Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Jedi vs Sith

[member="sabrina"] Okay, so what you believe is basically that the difference between Dark Jedi and Sith is that Dark Jedi take their emotions to an extreme level because they are not used to them, while Sith are used to them and thus don't get ruled by them?

Okay, I could accept that, but then I would have to raise a few rather major points: firstly, if all Dark Jedi had to be Jedi before they turned, then what do you call Dark Side Force Users who have only ever used the Dark Side, but never became a part of the Sith?

Secondly: Sith not caring about the plebs? I'm going to have to politely call "Bullpoodoo" on that one, seeing as Sith revel in the misery of others, and derive their power from extremely dark emotions, such as hate and fear, and to almost all Dark Side of the Force users it is like a drug, the exception being Grey Force Users, because they balance it so as not to become addicted to it.

Dark Jedi have been noted to only care about their own goals, and cause misery and suffering while getting to them. Sith have been noted to care about their own goals as well as those of their order, and also cause misery and suffering wherever they go.

Also, Sith growing up as Sith: this is not always, and actually sometimes less the case. Sith were very often turned Jedi, or converted Dark Jedi rather than born and raised as Sith. A few examples would be: Count Dooku, Darth Desolous, Skere Kaan, all of whom were Jedi Masters before being swayed by the Dark Side, as well as the countless other less important Jedi who turned.

The thing is, both Dark Jedi and Sith generally like to kick puppies and bathe in the blood of baby seals, while the Sith have a greater purpose and allegience to their order, while Dark Jedi are generally Solo players.

Another thing is that yes, in this game no true Sith would try to commit genocide, because that is just asking to have your character beheaded, however in Canon, that is not always the case from the perspective of the characters. Sith in Canon generally go by the mentality, "Does it cause alot of misery? Does it further my or my orders goals? If neither of those two, why the heck would I even do it?"

Anything other than that is actually the exception to the canon-established rule.

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