Dawn. Judah had been an early riser from his first weeks at the temple as a Padawan. Today the others joining him were on his schedule. Several padawans had yet to find their crystals, and Judah wanted to help facilitate their next step toward knighthood. He waited by the cave entrance, performing a set of katas that helped him with his meditation. Judah was never one to sit still for too long, even when he needed to be patient.
Twin sabers hung from Judah's belt. Most of his time waiting was remembering his crystal hunt. It had come after killing a krayt dragon. A dragon pearl made a silver blade, one Judah lost when...
He wiggled the fingers on his left hand. They had been lost with his saber. The Sith woman still had it along with his fingers in her posession as far as he knew. His hunt for the blades he carried now had been revealing. Today's would be for the padawans who arrived as well.
Until they arrived, Judah would meditate.