Brows shot up in an open expression. Phoebe was about to raise her hands to answer the Jedi when Odett posed the second question (/statement). She put her head on a slight tilt whilst listening to what he had to say with a soft but awkward smile on her lips. Once it seemed like the two had finished their piece, she replied by raising her arms with open palms disarmingly.
"No no, I think there's been a misunderstanding. The overcapacity is in cargo space in a few of our shipments from the core." She offered the Jedi an understanding smile and a nod "We don't actually sell our own products like that. Starlines offers transportation services."
She then looked to the representative of the IGBC with an innocent shrug "I don't know about navigating blockades. We tend to avoid shipping between warring parties. I'm pretty happy to leave that sort of work to the large intergalactic companies."
Maintaining a relatively friendly demeanour, she offered the duo another shrug "To be honest, I wasn't really involved in that cancellation. I think it was an electronics company of some sort. I'd guess its a matter of resource allocation, there's probably a decent demand for parts and stuff for repairs. Especially after that horrible attack on Coruscant" Upon the mention of the attack, her lips formed a thin line and she shook her head.
Not staying down for too long, however, Phoebe's mood soon brightened once more. "But hey, it's probably for the best that those parts goes to repairs or defence or something. And now, maybe we can help refugees move their stuff to safer areas. At least if we can make it work logistically. Getting everything gathered up and packed in a safe way could be a bit of a hassle. Maybe we could turn it into a joint venture if a few Jedi wanted to help or the IGBC wanted to pitch in?"