Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Cultural Exchange [Vonnuvi]

Deputy Director of the IGBC

Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Pabu /:/
/:/ Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Resh Resh /:/


"Where are my manners, my name is Director Odett Hallisk of the Banking Clan and its represenative within the Senate." Oddet made a gentle bow as a gesture of apology for failing to introduce himself properly. The Muun was confident that there was not a single person who was unaware of Valery Noble - arguably one of the most important supporters of the alliance, and its most steadfast defender.
Even with the formidable power of the Grandmaster on their side, malevolent forces were gaining strength, and the New Empire was poised to seek retribution for their loss on Coruscant. Planets like this one would serve as crucial neutral territories amidst the ongoing conflict. He was curious to know if, the rumors of the Empire taking over the Banking Worlds had spread to the New Jedi Order's High Council.
"It has come to my attention, Master Noble, that unsettling rumors have surfaced regarding the Empire's interest in the Banking Worlds like Scipio and Muunilinist. Should these rumors prove to be true, the Galactic Alliance would lose powerful financial backers for the war effort." The Muun explained with a wide-hand gesture, knowing that the Banks did not have an army large enough to oppose the Dark Empire's occupation forces. He emphasized that the Galactic Alliance was not doing enough to protect them.
Efret Farr Efret Farr / Ines Pen-Ar-Lan Ines Pen-Ar-Lan

Colette was too blind to see the hurt she might have caused Efret. She gave the Master Jedi a warm smile before shooting daggers in Odett's back as he left. No real daggers, of course, but if actual looks could kill…

"Yeah." She said and eased out of her frustration. The signing was still ongoing, it always was when she got the chance to practice. "Where I'm from it would almost be seen as a crime to turn water into something like 'tea', but… I've grown somewhat accustomed to it."

The realization struck her.

"Oh! Right. Sorry," She said and bowed. "I am Colette."

"It's nice to meet you two."

The thieves had tried to use the ambush to cover their own escape. Unfortunately for them, they lacked the professionalism to really capitalize on the chaos, and became just as much victims to it as the Jedi. Now, they were onto them. Cato and the others all made a break for the bikes. The two padawans hopped on one, and Cato watched as another zoomed past. He raised a hand, causing it to stop abruptly against the pull of the Force. The would be escapee was flung off into a pile of shipping crates on the pier. Cato hopped on, and joined the others in their pursuit of the truck speeder. No doubt where the goods were stashed. "Careful with the cargo bay! The artifacts are probably inside!" He yelled to the padawans.

A moment later, a red bolt whizzed past his head. Some of the men inside the truck had begun to fire out of the windows at their pursuers.

Resh was hesitant for a fleeting moment. But as he actually let himself think about it, the opportunity was not to be squandered. The Grandmaster was here, offering to walk through the exchange with him. There was much he could learn from her, so why shut himself out now? He allowed a slight, toothy smile to grace his expression, "…Sure."

But just as he agreed, a lanky alien appeared from behind and injected himself into the conversation, seeking to talk some kind of business with Master Noble that Resh decidedly did not understand any of. His smile disappeared and he looked down as if to avoid offending the present parties, waiting for the adults to have and hopefully finish their conversation.

“On, now, hurry!”

Ride with the whiny baby, or wreck herself trying to drive without a license. What a choice. Eloise quickly made a decision, dumping the bike and hopping on behind Brennus Faran Brennus Faran . Hopefully she wouldn't live to regret it.

"Careful with the cargo bay! The artifacts are probably inside!"

Yeah, yeah. Eloise ducked down as blaster bolts flew past, missing her head by inches. "Pull up along the driver's side!" she shouted at Brennus, holding her lightsaber at the ready. Once they were within reach, she take a swing at the one at the controls. With any luck, the truck would spiral out of control and the Jedi would be able to corner and surround the remaining thieves...
If the brat was upset about her dilemma, Bren didn’t notice as he saddled up on the bike and took the controls. With adrenaline still pumping in his veins he wiped the bead of blood rolling down his cheek, smearing it more than cleaning it as the smallest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. She'd have to hang on tight, with how he was planning on driving.

Slamming the throttle forward he raced after the fleeing truck, leaning with the bike to weave between the blaster bolts that zipped past them, gaining ground on the thieves with every passing second. The smirk grew on his face as adrenaline replaced sorrow, and the gap grew ever smaller.

"Pull up along the driver's side!"

"Don't miss!" He yelled back, more encouragement than genuine derision, flooring the acceleration. She didn't miss.

When the saber cut the controls, Bren, laughed in triumph, quickly pulling away from the truck so that as it died, it would not sweep them up with it. Cutting the speed and swinging the bike into a sliding stop as the truck came to a violent stop, Bren leapt from the speeder to his feet, saber springing to life in his hand in a flash of gold as he ignored the fireball of agony that burned in his leg.

He'd move on Cato, or maybe before, if the thieves gave him cause.

While Cato kept the attention of the primary shooters, the two padawans accelerated up beside the driver to stop the truck. They succeed, it seemed. Though as the truck began to skid and swerve to a violent stop, Cato felt a sick fear for the artifacts inside. He skidded to a stop himself and raised his hands, attempting to lock the truck in place with the Force before it totally rolled. He wasn't exactly a prodigious Force User, and it was difficult with the speed and weight of the truck. As the payload began to lean to the side, he couldn't stop it from flipping, but he could cause to just plop onto the ground gently. Or at least, comparatively gently. The scratchy clang of metal dropping onto the street rang out, and then there was a tense silence from inside the truck.

Suddenly, the back doors of the truck kicked open. One last defiant thief stepped out with a raised detonator. It was primed, but not yet activated. He said nothing, but the threat was clear: Let them leave in one piece, or everyone and the artifacts go boom.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret was oblivious to Phoebe's attempt to decipher what amounted, as far as she herself was concerned, to her being unsolicitedly critiqued by a padawan. The master was busy trying to process her own emotions while metering her reaction to the situation.

Hurt had already come, then went. In its place rose offense and anger.

<Don't dare,> Efret thought to herself. The likelihood that Colette didn't understand the effect of what she had just signed struck Efret as rather high, but even if the comment had been intentionally mean-spirited, it would be inappropriate for a master to respond publicly. Perhaps Efret would address the behavior in private. Perhaps she would simply let it go. She'd decide after a few more minutes of standing meditation.

Phoebe reentering the conversation was a welcome distraction. Flowers and tea was a grounding change of topic. "I...uh, prefer caf," she commented idly. "Floral notes are lovely in a roast.

"I'm Master Farr."

Cultural Exchange
Speaking to Efret Farr Efret Farr and Colette Colette

For a little bit of time, Phoebe stood silent, only nodding along vehemently when hearing Eftert's enjoyment of roasts with floral notes. For the conversation took a small detour to introductions. Her bright smile reappeared as she nodded and followed suit "I'm Phoebe" she said whilst awkwardly trying to make something resembling a bow to mirror that of Colette, making it abundantly clear that it was rather far removed from her usual way of greeting people.

The woman's eyes shifted between the two Jedi but whatever she had in mind, she did not seem to follow up on. Instead, she looked to Colette "Does your culture come from a world with water scarcity?"
Eloise leaped off of the moving bike, doing a showy and completely unnecessary flip through the air before landing on the ground. She watched the truck crash and flip, her expression focused in the eerie silence that followed.

Suddenly, the back doors of the truck kicked open. One last defiant thief stepped out with a raised detonator. It was primed, but not yet activated. He said nothing, but the threat was clear: Let them leave in one piece, or everyone and the artifacts go boom.

Eloise recognized a fellow tenacious bastard. Battering down this man's mental fortitude to mind trick him into giving up the detonator wasn't an option. But brute force was.

She raised a hand and used the Force to pluck the detonator from his grip. It flew into her palm, for better or worse.

Bren scoffed at the flip and considered his own dramatic dismount for half a heartbeat until the throbbing in his leg reminded him such would be a mistake. He'd done his fancy driving, but it seemed she was going to be the star of this after-action report when all was said and done. Dismounting with a huff and a grimace, Bren called the saber from his belt into his grasp once again, and came alongside her.

When the other Padawan wrenched the detonator away from the thief, the mask he wore cracked, and Brennus Faran let the slightest of smiles tug at the corners of his lips.

"Checkmate." He muttered, hoping he wouldn't eat the words.


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