Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Damn Dirty Thieves!

[member="Riz Carter"]

The guards continued to speak, though of course they only told Riz what limited information they themselves had. Neither of the guards had been there the previous night, in fact no one had, when they'd arrived on the scene initially they had found the door open, the crates gone, and nothing else missing.

"They knew what they were after."

The Zeltron said with a slight shrug, hefting his rifle a bit.

Ein of course stayed quiet throughout all of it, simply watching the two men and the Detective as they went about their work. To him this was somewhat interesting, but more so his career depended on the outcome of it all. They needed to get that equipment back, without it the project would fall through and he would shoot about a hundred million credits down the drain. That outcome was about...well about the worst thing that he could currently imagine.

Aside from the small details Riz had likely already picked up and the fact that the intruders went straight for the crates there was nothing to be added by the guards.

"Thanks lads." He told the two Guards as they finished their testimony, both of them giving him a short nod.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

With the scans complete along with the interviews, she stuffed the comm into her back-pocket. Long sleeves were pushed up with a hand going to cup her chin, finger tapping against her lower lip in thought. "They knew the energy source," she shot Ein a look, "whatever-tech-it-was, was here. And when it was gonna be here. They had access codes."

Bending down on the ground once more, a gloved finger swiped at a barely noticeable speck of dirt on the floor. She scanned the sample into her comm. "You know of a popular bar round here with rare kashyyyk wood lower-level floors?"

It was another lead. A small one. But it was a start.
[member="Riz Carter"]

Ein scratched the back of his head. He honestly wasn't sure how to answer that one. Sure if they were on Empress Teta the story would have been different, mostly because he knew every club and bar on the entire planet, or almost anyway. Yet he was new to Coruscant, having only arrived two weeks ago. He frowned for a brief moment and glanced towards the guards. They also shrugged at him, not knowing Coruscant any better than he did.

"No." He finally admitted. "But I can find out."

That was what he had a secretary for after all. "Let me call my assistant."

Ein shifted and pulled out his communicator. It might have been a bit snobby, but in all honesty. he didn't really care. Ein needed this solved, and if it meant calling up his secretary and asking her for some infomration then that was what he would do.

A few moments later he had the name they were looking for. "The Rabid Nexu."

He told Riz.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

"The Rabid Nexu," she repeated, trying to keep her face professional. "Alrighty then. I'd say a trip is in order."

She frowned. It'd be safer if Ein headed back to the office. She imagined he had quite a bit of work to do anyway, being the CFO and all. Still, the resources someone like him offered in solving a case like this were hard to turn a shy eye at. That secretary of his got answers quick even if it was obvious she was crushing on her boss, hard.

"Not sure what we'll find there - if anything. Or, what your schedule is like today. If you need to get back to the office, I can always comm you with anything I find. If you're coming, we'll have to stop by my car so you can get a slug-proof vest on. That's non-negotiable."

Comm was stuffed back into her pocket. Honey-brown orbs coming up to meet his own. "What'll it be Ein?"
[member="Riz Carter"]

He considered for a few moments.

Heading back to the office seemed like the more intelligent decision, but this wasn't exactly the time to be intelligent. Ein was screwed without this project, it was something that had to get done, and the best way to do that was to actually take a hand in the actual direction of things. He frowned for a few moments, and then shifted slightly, glancing towards the Saeva guards. They looked back, and then shrugged. It was none of their business after all.

"I..." He trailed off for a moment. "I'll come with."

This would likely lead to something stupid happening, but Ein didn't really have a choice from his point of view. He needed to get this done, he needed to make sure it was done right, and he needed to get that equipment back. He was sure the Detective could do that, but he also wanted to be there to help.

The faster it finished, the faster he could get the project back on track. "Come on. I'll get us back."

He motioned her to follow.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
Hopefully she didn't just put her foot in her mouth. Taking a client on a case was a huge risk. And playboy CFO didn't look like he had a whole lotta street smarts. There'd be hell to pay if he got injured, or worse, dead.

Did the guards just cast her a sympathetic glance?

The detective quickly followed after the redhead. "You sure you don't have a busy schedule? Some important meetings to attend to?" She slid into the speeder, like before. "Getting your assistant flowers or something?"
[member="Riz Carter"]

He perked an eyebrow. "Why would I get her flowers?"

That didn't make any sense, was it some sort of holiday here on Coruscant? Worker appreciation day? That would be slightly awkward, mostly because he had no idea and the person that would usually go ahead and tell him about that was...well his secretary.

He didn't want to offend her.

"Is it a Coruscant thing?" It would be difficult to tell if he was joking or being serious. "Does you boss get you flowers?"

There was now some actual concern to his voice as they stepped back into the speeder, Ein once again holding the door for Riz.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

"Oh?" Dark-brows lofted on a tan face. "I thought it was obvious." Lips pursed slightly, trying not to immediately curl into a smile as she scooched over on the seat. Sometimes being a detective was a curse.

"She's into you. Young, attractive girl like that. I assumed the feeling on your end was mutual."

A quick bark of laughter left her throat at his question about her boss and flowers. "And the day my boss gives me flowers is the day mustafar freezes over." The man was good enough. Not corrupt like the captain on 'Shadda. But he was still a hard ass. Barely gave her a day off, the karker. When you did well in her line of work and could be trusted not to turn dirty, it meant you got all the work.
[member="Riz Carter"]

Oh. That made sense.

Ein wasn't a complete fool of course, he knew when someone was attracted to him and most of the time he would act on it, but it was different here. He was a smart man, and part of those smarts was knowing when to keep it in your pants. He had ambitions in the corporate world, and fraternizing with employees was a way to see those ambitions dashed.

”I don't mix business with pleasure.” He stated simply as they took off. ”Never ends well for either side.”

Hed already seen it more than once in his short career. Someone always turned into the spurned lover, and when that happened it all fell apart rather quickly.

Ein glanced at Riz as they passed through the Coruscant undercity. ”Better to keep your hands off that stuff.”

There were always other girls to chase.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

"Yes," an easy-going smile curling on her lips. "Wise words," she mused, honey-brown orbs panning to look out of the speeder window as they made more progress back to Vanir Technology Headquarters. "Though I'm sure your assistant would be disappointed to hear that."

The detective chuckled.

Nothing was too rough here. Most buildings were in good shape. There were only a few homeless folks wandering the streets. Most trash was picked up. It was about ten levels below this one where things started to look a bit rougher. Still, nothing compared to 'Shadda. The speeder slowed as it pulled up next to her parallel parked vehicle. She turned back to the CFO.

"Let's get one thing clear. If you're coming with me, do as I say and when I say, got it? The last thing I need is a CFO coming back with a blaster wound in his chest."
[member="Riz Carter"]

He nodded. "Fine with me."

Ein wasn't looking to step on her toes, just the opposite in fact. This little sidetrip was meant to help Riz as much as he could. The Corporate exec had absolutely no interest in getting in the Detective way, even less so in running into some blaster fire. Ein intended to live through this and come out on top. He wanted his equipment back, he wanted his project on track, and he wanted his promotion.

Pretty easy.

"You can count on me not to do anything stupid." Ein flashed her a grin. "I'm famed for my calm demeanor."

Not exactly true, but she didn't need to know that. "Where did you park your speeder?"

Though now that he thought about it, taking a police vehicle to their next destination might not have been the best decision. Ein decided not to point hat out however, sticking to rule number one and not wanting to counteract what he had just said not ten minutes ago.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

"Oh are you? I had no idea I was in the presence of someone so famous." There was that easy-going grin again set on a face that had seen a lot of violence. "But good. Because both our lives will depend on following my instructions. Don't need you to go hero on me. Hopefully we won't even get into a situation."

Chin tipped to the window, hand reaching forward the grip the edge of the seat in front of her.

"I'm right here. Sorry. Forgot it wasn't obvious. Undercover vehicle. Don't need flashing lights and a city tag giving yah away." The droid stopped the company speeder and her hand plucked the handle open to climb out. Honey-brown orbs surveyed the messy seat, head tipping a bit.

"Aw, feth. Just...just dump all the trash and stuff in the back. I don't usually have passengers in my car."
[member="Riz Carter"]

Well at least the undercover vehicle meant they wouldn't get shot by gangsters straight away. It was a small morsel, but at least something that would keep them alive. He frowned as he got onto the other side of the speeder, looking into the window and glancing at Riz.

"Okay." He tried to keep some of the disgust from his tone.

Generally Ein was a very clean person. He kept everything neat, and when he didn't he generally had a cleaning crew or a maid to pick up after him. He was probably a bit spoiled in that way, but...well it was better than leaving a mess like this. Slowly the CFO popped open the door and pushed some of the garbage away, picking it up and slowly tossing it in the back so that it was at least out of the way. Part of him hoped that she was just trying to be authentic, but another suspected she was just a messy person.


"Where is the club?" He asked. "Do you know it?"

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]


A girl had to eat and drink and since Riz spent more of her life in this car (and the station) than in an actual apartment, this is where all her empty StarCreds cups went. Along with a few Metroway and McYoda wrappers. At this point it was mostly StarCreds cups. Cafe was lifeblood.

She slid into her sweet-baby speeder, home-away-from-home and hit the ignition. Orbs flitted to Ein's. "Yup. Down a few levels. Slug-proof vest is under the seat. Might wanna get it on."

The speeder sputtered slightly as it started and Riz leaned forward, a hand stroking over the dash real quick.

"C'mon baby. Stay with me." Giving it a final pat with a lopsided grin on her usually grim-lips, her foot pressed down on the gas peddle and they zoomed forward into traffic. A ping sounded on a screen on the center dash. Index-finger punched down on the button to receive the transmission.

"Look at that. Boys down at the precinct got a facial recognition match from the security feed. Recognize that wookie from anywhere?"
[member="Riz Carter"]

Briefly Ein wondered whether the speeder he was currently sitting in would crash out of the sky at any moment. Given how Riz was speaking to it and apparently now petting it the possibility did not seem entirely out of question. He frowned for a moment, watching the woman until finally they managed to get on a bit further.

”No.” He told her simply. ”There aren't many Wookiees working for Vanir, they don't really like to leave Kashyyyk. Those that do work for us…”

He trailed off and glanced around for a moment, gazing at the concrete jungle that surrounded them. ”Well they dont like Coruscant.”

That was an understatement.

This planet was basically a Wookiees worst nightmare. There were no trees, no plants, no vines, nothing at all familiar. He had taken a class on galactic species at university, and although a few Wookiees didn't mind this sort of environment, Ein knew that most did. They were a nature loving species, and Coruscant had no nature.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

"Well, certainly not the traditionals," Swooping down the tunnels and bridges and weaving in between traffic as if it were second nature to the detective, they found themselves on an adjacent street to the bar. Hand plucked her comm from her pocket as she drove. "Detective Carter here. Might need back-up on my coordinates. Standby."

"Roger that, Riz," a voice crackled through on the other end.

Finding a parallel spot, she swooped them right in. The speeder sputtered to a stop. Riz let her palm pat the dash once more, not really caring how the bearded CFO would think of her. "OKay. It's go-time. Just keep your head down, don't stare, and don't say anything."
[member="Riz Carter"]

Ein nodded.

He wasnt really looking to get in Riz’s way, just the opposite in fact. He wanted to see what help he could offer and maybe even solve all of this a bit faster. He needed it solved, he needed it done or else his head would be the one that ended up on a block.

He frowned and then nodded again. ”I’ll stay out of the way.”

That would be easy enough.

”Grab a drink.” Easy way to avoid getting noticed in a club. ”Just act normal.”

He sounded almost as if he were reassuring himself.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
A dark-brow lofted on her tanner face. Just act normal? For a rich silver-spooned CFO? She snorted and shook her head once. At least he had the protective vest on.

"Just," she breathed, "yeah, never mind. Too late for all that. C'mon." Speeder was locked. With a tug of the outside doors, they found themselves in a rather musty and crowded bar. Dejaark tables were booming and drinks were being emptied almost as fast as they were poured. The detective could almost feel the electricity from the crowd. Seemed like if a match was lit, this place would turn into a full-out brawl.

Chin tipped for Ein to grab a seat somewhere, outta the way. What was she gonna do? She was gonna play some cards and order a drink. See if she could get some info from a key group of rodians.

[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]
[member="Riz Carter"]

For a few moments Ein looked around.

There were plenty of places that he could take a seat, plenty of places that he could maybe even enjoy himself, but he had to keep in mind why he was here. Eventually he spotted a few tables that had been put aside specifically to play Pazaak. He smiled for a moment.

"I'll be over there." That was one way to blend in.

Everyone, no matter what level of society they came form, could bond over a simple game of Pazaak. There was a simplicity to it that one couldn't really quite describe. People just got along better when they could sit across the table from one another and enjoy a game of back and forth. Of course if you wont or lost one too many times things could get invariably more...difficult, But Ein wouldn't let that happen.

Not today anyway.

He nudged Riz one last time then headed over.

Riz Carter

Detective - Planetary Division
[member="Einhardt Al'Kuhn"]

Did he just nudge her?

Okay, okay.

Honey-brown orbs stared at him intently for a few seconds as if she could say stop it. And don't gamble your company away. Sliding into the Rodian's table, she gave them a nod and ordered a drink. Her back was to the wall, eyes on the room - including Ein.

Stars he better not get us killed.

Getting her first hand of cards, she began easy conversation, digging deeper as the game went on. Heard that case about the stolen shipment? Heard about Vinny? Oh yeah. Heard it was a rogue wookie? Oh, you know 'im? The detective continued on, casting a glance out of the window that hadn't been cleaned in years. Eyes caught a glimpse of olive green.

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