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Public Cultural Exchange [Vonnuvi]

Open to: Anyone who won't derail the thread
Before the Vonnuvi was even a dream, there was Pabu: a tropical island on a remote planet of the same name. It first formed as a haven for refugees from the Clone Wars, a purpose it maintained into the following Galactic Civil War. Pabu even maintained its own collection of rescued artifacts, not unlike the Vonnuvi's own museum.

It was through this connection that a natural rapport was formed. And why today, a herdship hovered over the small island. A chance for locals from both to meet, and partake in a cultural exchange of sorts: Various refugee groups from both the herdship and the island have prepared a sampling of their culture, be it food, music, art, or any number of expressions. The exchange would also take a more physical form, with the sharing and even trading of some artifacts, to better represent and connect each demographic.

For the Jedi stationed aboard the Vonnuvi, it could be a welcome getaway from the war. But Pabu has trouble of its own. On the eve of the exchange, artifacts have been going missing from the Archium. Some will need to volunteer to help uncover the culprit behind this string of thefts, and return the artifacts to the people.

OBJ. 1: Cultural Exchange Exhibition

For: Civilians, Jedi, anyone who wants to socialize

Take part in the cultural exchange festival between the Vonnuvi and the people of Pabu. Explore the many cultures of the different refugee groups, or take a chance to show off your own culture. Socialize with others present, marvel at the artifacts on display, or offer up some artifacts of your own to exchange. The day's main event is underway in the Upper Pabu region, outside of where the Archium cultural center resides.

OBJ. 2: Recover Stolen Artifacts

For: Investigators, Jedi, anyone who wants some PvE

Some of Pabu's artifacts have been stolen from their home in the Archium. These artifacts are off great cultural importance to the people from which they come, and must be recovered. A team of Jedi and other well-to-do parties has been assembled to track them down. The one and only lead thus far was a suspicious individual sneaking into one of the Lower Pabu warehouses late at night. The investigation begins there.

Obj. 2 OOC: This objective will be partially DM'ed. The primary plot will be progressed by Cato Harth Cato Harth , the Vonnuvi Enclave's resident artisan. Writers are welcome to improvise their own additions to the plot, provided they don't drastically diverge from the premise.

Open to interaction

"Alright, here's the situation," Cato started abruptly, taking center stage in front of the assembled investigator. As the head artisan for the Vonnuvi Enclave (and a former vigilante detective himself), Cato had been picked as the 'lead' on this job. "Cultural relics have been steadily going missing from Pabu's Archium over the last month. They've led their own investigations, tightened up security, but so far nothing's worked. So, the good people of Pabu have asked for some outside help. And with the exchange underway, there's a risk of Vonnvui artifacts going missing as well."

"Last night, we got our first lead. Some unknown suspects were seen heading into this warehouse right here,"
He pointed at the large, unassuming building across the street, "The tip was anonymous, but criminal groups have been known to operate in large refugee populations," Such groups were often less organized, and easier to exploit or even scapegoat, "That's our current theory, anyway. But the only way we'll make any progress is by getting into that building. If we're facing an organized operation as I suspect, there is a non-zero chance we encounter hostile resistance somewhere along the way. And we don't want to risk damaging any of the goods, so we'll need to be careful. Any questions?" He was eager to get a move on, so if anybody had anything to share, now was the time.
Deputy Director of the IGBC

Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Pabu /:/
/:/ Tag: Open /:/


The InterGalactic Banking Clan had been busy since the outbreak of the Core War, having regained some of their influence by appointing a new delegate to occupy their position within the Federal Assembly. Such a move was crucial in light of the growing strength of the Dark Empire and the speculations surrounding their territorial ambitions around Scipio and Muunilinst, two planets traditionally underneath the thumb of the Banks.
The acquisition of these planets would trigger irreversible repercussions across the galactic economy, therefore prompting the Deputy Director to explore external alliances. The Muun found the Cultural Exchange on Pabu to be the ideal setting for socializing, as it was situated far away from the main conflict zone of the core.
"Baron Tarbos, a pleasure you see you amongst the crowd." Odett extended his hand in greeting to a prosperous agricultural magnate from Corellia. The Foodstuff market was poised for significant profitability due to the influx of refugees.


Tags: Cato Harth Cato Harth | Open
It was the sort of mission Thoril would have loved, the sort Bren would've jumped at the chance to be part of not long ago, but now it felt hollow. Was this really what they should've been doing right now? The Dark Empire had a foothold in the heart of the alliance, Tython was in their grasp, fething Coruscant had just been attacked, and someone thought it was crucial the Jedi devoted themselves to rounding up lost trinkets? It was absurd. It was infuriating.

The masterless padawan did not hide his discontent well, arms crossed, face contorted into a scowl, he wanted nothing more than to turn on his heel and leave this waste of time behind. There were monsters to slay, as the new weight of a second saber on his belt reminded him. Thoril loved the carved-wood handled saber, and he'd have wanted the blade consecrated with him, but Brennus hadn't been able to let it go. If he carried it, then part of his master would never be lost.

If he killed Imperials with it, then he'd honor the man's memory.

"Yeah, is there a reason local security isn't following up on this lead? Unless our thieves here are undercover Stormtroopers this seems like a misallocation of resources." Bren asked dryly, an edge to the question that ought not have been there.

"Yeah, is there a reason local security isn't following up on this lead? Unless our thieves here are undercover Stormtroopers this seems like a misallocation of resources."

"Did someone hold a blaster to your head and force you to join this mission?" Eloise asked, green eyes glaring at the boy. Why were the cute ones always nerf herders? "If you don't want to be here, then go do something else."

She turned to face the Head Artisan. "Thieves pretending to be refugees, huh? Clever. What are the odds there are civilians in there with them?" There might be more than just the artifacts to worry about.


Open to interaction
Pabu was quite unlike anything Resh had experienced thus far. The bowels of Coruscant were nothing but dark gray metal. The Jedi Temple was at least a bit more furnished, and in the sunlight. The Vonnuvi had been quite the culture shock, with its well-integrated parks and greenery, not to mention the diverse biodomes.

But at the end of the day, the Vonnuvi was a capsule of things much larger. And nothing he saw there could've quite prepared him for the experience of an entire tropical island. Or the vastness of the ocean beyond. It stretched seemingly forever. How could so much water exist in one place? He struggled to fathom the scale of the galaxy.

Much of the cultural exchange struggled to resonate with him too. He could understand the attachment to such things, or the beauty some of them held. But he never had a real culture of his own to celebrate. If it made this many people happy, then it must be good right? Resh chose to look at it that way, and find some comfort in the positive emotions that stood out today.

He had spent far too much of his life focusing on the negative ones as is.



~you’d never see it coming~

TAG: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
TAG: Brennus Faran Brennus Faran | Cato Harth Cato Harth | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn


Another mission with the Jedi, although this one is a bit more peculiar. Why would my superiors assign me to uncover some lost artifacts? Isn’t it an overkill to send a SpecDiv operator to such mission? Is there anything I missed? Either way, I’m not going to question that order. Besides, it’s also a good time to get to make some new Jedi friends, especially the Echani padawan that I was paired with.

Cato’s explanation was plain and simple. It’s kinda refreshing, actually. SIA’s briefings are always complex and filled with confusing metaphors. We are always a few inches away from skirting the legal boundaries after all, we need all the plausible deniability on our side.

Shifting the attention to Lily, I quipped a thought-provoking question to her. “You think there’s anything beyond just the usual, organised criminal activities here?




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"What do you think?" Valery asked Resh Resh , who seemed a little lost in thought after a look around. Pabu was quite a wonderful planet — beautiful and with a rich history. Now, with the ongoing war and many Jedi finding themselves between metal walls on spaceships constantly, it was also a welcomed change of pace.

A breath of fresh air, in both a literal and figurative sense.

Hoping to have caught the Padawan's attention, Valery turned to him and smiled, "I don't believe we've met before? I'm Master Valery Noble." She was hoping for him to introduce himself. Ever since she joined the NJO, she tried her best to familiarize herself with most Jedi within the Order. As it began to grow, this desire became increasingly more difficult, but whenever she saw an unfamiliar Jedi within a crowd, she'd still make her approach.

Though, even as she stood next to him, she couldn't help but eye Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk for a moment. She wondered what his purpose was on Pabu today.

Resh Resh | Open

in the footsteps of a stranger

She had no idea that the Vonnuvi Herdship would be docked at Pabu of all places today; she had only come for the cultural exchange. She cast one more glance towards it before returning her gaze to the courtyard and allowing her interest to settle into the bark of the weeping maya tree growing in the center.

As she, or rather Nirrah, looked up at the branches, she thought she could spot a rare white bloom among the many pink ones. It brought a smile to her face.

Deputy Director of the IGBC

Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Pabu /:/
/:/ Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr /:/


The Deputy Director's attention was not solely focused on the agricultural magnate from Corella, as a number of affluent investors from various parts of the Core Region had convened to deliberate on the most recent market trends, with the most prominent being the Weapon Manufacturing Sector as the Alliance and Empire demanded increased output for the front lines.
Agreements were established with these affluent investors, stipulating that they contribute 10% of their earnings to the Banking Clan. This arrangement would enable the Muuns to establish a powerful militia to defend their planetary holdings.
Amidst these business arrangements, his attention was drawn to the gaze of Valery Noble Valery Noble , the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order, who appeared to be closely monitoring specific individuals.
"Pardon the intrusion, I am Director Odett Hallisk of the Banking Clan..." The Muun approached Efret Farr Efret Farr , intending to divert the attention of the Jedi Master.


One of the volunteers was visibly pouty about this mission, and finally expressed as much in words when Cato asked for questions. The artisan didn't hide a slight chuckle as the ever-blunt Eloise responded to Brennus in kind. Keeping things a little more civil, he expounded, "Since the start of the war, Pabu has seen an influx of migrants. They're at capacity, and dealing with more than they can handle each day."

"If we're being honest, we probably wouldn't be likely to take part in this job if not for the convenience of timing. The Vonnuvi was already visiting Pabu regardless. We might as well lend a hand while we're here. That's what a Jedi is supposed to do, ain't it?"
He raised an eyebrow, and the corner of his lip, "If you think your time is better spent elsewhere, no one's making you stay. But if you wanna stick around, we got goods to find."

He turned around to move, when Eloise asked a question of her own, "There haven't been any reports of missing people, but who knows what's slipped between the cracks given all the chaos lately. Best to show some caution either way. Good question." They'd need to tread lightly given the risk of damaging artifacts. Might as well extend that state of mind to any potential civilians either kidnapped or simply caught in a potential crossfire.

With all that said and done, Cato led the group up to the facade of the warehouse. It was brand daylight, so there wasn't much use in sneaking around, but they kept quiet in their approach all the same. Posting up by the large doors, he waited for the others to take positions. When the clear was given, he rapidly threw the large double doors open with a force push, revealing... and empty warehouse.

At least, seemingly empty of people. There were crates stacked all over. This would take forever to cover everything, "Quiet in here. Don't let your guard up. Doesn't feel... right." The Force tingled with warning, but it was dull and unspecific. Nobody was rushing out at them. But an uncanny feeling loomed all the same. "Check anything you find. For culprits or artifacts." He immediately opened a crate, finding some construction materials inside. No luck there.

Throughout the facility, the criminals skittered about to get into position. Some were even hiding in crates or other containers for a surprise attack. It was only a matter of time before somebody stumbled onto one of them...
Cultural Exchange
Meeting with Efret Farr Efret Farr and Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk


Agent Pen-Ar-Lan was there for business. Untouched by the dark side and skilled in maintaining a cover identity, she was well poised for mingling with the other side. This time, she attended as Phoebe Rosswell - one of her better and more elaborate covers.

Phoebe was also there in a business capacity, mostly. But then, the job largely consisted of fostering good public relations. The blonde arrived in a white t-shirt carrying the Starlines logo and a beige wide-brimmed sunhat.

With a casual stroll, she approached the festival grounds. A bright smile shone up across her face as she saw the various stands offering foods, sweets or trinkets. Over on the far end, something resembling a performance took place. She seemed pleased as she heard the sounds of positive conversations and smelled the delicacies on offer.

For a while, she moved between the stands to take it all in. At a point, the representative stopped to purchase a chunky-looking necklace from one of the vendors and immediately put it on. Finally, she arrived at a slightly more open area. Clusters of people had already formed. Noticeably, a few Jedi appeared to be present, among them the Order's Grandmaster. Impressed brows rose as a low "wow" escaped her.

It was not who Phoebe would approach, however. Instead, she ventured up to the new representative of the Banking Clan and the woman whom he had just approached with a small wave of her hand and an eager "Hello!" before offering the animal a personal wave and an adoring grimace. Then turning to Efret Farr Efret Farr with curiosity "Did the tree catch your attention?"

Hey! Checked before joining and I'm not here to cause any trouble, promise! I've written a little about Phoebe in my bio. Feel free to reach out if you want to plot something out or do any mind probes etc
in the footsteps of a stranger

As the convor often did when people approached her from a direction Efret wasn't facing, Nirrah made her aware of Odett Hallisk.

Efret turned around in time to lipread his greeting. She bowed shallowly at the waist. "Consider yourself pardoned, Director," she replied. As she signed Galactic Basic Sign Language, the clip on her tunic's lapel spoke their interpreted meaning with a slight delay. "I'm Jedi Master Farr. What brings you to Pabu today?"

Buying artifacts perhaps? She personally preferred to see physical artifacts within their native context rather than taken aboard, especially since it was difficult to ascertain if such a migration had been facilitated by a legal transaction or if the object in question had been absconded with. Of the two avenues of acquisition, the former was better, though such a monetary exchange could very easily be unethical, especially when the context in which it took place was systematically prejudiced against native peoples. That was unfortunately common.

However, she kept that opinion to herself. Now was neither the time nor the place to share it.

Then, a blonde woman approached the group. "Yes, it did. I love the weeping trees. They're so beautiful."

"If you think your time is better spent elsewhere, no one's making you stay. But if you wanna stick around, we got goods to find."

It didn't matter what Bren thought, that was why he was here in the first place. He thought he belonged on the front lines, taking rev- exacting justice on the ranks of the Dark Empire for Coruscant, for Thoril, but those with more years to them thought it best for him to be away, not even his venture into the lower city beside Master Noble had been enough to dissuade them from sending him away to play police instead of soldier.

Bren didn't move, it was clear he wasn't going anywhere.

"Did someone hold a blaster to your head and force you to join this mission?"

"Maybe they did, or, get this, I was given an order and followed it. You know, cause we're at war?" Bren spat back with rising vitriol as he wheeled around to face whoever had accosted him.

For a moment, he regretted the sharpness of his words when he saw the stranger was a frustratingly pretty girl of his own age, the sort Thoril would've forced him into speaking to for a laugh. The instant he recognized the vanity of the thought, more frustration bubbled up inside.

"I asked a question, I got an answer, let's just get this done." He grumbled averting his eyes from the girl and pulling a saber from his hip, his fingers wrapping around that of his fallen master's rather than his own. The feel of the longer, heavier hilt was awkward, but he was sure he'd get used to it if the time came to use it. He moved in after Cato and began his hunting.

"Maybe they did, or, get this, I was given an order and followed it. You know, cause we're at war?"

"Then you've got even less of an excuse for questioning orders, soldier," she snapped.

"I asked a question, I got an answer, let's just get this done."

She bared her teeth at him in a fake smile, but said nothing more.

Cato answered the rest of their questions, and then they were off. Upon opening the doors, they found the warehouse suspiciously empty. Eloise scowled, igniting her green lightsaber as much for its light as to be ready to fight.

"Quiet in here. Don't let your guard up. Doesn't feel... right. Check anything you find. For culprits or artifacts."

She sighed and deactivated her weapon, treading carefully. There were definitely presences hiding in the shadows, but whether they were friend or foe remained to be seen. "Hello, anyone?" she called out. "We're not here to hurt you..."

A crate inches to her right suddenly sprang open. The thief hidden inside opened fire. Red bolts were deflected by her green blade, which then swung in a low arc, slicing through the blaster. The man dropped the superheated weapon in a panic - and received a booted kick to the face to finish him off.

"Got one!" she called out to the others.
Deputy Director of the IGBC

Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Pabu /:/
/:/ Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan /:/


Odett offered a gentle expression, as the person introduced themselves as Farr, a Jedi Master. It was highly noted that Farr utilized Galactic Sign Language for communication, with the translation technology swiftly deciphering the message following a brief delay.
"Regrettably, Master Jedi. The conflict in the Core is the reason I have come to Pabu, a secure system far from the turmoil of war and the constantly shifting borders." The Muun provided an explanation, being cautious not to disclose excessive information in case they were interrogated later by the New Jedi Order or the Strategic Intelligence Agency.
The duo was subsequently accompanied by a mysterious individual, whose identity remained undisclosed to them. This person appeared to have a strong affinity for animals and expressed curiosity about the blooming flowers. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced. May I inquire about your name?" the Director politely inquired, extending a welcoming hand towards the newcomer Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan

Cultural Exchange
Meeting with Efret Farr Efret Farr and Odett Hallisk Odett Hallisk


With the duo exchanging a few words before her arrival, Phoebe put a small bounce to her step to make it obvious that she could hear them - or their introductions, at any rate.

Phoebe looked up to the tree with a tilt to her head to allow the wide brim shield her eyes from a sunlight. A peaceful expression spread across her face with lips verging on a smile. She made no indications of spotting the white bloom before hearing the Muun's question. After allowing her eyes linger for a few brief moments, she turned her gaze to them and extended a hand to him "Phoebe Rosswell. I work for Starlines" she looked to the both of them curiously to see if they recognised the name before deciding to clarify regardless "Starlines Interconnected, we're active in shipping and transportation"

She then turned to offer Efret a hand to shake as well before finally offering the little aid animal a nod. With a bit of hesitation, she tried to sign a 'Good to meet you' - most words but 'you' contained some form of mistake which Phoebe herself seemed to realise too as she offered the Jedi an apologetic look.

As if by habit, the girl brought a hand up to brush a strand of hair away from her face to bring it back in behind her ear. She then threw a long look out over the festival grounds. Volunteering some information, she explained "We had a cancellation for a series of shipments from the Core. You know with the war and all. So the guys up top figured 'why not see if we can do some good with the overcapacity' so here I am."

Resh spun around to face the source of the voice. He hadn't noticed her approach, too absorbed in his own thoughts. It was Valery Noble, the grandmaster of the New Jedi Order. Even he knew that. "Um— It's big," Was all he could think to say, glancing back out at the ocean, "Or— the festival? It's… nice."

"I don't believe we've met before? I'm Master Valery Noble."

He stared at her for a few moments, unsure of how to respond. 'Starstruck' wasn't quite the right word, but he was definitely taken aback by being spoken to by the grandmaster herself. He was used to leaders being somewhat distant and detached from their subjects. "…I know." He said, pausing awkwardly, "Oh. I'm Resh." The pureblood gave her a blocky smile, that fell neutral once more as quickly as it had appeared.
in the footsteps of a stranger

"Ah, yes." She bowed her head in a slow nod at the director's explanation. "I wish I could promise you a safe Core soon, but at least Coruscant still flies the Alliance's banner."

When Phoebe offered her a handshake, she politely declined without a word by smiling with a closed mouth but holding out one hand in the universal 'no, thank you' gesture. She preferred not to let strangers touch her hands; they were, at least for the intents and purposes of communicating, her lips. Then, when Phoebe signed a greeting instead, Efret's smile opened. Mistakes or not, the Jedi master always appreciated when some tried to communicate with her on her terms.

"Overcapacity?" she repeated after Phoebe gave her answer. "What's your cargo, out of curiosity? Are you looking to sell some of it here?"

Deputy Director of the IGBC

Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Pabu /:/
/:/ Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan /:/


Odett warmly accepted the handshake from Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan , reflecting on the numerous shipping companies and transportation networks that the IGBC had established connections with. Upon further contemplation, the name Starlines Interconnected stood out as a prominent new player in the galaxy, having started from humble origins on Kuat.
Nevertheless, there appeared to be an unusual aspect to the person claiming to be 'Phoebe Rosswell', who was right that the trade routes are presently in a state of disrepair after Imperial and Alliance pressure. Efret Farr Efret Farr - the Jedi Master asked a solid question about their cargo, given the claimed overcapacity of materials.
"I am interested in understanding why your clients canceled the shipments from the core, even with the war occuring. Starlines Interconnected is considered a neutral corporation given its relative rise to power, which should theoretically enable you to navigate through blockades and customs patrols effortlessly." The Muun inquired with a quizzical expression, aware that the majority of customers would not terminate a delivery agreement with a neutral company despite the ongoing Core War.
The Imperial Ruling Council and the Federal Assembly stood to suffer significant losses if they were to target trade convoys during this critical period.


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