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Dominion Dark Storage | AC Dominion of Malachor V

Ashlan Crusade Narrator


Dark Storage - Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Malachor V


Very few places in the galaxy have experienced as much horror and darkness as Malachor V, an ancient wound in the force, devoid of life an wracked with terrific storms. It is a cracked and twisted wasteland covered with jagged cliffs and plagued by constant lightning storms. It was inhabited by monstrous storm beasts. The gravity of the planet was unstable, which made it dangerous for starships to stay there for very long.

Nobody in their right mind would willingly visit this place, it was the perfect place to store Ashlan secrets and Dark Artifacts captured during the conquest of the Stygian Caldera.

Objective 1 - Safe Storage​


The Grand Fleet have been secretly moving materials and supplies to the dark world for weeks, building materials, technical droids and other more specific items have all been making landfall on the planet in order to construct the secure storage facility. The basis of this facility is an old and abandoned temple, long predating rhe Crusade itself, but its strong Obsidian wall form an excellent shell in which to build the Ashlan facility.

Due to the nature of the planet, precautions have been taken, void stones , built into prefabricated statues provide a measure of protection against the waves of darkness that circle to planet, deployed shield bubbles help to stave of the worst of the storms, but it is still hellos conditions, one that only the Jedi, the Sister's of Ashla and very few chosen individuals are being asked to endure.

There have been sporadic reports of gunfire around some of the construction sites, whether this is due to force endured hallucinations or other, unidentified creatures, remains to be seen.

Objective 2 - Hunt for the hidden Coven​


Malachor is unpopular with most, its dark taint corrupting to even the purest Jedi given enough exposure, but a few call it comfortable, like Lava Fleas bathing in molten rock, the dark lords bathed in the dark energies, feeling somewhat safe from their predators, held back by the evil reputation of the planet.

But now the Ashlans have come, a predator not cowed by the darkness and they are hungry. To ensure their hidden artifacts remain secure. Any Sith hold outs must be cleared and the Sith killed, arrested or at the very least driven off World.

Objective 3 - The Blighted World​


As always there are people who visit worlds with their own objectives, if you have some other reason to be on this dark unstable rock, please enjoy yourself.


Objective 2 - Hunt for the hidden Coven​


Location: An Abandoned Ziggurat
Objectives: Explore Old Masters stomping ground
Tags: Open

Personal Equipment

Well wasn't this a strange set of circumstances? The Sith Slaver trying to turn good, first finds herself rounding up slaves on Kamar, and now following up on rumours of dark treasures on Malachor? Is the force was trying to test her, it wasn't being subtle about it now. She looked around at her travelling party, nobody wanted to be here, this place was dark the ground crackled underneath, a mixture kf Obsidian glass and crushed bone it appeared, this planet had seen so much death. It was a peculiar feeling being here in the name of the light. The last time she had visited Malachor she came as a Sith, and prior to that she had visited as an unaware dark acolyte. How things change.

But not everything it appears, she was trying not to feel I vigorated by the darkness of the place, it spoke to the still dominant darkness balance. Whispering promises of strength and power do not trust the Ashlans it would say, true power lies with rhe darkness it would promise. kill them all, it would command. But Rhiza was strong, she didn't need this unholy place to tell her that. And so she fought the whispers and continued on ahead.

"This is the location my old master expected to find the entrance to the Ziggurat." there was no obvious structures here, only a small but conspicuous arch of stacked rocks that to any force user, radiated with darkness. "This looks like our way in, who wants to go first? Don't worry, the notes I have assure me that it is a two way portal." she laughed, waiting for a volunteer, it was likely too early for her to expect much trust from the Ashlans. She would most likely have to go first to prove that their would not be immediately eviscerated or some other such nonsense.

She shrugged and smiled at her companions before approaching the door, she bodly stepped through and to outside observers she vanished, without so much as a ripple of sound to make evidence of her passing.

To Rhiza, the archway was now behind her, a strong, aeons old archway of black stone, and she stood in the courtyard of a tall Ziggurat, emblazoned with Sith ruins and decorated with leering gargoyles. It looked exactly like the drawing in her masters notes, she was getting closer.


Objective 1 - Safe Storage​


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

The Jedi Knight sat on top of the Ashlan APC as it advanced across the glass like wasteland towards their target. A small convoy of transport vehicles that had been pinned down by armed assailants attempting to relieve them of their dark cargos. Could be pirates, could be Sith, could be worse in Greer's personal experience, on a world like this. The APC was filled with Sister's of Ashla and all their gear, ready to do battle in the name of the light. The reason Greer was here sat opposite her. A raptured sister by the name of Harmony. Described as having "deviant behaviour patterns" she was being looked at to head up a special operations unit for the Sisterhood, and the Grand Master determined some time alongside the Jedi would complement her abilities.

So here was Greer Caimbeulaich, a newly annointed Jedi Knight of the Order of the Star Thistle, with her first padawan, of sorts. The Sister couldn't use the force, but Greer was determined to do this properly anyway. So they had sat on top of the APC, in relative quiet whilst Greer had encouraged Harmony to meditate with her after she finished her orders battle prayers. This would help them push the ever encroaching darkness of this world out of their minds and help them focus.

From what she had read of Harmony, she sounded like Greer's kind of soldier, gutsy and strong with a streak of reckless that would make her commanders stomachs turn. Perfect for special operations. Greer looked at the single braid she had woven in to Harmony's hair and gently fiddled with the two inch long piece of hair where her own braid had been removed and was taking its time to regrow. Greer wasn't one for keeping her hair well groomed, or even that clean, but by Ashla that streak of short hair bugged her sometimes the way it wouldn't. "So, youngling," Greer teased in a friendly manner, and not for the first time since she realised Harmony was only a year old despite physically being a similar age to the Jedi. "Once we get close Harms, we will leave the APC behind and try and scout out their position, I remembered to pack my Icarus pack just for you. There should be a bluff overlooking the position where the Transports are trapped. If we can get to that position we will have a commanding field of vision, and if the enemy had the same idea, we show them some Ashlan hospitality."

Greer laughed loudly before opening the hatch and checking on the Sister's in the transport below. "You ladies ready too? Ah you Sisters are always ready aren't you! For Ashla" she was initially skeptical when she realised the armed forces were essentially made up of heavily armed youngling strand casts, but now, she was proud to call them her allies and loved fighting along side them. They were made with a true warriors spirit.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to save and heal the world and explore the ruins
Location: An Abandoned Ziggurat, Malachor V
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

This world was very damaged, Eina saw the wounds in the fabric of reality and in the Force caused by previous battles and fights. The place was almost stifling for her; she didn't feel well. Because of the injuries, it was as if she was ill. She felt weaker, her mood worse. It was as if she had mourned the planet; in her eyes, the place was like herself when Gei freed her from the clutches of the parasite. The Valkyrja didn't understand how the planet could be alive, so to speak.

The bleeding wounds, which were almost purulent, gaped on the surface and in the Force. It was seldom that she didn’t know how to get started to heal someone or something. Eina didn't know if all this was possible at all. She was glad that only she saw the world as it was, because it was very painful. It was no wonder that the Force and the world were behaving strangely here, only so far no one understood.

For the Valkyrja, it was like a place in a wounded fever, high fever, half-unconsciously causing what it was. Like when a dying person clings to life with all their might and only prolongs their own suffering. Sometimes she thought it was a curse for seeing reality and the Force as others did not. One of the wounds was there nearby, trying to reach out to touch, relieve the world's pain, the injury; however, as soon as she touched it as if the world were shaking, a lightning struck the earth nearby.

Eina looked up sadly, she felt it was already a pain for the world that they were here. It was seldom the case that even she thought it would be better to let something die completely. This world was like that. She didn't know if she would tell the others her doubts if they would listen or not. Or they would think a suffering world would be a real pain and suffering or not.

She saw the innumerable shattered, mutilated, and suffering souls trapped here who never made it to the Netherworld, but the world, the wounds, and the pain drove them mad, which only further strengthened that Malachor V was in such a state. They had to find some way to save them and alleviate the pain in the world…



Objective 1

Location:On the move with the girls
Tags: Sister Mercy Sister Mercy Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich

Rifle laid out across her lap, and helmet sat beside her, Harmony was in the middle of reassembling her scope mount as her master spoke to her. She was excited about the prospect that loomed before her, but something in her core felt saddened at the rift she was starting to feel from her other sisters. Perhaps it was just something she was imaging, but she couldn't deny that it didn't feel great. Still, she had Greer with her, and the jedi seemed to be taking to her better than her sisters. Or again, maybe that was just her brain acting haywire. Regardless, she felt a bit of pride over her braid. It was like she had been bestowed an honor by one of Ashlan's chosen. Maybe her sisters were just jealous. Perhaps that was the cause?

Hearing her title be mentioned, Harmony's head popped up, head tilted to the side. "Master Grrrr, you never mentioned when I can make a lightsaber like yours. I think it would go along way in increasing my combat potential." She took her helmet, and slid it over her head, and finished the final touches on her rifle. "I don't know if you can keep up Master Grrrr, I'm really fast." Catching a glimpse of her sisters from the open hatch, Harmony had to at least try and reach out to them. "Don't worry girls! I got this! Take care of Sister Mercy while I'm gone!" Securing her rifle onto her shoulder sling, Harmony tested out her FAE-U unit, and was happy with the status of it. She had taken a rocket to her pack on the last mission, and that had been nightmarish. Though that mostly had to do with being grounded, she hated having to run everywhere.
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Shadows consumed the lower reaches of the temple, staved off only by the light of sabers whose glow bounced eerily off the dark stone. The depths could only be reached by a grand staircase, winding angularly down a massive rectangular shift. Debris had choked the staircase closed after the last battle of Malachor, though compared to the ashen fields around it the temple showed very little signs of battle. What exactly had occurred was beyond the consulars tasked with clearing the way, but the stones gave little resistance to their Ashla-given powers of the Force.

Half a dozen Jedi knights of all schools banded together to make the first descending party. Progress up top was going smoothly all things considered, but until the entire temple was secured the work could not be called finished. As they reached the bottom, the consulars lifted the last remaining debris out of the way stepped into the darkness. It was somehow thicker here.

The first guardian stepped forward, a young but talented Mirialan, already tattooed far more than most his age. The others watched as the darkness enveloped him.

"You all should come see this." he called warily from the darkness. Hesitant, but with obeisance to the brave knight, the rest moved forward. Together their blades lit up a strange and macabre scene.

On the floor, before a pair of gargantuan blackstone doors, was a corpse. Bones stuck in rigor mortis, kneeling. The matching skull that was missing from it was nowhere to be found. The bones were humanoid in origin, yet deformed and twisted, seemingly so before death met this fellow.

"Whoever lived with those bones must have lived in pain."

As if the words were spoken with magic, the finger bones of the skeleton twitched. The knights recoiled in shock as the headless skeleton's hand unlocked from its deathly sleep. They took a wide-eyed step back as the skeleton rose to its feet. In fitting reaction a blue blade struck out at the bones. As the blade touch them, it fizzled and extinguished.

A dark aura surrounded the bones. As they stood upright, the space where the head would have been swirled with a black mist wherein two blood red orbs hovered like eyes. From it bellowed a disembodied voice, a slow and droning baritone.

"Pain? No. You stand on a spot of liberation, where the binds of mortal pain were broken. You stand where a would be God made me Kingmaker of the Sith. And you have overstayed your welcome."

Then the bones fell apart, clattering to the floor. The Jedi looked on with stunned. Pale faces for another moment, until the light that protected them was snuffed out as their sabers shorted.

Their screams echoed up through the stairwell. Even if they were heard, it was too late...
Lady Celeste Demici
Juror of Ashla, Crusader, Witch Elder | The Holy Eldritch
Objective: Follow the voices, penitence
Location: Surface, Malachor V
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant sword | Light Armour || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Open
[ Sanctus Dominus ]
<"U'ghft Aimgr'luhh (Dark words) or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Nog, nog, h' mgr'luh ng ah'hri ya ephaii, ph'nglui syha'h! | Noli eum audire! Mane in luce, soror!

The whispers and sounds again disrupted Celeste's meditation. It was much harder in this place than elsewhere. They went from one dark world to another. She was sleepless, tired, and hard to concentrate. Her juror’s comrades told her to try to meditate, to try to relax, but it wasn’t that easy, especially when one was talking in someone’s mind without stopping. I mean, not one, but two different voices. A man and a woman. They said it would get better, but it wasn’t better and it kept hurting her head. If she took painkillers for it, then her connection with the Force severed or dampened.

Nog, nog, h' mgr'luh ng ah'hri ya ephaii, ph'nglui syha'h! | Noli eum audire! Mane in luce, soror!

She heard screams; but it was different, it wasn’t the two different voices, it was something else. It came through the Force and wasn’t that far from Celeste. The woman raised her head, feeling only the darkness despite the protective fields, and a familiar, very familiar feeling. She had already felt this, at Korriban, at the vision. When she saw that strange creature with the tentacles. Which was familiar, and yet not. She hadn't known how to interpret that vision since. She saw it many times, and this planet really resembled the place that was in the vision.

Nog, nog, h' mgr'luh ng ah'hri ya ephaii, ph'nglui syha'h! | Noli eum audire! Mane in luce, soror!

She picked up her sword from her bed and ran to where she felt the darkness and screams. Something began to call her, a feeling that wanted to take her over; the female voice screaming in her mind as the male voice called her more and more seductively and eloquently, to the place and to the one down there. Celeste didn't understand yet, but she hoped she would get answers down there. By the time she got down the Juror no longer felt anyone alive, everyone was dead and the Dark Side was just present. But different, not like near the Sith, here the power of the Bogan was different.

Nog, nog, h' mgr'luh ng ah'hri ya ephaii, ph'nglui syha'h! | Noli eum audire! Mane in luce, soror!

Familiar and stranger. It was much more depraved and more corrupt, voices, millions of voices in the abominable language she had heard from the man in her mind. She reached for her head, but the voices didn't want to go silent. Celeste felt satisfaction from the man and fear from the woman. She wanted answers to what the incident did to her when she lost her memory. What are these sounds? She looked at the dead Jedi, the crusaders, and saw them for the first sight as she entered the chamber. Then she lifted her gaze off the ground and then she saw him…

Nog, nog, h' mgr'luh ng ah'hri ya ephaii, ph'nglui syha'h! | Noli eum audire! Mane in luce, soror!

"Ahf' ymg' ah? Ng ahh ymg' ah uln ya?" (Who are you? And why are you calling me?) she asked, while she did not even notice that she was not using the common language but another that she didn't even remember at the moment.



Kregdakka Skull'kullektah



O B J E C T I V E: The Blighted World
Personal Objective: Ransack Local Ziggurats for Materials
Location: Ziggurat of Damnation, Malachor V
Tags: Open
The small footsteps of the Skraal Engineer would be heard within the Ziggurat of Damnation as the green glow of his eyes could be seen almost like spotlights among the dark and dank structure that was still standing on the world after millenia had passed. Ikit Doomspire had arrived within the ziggurat for a single purpose to hide from others that had managed to arrive and acquire rare materials such as stones and power conductors from the ziggurat before him. Doomspire had become more machine than skraal from an outsiders point of view, covering himself in golden and grey power armor that had various systems imbedded within that would function like weapon systems to fight against anything that he might encounter within. He had heard legend upon legend from various people that these ancient places on Malachor V were infested with foul sorcery and other strange things beyond the understanding of feeble minds. Ikit didn't believe any of this until he had actually arrived on the planet as it felt like a squeezing presence was draining him of life.
"Dangerous this place is, yes yes..Find what I need among the rubble." Ikit spoke to himself within the empty and massive halls as his cybernetic voice vocabulator would spew out his words into understandable galactic standard basic. His cybernetic scanners imbedded within the armored helmet gave him a form of tactical readout of the ziggurat that he was now exploring and pulling up any records available. The records spoke of an Ancient Sith Lord calling himself a Prince of Excess had managed to establish a ziggurat on this broken and shattered world. The Prince had spent hours gathering servants among the galaxy's finest pleasures such as women and silks of various softness. Spending hours upon hours of fulfilling his darkest desires with the dark side of the force only to be consumed by it and his ziggurat abandoned once his death was confirmed by the other lords of bogan. Once a palace of delight had been turned into a palace of eternal damnation. Ikit certainly believed that someone of incredible wealth had once lived here due to the small fragments of luxury items still here and not worn down by the centuries.
Pushing open a small doorway through one of the many hallways that made up the Ziggurat of Damnation. Inside would be a small pedestal that contained a box decorated with various symbols of the Prince of Excess, approaching with caution to snatch the box for himself to take back to Skraal Gauss for further experimentations. Although he had his armor constantly scanning the surrounding hallways to alert him of any sign of trouble but even his advanced armor couldn't scan the entire structure, allowing a small gap within his search pattern to avoid detection.

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Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Harmony Harmony , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze


Few planets held a dark aura like Malachor V. The place seemed to breathe the darkness, creating a perpetual sense of uncertainty for those who walked in the Light of Ashla. It wasn't a place meant for Jedi, and the terrors that lurked within the ancient temples were certainly not for the faint of heart. Nevertheless, it made for a suitable home for the dreaded artifacts that the Crusade had gathered since they began their conquest of former Sith Space. Vaxis had called several Jurors together to aid in the effort, and they had broken up into teams in an attempt to clear the area of potential threats.

Vaxis took point as the group began to make their descent into the dark temple, taking care to watch his step as they followed the path of the previous group. The air seemed more dense down here, as if the temple oozed a miasma of darkness. Vaxis steeled his mind, anticipating that there was more to this place than they initially anticipated.

"Stay close, and keep your wits about you. Something is off here..."

They continued to push forward, remaining in a tight formation. As they continued deeper into the cavernous depths of the temple, the halls echoed with the screams of those who had gone before. The Jurors stopped in their tracks, each drawing their weapon as the echoing sounds of death cascaded across the halls. One of the Jurors looked to Vaxis, a hint of nervousness escaping his lips as he spoke.

"We need to hurry."

Vaxis stood silent for a moment before giving a reply.

"No... they are already dead. If we rush into this, we'll do nothing but join them."

Suddenly, a familiar feeling rushed up the back of his neck, a sense of lingering dread he had felt before... back on Coruscant.

"By Ashla, it can't be... everyone stay alert. There's something out there. I pray to Ashla that I am wrong, but if I'm not... we are in for a very serious fight. Weapons at the ready, brethren. We must be prepared for anything."


Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Storms roared across the sky, an unpleasant and foreboding presence that mirrored the equally unpleasant terrain of Malachor V. Many of the Jedi and the Crusade's Knightly Orders had been deployed with a focus on placing the artifacts in their new resting place, but beyond the horizon, there were plenty of lurking dangers. The task to eliminate these dangers was placed in the hands of the Magister himself, and he would deal with the situation in his usually meticulous fashion. Scipio was no Force-user, but he never felt the need for such skills. For him, his most powerful weapon was his mind, and he would use it to great effect in securing this cursed place.

The forward camp was bustling with the sounds of war, though there had been little fighting up to this point. Their time here had been drenched in the chatter of officers, the sound of vehicles and troops deploying, and the ever-constant buzz of the comms. Despite the current lack of opposition, the Magister would still do all he could to account for the unaccounted, hoping to put down any threats before they could rear their ugly heads.

"Send the Lancer Corps to the far side of the ridge, commander. Have them maintain the perimeter while we get out infantry into place. As for the walkers, I doubt we'll get them very far in this terrain. Best to keep them here for now. Send the tanks out to these positions, just along the edge of this valley. Send Deus Company and the Ruusan Rangers to accompany them, just in case."

This process was going to be tedious, and their maneuvers would have to be precise in order to make it through the questionable terrain of the planet. They would have to be steady and careful. Today, there could be no mistakes.

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Vinaze appeared only to Celeste, in the closest approximation of his "true form": the unspeakable and unknowable mass of eyes and tentacles emerging from Netherspace. Though the other jurors did not see him yet, they would feel him.

"Ahf' ymg' ah? Ng ahh ymg' ah uln ya?"

The alien words floated in his consciousness as he stared down at her. He did not know the language, but there was no knowledge forbidden from the prophet. A single, thin black tentacle slithered through the air towards her, touching her gently on the forehead. Though it travelled a mere few meters, it reached deep through the ethereal void and into her mind.

"Who are you? And why are you calling me?" he finally understood.

"Ah, yes. You already know why I call you, Hyrva V'khali. I know what you are, and how you struggle with what you pretend to be. You trade your name for that of one of theirs in appeasement. The Jedi are a chain, bound together by false notions such as hope, or good and evil. You are the weakest link in that chain, and you stand to gain the most by freeing yourself. It took them so much to best you. Why now do you tie yourself to them? What side will you choose when they inevitably turn to your world and see its darkness, ready for them to sate themselves with the blood of your people?"

As Vinaze questioned Celeste, the massive doors began to open with an unholy grind against the floor. Light from within, torches of a strange green flame, spilled out. When the lead juror spoke he saw the jurors tense up at the thought of some enemy from within waiting for them, but there was not. In the center of the crypt lay another corpse of monstrous size. The skeleton of a Tarentatek. They would know that this was a place of death, and in death their chains would be broken as Vinaze's were when Kascalion Giedfield struck him down on the spot where the jurors now stood.

The sight ahead did not bode well. He could sense fear in these men who claimed they could face hell itself. Now they were there. But one did not break. One he had encountered before. It mattered not to him. If Celeste really was the weakest link as he had cause to believe, snapping her would bring the others down all the same...

Kregdakka Skull'kullektah



O B J E C T I V E: The Blighted World
Personal Objective: Ransack Local Ziggurats for Materials
Location: Ziggurat of Damnation, Malachor V
Tags: Open

Ikit approached the pedestal with slow movements to avoid any traps that might trigger when a certain weight was pressed upon it. He had known from the spacers that had survived encounters with these kinds of structures before that these dark ziggurats could be filled with spirits and other horrid abominations. Although ikit had to admit that the idea of capturing one of these abominations for his laboratory deep within the City of Unyielding Science on Skraal Gauss. Although he was the ruler of the planet, he shared his power with the Grand Supreme Warlord Queek Skullcrusher to whom was now in charge of the planet while he was away on business. Bringing up his weaponized claw arm, he would lightly touch the box with it an attempt to pick it up within a containment field. However the box must have sensed his intentions as it suddenly repulsed with the power of the dark side as the engineer was blown backwards into a nearby pillar as it was cracked in half due to the force of the power armor being slammed into it. Ikit looked with fear as the box arose from its pedestal and begin to twirl around within the light that creaked ever slowly from the various cracks around the room. The various symbols upon the box would begin to glow and then break like an ancient seal being broken.
Ikit backed up as far as he could as he turned around, trying to escape due to the natural skraal instinct to flee from danger. However he found his escape route blocked as the doors would be sealed shut and not even his armor's supernatural strength could bash through it. Constructed by some ninh impenetrable stone of some kind, a final trap to those that would seek to steal from the Prince of Excess and a warning to the other lords of bogan that his home was his domain and everything within was his to command. Ikit looked over to the box once more, as a purple mist would begin to pour from it. Overpowering the room in a dominant aura unlike anything he had every felt and almost made him bow before this mist.
This supernatural mist began to form into a shape of some kind, revealing after some time the spirit of the Prince of Excess, whom was unlike other force spirits because his shade was purple. Ikit could make out the details of him although they were transparent to some degree, the Prince had a silver war helmet and silver armor on top of blacken robes, silk fabric hanged off of his shoulders as his blonde long hair flowed from underneath the silver helmet. The Prince's gaze would peer over to ikit, as he was backed up upon the doorframe. Desperately wanting to flee from this dangerous and horrid manifestation.
"They say that some things are better left unopened and they would be right in this regard." The Prince of Excess spoke to ikit, moving forward like a ghost towards him. Outstretching his palm into a point towards the small skraal engineer before him. "Who are you, yes yes." Ikit said with fear in his voice, looking up at this massive figure that seemed to almost choke the air out of his cybernetic enhanced lungs. The Prince of Excess would peer down at him in response to this question. "I have awaited for millennia to be awakened from that horrid box. I am Lord Assoroth, The Sith Prince of Excess and the once proud owner of this ziggurat that you now plunder for your own purposes. Although fear not small creature for I am a merciful being unlike those barbarians that use the dark side of the force not for their own selfish desires but for some concept of knowledge." The Prince spoke with pride within his long forsaken voice as his ancient form seemed to float there, held aloft by his physical apparition within this world. "I pity them for they do not indulge with their own fantasies and desires like I have. But I will show them and everyone on this world that the Prince of Excess will not be defeated so easily, until this planet is underneath the thralls of my excess." Assoroth would softly laugh in a spiteful tone, clearly unhinged by the millenaia of his spirit being trapped within the box awaiting to be opened. Ikit would simply stare at the spirit as it spoke, to afraid to move and to afraid to find some other way to escape from the ziggurat of damnation.
"LET THE LEGION OF EXCESS RISE FROM STONE TO SERVE THEIR LONG AWAITED MASTER!" Assoroth said in a booming voice that seemed to shake the vary ziggurat itself as his power gathered around him within the room then proceeded to be pushed outwards into pure waves. The Ziggurat of Damnantion would begin to glow a dark purple and to any outside observer, the power swirling from it would be a manifestation of pure excess and power as it created a disturbance throughout the force . The energies would swirl around the ziggurat with immense waves of the dark side into a maelstrom as it flooded through the room bringing to life the legion of excess by imbuing them with the dark side of the force as various stone statues would begin to fall down from their resting places, some of them missing their stone heads and body parts.
Long having been cracked away by the centuries of abuse and decay. This surge of power would finally unlock the door and ikit promptly escaped the room, peering down at the legions upon legions of stone soldiers that had risen from the hallway that lead to the small room. He was in massive danger and had to leave swiftly before he was killed or possessed. There was no way to escape unless help arrived from the other people on the planet.

This part is only for character interaction. I have no intentions to war post within this dom or have them go outside the ziggurat to mess with anyone else.

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Objective 2 - Hunt for the hidden Coven


Location: An Abandoned Ziggurat
Objectives: Explore Old Masters stomping ground
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Open

Personal Equipment

Rhiza looked back through the archway where the angelic form of the accompanying Jedi hovered above the ground. She didn't look like she was enjoying it here, truly it was a dark place and although Rhiza had only given a brief glance at the Ashlan roster, she was aware that Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir was well along the light side of the force spectrum, maybe this place caused her physical pain? The old Rhiza might admit to a little schadenfreude for the lightsider's discomfort, this was something that she needed to move past.

"Are you OK Eina?" The distorting effect of her voice travelling back through the portal would likely hide the fact that Rhiza expressed this concern through gritted teeth. "A lot of these places require two force users to access! Are you willing to continue?"

Rhiza's head snapped round as she sensed something and she instinctively ignited her light saber, it was just a fleeting shadow of a presence, something deep and foreboding, it reminded her a little of the feeling she got whenever her master would peer over her shoulder reading, before she had found out what he was. It made her skin crawl, not the darkness, but the thought of that man, her husband that dragged her down this path. She should thank him for the strength though, she would not be cowed by this place, and who knows, the weapons he sought may aid in the new fight she had signed on to.

"Could be a good fight in her for you Ashlan! I can feel something hunting me already." she laughed appealing to the warrior, light and dark, most force adepts were the same, offer them a good fight and they would not refuse. She started up the steps towards the first doorway, a large stone edifice with two levers, one either side, a simple access. "looks like we might be playing couples games as I suspected!" she shouted, no longer even aware if Eina could hear her "I can probably get this one myself but will probably need a hand further in." she pulled out her Electro whip and lashed it around the opposite lever, giving it a pull, her skill with the whip was without question and she managed to pull both levers at once. Barely a challenge she thought as she pulled them, not even suspecting that Sith temples to not appreciate being mocked.

Lady Celeste Demici
Juror of Ashla, Crusader, Witch Elder | The Holy Eldritch
Objective: Follow the voices, penitence
Location: Surface, Malachor V
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant sword | Light Armour || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Vaxis Vaxis
[ Sanctus Dominus ]
<"U'ghft Aimgr'luhh (Dark words) or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

The tentacles and that very many eyes were so familiar; it made her feel familiar at home. She knew she should feel disgust and aversion, but the sight of the creature meant security. She could feel the darkness out of her, she knew it was the enemy, that is, it should be. But then why did it have such an effect on her? At the moment, Celeste didn't even remember that she was a shape-shifter and her own real, huge form looked more like Vinaze than the human body she was in right now. And the voices were getting louder and louder.

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

The female voice was almost screaming as the black tentacle headed for her forehead, the man's voice flooding with cool calm. Almost scary. However, Celeste did not move, letting the tentacle touch her forehead. The man spoke after that. Hyrva V'khali. The name was both familiar and completely foreign. As if it had always been a part of her, but still, it didn't belong to Celeste. Strange feeling that she never felt before. Her people? Weakest link? There was pain in her head again and she fell to her knees. For a moment she saw a jungle with tentacle creatures like the man in front of her.

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

<"I do not know who this Hyrva V'khali… I think I never heard her name."> she said still in her own first language. <"I… I don’t remember anything from my past since I had an accident. Recently. What do you mean by my people? Why would they hurt them?"> she asked.

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

She was confused, she didn't understand the situation, and the sounds and headaches didn't help. The Juror knew she had to escape, run, but at the moment, she didn't have the strength to get up off the ground. Celeste did not know who her people were, but the man's words aroused frightening feelings in the woman. Why would anyone want to hurt anyone? After all, Ashlan Crusade didn’t hurt those who didn’t deserve it. The Bogan's followers had a different question, but Celeste doubted that her people would be like that. She didn't know because she was Cardinal Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 's niece, a human…

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

<"Did the two of us know each other before my accident? Why do the voices want me to join you? Who are you?"> she asked.

H' ah'hri, h' ah'hri, h' ah'hri aimgr'luhh ng nogephaii l' ya nnnf'hupp! | Prohibere! Desine ante tempus est! Revertimini et currite!

Celeste heard voices behind her, unable to stand up, but turned her head back for a few moments, where Lord Vaxis Vaxis and the other Jurors arrived. Then she looked up again at Vinaze and the entity's countless eyes and tentacles. So familiar…



Objective 1 - Safe Storage


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

"A lightsaber?" Greer asked laughing, "and here I was promising your commanders I wouldn't let you hurt yourself." she thought about it for a while, she didn't have any specific reason why not, sure a lightsaber was a dangerous and Hard master weapon, but a skilled non-force sensitive was perfectly capable of using one. Maybe once she saw exactly what Harmony brought to the table, she could discuss it further with her. "I'm not saying we won't get there, but let's work up to the plasma sword, you already have the vibrosword and are packing more firepower than any Jedi carries."

Greer grinned as Harms called her Master Grrrr, she wrinkled her nose up and let of a growl lower than should have been expected from the woman, the sword of growl you only learn whilst needing to scare off dangerous animals in a dark forest.

The APC Commander stuck his head our of the vehicle and nodded to the two women. "Pop your lid on Harms" came Greer in her thick Galidraani accept "now a good master would tell you, its not about speed and trying to keep up with each other, that patience is a greater virtue. That is all true, but I plan on being a great master, and I say there is nothing wrong with a little health competitiveness." she raised her eyebrows a couple of times before launching herself into the air on her Icarus pack, why more Jedi didn't use flight suits she never knew, Greer loved to fly and she loved to feel her kilt billowing in the rushing wind.

She looked back as she flew, waiting to watch Harmony take off and catch up. Both of them had smokeless systems, so of the kept low they could stay out of sight behind the bluff. Greer had recommended this before they had readied, let's see if her student listens.

Once Harmony had taken iff she would relay target coordinated to her, a tall bluff of what looked kime blasted granite with and old shrine on the top, hopefully beyond that, they would see the beleaguered convoy.

Objective 1

Location:On the move with the girls
Tags: Sister Mercy Sister Mercy Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Well, as unfun as it was to be told she couldn't have a lightsaber, Harmony understood the idea all too well. "I'll be super careful with it, but I understand." Well, it wasn't a solid no, but something she'd have to build up to. All in good time.

She snickered as Greer took to her new nickname, and was happy to see her new boss wasn't a stick in the mud. "Oh, that's pretty fancy! Is that a Nexu impersonation?" She had no idea really. Most her exposure to animals came from holodisks and flash memories. In fact, most of her memories weren't really hers at all. That realization made her feel a tad sad, though she couldn't exactly place why.

She didn't long it for long however, as Greer signaled it was time to leave. "Sounds good to me!" Least Greer was on board with the idea, Harmony certainly wanted to get rolling with this mission.

Seeing Greer take off, Harmony rolled her shoulders and gave a small hop off the side of the ACP, and let the thrust of her UPU catch her. Moving skyward, she aligned with Greer and switched her HUD to flight mode. She wanted to be more fancy, but this planet gave her an odd vibe. Almost like she was stepping on the body of a large monster; one misstep might wake it up. Moving through the dead skies, she watched the new data hit her HUD, and the coordinates worked themselves out. "Understood, making flight adjustments Master Grrrr. Be advised, this planet's atmosphere isn't healthy. We have dead air pockets over the ravines, so just be careful. Hit one of those, and your pack will short out, over." She was pretty sure Greer knew about that, but she just wanted to make sure.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to save and heal the world and explore the ruins
Location: An Abandoned Ziggurat, Malachor V
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina hovered in such position from where she saw Rhiza in the ziggurat, but also the nearby Ashlan camp where Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz was at the moment. Still, she was still looking at the place, with the countless wounds and ulcers as the world died. Again, she felt that the others were lucky not to see this. The Valkyrja heard Rhyza's voice from below, but when she wanted to answer her, she suddenly sensed something. Something that made her whole body tense for a moment.

Eina felt a very strong presence and also that the fabrics of the Netherworld and the Realspace were splitting, something had stretched from the Netherworld into this. And the feeling… had already felt this presence twice before; once on Coruscant, very tenderly, for it was far away and too many people were on the planet, but she was also on the planet where she had fought Zachariel for the second time, though the man's name was still unknown to the Valkyrja. However, she was already aware of this presence, meaning she did not know who it belonged to, but she did recognise the eldritch corruption.

She was a prisoner of the parasite for too long to be that way. Eina definitely didn’t like Eldritch's corruption and influence. She was afraid of them, she still had seizures because of it. Especially when they were just spending their resting hours with Gei and she was asleep too so her betrothed wouldn’t be alone. She still had visions and dreams about that period, about that place. That she is alone, locked in her own mind and body.

Even near to Hyrva, that is now to Celeste, she was anxious and unwell. Maybe because the woman hurt her. The Valkyrja forgave her, but she was still afraid of it, maybe that feeling would go away in time. One day…

But by the time she returned to the present with her thoughts, she felt that the woman had already disappeared at the ziggurat and was inside, but there were others in the area, not from the Ashlans. Eina hadn't heard the woman's last words, and since she sensed many people and creatures here, she thought it was better to talk to the Magister before going after the woman. So she flew over to Scipio Kaarz and landed next to him on the ground.

"Magister, we're not alone in the neighbourhood. I also notice many other presences in the Force, and Miss Dural is behaving very irresponsibly and acting unworthy of her fellow Jurors and has already set out inside the ziggurat, alone." she told the man. "And from the base camp, I feel a very strong Dark Side presence…"




Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Harmony Harmony , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze


The Jurors kept a tight formation as they descended deeper into the blackened, cursed site. Their minds were sharp, and their blades were ready. Despite this, there was that ever-present lingering sense of dread, as if they had stepped into the mouth of fear itself. Vaxis continued to push the thoughts far from the forefront of his mind. As they got closer, he could only believe that they were indeed on the verge of encountering that dreadful being from Coruscant once again. They eventually made their way into a larger chamber, only to find the bones of a terrible beast. Two of the Jurors found themselves stumbling, their wills wavering for a moment. Vaxis quickly turned to address those feeling weakened by the darkness of this place.

"Their is no fear, brothers. There is courage. Remember the creed of the faithful well, and we will see this through."

Their rushed breaths began to slow, and each began reciting the words quietly as they investigated the room. As they pressed on, they came upon a familiar sight, one of their own... the recent addition to their order, Celeste Demici. Vaxis knew little of the woman, though he had been one of the few that had helped her get her bearings among the Jury. The cardinal himself had insisted that she join their ranks, and they made it so. She seemed confused, however, covered in an air of uncertainty. Vaxis slowly approached her, still grasping his sword as if expecting the shadows themselves to strike out against them.

"Sister Demici, are you alright? There's something down here... something incredibly dangerous. It would be best if we stick together."

The others followed closely, maintaining a perimeter as they continued to watch for potential threats. Vaxis could still feel the fear deep within his comrades, but he would not let them go without a fight. Today would be a battle of wills, and the Dark Sentencer would keep his steeled against the terrors of the unknown.


Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The troop deployments were maintained a smooth trajectory thus far, and the Magister found himself almost thinking things were going to go according to plan... almost. Despite his desire for optimism, Scipio understood the uncertainty of battle all to well. He had spent many years developing that sixth sense, honing his skills among the greatest military minds of the NIO. That was another life, however. Now, he only lived to serve the Crusade.

Moments passed, and that possibility for optimism was quickly crushed by the words from the Valkyrja. This Juror that she spoke of was a new arrival, if Scipio's reports were correct. Though the Jurors were a very insular lot, the Magister did what he could to keep tabs on anyone of note within the Crusade. Such were the perks of holding such a rank.

"The Jurors are accustomed to working alone, though I do agree that this may not be the wisest place for such tactics. I can send more of our forces to the ziggurat to maintain a perimeter, though I am hesitant to send them into the structure itself. If you wish to do so, I can reach out to the other Jurors and see if they have any men to spare."

He took a moment to look at the holoprojector in front of him once again.

"I'll relocate our walkers to keep an eye on things at basecamp. There are several Knightly Orders in the area as well, perhaps we can make use of their numbers."

Though Scipio had faith in the Ashlan military, there were some things that weren't meant to be dealt with by conventional means. It was the reason they were here, after all. The artifacts being stowed away on the planet were not safe to maintain within reach, let alone around someone not experienced in the ways of the Force. Thankfully, they had plenty of Jedi to deal with things on that front. For now, the Magister would continue monitoring the situation, making sure that they got through the day with minimal interference.


Objective 1 - Safe Storage


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

We have dead air pockets over the ravines, so just be careful. Hit one of those, and your pack will short out, over.

"noted, thanks for the heads up, that would be embarrassing wouldn't it." and she laughed. It was only a relatively short hop to the, Greer slowed her speed as the approached, not wanting to barrel in and get ambushed. Lightning struck the ruin and she felt a pulse of darkness wash through her as it did, this was such a foul place, why her superiors felt that they should be here, she would never understand, but it was not her place to question. Gently landing in the edge of the platform she could see what looked like two sentries watching over the edge, in the very place she wished as her own vantage point, she could sense the darkness in them, they were acolytes of some description, Greer preyed to Ashla that they were mortal foes.

"I will go in first, you cover me in case there are more here, once we have taken this ridge we can guide in our APC." she kissed her Rosary and then charger. The Sentries turned, they looked human, but their eyes were dead and class like. They responded quickly and one of them lashed out with a dark purple bolt of energy that hit Greer's lightsaber blade. She swung the blade wide, slicing off the hand that threw the bolt and the creature barely flinched. It lashed out at her, clattering its sword against her armour. Greet spun and pulled the blade up and across across her foe, cutting it from its lower rib cage, up to its opposite collar bone. There was a gurgling sound as it fell , still trying to swing a rusted looking sword at her. The darkness she felt from whatever it was winked out as she felt its soul return to the tortured planet.

The other sentry saw her cut down the first and he took off, launching himself into the air on hidden wings just as Greer tried to take him in the jaw with her fist. He was fast, too fast for Greer to catch. "Harms, this one is yours, down that Karker before he reports back to his friends."

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