting up into the air Dredge could see the star destroyer come down into orbit and make touch down to the surface a mile away. "Lord Commander, please tell me how your wife is? You both need to take a vacation, enjoy your married life for a few weeks before returning to us. Besides heirs will not breed themselves." He said almost in a joking manner at the end

As the ship flew closer and closer to the star destroyer the cruisers above head began to pour and pour collector droids. Thousands upon thousand blanketed the skies with their numbers as they began to rummage through the wilderness cutting down trees with their plasma tourches and grabbing as many of the local beasts and organics they could find. It was another grand sight to see the swarms of droids doing the bidding of the masters. "Incubus, you have been quiet. Are you well?" He asked the sith spawn as they continued over to the ship @[member="Break"] @[member="Incubus"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Shimmra watched as one of his troops went down the charged slug. The boy still squirmed in his hand clinging to his bleeding head.

<<Cover.>> Shimmra growled in Yuzhan Vong. <<return fire.>>

Shimmra felt his amphistaff move in anticipation but it wasn't time for that yet. Shimmra lifted his free hand toward the group in the distance and smiled. The fire spitter was a wonderfully dangerous creature that spat a flamming ball of biomatter and Shimmra had given the bones in his forearm for the the creature. With a tought he shot the flames into the trees and underbrush knowning all to well how hard it was to kill some of the galaxies denizens. He would however enjoy watching the forest burn around them as the collectors decended to claim the organics of this world. Shimmra checked his plasma eels and made sure all three were there. He also checked his Coufee as he himself took cover with his little bait human.

"Watch world burn together boy." Shimmra said in his broken basic from behind a tree as he watched for the advancing group. Soon they would be in thud bug range.
"Yes my Lord, I speak more then this?" He made a joke, wait a joke? What was happening here? He stepped next to his master, ready still to serve, no question about that. "What has become of the enemy presence?" He asked firmly again sounding about himself. Focus on the now. @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
"She is well, I will have to return to my hiatus when we return from this mission." Break smiled as he spoke to the @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] .
Break noticed the change in tone as Dredge finished his last sentence "89% probability of joke, REACTION: Laugh" Break smiled and laughed the idea of children would be nice if he knew he could produce them, however.... being a droid has its downfalls. Sterility being the worst.
Break took his position standing at dredges side as to protect him from any threats that may arise.

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"], @[member="Darth Vulcanus"], @[member="Shimmra Rapuung"]

Siobhan did in fact most assuredly not have a light side Force Signature. If anything her aura was probably more leaning towards the dark these days. This writer confesses to being uncertain just what exactly the neutral force-user tag means in relation to her, beyond her not following the Jedi or Sith force religion. Was there a grey side of the Force? As fascinating as this question was in all likelihood this battle would not be the time to debate it.

Regardless it appeared that within a short space of time the forest they were in had become far more inhabited. Vong troops were advancing upon their position, apparently with a prisoner in tow. The roar of engines had heralded the arrival of the dropships that were descending down upon the ruined village like a swarm, Grad decked out in Vong Crab Armour soon swarming out. Regarding their false light side signatures, obviously Siobhan, being the exact opposite of a great mentalist or in any way adept at illusions, she would obviously be fooled by them. However, the dark side emanted clearly from their Dark Lord in his Sith enhanted armour. Moreover, to be frank having a light side aura or not meant very little to her. She was not at all being racist against space orks. Actually she was probably, for xenophobia was one of her less appealing traits.

Her credo was terribly simply: Kill them all, Chaos shall know its own! One could probably not expect anything less from the Butcher the Bando Gora had decided to include in their pantheon as a Chaos Goddess.

"I'll hit the space orks, give me some cover," Siobhan said simply. She remained calm as fires began spreading through the forest, seeking to incinerate it and put it to the torch, probably also to burn the three intruders now that the Vong had learned of their presence. Jorus had THE shotgun and they had Jacobs, whom Siobhan had admittedly never seen in battle, but she had heard a great deal.

Advancing troops of Vong and space orks, dropships descending, all this meant a target rich environment and so she sank deeply into the Force as she focused upon those very dropships. As has often been said, forcers tended to come in two categories, as arbitrary and simplified as that might sound, namely those who shouted and those who listened to the ripples. Siobhan was quite clearly in the former category, her use of the Force was brutal, unrefined, destructive. In her grasp it became a bludgeon, a battering ram of power meant to crush and annihilate her enemies and thus was how she wielded it now, exerting her telekinetic will upon those dropships. In her force training Siobhan had pretty much sacrificed aptitude in anything that screamed subtle, stealthy or mental - no battle meditation, no aptitude for force stealth despite having learned the basics of masking her force presence, no mentalism beyond the basic mind trick - when one thought about it her duelling skills were also about average, for apex mastery of the telekinetic arts.

Specifically a specialisation in grabbing very, very heavy objects and throwing them as if they were toys. Zero-finesse, mass destruction telekinesis. As she focused her power the air currents started to twist strongly, a powerful swirling force being generated around the Graug dropships, a telekinetic whirlwind blossoming into a maelstorm of power as the air and gravity bent to her. Under the onslaught the nearby trees were twisted and some lurched strongly as they were shaken, piles of debris from the ruined village and temple were violently thrust upward. The onslaught was geared towards violently seizing several dropships in an powerful, unyielding grip, much like a gigantic invisible hand suddenly seizing control over them, and violently spinning them through the air with great force so that they should be flung through it before being smashed onto the ground and impact upon it with crushing force. The devastation should be...beautiful.

Doubtless this cost energy and concentration, ergo she would not be able to combat the Vong warriors at the same time, but THE shotgun was in play. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and temples. However, by now Siobhan had become very proficient at manipulating the Force to a point where, with enough will and force energy, size did not matter much to her. None of her throws would be particularly precise, for she did not do precision, but destructive and they were fuelled by her will to cause devastation, inflict retribution upon the Vong, the Graug, any of the abominations that were closing in on them.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

A dropship exploded into a volley of flames near the Dark Lord, sending a vortex of fire, smoke and ash coasting across the battlefield. Yes, this is what Vulcanus had hoped for from this battle when his ship first came into view above the planet. The destruction being left in Siobhan's wake had begun to emanating a scent of burning flesh and blood that had no trouble creeping up into Vulcanus's nose. The warlord of the Graug, former Dark Lord of the Sith and overall blight on the galaxy gave a long, grotesque snort of the air. One cannot be so certain of what entices a Graug to crave the taste and smells of blood, but I can tell you that it does not matter for when they got one taste of it they simply needed more. Siobhan was giving a Graug a cookie and now she was going to find out about the glass of her own blood that would need to follow.

Thundering through the thick black smoke that had begun to engulf the field of battle, Vulcanus drew his Sith sword from its place at his side and focused his single sulfuric eye on Siobhan. Vulcanus could tell instantaneously that this woman of neither the light nor dark was fighting in much the same way he fought; wild, destructive and untamed. This brought a wide smile to Krag's face, this was going to be a glorious battle. This woman was a powerful user of telepathic force abilities, using them to their complete apex. Krag, on the other hand, had honed his skills as a Pyromancer to its apex and could accomplish feats of the physical force in much the same way that the most powerful shapers of Kro Var once did.

Raising his foot in the air, Vulcanus stomped it on the ground before him. The resulting wave of force power shot through the ground and tore the earth asunder like an earthquake. As the shockwave moved toward Sibohan, magma began to burst from the cracks and into the air like a geyser from hell. If Sibohan were to be in the path of the shockwave when it passed below her feet, she would find herself standing over a crack in the ground beneath her right before a stream of magma shot up from it and fried her where she stood.

"Hello....lesser" Krag then purred
(I apologize if the last bit is hard to understand.)
For a moment, Dagon was confused.
Some of the young ones had died... that should not have died.
Fire and shrapnel existed where once a metal abomination had flown.

Dagon... Did not understand.
No weapon had struck the construct.
No beast at laid a claw upon it.
No force of nature, no wind nor gale had struck the craft.

Dagon did not know what had happened to the craft...
He watched.
He listened.

And then he felt it.
A tingle where there should be none.

<So this is the Force.> Dagon thought to himself.

His awareness connected to all of the Horde and most of their allies.
Dagon saw what they saw and heard what they heard.
Dagon spoke for them.
Dagon inspired them.
Dagon gave them knowledge that would save their lives.
Dagon also took knowledge.

Dagon also watched.
And Dagon learned.

@[member="Darth Vulcanus"], @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],
Sharing a small laugh with his men dredge was still in the process of moving to the star destroyer, watching and looking out into the distance Dredge saw the massive horde fleet touching down to the ground the swarms of droids flying throughout the skies picking up any living creature they could find. "Ah the Graug have come." He said looking out to see the ships he had gifted the king with. "I say they are interesting creatures are they no-" cutting himself off the loud explosions boomed in the distance from the drop ships exploding from the powers of the force user. Someone was on this planet, someone of power and they were clearly not friendly. "Keep us on path! Send the droids to see what's happening!" It wasn't really very stealthy of them to just start blowing things up it kind of screamed, hey we are here come kill us Dredge you know you want to. "Break Incubus! When we touch down take this ship over there and see what's happening! Now!" As the transport made its way to the drop zone outside the perched star destroyer Dredge hoped out alone and was quickly greeted by a few guards. "Take my personal escort and see what's going on!" They either had unwanted guests or perhaps some force users they had not killed yet.

Walking out he let the transport go as he began to command a few cruisers to close in at the site of the attack. Swarms and swarms of collector droids began to move their way to the site of the disturbance thousands upon thousands wanted to see exactly was going down. As for Dredge, he would set up shop and begin the setting up of things

@[member="Incubus"] @[member="Break"] @[member="Darth Vulcanus"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Dagon"]
@[member="Darth Vulcanus"], @[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

As had been clearly said Siobhan was using telekinesis not telepathy. Since she had no reason to try and talk to the Space Ork Lord the latter would have been thoroughly useless for her. Moreover, she did not have the talent for it. Telekinesis, by contrast, was the art of moving things with your mind, something she excelled at.

As for pyrokinesis, by now she was very familiar with it. Her dead lover and teacher, the Eldorai Jedi Knight Adril Tythorin - 'Jedi' used very loosely, as she had been just as much a bad one as Siobhan - had been a pyromancer, prone to creating firestorms. Or just incinerating pieces of paper when she was annoyed, which happened quite frequently! More seriously Siobhan had withstood the firestorms unleashed by the great dragon Jhaega in the meta-heavy matrix event thing and faced the great dragon whom the Bando Gora worshipped, beating their dark god with its own wings. Naturally that did not change the fact that getting consumed by a stream of magma would not just bloody hurt but probably result in getting fried. Siobhan would have fallen into a pit of lava after her telekinetic might had torn apart the Bando Gora city along with their Prophet Abaddon if Maelion Liates had not saved her.

She felt the ripples in the Force that heralded the powerful shockwave shooting towards her, of sufficient strength to rip and tear the earth asunder as if shaken by quakes. The master of telekinesis, called Mistress Earthshaker in certain, ahem, circles, was very familiar with force explosions, waves and the like, having a tendency to be concussively unkind to her opponents. As the wave came crashing towards and the ground was torn she stayed calm, focused, not a hint of fear emanating from her as she stretched out the open palm of her bionic hand, power coursing through it as she harnessed the Force.

Then she lashed out, unleashing a tidal wave of force energy that she sent crashing against the Graug's shockwave to smash into and override it. The ground was shaken by powerful tremors as the waves clashed, air currents shifted into strange shapes and trees were shaken in the wind, here and there a few smaller ones even keeled over, throwing up earth as she sent her wave shooting right towards the Dark Lord and the space orks. The power level being of sufficient strength to punch through the hull of a battleship and, as Siobhan liked to put it, 'make a door', as she had actually done on a number of occasions. All fuelled by her singular will to destruction, to send her opponents sprawling and crush them completely and utterly. Debris that was in the path of the force wave was gathered and sent flying through the air towards the space orks. The collision of force energy threatened to thrust her back though she braced and grounded herself, despite feeling a very sharp pain as it hit her, a feeling that something had been broken, like a rib or two, her breathing coming out more laboured though she held her ground.

Feeling a prickling in the Force, even as she sent the wave cascading back, she gathered the Force to strengthen her muscles and then leapt into the air, very, very high. It was not a moment too soon for a stream of magma shot out from a crack in the ground, evidently seeking to consume her, but she was shooting upward to greater heights as her telekinetic prowess propelled her. However, she did not emerge unscathed for the tip of the magma stream still managed to hit her, specifically her legs and she grit her teeth, biting down upon her tongue as she felt a searing, burning pain overtake her. As the heat surged through her and in sections her heavy armour began to melt under the pressure as the magma seemed to go through it like a hot knife through butter, though it kept her from getting her limbs burnt, she called upon the energies of the Force to wrap herself in its protective embrace. Where the plates of her armour covering her bionic leg were melted the synthflesh was burnt strongly to reveal the durasteel beneath, evidently damaging it and obviously impeding her mobility for when she would need to walk and her foot was badly scorched by burns, two mechanical toes melted altogether under the pressure. Her face was contorted with pain into an expression of rage, her bionic eye flashed.

With smoke coiling off her armour she shot up further into the sky. Force flight was a power she had been investing time and training in since her short term as Exarch of the Protectorate. Obviously it was rather energy intensive and in a way also made her a target, but by now she was capable of sustained flight. She felt a strong rage and rather than trying to suppress it let fuel her, along with her pain. In the eyes of Siobhan anger could be a weapon, if properly harnessed and unleashed at the right moment. Be the eye in the hurricane. Of course, it was quite possible - perhaps even likely - that this was hubris talking and that she was far closer to the darksiders she fought than she would like to admit, but this was not the time for debates about that.

Looking down upon the hordes that were arrayed against them, the dense forests she focused upon the Graug Dark Lord Vulcanus, exerting her will to manifest what amounted to a gigantic telekinetic hand, which enclosed around his throat. Siobhan poured energy into the motion in order to grip and crush it, choke the life out of him. With this gigantic telekinetic hand seeking to wrap itself around him, which would feel like durasteel docking clamps had suddenly grabbed him, she attemped to violently lift him from the ground and high into the air.

Then violently slam him back down against the burnt-out wreckage of a dropship with tremendous force...repeatedly.
Jungle. They were in a jungle. Spencer mused at the luck she had just come across. Standing there she focused on a skill she learned early in her apprenticeship from a woman that made quite an impression on poor Spencer. The plant witch Sirella, taught the young girl a very handy trick one that came in handy today. Spencer took a step back and focused every ounce of her mind on one thing.

The Jungle and every plant in it.

They wanted to come through the forest? Sure why not. Suddenly vines and trees began to thicken and run rampant, growing at a tremendous speed. The brush that laid against the ground grew thicker becoming almost netlike and engulfing anything that tried to pass. Vines wrapped themselves together threading through the jungle creating thick barriers in the jungle. As everything grew, they also grew in girth - making them thick and strong. Spencer continued to urge her entire power into the rapid growth to help buy them time and to net anyone or anything that had decided to trek through the forest.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]@[member="Shimmra Rapuung"]@[member="Jorus Merrill"]
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] could fly and throw dropships around. @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] could make a skanky Atrisian weak in the knees by vine-strangling a small army.

Jorus Quentin Merrill had a couple guns. No big deal.

Tenloss Ambassador revolvers barked in rapid succession, punching plasma-clad fifty-cal slugs through vonduun skerr kyrric, whether worn by Vong or the recently arrived Graug. Pinioned by Spencer's vines, whether or not the @Shimrra Rapuung was trying to burn things, the enemy started having troubles with Jorus' shiny new guns. There were, of course, always more enemies, but he kept close to Spencer, using autoloaders to keep his revolvers in play as fast as possible. The ground shook from Sio's duel with Vulcanus; Jorus kept his feet, but barely.

He squinted through the trees. Those Collector droids were on the ground now, with the Graug. And the Graug had blaster rifles. Jorus unslung his Mandalorian shell gun, cracked the breech, and put in a couple of shells marked with white. Fire one, pivot, fire two.

Electromagnetic pulse airbursts blanketed the Collectors at long range. With luck, the blasters might fry too.

@Supreme Commander Dredge @[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

This was...unexpected. The one that Krag had called his lesser, as he did to near everyone who wasn't a Graug, had countered his shockwave with a powerful burst of telekinetic energy of her own. Telepathy and Telekinesis were different things, but hey the word still got this writer's point across!

The former Dark Lord felt the ripples of the force smash against his body as the two shockwaves met and he had to brace himself to the ground to avoid being pushed over by the violent gusts of wind. Rocks and other shrapnel from the ground were sent flying in all directions, smashing into Graug warriors who were helpless to stop the massive pieces of earth from crushing them. Squeals of the helpless Graug filled the air as they were turned into little more than splatters of green across the ground, but Vulcanus just continued to watch as if the battle was beneath him. As the gusts of energy and air subsided, Vulcanus was once again starring dead at the woman who had apparently faced the powers of Pyrokinetics many times before. Krag was certainly no dragon, but pyromancy had been his calling ever since he began his training as a Sith Apprentice in the once great Empire. He honed his skills, focused on them until he perfected a technique that could be applied to most situations and even combined with force powers of multiple different branches.

Just as Vulcanus was about to unleash another fiery attack, the woman suddenly tightened her muscles and flung herself high into the air like some sort of organic rocket ship. The Dark Lord watched as she soared high into the air, high above where Krag could reach with his sword. With a sadistic grin, Vulcanus again smashed the ground with his foot and sent another pillar of boiling magma high into air in an attempt to hit his opponent. The pillar of fire was only partially successful as it was able to scorch through the armor and synflesh of Sibohan's legs, but failed to incapacitate her as Vulcanus had hoped it would. The beast snarled as he watched the armor smolder and the bionic legs of his opponent become exposed as she flew through the air like a superhero. He was about the prepare for another fiery strike against her when suddenly, the cold grip of a ghostly hand wrapped tightly around his neck. Vulcanus instantly through his hands up to his throat as he tried to choke another breath into his lungs, but to no avail.

Clawing at this throat, Vulcanus felt a sting of panic in his heart before he was levitated up into the air by the invisible hand conjured by Sibohan. He was shot high into the sky and then was violently cast back down from the heavens like a fallen angel. The wind whistled past his helmet and his bionic eye warned him just how close the ground was getting before he finally impacted hard. Dust and rock rubble shot upwards and Krag's body dug a crater into the ground that was fit enough to stick a speeder in. The force of the impact had raddled Vulcanus's head and he could feel one of his forward teeth coming loose and his nose didn't seem to be sitting quite right anymore. The beast growled, his mind starting to lose focus before the battle meditation of Dagon forced his mind to concentrate once again. What was he going to do? He needed to get out of this or we was going to be suffocated and crushed to death at the same time!

Before that question could be answered, Vulcanus found himself being shot back into the air by this opponent. This time, as the Dark Lord ascended the stairs to heaven once more, he eyed the ground for something - anything - he could use to his advantage. The mind of Dagon was telling him that the answer was right before his eyes, but his own mind felt so weak without any air flow. Then again, Vulcanus was kicked down the stairs he had just ascended and crashed right into the same crater, digging it further into the ground and kicking up a more ancient layer of rock. This time, Krag felt something pop in his knee and his nose was gushing blood down his face and he could taste it on his tongue. Then again, he was forced back up the stairs so that he could be kicked down. That's when his hand grazed over something on the surface of the planet, something brought back a memory from the fall of the Empire. When Vulcanus had proclaimed Korriban the new Sith capital, he had fought Tefka and used the superheated sands of Korriban to create glass that he cast at the direction of the force master.

Quickly Vulcanus began to focus his hate and anger on the sands, trying to make them flash heat with his mind...but it was becoming so hard to hard to think. Vulcanus focused on the sands harder as his world started to drift away and unconsciousness began to sink in. He needed air -soon-. As he was dragged higher and higher into the air, Vulcanus struggled to build up his hate and anger into usable energy. He was not going to die here!

Using a massive wave of his own darkside energy, Vulcanus sent ripples through the force that commanded the trillions of molecules located on the sandy ground to slam into one another and rub together at speeds that would spin a physicist's head. Just as Vulcanus had hoped, the ground below him turned into a boiling, blistering sea of heat and fire as the sand melted and fused together. The Dark Lord used what energy he could focus to then compress the sand in a dome of air and then flash cooled it by commanding the heat away from the boiling sands. The sand rapidly cooled and this time when Krag was slammed into the ground, it was into a surface of glass and rock. The dark lord felt slivers of his own create stick into his skin through gaps in his armor, but he ignored the pain and used the force to concentrate on the glassy surface he had created and shattered it into thousands of sharp points. Then, just as he felt the ghost hand ready to finish him off, he turned his body and thrust his hand toward Sibohan. The result was a furious burst of wind that kicked up the glass into a ragging storm of death that the Dark Lord quickly commanded in the direction of his opponent. The sharp daggers of glass came in wide varieties of sizes and from afar it would appear as though the planet had kicked up a sand storm of shredded windows.
Falling from the sky from the EMPs a could dozen of the machines fell and hit the ground hard, but that didn't seem to stop them much. There were thousands of the droids swarming on the position from just about every corner and angle of the force users. They had really picked the wrong avenue of approach when it came to fighting, blowing drop ships from the sky was not a way to stay incognito. The droids however were made to destroy organics who posed a threat to them, Sio and spencer who were safe but now that Jorus had the idea of attacking them he would be their target. As the forest rumbled swarms of the flying squids flowed and swarmed around them in a circular manner. Almost as if the group was in the eye of a tornado and the storm around them were droids poised to end the force user known as Jorus Merrill. However there was one issue, the collectors were designed to collect. So all organics would be processed and taken to the ships. As the sound of metal clanged around them the first strike was made

Dozens upon dozens of the droids flowed through the tunnel of their brothers and came down to the surface. Hitting the ground they began to take everything. Small animals, Vong troops, Gruag, everything was being collected by their metallic claws to be taken to the ships. They wouldn't be killed their purpose was to take them alive. However for Jorus he was not so lucky. As a few dozen came down attempting to snatch up Sio, spencer and Krag another seven decided it was better to kill the man known as Jorus rather than collect. Landing on various sides of him the droids cut down trees with their plasma torches to make room. Clanking and scuttle ring around the almost four meter talk droids began to throw their claws at him looking to crush him while the other droids above continued their cyclone above. @[member="Darth Vulcanus"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Dagon"]
Just as they toched down, Incuus followed Break, the enemy wa still here, and they would all die. Maybe he would stuff a head for the Lord Dredge.
Just as before the brain was in his head. Force users.

That would be fine, Incubus was used to killing them, tearing them apart, shredding them. Actually he was used go do that to everything. @[member="Break"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"]

An ambush became a useless idea as the 9 Corellian hells broke loose. Shimmra's writer had seen the inevitable surge of plant growth but Shimmra was taken by surprise. He sprayed fire onto two of his own troops and watched them run spreading the flames through the jungle before he pulled pulling a plasma eel from his waist and throwing it at Jorus and Spencers group. If it landed it would be like a thermal detonator going off near them and Shimmra would be soon to follow.
@[member="Darth Vulcanus"], @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"], @[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

For the sake of clarification, only one of Siobhan's legs was bionic. This writer is quite certain that at some point that will change because her getting maimed is tradition!

Regardless from afar Siobhan perceived that what to her appeared like a sand storm of shredded windows was shooting towards her at great speed, sharp daggers of glass in various sizes, difficult to track given the range from which they were coming as the dark lord conjured up a storm of death and glass shards. The speed at which they were shot through the sky made it more difficult to track them, perhaps she could have tried to counter the storm with one of her own, violently sought to push them and let them rain down upon the Dark Lord. Possible, perhaps also rather energy-intensive.

As it is when the hailstorm of shards came shooting towards her she shot up further into the sky to propel herself to higher altitudes. An invisible telekinetic shield manifested around her as the Force wrapped her in its protective cocoon. To be sure defensive powers were not and had never been Siobhan's forte, as most of her 'skill points', for want of a better term, had gone into offence. For a long time going on the offensive while taking ridiculous amounts of punishments along the way due to her lack of defensive skill had been her main method, as seen during her duel with the Whiphid Dark Lord Velok, whom this writer hopes will one day return, ideally as a Selkath. But while it still cost her more energy than she would like, she had improved, courtesy of a certain badass bookworm called Phylis Alince.

So as she concentrated the barrier formed as she was bombarded with a storm of very hot glass shards. The protective shield shimmered and flickered strongly as she was struck, and despite the energy being utilised it was not perfect. Through weak points shards penetrated and struck at her armour, burning strongly so that she bit down on her tongue to keep herself from crying out as the scalding heat struck her wher her armour had been penetrated, though thankfully it was thick. Obviously because she was focused on defending herself she was forced to release Vulcanus from her iron grip as she poured energy into maintaining the shield. Flying shards splashed against the flickering but holding shield, being deflected much like tennis balls by a tennis bat, though this writer is not sure whether that sport exists in this Galaxy. She felt a burning pain as a hot shard shore into her right cheek, burning a good deal off it and cutting straight into it, but against the onslaught she held. However, the powerful blast that had accompanied the onslaught of shards did thrust her violently back through the air before she spun and regained control.

As she held her position in the air, armour dented and burnt in places, exposed skin smelling like it had been nicely cooked like a good steak, her burnt right cheek particularly well-cooked and burnt where flesh had been pierced - maybe she should have done the sensible thing and worn a bloody helmet, but then Siobhan had a tendency of not doing sensible things out of vanity - she found herself suddenly grabbed by Collector droids that had come swooping down upon them. Doubtless they wanted to transport her to the Collector base where she would be turned into goo...and thus contribute to building a Human Reaper! Given the fact that Siobhan had been busy sustaining herself against the storm of glass, she had been caught off guard, but then droids could not be sensed in the Force anyway and the storm had blotted out most of the noise they might have made.

Seized by their claws and pulled to wherever they wanted to take her she was immobilised. Siobhan exploding. Power coursed through her as she released an omnidirectional force blast designed to slam into the droids closest to her and hopefully crush them as she dragged it through the air, the blast blossoming into a force explosion. At this close range, with her shield already dissipated, it would hurt her as well and so she was once more thrown through the air, the force energies released too overpowering, but she widened the blast, seeking to send the droids flying, make them crash into the ground and expand the shockwave such that it would hit the ground and strike the space orks, Vulcanus.

Her flesh hand, splattered with her own blood, was raised, palm open. Then there was lightning. Lightning everywhere. An onslaught powered by her rage as she fully let loose and unleashed it.

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