Call Me Harms!
Objective 1

Location:On the move with the girls
- Armor of Sanctity
- Ashlan Rosary
- D16 slugthrower pistol sidearm
- AM-VMDR-01 Absolution Distributor Rifle
- Issued with - casings modified to fit 10 grenade waist bandoliers
- 2 x V-6 Haywire grenades
- 2 x Thermal Detonators
- 2 x Fragmentation grenades
- 1 x Cryoban grenade
- 1 x Incendiary grenade
- FAE-M-01 Scherezade energized vibroblade
- Portable medipack with bacta-injectors
- FAE-U-02 Eleleth Ultralight Propulsion Unit built into modified back unit

Following Grrr's course, Harmony felt a glimmer of pride at her assumed assistance in the matter. "Only if anyone found out Master Grrr. My lips are sealed, over." She wondered why Master Grrr wasn't closing out her comms, but the woman probably didn't have the same type of training that Harmony and her sisters had. She used to get in so much trouble for not closing out her comms, and now it was like second habit; though she was able to stop herself from saying it when not en flight, so that was signs of improvement. Coming up to their target, Harmony tightened the grip on her rifle and cut off her pack, her armored boots hitting onto the dead rock, and her free hand anchoring herself on the ridge.
Listening to Grrr explain the situation, Harmony gave a nod, and flipped on her scope, moving to keep sights on the two targets as Grrr flew off to engage them. 'So cool'. She thought, watching as Master Grrr cut down her foe with such power, the laser blade slashing and whooshing like one of those cool light things at those parties she wasn't suppose to go to.
With the first sentry down, Grrr's word hit her comm as she watched the sentry try and take off. They didn't get far. Harmony's rifle pointed, confirmed, and fired two shots. The first impact struck at the shoulder, knocking the cretin forward and tumbling from the momentum shift, and the second round punched right through the back and exploded out through the chest. Clean kill. The sentry hit the ground, unmoving, and with two extra holes.
Smiling at her deed, Harmony shifted from her position and relocated next to Grrr, buzzing with excitement. "Awesome job Master Grrr!" She exclaimed, before recalling the nature of their mission. Her relaxed posture vanished, and she began looking about with her rifle for an unseen foe. Taking a gander of the environment, Harmony waited further orders; which probably meant signaling to the APC to keep on rolling.