Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darksider with Anti-Sith mentality LFG


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Teto Gravos"],

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] is a Dark Side Master who really hates the Sith, she has also friend/lover who's Force Bonded to her, also a Dark Side Master, other than those two sadly I'm blanking on people who would qualify, both of them are part of Kaeshana Confederation as far as I know, her Force Bonded friend's name is [member="Mirien Valdier"]
you sound alot like me but more Sane.

Lords of the Fringe is mix of everything, im sure you can find what you want in there. [member="Teto Gravos"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Teto Gravos"]

Try the Shadow Empire or an independent master like say [member="Krest"] or something. I know [member="Romeo Sin"] might also be a dark JEdi. I myself could teach you techniques and the names of the powers, but past neutral force powers like Pyrokinesis, TK, Telepathy and so on i cant demonstrate darkside force powers without leaving your char extremely exposed and having Hel surface from her mind... and Hel is quite a sadistic teacher.
A strangely mixed bag of Force Energy.

Funny, the only reason I'm excluding myself from the One Sith is because I'm looking for just being a Dark Jedi, not a full-blown Sith. If the One Sith can make Dark Jedi and tolerate the use of light abilities, I'd join with them sooner rather than later
[member="Krest"] [member="Teto Gravos"]

The reason we have the required approval is to ensure our faction has an identity; we want players to read the description and see if their character fits within the faction. If we allowed everyone to join, we'd be just like all those rogue Jedi factions that accept everyone no matter their alignment and personality. :)

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