Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Dark Storage | AC Dominion of Malachor V

Objective 1

Location:On the move with the girls
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Following Grrr's course, Harmony felt a glimmer of pride at her assumed assistance in the matter. "Only if anyone found out Master Grrr. My lips are sealed, over." She wondered why Master Grrr wasn't closing out her comms, but the woman probably didn't have the same type of training that Harmony and her sisters had. She used to get in so much trouble for not closing out her comms, and now it was like second habit; though she was able to stop herself from saying it when not en flight, so that was signs of improvement. Coming up to their target, Harmony tightened the grip on her rifle and cut off her pack, her armored boots hitting onto the dead rock, and her free hand anchoring herself on the ridge.

Listening to Grrr explain the situation, Harmony gave a nod, and flipped on her scope, moving to keep sights on the two targets as Grrr flew off to engage them. 'So cool'. She thought, watching as Master Grrr cut down her foe with such power, the laser blade slashing and whooshing like one of those cool light things at those parties she wasn't suppose to go to.

With the first sentry down, Grrr's word hit her comm as she watched the sentry try and take off. They didn't get far. Harmony's rifle pointed, confirmed, and fired two shots. The first impact struck at the shoulder, knocking the cretin forward and tumbling from the momentum shift, and the second round punched right through the back and exploded out through the chest. Clean kill. The sentry hit the ground, unmoving, and with two extra holes.

Smiling at her deed, Harmony shifted from her position and relocated next to Grrr, buzzing with excitement. "Awesome job Master Grrr!" She exclaimed, before recalling the nature of their mission. Her relaxed posture vanished, and she began looking about with her rifle for an unseen foe. Taking a gander of the environment, Harmony waited further orders; which probably meant signaling to the APC to keep on rolling.

Kregdakka Skull'kullektah



O B J E C T I V E: The Blighted World
Personal Objective: Ransack Local Ziggurats for Materials
Location: Ziggurat of Damnation, Malachor V
Tags: Open

Vroom..Vroom..could be heard from the ziggurat of damnation as Ikit Doomspire fought tooth and nail to flee from the Sith Spirit that he had released by accident. Charging up his arm cannon having equipped it with lightning gun technology from the black markets, firing arcs of green colored lightning into the stone soldiers in front of himself. He was quick footed than most of his species using his power armor's repulsor technology to move around quicker than normal to avoid being captured by the Legion of Excess. Turning around corner after corner and avoiding the strikes of the enemies halberds due to his small size and lighter frame in comparison to the bulkiness of stone until a side entrance was before him that he didn't discover in his initial scan of the building, although he was cut off by a pair of stone soldiers that made quick haste to block his escape. One of them slammed down the halberd in a low fashion, looking to make him jump over it so the other stone soldier could whack him with his sword.
Ikit wouldn't be caught off-guard so easily, so he jumped over the halberd strike and landed on top of it. Narrowly avoiding the incoming blade with a slight turn of his body, and looping his tail around the sword to yank it out of the hand of the stone soldier. Ikit moved up on the handle of the halberd, jumping over the head of the stone soldier and using the sword wrapped around his tail to make them bash into one another. Destroying them in the process. As the stone soldiers crumbled, the sound of more emerging from various hidden convens would be picked up by his audio broadcaster. Moving swiftly to avoid fighting once again, Ikit managed to squeeze himself through a small hole in the cracked walls, ironically the hole lead to exactly where he wanted to go to claim his prize before leaving the terrible world altogether. The temple conversion room which boosted the power of the temple and could be activated by the force, generously provided by the sith spirit that he had awakened.
Snatching the power conversion loop from the generator, Ikit blasted another hole through the wall with a charged lightning blast. Rushing through the landscape using his repulsor technology imbedded within like the coward that all skraal all and will ever be. Although there was still a chance that the spirit would catch up to him, he had figured that the Ashlan Crusaders would come and clear out the temple in no time at all due to the dark side aura being generated. Ikit had just run out of suit power when he managed to reach the cargo ship he had arrived in, moving slowly up the ramp and into the cockpit. Interlocking with the computer systems of the cargo vessel and telling it to take off into the atmosphere.
The Cargo Ship would make a break for it into hyperspace, avoiding crashing into anything on its way out of the system. Ikit Doomspire had an interesting encounter on the planet and almost died due to a releashed sith spirit. However the skraal engineer had survived intact with his prize in his clawed hand, ready to return back to the Seven Clandoms of Skraalzzar and begin working on converting the power conversion loop into a machine to extract energy and power for the cities of Skraalzzar buried underneath the surface.
I do apologize for showing up to this dominion thread without prior permission. However I hope that you do not hate me for doing so and would like to roleplay with me in the future.


"Did the two of us know each other before my accident? Why do the voices want me to join you? Who are you?"

The disembodied eyes floated peculiarly in the black, goopy mist above her. He was silent for a moment, then spoke again his in baritone monotone.

"We did not. But I know much about you. Would you like to know more about yourself?"

In reality his offer was not a choice. She would learn the truth, even if it was buried under more layers of her mind than he had imagined. The strength of the Light within her was not lost on him, but it was unnatural. The inky void began to spread around her like a wall of a thousand eyes locked perversely on her mind's eye. When Celeste was fully enveloped, at least by her perception of it, the eyes closed and dissipated from reality. She was locked in the pure void now.

"You are not who you think." the mists of time began to swirl around her, revealing a somewhat foggy, but clear enough, vision of the past. A twisted monster, a knight in shining armour, a dark world were the light dare not penetrate. She would feel again the feeling of power she once had when she brought the greatest crusaders to their knees. How that power tasted so sweet to Vinaze.

"You are not of the Jedi, nor are you a Human. You are power, innate, raw. The dark side is your birthright and your destiny. You nearly destroyed this Crusade. But you were weakened by the Light. And you inadvertently created a dyad in the Force. You have brought doom to your people."

Before her eyes danced the image of Geiseric and Eina, a love strong beyond mortality. The image then shifted to Geiseric cutting his way through the jungles of Wgah'ngl, surrounded by knights burning the world with righteous cleansing flame.

"Do you think they forgive you for what you put them through? You cause suffering, and that is all you ever will do, because you are of the Darkness."
Lady Celeste Demici
Juror of Ashla, Crusader, Witch Elder | The Holy Eldritch
Objective: Follow the voices, penitence
Location: Surface, Malachor V
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant sword | Light Armour || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Vaxis Vaxis
[ Sanctus Dominus ]
<"U'ghft Aimgr'luhh (Dark words) or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

"Lord Vaxis? I…" she wanted to ask, then her voice trailed off. "You do not see hi-" she didn't have a chance to finish her words.

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

It was clear even to her that the man's words were not an offer, not a choice, but a promise that it would happen. It also became clear to the woman that Vaxis did not see the strange creature, only she. Why? Maybe because of the sounds. The darkness as it began to embrace her now frightened the woman for the first time. It was not familiar to her at all. The Dark Side is yes, but this void is not. She tried to stand up, but had no strength because of her headache. The man's voice was already roaring loudly in her head, completely suppressing the woman's short scream. Celeste also screamed in pain; the moment the void surrounded her.

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

Vaxis disappeared from her, no longer perceiving him, only Vinaze's voice, the void, the darkness, and what the man showed her. She saw her own world, she felt again the power she had. She had almost infinite power at home because she was able to use the Nexus that nourished and enlivened the planet. Felt the millions of consciousness she had connected with her handful of companions each year to spread the whispers so that the blessing would reach everyone. As she felt this and grabbed it for a moment, her real, eldritch-infected power flowed through the room. Tentacles protruded from her body in all directions; not only physically, but also in the Force.

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

Truthspeaker! R'luhhor syha'h!

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

Her true power sought the darkness, she seized it; and there was plenty of it in this place. She remembered her ability to change shape, though she didn’t do it now, it was unintentional, her body had changed. She screamed again, her legs disappeared, instead countless tentacles grew, her hands stretched, her fingers also, her hair disappeared just like her eyes; claws appeared at the end of her fingers, new tentacles from her tentacles. She rose from the ground, floating, now again the nearly twelve-foot-tall huge eldritch being that she really was. Although she was not aware of it at the moment, amid the images dancing before her eyes. So only Vinaze, Vaxis, and the Jurors could see that.

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

However, it was not yet completely embraced by the darkness, the light was still there, which the Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla had forced upon her. And her skin was snow-white, still a holy eldritch. Celeste looked across the vision, straight in the direction of Vinaze, but not through her eyes, but through the Force. Something moved in her to the mention of her people; no! She will not let her people get hurt by anyone. As a religious leader, her job was to protect the planet. Celeste saw the floating picture of Eina and Geiseric; the girl was still afraid of her. She didn't know why, and then she remembered it…

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

She saw the beautiful creation that became from the Valkyrja after the ritual, when the parasite was already nourishing from her soul. But the crusader eventually saved and destroyed her creation; she remembered her own death; as and for what they, the Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla brought her back. Darkness and Light fought inside her soul, still falling back to the ground in her huge and original body. The impact of the more than two-ton body caused a greater quake in the room; her tentacles fluttered back and forth as the two sides fought inside her, though the colour of her skin was still snow-white. Even... there were also waves in the Force, where the strong eldritch-infected darkness and the Light side flowed far away, with Hyrva / Celeste at its centre.

Ah'legeth, ah'legeth, mgr'luh mgleth mgep f', ah ya ehye ahog, Y' ah syha'h mgleth ng f' ah ah'legeth! | No!

"No one can harm my people!" she said.


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Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Harmony Harmony , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze


The Jurors found themselves petrified in silence, each of them taken aback at the sight before them. Their fellow Juror had secrets, this much they knew... secrets even she didn't know the answers to. It was something that had made her acceptance among the Jury controversial, yet they eventually had fallen in line with the Cardinal's wishes. But now, in the wake of what they saw... things were even less certain than before. Vaxis remembered the creature... and killing it. It seemed almost like a nightmare to see her in such a state, yet there was still faith deep within the Juror. Ashla had seen fit to grant this soul another chance, an opportunity to atone. And he would ensure that she would get it.

He turned toward his companions, sheathing his blade as he spoke.

"Do not waver, brothers! We must protect our sister. Show her the path back to Ashla's arms before this creature can take her from us."

Turning back toward their screaming companion, the Dark Sentencer took a step forward.

"I'll deal with this other beast."

Though he couldn't see the dark being manipulating their comrade, Vaxis could sense his presence. His blade would be of no use to him now, only his faith would guide him through the darkness. He sat on the floor as he did many times during his daily meditation, and as he closed his eyes, he began to recite the words of the Crusade's holy warriors. The others followed suit, focusing their energies on their friend as they tried to help her push the darkness back. As for Vaxis, his sight was only set on one... the dark entity he had encountered on Coruscant. Soon, he found himself in a trance, lost in the deep vastness of his own mind, and as he continued to pray, he reached forth with his will until he found the entity he sought.

Release her, and I promise your end will be swift.



The darkness around Celeste receded. It was within her now. Should would carry it to strike down the rest of the Jurors, for Vinaze had a more pressing matter.

Like an animal trying to understand a man, Vaxis sought out Vinaze. He could not deny the strength of will of the master Juror. Few could reach out and touch Vinaze of their own volition, and fewer of those people were Jedi.

"Release her, and I promise your end will be swift."

The Sith Lord's vision through the haze of the void cleared as his conscious was met by Vaxis'. A formidable foe, it seemed, if only for his relentless persistence. None could truly stand against the Sith'ari's Prophet.

Together they floated in the ethereal, cerebral meeting place between two minds. Vinaze appeared in his eldritch form to the Dark Sentencer. There was nothing to hide.

"You make demands in such narrow terms. We do not comprehend such things as endings the same. How do you propse to end me?"
Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


As the Ashlan forces continued their advance, Scipio watched from his holoprojector, keeping a close eye on each unit's movements. Things were still going smoothly, despite the recklessness exhibited by a couple of their number. He only hoped that the transportation of the artifacts was going as smoothly as the rest of the operation. This place made him feel uneasy, though he would never show the signs to his subordinates. There was a need for composure among the upper ranks of the Ashlan military, and the Magister would take care to maintain his no matter what. Nevertheless, he couldn't wait to get off of this accursed rock and get back to familiar territory.

"Sir," one of the officers called, "we're receiving reports from the Lancer Corps. Something about strange sonic readings. They seem to be..."

The man's head shot to his personal commlink, his breathing intensifying as he listened to the transmission.

"Contact along the ridge, sir! A group of creatures have engaged the Lancers!"

Storm beasts... it had to be. Scipio had only heard of the creatures, but had assumed them to be extinct.

"Tell the Lancers to pull back."


Scipio turned his full attention to the officer, his composure remaining intact.

"Pull them back, and let the beasts give chase. Draw them into the valley below, and once they're in range of our tanks, the Lancers are to break off."

"And if they reach the tanks?"

"That's why I sent Deus Company and the Ruusan Rangers, commander. I have complete faith in their abilities. They will know what to do."

With those words, the orders were sent out, and all the while Scipio stood there silently, patiently waiting for an update from his troops.

Lady Celeste Demici
Juror of Ashla, Crusader, Witch Elder | The Holy Eldritch
Objective: Follow the voices, penitence
Location: Surface, Malachor V
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant sword | Light Armour || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Vaxis Vaxis
[ Sanctus Dominus ]
<"U'ghft Aimgr'luhh (Dark words) or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Mggoka'ai, mggoka'ai! mggoka'ai ya! mggoka'ai ya, ng join ya ph'nglui syha'h lw'nafh! Nogephaii l' ya, ya gof'n!

Light and darkness were still fighting in Celeste. The Light side "received" by Children of Ashla and Valkyrja were very strong, but so was the darkness in Hyrva. After all, she was a child of darkness; one of the strongest members of her people. The person who was best able to decipher the whispers, who had the most and most lifelike visions. In her original body, Hyrva was blind before she learned how she was able to change her body so that she had eyes, she could only see through the Force and through visions. Her Dark God thus compensated her for what nature had taken from the woman.

Mggoka'ai, mggoka'ai! mggoka'ai ya! mggoka'ai ya, ng join ya ph'nglui syha'h lw'nafh! Nogephaii l' ya, ya gof'n!

Her body was still snow-white, imbued with the Light Side, with Ashlas power; but at one moment Ashla's power was felt, in the next it was and Bogan's power. Bogan, who in the case of Hyrva was called Gnaiih ot N’ghftnahh. She may not have been as ancient as Bogan, but she was different. It was thanks to her that the Hyrva's people exist, she was the one who infected the Dark Planet nexus, making it an eldritch infected. She created a new, beautiful thing. At the end of this long process, Hyrva was one of the top predators. And they wanted to take that away from her.

Mggoka'ai, mggoka'ai! mggoka'ai ya! mggoka'ai ya, ng join ya ph'nglui syha'h lw'nafh! Nogephaii l' ya, ya gof'n!

~ Mgsyha'h, mgsyha'h, mgsyha'h! goka ya ymg' r'luh! ~ (Never, never, never, give me your power!) she thought, everyone, even Vinaze and Vaxis, could hear the woman's words, even though only Vinaze understood them.

Mggoka'ai, mggoka'ai! mggoka'ai ya! mggoka'ai ya, ng join ya ph'nglui syha'h lw'nafh! Nogephaii l' ya, ya gof'n!

She was half-conscious, still mostly locked in visions caused by the struggle between darkness and light inside her. More and more memories emerged from her past, but the "security measure" was immediately trying to suppress and prevent Celeste from remembering what and who was once. Her body, her tentacles twitched, her mind and the "tentacles" of her reached for other minds to find memories, thoughts, feelings. She knew instinctively how to do it, how to grab fear, doubt, negative thoughts…

Mggoka'ai, mggoka'ai! mggoka'ai ya! mggoka'ai ya, ng ya ph'nglui syha'h lw'nafh! Nogephaii l' ya, ya gof'n!

Meanwhile, the dark half of her consciousness was trying to defend herself against the Jurors, and the fabric of reality was torn apart, and from another dimension, three eldritch creatures about the size of a horse entered Realspace to protect their mistress.




Tags: Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze


The dark, gnarled mass of shadow and dread manifested itself in front of the Juror, its blackened essence permeated the furthest reaches of the mental plane they shared. The darkness itself had become palpable, forcing Vaxis to focus on maintaining his own fortitude for a moment. This creature had the advantage of the unknown, the unspoken, the secrets people not dare to whisper. He was the embodiment of uncertainty, and in that uncertainty, he maintained his hold over others. It was a power that could only be broken through strength of will, and steadfast conviction, and today, Vaxis would hold those virtues close to his chest. They would be his armor and shield as he pushed his will forth.

"All things have an ending, even a being such as yourself. Even things not of this world, nor this life. The fact that you can not see that shows that you are blinded by your own perception of self. I will happily show you the way. Perhaps in your next existence, you will grow wiser. If not... then you will be cursed to repeat your sins over and over again, only to be crushed each time."

His mind reached out, slowly pressing itself against the walls of the void, seeking to edge its way ever closer to Vinaze. Each inch felt like a battle of its own, the very air seemingly resistant against the will of Vaxis. As he continued to maintain his fortitude, the other Jurors continued their prayers around Celeste, the volume of their voices growing with each passing mantra. As their words grew louder, the golden light of Ashla slowly began to pulsate out from them, lighting up the air in waves with their breath. They would continue to call out time and again, attempting to bring their fellow Juror back from the darkness.

As the prayers continued to echo through the chamber, Vaxis could hear their voices, so close, yet sounding so distant. As the energy poured forth from their bodies, their voices seemed to be getting closer, as if they were marching beside the meditating Juror. His hand reached out, and with all of his strength, Vaxis pushed his thoughts as deep into the void as he could, attempting to pierce into the heart of the beast with sheer will alone.

"There is no darkness... there is THE LIGHT!"

A golden, fiery ray of light burst forth from his hand, cutting through shadow as he lashed out at the creature. Vaxis wasn't sure if it would hurt the creature, but he would try nonetheless. One way or another, he would bring his comrade back from the brink, lest she be lost forever.



Objective 1 - Safe Storage


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Harmony Harmony Sister Mercy

"nice shot youngling, I have never got the hang of a firearm myself." she smiled at her, she was impressed with the cool professionalism of the woman, which seemed to just switch on the moment their task was at hand. She also enjoyed the fun and erratic side of her personality very much, but was glad she had a strong professional side.

As Harmony looked around through her scope Greer went to the edge of the bluff and looked out, she suppressed her own force aura slightly, in case they were dealing with dark force users, she wanted to maintain the element of suprise. She ordered the APC to continue moving up, ahead of the stalled convoy was a narrowing and a set of rocks, this currently screened the approach of the APC from them. The other side of the pass was a steep cliff, near vertical with a slight overhang. The first of the three Ashlan vehicles was burning and the others were trapped behind it. Ever from this distance it was clear that the ashlans had been ambushed and killed and now some raiders were looting them for supplies. There was a large, heavily armoured 5 wheeled lorry down there being loaded by the raiders. Somewhere down there was a dark artifact that they could not be allowed to leave with.

"So, you are a Jedi, or some other special forces, you have been given limited resources to achieve a mission with little information to go on.

When we're in the field, this happens a lot, and we have to make on the fly tactical calls like this. So, you know what resources we have, you know what our mission is and you can see what I can see. It's your call, I will follow your orders as will the rest of the Sisters."
she grinned, confident in her padawans ability and wanting to test her. It would also be her first test as a master. This mission was important enough that if it went badly she would be forced to justify the risk she took handing it to her padawan.

"So what's the plan?"

It was then that Greer shuddered, far off somewhere, some darkness had been released, something horribly familiar, had the dark one Hryva returned? She would need to speak to her masters once this mission was achieved.

As the blinding light burst forth, the stygian tentacles recoiled in pain as the globular mass of eyes and dark energy shrunk to half its size. The many eyes glassed over, pupils shrinking to pinpoints, shifting back and forth rapidly, seizure-like. The disembodied voice was no longer a baritone, or even speaking words. Insane, otherworldly shrieking rung out in Vaxis' ears.

When the light faded, the eyes snapped back all at once, focusing rigidly on the Juror. Their pupils slowly dilated like an ooze, uneven and fluid, until black covered almost the entirety of the eyes.

The entity once again spoke in its hollow voice,

"You are strong. But this is all futile. Enjoy this dead world you have claimed, Jedi, for soon all the lands you stake will be graves. Csilla was only the beginning. The galaxy will know death , and the Sith will know rebirth. And when this ends, when you lay on your back choking on the blood that bars your sanctimonious words from your mangled mouth, when you cannot call upon your god to save you, you will finally know me. You will know despair."

As the spirit spoke the ethereal tentacles withdrew into the depths of netherspace. When Vaxis awoke from their pineal battleground, he would find the Sith and it's abhorrent aura vanished, warped far away across the galaxy, leaving only its destructive influence behind for the Juror's to clean up...
Lady Celeste Demici
Juror of Ashla, Crusader, Witch Elder | The Holy Eldritch
Objective: Follow the voices, penitence
Location: Surface, Malachor V
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant sword | Light Armour || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Vaxis Vaxis
[ Sanctus Dominus ]
<"U'ghft Aimgr'luhh (Dark words) or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Mgehye'bthnk! mgsyha'h mgah'ehye n'ghft bug! | Ad lucem veni, soror!

Light and darkness were still fighting in her. So far, Celeste / Hyrva has not felt anything of what was going on outside. She did not perceive the prayer from Vaxis or the light; nor the darkness and Eldritch's influence from Vinaze's direction. All she had now was the suffering and pain caused by the struggle between the two sides. She began to hear the female voice again, and it was now a pain for her, as was the man's. It actually depended on which side was stronger in it. She didn't see, she didn't sense that the Jurors were fighting the creatures.

Mgehye'bthnk! mgsyha'h mgah'ehye n'ghft bug! | Ad lucem veni, soror!

Darkness and light; Bogan and Ashla. The eternal struggle; even visions always talk about it. Memories from the past, from her present life. The caring, or just less cautious embrace the two different Nexuses. Both offer power, but differently. One would deteriorate, the other would add all of it mainly to healing. She is stuck between two separate worlds and she does not belong to either at the moment. An anomaly; she was nothing else. And Darkness is usually stronger than light. Maybe even so today, thanks to Vinaze, the Eldritch force was already ready to completely absorb her, her old self began to win when…

Mgehye'bthnk! mgsyha'h mgah'ehye n'ghft bug! | Ad lucem veni, soror!

The grasp of darkness finally let her go when Vinaze and his power disappeared, at which point Celeste lost consciousness. The darkness disappeared from her and Ashla's strength and light shone around her again, but the memories remained and the seeds of Bogan's corruption reappeared in her soul…

Last post.​



Tags: Celeste Demici Celeste Demici , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze


Vaxis did not see the creature recoil. His only focus was on the piercing scream that echoed within his mind, blinding his senses to all else. His hand fell to his side, and Vaxis let his mind rest for a moment as the creature spoke to him. As the voice trailed off, the meditation faded, and Vaxis found himself on the floor of the ancient room once again. He managed to push the dark entity back to whatever abyss it came from, but for how long? There was no way to be sure. For now, the Juror settled for the unknown.

The others rushed to Celeste's side as she collapsed, passed out from the turbulent experience she had just underwent. One of the Jurors attempted to assist Vaxis, only to be brushed away.

"No... help Sister Celeste. She needs it more than I do right now."

The Juror quickly moved to help the others as Vaxis slowly pulled himself to his feet. He was in a daze, his mind swimming in a sea of fatigue. He was going to need a very, very long rest after the day was done. He slowly made his way for the entrance of the room, with his companions closely behind.

"Once the rest of our brethren clear the tomb, we bury it. We can't risk others falling prey to this cursed place, nor can we allow any possibility for the servants of the Bogan to draw upon its power."

The others simply nodded, and the group began the long trek back to their forward camp, hoping to never have to return.


Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


As the Magister patiently waited, the distant sound of artillery fire could be heard over the horizon. No doubt the Ashlan forces had begun to engage the storm beasts that chased the Lancer Corps back to the others. Scipio stood silently, listening to the echoes of the fight, reflecting on the years he had spent getting here. Not that he imagined he would be stepping foot onto a planet such as Malachor, or at least, not in this context. The idea of glassing the planet outright always felt like the more natural solution. The Crusade had different plans, however, and Scipio would listen to the will of Ashla, no matter his personal feelings on the matter. He was quite satisfied with eliminating whatever dark threats the Bogan could muster.

Not long after, the bursts of artillery fire slowly stopped, returning the area to its former quiet state. The Magister turned toward the commander as he awaited the report.

"Threat has been eliminated, Magister. No further signs of enemy activity."

"And our forces?"

"One of the tanks took serious damage, but nothing irreparable. No casualties reported, two injured."

"Excellent. Have the rangers bring the wounded back here, and get the engineers in there to repair the tank. The rest will move out. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

The planet would be purged, one way or another. For now, it seemed it would be done so without too much resistance. Soon, Malachor V would be in Ashlan Space, and the Bogan would not be allowed to take hold on its accursed soil ever again.


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